162 resultados para Proteína de fusão
This work describes a process for metal recovery from spent NiMo and CoMo/Al2O3 commercial hydrorefining catalysts. The samples were treated by fusion with potassium hydrogen sulfate (5 h, 600 ºC) with a KHSO4/catalyst mass ratio of 10:1. After fusion the solid was solubilized in water (100 ºC), leaving silicon compounds as residue. Losses of nickel and cobalt may reach 16 wt% of the amount present in the sample, depending on the silicon content. Soluble metals were isolated by selective precipitation techniques (nickel, cobalt, aluminum) or by solvent extraction with methyl-isobutyl ketone (molybdenum) in a hydrochloric acid medium. All metals were recovered in very good yields except for nickel and cobalt in the presence of considerable amounts of silicon. Soluble wastes consist of potassium/sodium sulfates/chlorides. Solid wastes correspond to about 4 wt% of the catalyst and can be discarded in industrial dumps.
This work presents a study on the determination of the optimal experimental conditions for processing spent commercial zeolites in order to recover lanthanide elements and eventually other elements. The process is based on the fusion of the sample with potassium hydrogenosulfate (KHSO4). Three experimental parameters were studied: temperature, reaction time and catalyst/flux mass ratio. After fusion the solid was dissolved in water and the amount of insoluble matter was used to determine the efficiency of the process. The optimized experimental parameters depend on the composition of the sample processed. Under such conditions the insoluble residue corresponds to SiO2. Lanthanide elements and aluminum present in solution were isolated by conventional precipitation techniques; the yields were at least 75 wt%. The final generated wastes correspond to neutral colorless solutions containing alkali chlorides/sulfates and solids that can be disposed of in industrial dumps.
NMR is a valuable screening tool for the binding of ligands to proteins providing structural information on both protein and ligands and is thus largely applied to drug-discovery. Among the recent NMR techniques to probe weak binding protein-ligand complexes we have critically evaluated the advantages and disadvantages of STD (Saturation Transfer Difference), WaterLOGSY (Water Ligand Observation with Gradient Spectroscopy), NOE pumping and DOSY-NOESY (Diffusion-Ordered NOESY) using a mixture of BSA (bovine serum albumin) plus salicylic acid, caffeine, citric acid, adipic acid and D-glucose.
The aim of the present work is to investigate the effects of blending and chemical interesterification reactions on the softening and melting behavior of chicken fat, its stearin and medium chain triacylglycerols, and blends thereof in various ratios. Chemical interesterification is a promising alternative to the current processes of modifying the physical properties of fats. In the experimental design 7 samples corresponding to 7 different blend proportions were used. The results were represented in triangular diagrams. The addition of stearin influenced the softening and melting points. The mixture response surface methodology proved to be an extremely useful tool for the optimization of the fat mixtures.
Yeast cell wall contains polymers glucan and mannan-protein that have received much attention with respect to their biological activities. Conventional isolation process involving treatments with hot alkali and acids cause degradation of these polymers. The aim of this paper was to study a low-degrading process for the isolation of glucan and mannan-protein from S. cerevisiae cell wall comprising physic and enzymatic treatments. Yeast cell glucan was obtained in a purity of 87.4% and a yield of 33.7%. The isolated mannan-protein presented antioxidant activity that was increased after thirty minutes of protease treatment. Antioxidant activity was determined by β-carotene/linoleate model system.
Binary mixture phase diagrams are normally obtained from thermal analysis involving freezing point curves. However, that approach is not always reliable and easy to follow to all kinds of mixtures in any proportion. In fact, even for a simple system, such as NaCl-H2O, this freezing methodology gives mixed results when one starts from a solid-solution system, due mostly to the formation of the NaCl.2H2O, which has an incongruent melting point, and the dependence of its solubility with the temperature. In this work we report a trustworthy, simple and cheap method involving heating curves to drawn the NaCl-H2O phase diagram.
