117 resultados para ORIFICE-PLATES
Rabies is a neurotropic disease that is often lethal. The early diagnosis of rabies infection is important and requires methods that allow for the isolation of the virus from animals and humans. The present study compared a modified shell vial (MSV) procedure using 24-well tissue culture plates with the mouse inoculation test (MIT), which is considered the gold standard for rabies virus isolation. Thirty brain samples (25 positive and 5 negative by the fluorescent antibody test) obtained from different animal species at the National Institute of Hygiene Rafael Rangel in Caracas, Venezuela, were studied by the MIT and MSV assays. Nine samples (36%) were positive at 24 h, 10 (40%) were positive at 48 h and six (24%) were positive at 72 h by the MSV assay. With the MIT assay, 76% were positive at six days post inoculation and 12% were positive at 12 and 18 days post inoculation. One sample that was negative according to the MSV assay was positive with MIT on the 12th day. The MSV procedure exhibited a sensitivity of 96.2%, a specificity of 100%, a positive predictive value of 100% and a negative predictive value 80%. This procedure allowed for rapid rabies virus detection. MIT can be employed as an alternative method in laboratories without tissue culture facilities.
Systaltocerus platyrhinus Labram & Imhoff, 1840: redescriptions and considerations about the synonymy with Homalorhamphus vestitus Haedo Rossi & Viana, 1957 (Coleoptera, Anthribidae, Anthribinae). The genus Systaltocerus Labram & Imhoff, 1840 and the species S. platyrhinus Labram & Imhoff, 1840 (type species), are redescribed. Illustrations of the mouth pieces, endosternites, wing venation, male and female terminalia, and rectal plates, are given for the first time. New data on geographic distribution are also presented. Nomenclatural changes introduced: Systaltocerus Labram & Imhoff, 1840 = Homalorhamphus Haedo Rossi & Viana, 1957 syn. nov.; Systaltocerus platyrhinus Labram & Imhoff, 1840 = Homalorhamphus vestitus Haedo Rossi & Viana, 1957 syn. nov.
A new species of Strebla Wiedemann, S. carvalhoi sp. nov., collected, on Anoura caudifer (E. Geoffroy, 1818) from Southern of Brazil, is described. Drawings of the postvertex, occipital plates, gonopods and tergite VII are provided.
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of (g a.i. L-1) abamectin (0.02), carbaryl (1.73), sulphur (4.8), fenitrothion (0.75), methidathion (0.4), and trichlorfon (1.5) on the survival of larvae and pupae, on the oviposition of adults and hatching of eggs from treated Chrysoperla externa third-instar larvae from two different populations (Bento Gonçalves and Vacaria, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil). Morphological changes caused by abamectin to eggs laid by C. externa from Vacaria population were evaluated by mean of ultrastructural analysis. The pesticides were applied on glass plates. Distilled water was used as control. For the evaluation of larvae mortality, a fully randomized experimental design in a 2 x 7 (two populations x seven treatments) factorial scheme was used, whereas for the effects of the compounds on oviposition capacity and egg viability, a 2 x 4 factorial scheme was used. Carbaryl, fenitrothion, and methidathion caused 100% mortality of larvae. Abamectin reduced the hatching of eggs from treated third-instar larvae of both populations; however, this pesticide presented highest toxicity on insects from Vacaria. The ultrastructural analysis showed that abamectin caused malformations in micropyle and in chorion external surface of C. externa eggs. Based in the total effect (E), carbaryl, fenitrothion, and methidathion are harmful to C. externa; trichlorfon is harmless to third-instar larvae, while abamectin and sulphur are harmless and slightly harmful to third-instar larvae from Bento Gonçalves and Vacaria, respectively.
Effect of Citrus floral extracts on the foraging behavior of the stingless bee Scaptotrigona pectoralis (Dalla Torre). Stingless bees have an important role as pollinators of many wild and cultivated plant species in tropical regions. Little is known, however, about the interaction between floral fragrances and the foraging behavior of meliponine species. Thus we investigated the chemical composition of the extracts of citric (lemon and orange) flowers and their effects on the foraging behavior of the stingless bee Scaptotrigona pectoralis. We found that each type of flower has its own specific blend of major compounds: limonene (62.9%) for lemon flowers, and farnesol (26.5%), (E)-nerolidol (20.8%), and linalool (12.7%) for orange flowers. In the foraging experiments the S. pectoralis workers were able to use the flower extracts to orient to the food source, overlooking plates baited with hexane only. However, orange flower extracts were seemingly more attractive to these worker bees, maybe because of the particular blend present in it. Our results reveal that these fragrances are very attractive to S. pectoralis, so we can infer that within citric orchards they could be important visitors in the study area; however habitat destruction, overuse of pesticides and the competitive override by managed honeybees might have put at risk their populations and thus the ecological services they provide to us.
