170 resultados para Oclusión dentinaria tubular


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The construction and evaluation of an inexpensive flow photometer for clinical analysis, using a bicolour LED and a phototransistor adapted for tubular flow cell, are described. The instrument presents some new features such as: automatic zero, electronic calibration and peak-hold signal. When compared with a classical photometer, it is simpler and has the advantages of a flow analysis system: lower volumes of reagents and samples, lower levels of contamination, shorter time for analysis and lower analysis costs. The instrument was used in the determination of the constituents in blood samples. The results obtained agree with those obtained by a classical photometer and the precision was better.


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The first paper in this series discussed the basic theory involved in supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) and how the technique progressed from gas and liquid chromatography. The first SFC instruments were simple adaptations of the commercially available liquid chromatographs with packed columns followed by modifications in gas chromatographs using open tubular capillary columns. In this paper, the most important aspects regarding instrumentation are covered, including practical, simple, and the most important, inexpensive solutions to build a home-made SFC system.


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A tubular electrochemical flow-cell for iridium deposition on the inner surface of pyrolytic graphite tube for permanent chemical modification is proposed. A transversal heated graphite tube was used as working electrode, a cylindrical piece of graphite inserted into the graphite tube as auxiliary electrode, and a micro Ag/AgCl(sat) as reference electrode. Iridium solution in 1.0 mol L-1 HCl, flowing at 0.55 mL min-1 for 60 min was used to perform the electrochemical modification. The applied potential to the flow-cell was - 0.700 V vs Ag/AgCl. Scanning electron microscopy images were taken for thermal and electrochemical modified graphite surface in order to evaluate the iridium distribution. Selenium hydride trapping was used to verify the performance of the proposed permanent chemical modifier.


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A new solid phase microextraction (SPME) system, known as in-tube SPME, was recently developed using an open tubular fused-silica capilary column, instead of an SPME fiber, as the SPME device. On-line in-tube SPME is usually used in combination with high performance liquid chromatography. Drugs in biological samples are directly extracted and concentrated in the stationary phase of capillary columns by repeated draw/eject cycles of sample solution, and then directly transferred to the liquid chromatographic column. In-tube SPME is suitable for automation. Automated sample handling procedures not only shorten the total analysis time, but also usually provide better accuracy and precision relative to manual techniques. In-tube SPME has been demonstrated to be a very effective and highly sensitive technique to determine drugs in biological samples for various purposes such as therapeutic drug monitoring, clinical toxicology, bioavailability and pharmacokinetics.


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This manuscript shows an overview of the solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) technology based on industrial developments. The information presented has been collected mostly at conferences that the authors attended. It is observed that several companies have been pursuing the development of the SOFC technology. Significant advances in stability and power density have raised the economic interest in this technology recently. It is revealed that the SOFC materials are essentially the same ones that have been used in the past decades, and that the two most important designs of pre-commercial SOFC prototypes are the tubular and planar ones.


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Conventional stationary lead acid batteries positive tubular plates have a specific capacity of about 120 Ah/kg. This value represents an active material utilization coefficient of 50%. The production of these plates includes some initial processes to generate the active PbO2 from a precursor material. In the present work it will be presented a proper and novel methodology to assemble tubular plates directely with nanometric powder of PbO2 particles. The utilization coefficient of these plates was about 80%, and they were able to endure more than 130 severe duty cycles. This high utilization coefficient is a higly desirable feature for electric vehicles batteries.


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The Mal de Río Cuarto disease is caused by Mal de Río Cuarto virus (MRCV) transmitted by Delphacodes kuscheli. Comparative studies were carried out on the cytopathological alterations produced by MRCV in corn (Zea mays), wheat (Triticum aestivum) and barley (Hordeum vulgare), as seen with a transmission electron microscope. Corn plants were infected with viruliferous D. kuscheli collected from the endemic disease area (i.e. Río Cuarto County, Córdoba, Argentina). For the viral transmission to small grain cereal plants, laboratory rared insects were used. In this case, the inoculum source was wheat and barley plants infected with MRCV isolate grown in a greenhouse. Leaf samples with conspicuous symptoms were collected: enations and size reduction in corn; crenatures, swelling veins and dark green color in small grain cereals. Viral infection was corroborated by DAS-ELISA. Viroplasms containing complete and incomplete virus particles and fibrillar material were found in the cytoplasm of infected cells in all species. Mature virions were between 60 and 70 nm diameter. In wheat and barley, viroplasms and dispersed particles were observed only in phloem, while in corn virions were also found in cells of the bundle sheath. Crystalline arrays of particles were detected in corn enation constitutive cells. Tubular inclusions were found only in wheat samples. The three species showed abnormalities in the chloroplasts of affected cells. The results showed that MRCV cytopathology has similarities with other viruses from the genus Fijivirus, family family Reoviridae, but slight differences depending upon the host plant.