Microcapsules containing lactoferrin were produced by spray drying using dextrin:octenylsuccinate starch, as wall materials. Porosity characteristics of spray-dried microcapsules were investigated by mercury intrusion porosimetry and nitrogen adsorption. The outer and inner structures of microcapsules were studied by Scanning Electron Microscopy and sizes were determined by Laser Diffraction. Results indicate that all microcapsules presents adsorption isotherm of type II and that micropores on the microcapsules surface will be very few or none. Our results show that microstructure, surface area and size of microcapsules are affected by dextrin: octenylsuccinate starch proportion. Pore characteristics for various microcapsules are found to be different.
A sequential extraction procedure was applied to wheat and soybean seed samples. The total protein content (determined by two distinct methods: Bradford and bicinchoninic acid-BCA) and distribution of Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn in each fraction was determined. The sequential extraction employed four different solutions: water, 0.5 mol L-1 NaCl, ethanol/water (70:30 v v-1) and 0.5 mol L-1 NaOH. For both samples, the highest concentration of metals was observed in those extracts associated with globulin-type proteins using NaCl solution. Regarding protein content, higher levels were obtained using the BCA method.
Soft nanoparticles of size 200-400 nm were obtained from soybean protein isolate (SPI). The particles were formed and suspended in water by the coacervation of aqueous suspensions of SPI in hostile buffered aqueous solutions in the presence of surfactants. We investigate the effect of storage, ionic strength, and concentrations of SPI and surfactant on nanoparticle size and zeta potential. Transmission electron microscopy images and scattering techniques (SLS/ DLS) revealed that the particles are spherical, with hydrophilic chains at the surface.
O Grapevine virus A (GVA) está associado à "Acanaladura do lenho de Kober", uma doença do complexo rugoso da videira (Vitis spp.). Neste trabalho, um isolado brasileiro de GVA (GVA-RS) foi caracterizado biologicamente por transmissão mecânica para cinco hospedeiras herbáceas e por enxertia na videira indicadora cv. Kober 5BB, e também por sorologia. O RNA total foi extraído de videira infetada cv. Pirovano 65. Para a RT-PCR, dois pares de oligonucleotídeos foram utilizados. Dois fragmentos de DNA, 430 e 451 pb, apresentando sobreposição parcial de nucleotídeos, foram amplificados por PCR. A seqüência do gene da proteína capsidial do GVA-RS com 597 nucleotídeos e 198 aminoácidos deduzidos, com massa molecular calculada de 21,6 kDa, foi alinhada a outros isolados virais. As seqüências de nucleotídeos e aminoácidos deduzidos do GVA-RS apresentaram maior identidade, 91,4% e 95,4%, respectivamente, com um isolado italiano. O GVA-RS apresentou expressiva divergência dos Vitivirus Heracleum latent virus (HLV), Grapevine virus B (GVB) e Grapevine virus D (GVD), com identidade de nucleotídeos variando de 76% a 83,1%.
This study compared three mild and three severe strains of Papaya ringspot virus - type W (PRSV-W), based on nucleotide and amino acid sequences of the capsid protein (CP) gene. The CP nucleotide sequences of the mild strains shared 98% to 100% identity. When compared to the severe strains the identity ranged from 93% to 95%, except in the case of PRSV-W-2R, which resulted from reversion of the mild strains PRSV-W-2. The CP sequence of the reverting strain showed 100% identity with the sequence of its parental strain. An insertion of six nucleotides in the core region of the CP gene, which reflected the addition of two amino acids (Asn and Asp) in the deduced sequence of the protein, was found in all mild strains. These sequence comparisons were used to design strain-specific primers that were used to specifically amplify regions for either the mild or severe strains.
