107 resultados para Old Colony Railroad Company


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Abstract A literature overview of angiographic studies has shown that the prevalence of significant coronary disease in patients with aortic stenosis (AS) varies from 20 to 60%. Early necropsy studies suggested that patients with AS had a lower than expected incidence of coronary artery disease (CAD), originating the concept of a protective effect of AS on the coronary arteries. The myth of AS protection against CAD would be better explained as endothelium-myocardial interaction (crosstalk) protection triggered by left ventricular overload. Therefore, the cGMP/NO pathway induced by the AS overload pressure would explain the low incidence of CAD, which is compatible with the amazing natural long-term evolution of this cardiac valve disease.


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1 - The Author, in this 3 thd. contribution, concludes the study of the biology and ecology of the species Tristicha trifaria (Willd.) Spreng. and Mourera aspera (Bong.) Tul., both of the Piracicaba Fall. 2 - According to the results of Dr. Peter van Royen (State Herbarium of Leiden, Holland), who made a complete revision of Podostemaceae of the Piracicaba Fall, the species Tristicha hypnoides (St. Hil.) Spreng. var. Hilarii Tul. and Mnioppsis Glazioviana Warm, correspond, respectively, to theTristicha trifaria (Willd.) Spreng. and Mniopsis weddelliana Tul. Apinagia Accorsii Toledo was transferred by Royen to the genus Wettsteiniola. So, its new name is Wettsteiniola accorsii (Toledo) v. Royen. 3 - Propagation by seeds may occur in the following places: a) placenta of partially open fruits; b) external and internal walls of the open capsules; c) pedicels of the fruits; d) remains of rhizomes, branches, etc. e) organic residues accumulated in water holes in the fall; f) clean rocks, in which the little groups of seedlings seems to be a colony of algae. Seeds adhere to the substrata above by means, of a mucilage produced by the transformation of the external integuments in contact with water. 4 - In the growth of the four species below it was found in Piracicaba Fall conspicuous zoning so scattered: a) Wettsteiniola accorsii (Toledo) v. Royen, in rocks situated just within the water fall, where velocity of the current and aeration of the water are very high. b) Tristicha trifaria (Willd.) Spreng. and Mniopsis weddelliana Tul., in rocks at some distance (100 m more or less) upstream until near the bridge across the river. c) Mourera aspera (Bong.) Tul., 300 m upwards the bridge. 5- During 1949, the ecological conditions of the Piracicaba Fall were changed due to the following factors: a) dry season very long, begining from last period of June until 30 november; b) stopping, during four months, of water from the Atibaia river (one of the components of Piracicaba river) near to the city of Americana, in the place where a new station of the Companhia Paulista de Força e Luz was build. In consequence, most of the Podostemaceae died. On the dry rocks there were only fruits and dried plants. 6 - Tristicha trifaria has the same biological and ecological behavior as the Mniopsis weddelliana,. 7 - The vegetative propagation of Tristicha trifaria is made by increasing of its branches, production of stolons with vegetatives buds and regeneration of old parts in especial conditions of water and aeration. 8 - Mourera aspera has the same vegetative propagation as the Wettsteiniola accorsii; it produces stolons (in very little percentage) with vegetative buds, branches of the rhizomes and regeneration of active old parts. 9 - Frequently, there is, on the plants an accumulation of sand, silt, loam, organic substances, and so on. The quantity of material stored depends of the purity of the water, of the morphology of the plants and of the situation on the fall. 10 - In extrem conditions of dry heat, the surviving of the species in its habitat depends exclusively from germination of seeds in the mentioned substrata. Exceptionally, some plants survive in a few water pockets full with the weak remaining current.


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A closed Lutzomyia longipalpis colony, from Ceará has been used to transmit Leishmania chagasi isolated from a fox in Pará state. The last time this colony was successfully used in similar transmission experiments was eight years (64 generations) ago indicating that this colony of Lu. longipalpis has fully maintained its vectorial capacity in spite of such a long period of maintainance in the laboratory.


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To study the action of molluscicide nine ponds were selected: 3 of them lying in Maruim municipality, 29 km far from north Aracaju, the State capital, and 6 ponds in Itabaianinha municipality, 118 km far from south Aracaju. This study was carried out for 16 months. Environmental parameters observed were those thought to have any influence on the planorbids and/or the molluscicide: water temperature, transparence, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, CO2, and the nutrients-phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium and calcium. Plancton microorganisms were also considered to observe Bayluscide action on them. SRB was used in a concentration of 6.25 kg per 1.000 [cubic metres] water, to achieve 1.0 ppm Bayluscide concentration according to the producer's instruction in Massachussett-USA.


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Species of the genera Notochaeta, Weyrauchimyia, and Udamopyga are redescribed; new species of the latter genus, of Cuculomyia and of Dexomyophora are proposed, all from the Yungas Biological Province of Ecuador. Key to species of Udamopyga is given.


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Cattasoma mcalpinei n. sp., Sarothromyia indivisa Lopes, Tolucamyia schrameli (Dodge) and Eucelimyia palenguensis n. sp., from México; Aphelomyia welchi (Hall) from Jamaica; Thomazomyia adunca n. sp. from Ecuadro; Eucelimyia aurigena Lopes from Chile and Thomazomyia fluminensis n. sp. from Brazil, are studied.


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Antibodies reacting with simian rotavirus SAII were detected by enzyme immunoassay (EIA) and Western blot assay (WBA) in sera from guinea pigs bred for experimental use at the Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The proportion of antibody-positive animals and the antibody titres rose sharply in 1985, were maintained at a high levels in 1986 and declined in 1987. There were no obvious signs of disease coinciding with serological evidence of infection. Results of WBA suggest that the virus involved belongs to subgroup 1 of group A rotaviruses.


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Lamella formation and emigration from the water were investigated in juvenile Biomphalaria glabrata reared at two temperatures in aquaria with a constant water flow. Most snails (97.4%) reared at the lower temperature (21- C) formed lamella at the shell aperture and emigrated from the water, whereas only 10.1% did so at 25- C. Eighty percent of emigrations at 21- C occurred within a period of 15 days, 70-85 days after hatching. A comparison of the studies done so far indicates that the phenomenon may be affected by the ageing of snail colonies kept in the laboratory and their geographic origin, rather than the rearing conditions. This hypothesis, however, requires experimental confirmation.


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Schneider's Drosophila medium, a complex amino acid rich medium was tested alone and with seven different sugars for some aspects of the biology of Lutzomyia longipalpis. Statistically significant results were obtained when sucrose was used alone, indicating that among the sugars tested, this is still the most suitable and practical one for the maintenance of L. longipalpis colonies. However, the addition of Schneider's medium to a pool of different sugars, was suggested to be related with the acceptance of the first and second blood meals and to longevity, these being, obviously, quite relevant aspects when tansmission experiments are contemplated.