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ABSTRACT This study investigates the flowering and pollinators of the floral morphs of three co-occurring distylous species, Psychotria conjugens Müll, P. hastisepala Müll. Arg. and P. sessilis Vell., in two consecutive flowering seasons in an Atlantic Forest fragment in southeastern Brazil. The species have diurnal, cream-colored, tubular, nectariferous flowers and their flowering occurs in the rainy season, from September to April, with little or no overlapping between species, characterizing a staggered flowering. The flowering of the long-and short-styled floral morphs of each species was synchronous, but the number of open flowers per day per morph tended to vary in each flowering season. These numbers were higher in P. sessilis and P. conjugens and, probably, resulted in higher total numbers of visits on its flowers (up to 1084 visits in P. sessilis and 756 in P. conjugens), compared to that observed in P. hastisepala (up to 71). There was a higher frequency of visits to long-styled flowers of all species. The bee Ariphanarthra palpalis was a common pollinator to all species. This bee is native to Brazil, solitary, considered relatively rare and its host plants were unknown. Other native bees (Melipona spp.) also visited the flowers of the Psychotria species. The availability of flowers with similar floral features over eight months, the staggered flowering and common pollinators appear to be part of a strategy to attract floral visitors, minimizing the competition for pollinators and then favoring the legitimate pollination of these plants.


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O trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento e testes de campo de equipamento agrícola modular. Para o desenvolvimento do equipamento, foi utilizada metodologia de projeto para sistemas modulares. O objetivo principal foi desenvolver um sistema modular que contribuísse para melhorar o atual quadro de mecanização agrícola da pequena propriedade rural, enfocando alguns dos equipamentos destinados às atividades conservacionistas de cultivo. Por ser modular, o equipamento atende às funções de semear-adubar, escarificar e sulcar o solo. Para a função semear-adubar, podem ser usados cinzéis e disco duplo para a semeadura; já para as funções de escarificação e sulcagem, podem ser usadas ferramentas específicas, facilmente intercambiadas em um chassi tubular principal. Os resultados para solo argiloso (Typic Oxisols), com umidade em torno de 20,5% e massa seca de 11,5 t ha-1 para a variante semeadora-adubadora com duplo cinzel, foram satisfatórios com relação aos parâmetros de patinagem das rodas motoras, regularidade de distribuição em profundidade, cobertura das sementes, distribuição longitudinal das sementes e emergência de plantas.


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o potencial de reduções de emissão de carbono, em tCO2 eq ano-1, e estimar o valor financeiro obtido anualmente para o total de suínos da granja e o valor médio anual por animal em suinocultura, em sistema de recria e engorda, com capacidade instalada para 600 animais. O sistema de tratamento dos dejetos é realizado de forma integrada, possibilitando a reciclagem dos nutrientes, em que o biodigestor anaeróbio tubular estabiliza a matéria orgânica, produzindo metano e biofertilizante no processo. A estimativa foi efetuada baseando-se na metodologia AM0006, aprovada pelo Conselho Executivo do Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo do IPCC. O potencial de redução de emissão de CO2 equivalente por ano foi de 325,16 t, correspondendo à redução de emissão de 0,54 tCO2 eq animal-1 ano-1, e a possibilidade de ganho financeiro com a comercialização desses créditos de carbono de aproximadamente R$ 5,31 animal-1 ano-1.


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A produção de biogás por meio de biodigestão anaeróbia representa um avanço para equacionar o problema dos dejetos produzidos pela suinocultura e disponibilidade de energia no meio rural. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estimar a viabilidade econômica de um sistema biointegrado para geração de eletricidade a partir do aproveitamento de dejetos de suínos. Os dados para este estudo foram coletados em uma agroindústria, onde são realizadas diversas atividades agrícolas; entretanto, a suinocultura foi selecionada para o processo de análise de biodigestão anaeróbia, pelo fato de gerar uma grande quantidade de dejetos, com dificuldade de disposição no meio ambiente, configurando um estudo de caso. O biodigestor analisado é um modelo tubular contínuo, com calha de água em alvenaria e com uma manta plástica como gasômetro, onde são depositados diariamente os dejetos de 2.300 suínos em fase de terminação. O investimento inicial para implantação foi estimado em R$ 51.537,17, e os custos anuais do sistema foram de R$ 5.708,20 com manutenção, R$ 4.390,40 com depreciação e R$ 1.366,77 com juros. Concluiu-se que o sistema de produção de biogás é viável do ponto de vista econômico, se o consumo de energia elétrica for de 35 kWh por dia, em média, onde o valor presente líquido (VLP) é de R$ 9.494,90, e a taxa interna de retorno (TIR) é de 9,34% ao ano.