No presente trabalho, descreve-se a caracterização do gene codificador da proteína capsidial de dois isolados sintomatologicamente distintos do Grapevine virus B (GVB). Para isto, RNA totais foram extraídos de folhas e pecíolos de videiras (Vitis spp.) infetadas, cultivares Rubi (GVB-C SP) e Itália (GVB-I SP) e utilizados para amplificar, por RT/PCR, um fragmento entre as posições 6425 e 7118 (694 nucleotídeos, nt) do RNA do GVB ("GenBank", acesso X75448). O fragmento obtido inclui o gene da proteína capsidial (594 nt) codificando 197 aminoácidos com massa molecular estimada em aproximadamente 21.600 Da. A seqüência do GVB-C SP apresentou maior similaridade de nucleotídeos e aminoácidos deduzidos com o isolado italiano (acesso X75448), enquanto que o GVB-I SP foi mais similar a um outro isolado brasileiro do GVB descrito no Rio Grande do Sul (GVB BR1, acesso AF438410). Os dois isolados paulistas do GVB podem ser diferenciados por digestão com a enzima de restrição EcoRI, uma vez que há um sítio interno no GVB-C SP que está ausente no isolado GVB-I SP.
O presente trabalho caracteriza o gene codificador da proteína capsidial do isolado do Grapevine virus A (GVA) encontrado no Estado de São Paulo (GVA-SP). RNA total foi extraído de folhas e pecíolos de plantas de videira (Vitis spp.) da variedade 'Kober 5BB' e submetido a RT-PCR usando oligonucleotídeos desenhados para amplificar um fragmento entre as posições 6409 e 7175 do RNA do GVA ("GenBank", acesso X75433). Foi obtido um fragmento de tamanho esperado (767 nt) que inclui o gene da proteína capsidial, codificando 198 aminoácidos. A seqüência do GVA-SP apresentou similaridade de nucleotídeos e aminoácidos de, respectivamente, 86-92,3% e 94,5-98% com isolados do GVA da Europa, África e Japão (Acessos X75433, AF441234, AF007415, AB039841) e da região Sul do Brasil (Acesso AF494187), sendo, entretanto, mais similar aos isolados africano e italiano.
Um anti-soro policlonal específico para Watermelon mosaic virus (WMV) foi produzido por meio da imunização de coelhos com proteína capsidial purificada, expressa in vitro em células de Escherichia coli. O gene cp foi amplificado via RT-PCR utilizando oligonucleotídeos específicos, a partir de RNA viral extraído de preparações virais concentradas. O fragmento amplificado foi clonado em pBLUESCRIPT KS+ e completamente seqüenciado para confirmação de sua identidade e integridade. Em seguida, o fragmento foi subclonado no vetor de expressão pRSET-A. Plasmídeos recombinantes foram utilizados para a expressão da proteína capsidial em E. coli BL21::DE3. A proteína foi purificada por meio de cromatografia de afinidade em coluna de Ni+-NTA, a partir de proteínas totais extraídas de E. coli. Uma vez purificada, a proteína foi quantificada e utilizada para imunização dos coelhos. O anti-soro foi testado quanto a sua especificidade e sensibilidade em testes de Western blot, DAS-ELISA, imunodifusão e ELISA indireto. Todos os testes demonstraram que o anti-soro produzido a partir da expressão in vitro da proteína capsidial é altamente específico para a detecção do WMV em extratos foliares, não tendo sido observada nenhuma reação heteróloga interespecífica.
Potato leafroll virus (PLRV), gênero Polerovirus, família Luteoviridae, é transmitido por afídeos de um modo persistente e circulativo. Membros da família Luteoviridae associam-se a um homólogo de GroEL produzido pelo endosimbionte primário (Buchnera sp.) de afídeos para evitar a degradação na hemolinfa. Partículas purificadas de luteovirus contêm dois tipos de proteínas: a capa protéica (CP) de ~22 kDa e um componente "capsidial" de 54 kDa, o qual é uma forma truncada de uma proteína de "transleitura" a partir do códon de terminação do gene da CP. O domínio de transleitura (RTD) contém determinantes responsáveis pela transmissão do vírus. Um clone de cDNA infeccioso do PLRV e um mutante deletério da RTD foram usados para analisar as interações entre esse luteovirus e seu afídeo vetor Myzus persicae. As partículas mutantes do PLRV, deficientes da proteína RTD inteira, não foram transmissíveis por M. persicae e não se ligaram a Buchnera GroEL. Adicionalmente, esse mutante foi menos persistente na hemolinfa do afídeo do que o vírus selvagem.