ABSTRACT In early March 2015, three males and two females of one unknown species of Drosophila were collected from a compost pile and some garbage cans in the west region of the city of São Paulo, state of São Paulo, Brazil. Morphologically it is easily identified by the presence of the following conspicuous features: a brownish dorsal stripe along pleura, an entirely iridescent silvery-whitish frons when seen directly from the front, and a row of cuneiform setae on anteroventral side of femur of foreleg; the former two traits being more evident in males. The species was easily reared in a modified banana-agar medium and two isofemale lines were established allowing to obtain mitotic cells showing a diploid chromosome number of 2n = 8. Based both on morphological and chromosomal features, in addition to the geographical distribution, we concluded that the unknown flies belong to Drosophila nasuta Lamb, 1914, a tropical species of the nasuta subgroup of the Drosophila immigrans species group. Photomicrographs of male imagines, terminalia, mitotic and meiotic metaphase plates, as well as of female mitotic metaphase, are included.
Soil porosity, especially pore size distribution, is an important controlling factor for soil infiltration, hydraulic conductivity, and water retention. This study aimed to verify the effect of secondary-treated domestic wastewater (STW) on the porosity of a sandy loam Oxisol in the city of Lins, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The two-year experiment was divided into three plots: soil cultivated with corn and sunflower and irrigated with STW, soil cultivated and irrigated with sodic groundwater, and non-irrigated and non-cultivated soil (control). At the end of the experiment, undisturbed core samples were sampled from 0 to 2.0 m (8 depths). The water retention curves were obtained by tension plates and Richard's pressure plate apparatus, and the pore size distribution inferred from the retention curves. It was found that irrigation with treated wastewater and treated groundwater led to a decrease in microporosity (V MI), defined as the pore class ranging from 0.2 to 50 μm diameter. On the other hand, a significant increase in cryptoporosity (V CRI) (< 0.2 μm) was identified throughout the soil profile. The presence of Na+ in both waters confirmed the role of this ion on pore size distribution and soil moisture (higher water retention).
Rainfall erosivity is one of the main factors related to water erosion in the tropics. This work focused on relating soil loss from a typic dystrophic Tb Haplic Cambisol (CXbd) and a typic dystrophic Red Latosol (LVdf) to different patterns of natural erosive rainfall. The experimental plots of approximately 26 m² (3 x 8.67 m) consisted of a CXbd area with a 0.15 m m-1 slope and a LVdf area with 0.12 m m-1 slope, both delimited by galvanized plates. Drainpipes were installed at the lower part of these plots to collect runoff, interconnected with a Geib or multislot divisor. To calculate erosivity (EI30), rainfall data, recorded continuously at a weather station in Lavras, were used. The data of erosive rainfall events were measured (10 mm precipitation intervals, accuracy 0.2 mm, 24 h period, 20 min intervals), characterized as rainfall events with more than 10 mm precipitation, maximum intensity > 24 mm h-1 within 15 min, or kinetic energy > 3.6 MJ, which were used in this study to calculate the rainfall erosivity parameter, were classified according to the moment of peak precipitation intensity in advanced, intermediate and delayed patterns. Among the 139 erosive rainfall events with CXbd soil loss, 60 % were attributed to the advanced pattern, with a loss of 415.9 Mg ha-1, and total losses of 776.0 Mg ha-1. As for the LVdf, of the 93 erosive rainfall events with soil loss, 58 % were listed in the advanced pattern, with 37.8 Mg ha-1 soil loss and 50.9 Mg ha-1 of total soil loss. The greatest soil losses were observed in the advanced rain pattern, especially for the CXbd. From the Cambisol, the soil loss per rainfall event was greatest for the advanced pattern, being influenced by the low soil permeability.
The objective of this study was to characterize the Peruvian isolate of Metarhizium anisopliae var. acridum, CG 863, obtained from the grasshopper Schistocerca interrita, a crop pest in Peru. The characterization was done by comparing this isolate with two other ones of M. anisopliae var. acridum, from Brazil and Australia, and with an isolate of M. anisopliae var. anisopliae. The three M. anisopliae var. acridum isolates had similar growth profiles in agar plates at 25°C and 37°C, and similar RAPD patterns according to the analysis of three primers. However, regarding these parameters and conidial size, these isolates were very distinct when compared to M. anisopliae var. anisopliae isolate. Bioassays indicated that the Peruvian isolate is as pathogenic as the Brazilian isolate against nymphs of Rhammatocerus schistocercoides.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the potential of an artificial mixture of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), produced by Saccharomyces cerevisiae, to control Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in vitro and in bean seeds. The phytopathogenic fungus was exposed, in polystyrene plates, to an artificial atmosphere containing a mixture of six VOCs formed by alcohols (ethanol, 3-methyl-1-butanol, 2-methyl-1-butanol and phenylethyl alcohol) and esters (ethyl acetate and ethyl octanoate), in the proportions found in the atmosphere naturally produced by yeast. Bean seeds artificially contamined with the pathogen were fumigated with the mixture of VOCs in sealed glass flasks for four and seven days. In the in vitro assays, the compounds 2-methyl-1-butanol and 3-methyl-1-butanol were the most active against S. sclerotiorum, completely inhibiting its mycelial growth at 0.8 µL mL-1, followed by the ethyl acetate, at 1.2 µL mL-1. Bean seeds fumigated with the VOCs at 3.5 µL mL-1 showed a 75% reduction in S. sclerotiorum incidence after four days of fumigation. The VOCs produced by S. cerevisiae have potential to control the pathogen in stored seeds.
