143 resultados para Piper aduncum extract
Leishmaniasis is one of the most important parasitic infections, but current treatments are unsatisfactory due to their toxicity, cost and resistance. Therefore, the development of new antileishmanial compounds is imperative. Many people who live in endemic areas use plants as an alternative to treat the disease. In this paper, we characterised the essential oil from Piper auritum, evaluated its cytotoxicity and determined its antileishmanial activity. The chromatogram obtained by gas chromatography revealed 60 peaks and we found that safrole was the most abundant compound, composing 87% of the oil. The oil was active against the promastigotes of Leishmania major, Leishmania mexicana, Leishmania braziliensis and Leishmania donovani with a favourable selectivity index against peritoneal macrophages from BALB/c mice. The Piper-oil inhibited the growing of intracellular amastigotes of L. donovani with an IC50 value of 22.3 ± 1.8 μg/mL. This study demonstrates the usefulness of the essential oils as a promising alternative to treat leishmaniasis.
This study is the first phytochemical investigation of Selaginella sellowii and demonstrates the antileishmanial activity of the hydroethanolic extract from this plant (SSHE), as well as of the biflavonoids amentoflavone and robustaflavone, isolated from this species. The effects of these substances were evaluated on intracellular amastigotes of Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis, an aetiological agent of American cutaneous leishmaniasis. SSHE was highly active against intracellular amastigotes [the half maximum inhibitory concentration (IC50) = 20.2 µg/mL]. Fractionation of the extract led to the isolation of the two bioflavonoids with the highest activity: amentoflavone, which was about 200 times more active (IC50 = 0.1 μg/mL) and less cytotoxic than SSHE (IC50 = 2.2 and 3 μg/mL, respectively on NIH/3T3 and J774.A1 cells), with a high selectivity index (SI) (22 and 30), robustaflavone, which was also active against L. amazonensis (IC50 = 2.8 µg/mL), but more cytotoxic, with IC50 = 25.5 µg/mL (SI = 9.1) on NIH/3T3 cells and IC50 = 3.1 µg/mL (SI = 1.1) on J774.A1 cells. The production of nitric oxide (NO) was lower in cells treated with amentoflavone (suggesting that NO does not contribute to the leishmanicidal mechanism in this case), while NO release was higher after treatment with robustaflavone. S. sellowii may be a potential source of biflavonoids that could provide promising compounds for the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis.
The polar hydroethanolic extract from Selaginella sellowii(SSPHE) has been previously proven active on intracellular amastigotes (in vitro test) and now was tested on hamsters infected with Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis (in vivo test). SSPHE suppressed a 100% of the parasite load in the infection site and draining lymph nodes at an intralesional dose of 50 mg/kg/day × 5, which was similar to the results observed in hamsters treated with N-methylglucamine antimonate (Sb) (28 mg/Kg/day × 5). When orally administered, SSPHE (50 mg/kg/day × 20) suppressed 99.2% of the parasite load in infected footpads, while Sb suppressed 98.5%. SSPHE also enhanced the release of nitric oxide through the intralesional route in comparison to Sb. The chemical fingerprint of SSPHE by high-performance liquid chromatography with diode-array detection and tandem mass spectrometry showed the presence of biflavonoids and high molecular weight phenylpropanoid glycosides. These compounds may have a synergistic action in vivo. Histopathological study revealed that the intralesional treatment with SSPHE induced an intense inflammatory infiltrate, composed mainly of mononuclear cells. The present findings reinforce the potential of this natural product as a source of future drug candidates for American cutaneous leishmaniasis.
Este trabalho teve por objetivo verificar se existem efeitos da sazonalidade e do tamanho da planta hospedeira na ocorrência de galhas de Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) em Piper arboreum (Piperaceae). O estudo foi conduzido mensalmente de setembro/2006 a agosto/2007, em uma área remanescente de Mata Mesófila Semidecídua em Goiânia, Goiás, Brasil. Em cada coleta, 10 indivíduos da planta hospedeira foram escolhidos aleatoriamente, e a altura, o número total de folhas, o número de folhas com galhas e o número de galhas por folhas foram estimados. A abundância de galhas variou significativamente durante o período de estudo, sendo que a maior abundância foi encontrada no início da estação chuvosa. A altura da planta hospedeira e o número de folhas por indivíduo também estiveram positivamente e significativamente relacionados com a abundância de galhas, uma vez que, plantas maiores oferecem maior disponibilidade de recursos e sítios de oviposição. Os resultados do presente estudo apontam que a sazonalidade pode ser tão determinante na abundância de galhas quanto os padrões arquitetônicos da planta hospedeira. As mudanças sazonais podem influenciar diretamente o desenvolvimento da planta hospedeira e assim, alterar a quantidade e a qualidade dos nutrientes oferecidos aos insetos galhadores.