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O presente artigo mostra um estudo sobre a produção de biogás a partir de manipueira, considerando o volume de um reator de fluxo tubular horizontal de fase única. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a produção de biogás aumentando-se as cargas orgânicas e os volumes de alimentação, o que resultou em redução do tempo de retenção hidráulica (TRH). O reator foi alimentado continuamente, com cargas orgânicas de 1,18; 1,28; 1,57 e 2,68 g DQO L-1rd-1 (gramas de demanda química de oxigênio por litro de reator por dia) em TRHs de 15; 13,0; 8,3; 6,6 dias, respectivamente. As produções de biogás foram de 0,52; 0,41; 0,65 e 0,63 L L-1rd-1, destacando-se que o primeiro TRH avaliado foi o de 13 dias, seguido de 8,3; 6,6 e 15 dias. Do estudo, concluiu-se que, com a diminuição do TRH, ocorre maior produção de biogás por volume de reator. Consequentemente, através da utilização do TRH adequado, pode-se aproveitar melhor o volume do reator, fato que resultará em economia na implantação da tecnologia em indústrias processadoras de mandioca.


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O abastecimento de ração nos galpões avícolas pode ser feito de forma manual ou automática, e por demandar esforço acredita-se que o abastecimento manual pode expor o tratador a sobrecarga física. Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os fatores ergonômicos, a postura adotada para a realização das atividades de manejo, bem como a influência na biomecânica dos trabalhadores atuantes em galpões avícolas equipados com comedouro tubular ou automático. Os fatores ergonômicos analisados foram: carga física de trabalho, ambiente térmico, análise postural e biomecânica. Verificou-se que, nos galpões onde o sistema de abastecimento de ração era tubular, os trabalhadores estiveram expostos a maior esforço físico. Baseado no ambiente térmico, o manejo foi considerado pesado para os dois sistemas de abastecimento. As posturas adotadas na maioria das atividades merecem ações corretivas imediatas. O manejo nos galpões equipados com comedouro tubular expõe os trabalhadores a risco de lesão no ombro, cotovelo, dorso, coxofemoral, joelho e tornozelo. Desta forma, pode-se concluir que o manejo em galpões avícolas equipados com comedouro tubular pode ser considerado prejudicial para o tratador, expondo-o a riscos de lesão no corpo.


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The type of artificial light used for inducing photoperiod effect in begonia's seedlings at greenhouse has fundamental importance in the growth and development of these plants and directly reflects in the electrical energy consumption used in this production process. The objective of this research was to analyze the technical and economic feasibility of replacing the current technology of artificial lighting used by the producers (incandescent lamps), by the technology of discharge lamps with the purpose of inducing photoperiod in a greenhouse. The analysis results indicate that the discharge lamp of 32 W Tubular Fluorescent discharge lamp was the one that presented the lower peak demand and lower average energy consumption of 85.01% compared to incandescent filament lamp of 100 W that is the technology of bigger consumption and currently used by the producer.


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ABSTRACT Broiler poultry is highly dependent on artificial lightening. Power consumption costs of artificial lighting systems is the second largest expense related to broiler industry, second only to feed expenses. Therefore, the current study focused to analyze technical and economic feasibility of replacing incandescent lamps already used in aviaries with other lamp types. Costs related to power consumption, implementation and maintenance of the lighting systems were evaluated with the aid of financial mathematics using net present value, return over investment and payback. Systems composed of six lamp types were analyzed in two different configurations to meet the minimum illuminance of 5 and 20 lux and for use in conventional sheds and dark house. The lamps tested were incandescent (LI) of 100 W, compact fluorescent (CFL) of 34 W, mixed (ML) 160 W sodium vapor (SVL) of 70 W, tubular fluorescent T8 (TFL T8) of 40 W and tubular fluorescent T5 (TFL T5) of 28 W. For the systems tested, it was found that the tubular fluorescent lamps T8 and T5 showed the best results of technical and economic feasibility.