The parasitism of the woolly apple aphid (Eriosoma lanigerum Hausmann) by Aphelinus mali (Hald.) was evaluated in apple orchards cultivated with the varieties Gala and Fuji in Fraiburgo County, State of Santa Catarina, Southern Brazil. Colonies of the woolly apple aphid were evaluated during one year on 16 apple trees of each variety, starting in August 1999. The number of aphids at the mummy stage or presenting the orifice of the parasitoid emergence was recorded. Results have shown that A. mali parasitized more than 50% of the woolly apple aphids and occurred during the four seasons. It was concluded that that under these conditions no chemical control against the aphid is necessary for the apple varieties Gala and Fuji.
OBJETIVO: O processo de migração de sistemas analógicos para digitalizados, para aplicações diagnósticas, requer cuidados específicos, a fim de manter a qualidade das imagens e minimizar a dose no paciente. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar e comparar a qualidade da imagem e o kerma num simulador não antropomórfico de tórax gerados por sistemas analógicos e digitalizados CR. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram analisados a qualidade da imagem e o kerma, de entrada e saída, no simulador para dois equipamentos de raios X diferentes (Siemens e Emic), com diferentes sistemas de retificação de onda (12 pulsos e alta frequência). Ambos os sistemas (analógico e digitalizado) estavam sendo utilizados no mesmo local. Foram geradas imagens em filme e em image plates. RESULTADOS: Foi observado aumento na tensão e/ou na carga transportada pelo tubo de raios X quando houve a migração para o sistema CR, para manutenção das características diagnósticas da imagem. Isto resultou em aumento de kerma coletado. CONCLUSÃO: As maiores diferenças determinadas (aumento de dose e redução da qualidade da imagem) foram observadas no equipamento com retificação de onda de 12 pulsos e transdutor de imagem CR (image plates).
Infrared spectroscopy laboratories works under permanent care with respect to water contamination, mainly in liquid samples. In this case crystal plates destruction or damage are frequent, increasing the operational expenses. On the other hand, the laboratory which produces such samples must be very careful in drying liquid samples. In this work we develop a simple and inexpensive way to operate in such conditions using polypropylene and HDPE films which were thermally soldered resulting little containers or sample holders. The spectra of sample/sample holder is achieved having the sample holder as background.
Pesticide residues are determined by thin layer chromatography (TLC) using the Hill reaction as a detection method. Tomatoes samples without pesticide were fortified with atrazine, diuron, chloroxuron and metribuzin, and were applyed in silica gel plates with the help of a microsyringe. The pesticides were elued with ethyl acetate. There was no need of cleaning up because no interference was noticed. After the revelation of the plates, the diameters of the spots were measure by using a rule. The range of the determined concentration for all the pesticides was from 0.1 to1.0 ng/muL. The results obtained through TLC can be used for semi-quantitative analysis.The results obtained were compared to gas and liquid chromatography, showing good agreement between both techniques.
Photodegradation of the PAHs anthracene, chrysene and benzo[k]fluoranthane on silica gel impregnated with TiO2 and over glass plates holding TiO2 was studied. Silica gel plates holding these substances were exposed to solar radiation, developed with hexane and photographed under ultra-violet light. The plates containing benzo[k]fluoranthene were also analysed by both diffuse reflectance and laser induced fluorescence. Diffuse reflectance spectra of the fluorescent spot from non irradiated plates showed small differences when compared with those obtained from irradiated plates. These spectral differences are compatible with formation of less conjugated compounds during irradiation. Fluorescence and time resolved fluorescence spectra observed after irradiation were identical to those obtained with benzo[k]fluoranthene in methanol. On plates holding silica, PAH degradation requires longer periods of solar irradiation when compared with those plates containing silica impregnated with TiO2. Glass plates impregnated with TiO2 also showed very rapid PAH degradation.