A pimenta-longa (Piper hispidinervum C. DC.) arbusto encontrado em áreas antropizadas no Estado do Acre, possui expressiva importância econômica decorrente da presença de safrol em seu óleo essencial. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a estrutura genética e o sistema de acasalamento dessa espécie, utilizando marcadores RAPD (polimorfismo de DNA amplificado ao acaso). A diversidade genética entre e dentro de populações naturais foi avaliada em 13 populações do Vale do Rio Acre, distribuídas nas Regiões do Baixo e Alto Acre. A taxa preferencial de cruzamento foi estimada em 25 famílias de polinização livre de uma população do Município de Assis Brasil, Acre. A espécie apresentou diversidade genética estruturada no espaço segundo um padrão de isolamento por distância. A maior parte da variabilidade genética foi encontrada dentro das populações, porém a diferenciação entre populações, como um todo, foi alta (qP = 0,28). O agrupamento das populações, pela distância genética (fST) entre elas, mostrou dois grupos distintos, os quais representam as regiões do Alto Acre e Baixo Acre. A AMOVA mostrou que 20,61% da variabilidade total está entre essas duas regiões. A taxa de cruzamento multilocos foi estimada em 1,033, evidenciando que a espécie é alógama. A estimativa do coeficiente de endogamia F não diferiu de zero e os cruzamentos ocorreram preferencialmente entre indivíduos não-aparentados.
The aphid Aphis gossypii Glover (Hemiptera: Aphididae), a harmful pest on cotton, causes direct damage, reducing plant vigor, and indirect damage by honeydew secretion and transmission of several viruses. Due to the problem of pesticide resistance, alternative techniques for chemical control, such as the use of natural insecticides, have been object of research. The effects of aqueous extracts of neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) seed powder on the development, survival and fecundity of A. gossypii were evaluated. Treatments consisted of neem seed powder in the concentrations of 23.8, 122.0, 410.0 and 1,410.0 mg/100 mL of distilled water. Mortality rate during the nymphal development for aphids maintained on cotton leaf discs treated with the two highest concentrations were, respectively, 60.0% and 100.0%. With the exception of the highest concentration (1,410.0 mg/100 mL), neem concentrations did not extend the aphids' development period. The net reproductive rate (R0) was of 35.0 nymphs/female for control aphids and of 0.0 nymph/female when the group of females was exposed to neem seed powder at 1,410.0 mg/100 mL since birth. The aqueous extract of neem seeds is efficient against the aphid A. gossypii, causing nymph mortality and reducing their survival period and fecundity.
Extratos de Piper marginatume Azadirachta indica no controle de Colletotrichum scovillei em pimentão
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de extratos de capeba (Piper marginatum) e nim (Azadirachta indica) sobre o fungo Colletotrichum scovillei e determinar o componente mais ativo no controle pós-colheita da antracnose em pimentão. A atividade de extratos metanólicos das folhas (P.marginatum e A. indica) e das sementes (A. indica) a 0, 125, 250, 500, 1.000 e 2.000 ppm, na inibição do crescimento micelial de C. scovillei in vitro foram avaliadas. O extrato metanólico de folhas de P.marginatum foi o mais ativo e, consequentemente, foi submetido ao fracionamento biomonitorado ("bioassay-guided fractionation"). Esse processo rendeu 10 frações majoritárias, obtidas por cromatografia líquida de alta performance, das quais a fração à concentração de 1,5 ppm inibiu o desenvolvimento de C. scovillei de forma mais eficiente do que o fungicida mancozeb.
Abstract: The objective of this work was to purify and standardize the rue (Ruta graveolens) extract and evaluate its effect on Magnaporthe oryzae as an alternative to the integrated management of rice blast. The drug was characterized, the liquid extract was obtained, and the methodology for quantifying the standard markers psoralen and bergapten was validated. Rue extract and the markers, solely or in combination, were assayed in vitro, as well as in greenhouse conditions, for their ability to suppress leaf blast, by the evaluation of mycelial growth, conidial germination, and appressorium formation. Rue extract inhibited M. oryzae mycelial growth (100%), conidial germination (LD50=0.237 mg), and the appressorium formation (LD50=0.121 mg); besides, the extract reduced leaf blast severity by 80.84%. Fluorescence microscopy showed that rue extract did not damage M. oryzae cell wall and plasma membrane, indicating another mode of action. Rue extract has a great potential for controlling rice leaf blast.
