70 resultados para Organizações de Economia Social
Based on the ISSP (1999) survey the aim of the present paper is to provide an empirical description about the perceptions Brazilians have towards their own social positioing in the social scale and towards the countrys income distribution. Throughout this description, the paper gives support for the hypothesis that Brazilians do not recognize the form of the countrys income distribution and its high degree of inequality. Also, we present a brief discussion on the causes and consequences of this knowledge gap.
Capital-labor relations in the knowledge economy. The knowledge economy arises by the promotion of abstract and cooperative labor. This social labor is a product of intellectual and linguistic energy, which leads to mutations about capital accumulation and capital labor relations.
Is there compatibility between Nelson's 'Social Technology' and Hodgson's 'Veblenian Causality'? This paper aims to discuss the role and the relationship among the concept of institutions and the economic growth process, through the Neo-Schumpeterian and Institutionalist approaches. Both of them constitute a new research agenda differentiated and opposite to the mainstream. In the first part of the paper we discuss the research agenda proposed by Richard Nelson who emphasizes the necessity to unpack the institution concept throughout the social technology notion. In the second part we discuss Geoffrey Hodgson's contribution that suggests inserting this process in an evolutionary perspective, which has in habits, norms and social behavior his major characteristic.
The social protection between the light and the shadow. This article tries to reveal some subject formation traces facing itself and the society that it is inserted to discuss the Social Protection importance in Knowledge Economy as the Human potentialities expansion factor. The assumption is the connection between the individual and the world happens in a dynamic relation where the individual shapes the society and the society is shaped by the individual. So Fromm's Social Psychology (1941) is used to clarify the appearing of the fears and humans passions and Gorz's No material concept (2003).
Democracy and efficiency: hard relations between politics and economy. Many economists see politics as an irrational activity. They also think state action usually generates market inefficiencies and democratic institutions, such as elections, often work as obstacles to sound economic measures. Showing that vision has been embedded into the main currents of economic thought since the last century, we also argue those ideas are exported to great part of contemporary political science, including the area of public policies. Examining the literature, we show that rational choice political scientists, as the economists, claim governability and effective decisions will be guaranteed mainly through concentrated arenas or through insulated arrangements able to protect policy makers from political interference. In other words, governability depends on the reduction of the political arenas. On the contrary, we reject this technocratic solution of splitting politics from economy. With the support of classical pluralist thinkers, we stand another conception, arguing politics is the privileged social space for building interests and values in an institutionalized way. The difficulties to surpass current international crises since 2008 reveal this is a crucial problem: reducing politics would prevent societies from improving institutional solutions which are the only ones able to give space to emerging conflicts and, then, reach eventual consensus around them.
Complexity and constructivism in economics. This paper attempts to show and summarize the concept of rules, order and complexity introduced around the mid-twentieth century by Friedrich August von Hayek. It also attempts to create a current parallel between those concepts and the field of complexity economics. At the time of his writings, the author sought to present arguments against the Cartesian rationality. Nowadays, the concepts presented by him could also serve as arguments against the way of thought used in mainstream microeconomics. A debate can now be seen between the mainstream microeconomics and the authors of the complexity theory applied to the economy, which can be understood as explanations guided by generic assumptions versus natural explanations guided in a computational approach.
O artigo argumenta que é possível se falar em uma 'tradição' no campo de filosofia social e econômica unindo as obras de J.S. Mill e Alfred Marshall e J.M. Keynes. Essa 'tradição' pode ser caracterizada pelas seguintes concepções: (a) pela rejeição moral aos valores aquisitivos do capitalismo; (b) pela visão de que o sistema capitalista seria incapaz de resolver de forma espontânea as questões das desigualdades de renda e riqueza e da pobreza; (c) pela ideia de que, por uma questão de garantia de liberdade e da diversidade, além de por questões de eficiência econômica, dever-se-ia deixar a iniciativa individual agir livremente nas esferas em que é capaz de engendrar bons resultados, mas que o Estado deveria intervir, quando essa falha, atuando em benefício da coletividade; (d) pela crença de que seria possível melhorar significativamente esse sistema por meio de mudanças pontuais e graduais.
ABSTRACTThis study enhances the principal-agent model by incorporating a multilevel perspective and differences among agency situations. A theoretical discussion is developed using a proposed intersection of methodological focuses and a descriptive-exemplificative hypothetical analysis. The analysis is applied to public expenditure social control in representative democracies, and as a result, a principal-agent model unfolds that incorporates a decision-making perspective and focuses on formulation, negotiation, articulation, and implementation competencies. Thus, it is possible to incorporate elements into the principal-agent model to make it more permeable to individual, group, and societal idiosyncrasies with respect to public expenditure social control.
RESUMO O debate acerca de modelos alternativos de crescimento econômico para o Brasil tem revelado a quase unânime posição de que, como evidenciado pelas recentes baixas taxas de crescimento, o modelo de crescimento puxado pelo consumo doméstico teria se esgotado. Neste artigo, procuro examinar o significado mais amplo do experimento de crescimento liderado pelo consumo de massas e a validade empírica de alguns dos tradeoffs citados no debate, como entre consumo e investimento e investimento do governo e consumo do governo, e sugerir que se levem em consideração, como unidade de avaliação do experimento, as brechas de consumo necessário, discricionário e de bens públicos da população brasileira. As brechas sugerem um ainda importante espaço para redistribuição e avanço na provisão de bens públicos sociais. O potencial dos serviços públicos sociais de contribuir para o crescimento econômico com equilíbrio social e sustentabilidade ambiental emerge da análise como a aposta que ainda não foi feita.