Mauritia vinifera (buriti) is a palm tree that grows wild in different areas of Brazil, particularly in the Amazonian region. The buriti oil is rich in carotenoids, especially in β-carotene. The growing interest in other natural sources of β-carotene has stimulated the industrial use of buriti as a raw material for pulp oil extraction. Most processes are based on the conventional technologies, involving drying and pressing the pulp for oil recovery and further separation of carotenoids in a liquid phase using organics solvents. In the present work, the ethanol-based process was evaluated for simultaneous carotenoids recovering and fractionating from buriti pulp. The raw material and ethanol, 1:4 ratio, were placed in an erlenmeyer flask and maintained at 30rpm for 1 hour in a temperature-controlled bath at 65ºC. The mixture was filtered under vacuum and cooling at 10ºC to allow for the separation of the solvent in two phases. Carotenoids composition, determined by HPLC, has indicated a β-carotene concentration about 12 times greater in the lower phase than in the upper phase. The profile of the carotenoids in the denser phase is quite similar to that of raw buriti oil, and the concentration of total carotenoids is 40% higher than that of the original raw oil, making the ethanol-based process particularly attractive for industrial applications.
The sublethal effect of extracts of Azadirachta indica on Ceratitis capitata was evaluated. Two pairs of flies were treated in plastic tubes with cotton placed in plastic cages. An artificial diet (hydrolyzed protein + sugar) was provided ad libitum. The extracts affected significantly the longevity of C. capitata. The pre-oviposition period were not significantly affected by the extracts. The A. indica branches extracted with dichloromethane (888 ppm) affected significantly the fecundity and fertility, reducing the number of eggs laid to approximately 80 % and the egg hatching by 30 % at the 8th day. Therefore, the neem branches extracted with dichloromethane affected the reproduction of C. capitata.
Bioguided fractionation of the extracts from leaves of Piper mollicomum and Piper lhotzkyanum against the fungi Cladosporium cladosporioides and C. sphaerospermum afforded seven bioactive compounds, four being chromenes: methyl 2,2-dimethyl-2H-chromene-6-carboxylate, methyl 8-hydroxy-2,2-dimethyl-2H-chromene-6-carboxylate, 2-methyl-2-[4'-methyl-3'-pentenyl]-2H-1-benzopyran-6-carboxylic acid, 2,2-dimethyl-2H-chromene-6-carboxylic acid, one a dihydrochalcone: 2',6'-dihydroxy-4'-methoxydihydrochalcone, and two flavanones: 7-methoxy-5,4'-dihydroxy-flavanone and 7,4'-dimethoxy-5-hydroxy-flavanone. The structures of the bioactive isolated derivatives were elucidated by interpretation of their NMR data [¹H and 13C (BBD, DEPT 135º)], and mass spectral data as well as by comparison with data described in the literature.
An analytical study based on extraction with methanol-water, immunoaffinity cleanup and separation, identification and quantification of aflatoxin B1 by thin-layer chromatography,in ground black and white pepper and oregano was carried out. Validation of the applied methodology was done through accuracy and precision studies. Recoveries of aflatoxin B1 and relative standard deviations, from spice samples spiked at levels from 4.86 to 97.70 µg/kg, were, respectively, higher than 72% and lower than 20%. Application to spice samples available in Minas Gerais state, purchased at popular markets, showed no contamination with aflatoxin B1.
Crude extract and fractions of Buddleja thyrsoides were investigated regarding antioxidant activities by DPPH, total phenolic contents by Folin-Ciocalteau and antimicrobial activity by the broth microdilution method. Total phenolics varied from 214.07 ± 3.6 to 438.4 ± 0.3 mg g-1. Crude extract, ethyl acetate, dichloromethane and butanolic fractions exhibited a weak scavenging activity (SC50=186.04 ± 10.8, 137.70 ± 8.5, 146.89 ± 9.0 and 165.71 ± 3.2 µg mL-1, respectively). A correlation between the antioxidant activities and total phenolic contents could be shown (r=0.857, p<0.01). The lowest value of MIC was observed with butanolic fraction against Saccharomyces cerevisiae (MIC and MFC at 62.5 µg mL-1). Dichloromethane and ethyl acetate fractions were effective against Staphylococcus aureus with MIC value at 250 and 500 µg mL-1 respectively.
The phytochemical investigation of Piper umbellata leaves yielded nine compounds including one terpenoid glucoside, five flavones (vitexin 2"-O-β-glucopyranoside, apigenin 8-C-β-D-glucopyranoside,orientin 8-C-β-D-glucopyranoside,5-hydroxy-7,3',4'-trimethoxy-flavone and velutin), two lignans (sesamin e dihydrocubebin) and 4-nerolidylcathecol. Excepting 4-nerolidylcathecol, all compounds have not been described from this species yet.
A benzoic acid derivative - caldensinic acid; E-phytyl hexadecanoate; β-sitosterol and stigmasterol mixture and phaeophytin a were isolated from the aerial parts of Piper carniconnectivum. The structures of these compounds were established unambiguously by IR, MS, 1D and 2D NMR analysis.