89 resultados para Nevas, Mari
Dregs is an alkaline solid by-product generated in the cellulose manufacturing industry that could be used to correct soil acidity. The present study aimed to evaluate the chemical composition of this product and some of its properties. The dregs presented 354 g kg-1 of calcium, neutralization capacity of 80.3%, and pH 10.7, besides low concentration of sodium (10.2 g kg-1), lead (62.9 mg kg-1) and cadmium (5.6 mg kg-1). Thus, it is a product that can safely be used to increase the soil pH.
The adipic and phthalic acid esters are plasticizers, have low water solubility, high partition octanol/water coefficients (Kow) and accumulate in soil and sediments. These compounds are considered teratogenic, carcinogenic and endocrine disruptors chemicals. This study evaluated the bioremediation of tropical soil contaminated with plasticizers process wastes, in aerobic conditions, with and without introduction of acclimated bacteria. It was selected 200 kg of contaminated tropical soil for the biodegradation study. The plasticizers concentrations in soil ranged between 153 mgDOA/kg up to 15552 mgDIDP/kg and after 90 days of biodegradation, the lower removal efficiencies were 72% with a 1-2 log simultaneous bacterial growth.
The pharmaceutical use of galactomannans from different sources, commercial and noncommercial, has been extensively studied over the past decade. Galactomannans show potential in the global trend towards the use of more plant-based products for ecological motives, and their production and application do not cause pollution or disturb the ecosystem. There is a variety of galactomannan sources and various pharmaceutical forms of application, such as tablets or capsules, hydrogels and films. Besides the simple use as inert excipient this polysaccharides play role in the modification of drug release, especially in colonic environmental, as a matrix or coating material.
The earth diatomite is a material used by the industries in the filtration process and clarification of the beer. This material presents a reduced useful life due to the blockages of their pores during the filtration process. The objective of this work was to reactivate the properties of filtration of the earth diatomite, saturated with organic matter during the filtration stage, starting from a controlled thermal treatment. The obtained results demonstrated that the earth diatomite saturated with organic matter submitted to a controlled thermal treatment has their filtration properties reactivated, could be reused in the beer production process.
Polygala cyparissias is a plant widespread in Southern Latin America. Recently, we demonstrated the gastroprotective activity of the extract, as well as for one of the isolated metabolites-1,7-dihydroxy-2,3-methylenedioxyxanthone (MDX). In this study, a HPLC method for the quantification of MDX was validated. The HPLC method was linear (0.5-24 µg mL-1 of MDX) with good accuracy, precision and robustness. The content of MDX in the extracts from whole and different parts of the plant ranged from 0 to 5.4 mg g-1 and the gastroprotective index ranged from 72.1 to 99.1%. Thus, the method might be used for the standardization of the extracts based on the MDX marker.
Among other applications, Ipomoea pes-caprae is popularly used to treat jellyfish stings, supporting the development of a product for dermatological use. Hydroethanolic spray-dried extract was chosen for the further development of phytomedicines, and a stability-indicative HPLC-UV method was developed and validated for the determination of isoquercitrin and isochlorogenic acids A, B and C. The method was developed using a C18 column (250 x 4.6 mm, 5 µm) with an acetonitrile:water mobile phase at pH 3.0 in a gradient run. The four constituents and other unidentified components of the extract were appropriately resolved without interference of degradation products after stress tests (acid, alkali, neutral, oxidant, photolysis). The method showed linearity in the isoquercitrin concentration range from 5.0-50.0 µg mL-1, with adequate precision (RSD% < 2.5% for the intra- and inter-day studies), accuracy (recovery of 100.0 ± 2.0%), and robustness. Both the herbal drug and spray-dried extract of I. pes-caprae were subjected to stability studies in accelerated and long-term conditions over four months. The samples maintained their characteristics and marker contents (< 10% of variation).
The ergot disease of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), caused by the fungus Claviceps sorghi, restricted to the Indian sub-continent, is a disease in which the pathogen infects the florets, colonizing the unfertilized ovaries. Losses are higher in hybrid seed production fields due to a higher susceptibility of male sterile lines. The sclerotia of C. sorghi have never been found to contain alkaloids with a tetracyclic ergoline ring system, which is normal in most ergot pathogens. In this work, we show that sclerotia of C. sorghi contain caffeine alkaloid and the ability to produce it in vitro.
O potencial de produção de óleo-resina extraído de Copaífera spp foi avaliado em duas populações naturais do sudoeste da Amazônia brasileira (municípios de Tarauacá e Xapuri), nos anos de 2000 e 2001. Foram selecionadas 388 árvores adultas de copaíbas das duas populações, sendo identificados em cada árvore o diâmetro à altura do peito (DAP), a produção de óleo-resina, a posição da árvore no relevo local (baixio ou terra firme) e a tipologia florestal local (floresta aberta ou densa), além do nome regional da copaíba, com base em características morfológicas da casca: Copaifera reticulata: copaíba-branca, vermelha, amarela e preta e Copaifera paupera: mari-mari. Os resultados indicam que a copaíba mari-mari possui maior proporção de indivíduos produtivos (80%), enquanto os demais morfotipos apresentaram apenas de 22 a 40% de seus indivíduos produtivos. Com relação a todas as árvores amostradas, a produção de óleo-resina variou de 0 a 18 L árvore-1, com a copaíba mari-mari tendo a maior produção média (1,33 L árvore-1), porém sem diferir significativamente dos demais morfotipos. Após excluir da análise as árvores não produtivas, a copaíba-preta apresentou significativamente a maior produção média de óleo-resina (2,92 L árvore-1). A tipologia florestal, posição da árvore no relevo e o DAP não se mostraram relacionados a produção de óleo-resina.
OBJETIVO: avaliar a frequência de quedas e sua associação com parâmetros estabilométricos de equilíbrio corporal em mulheres na pós-menopausa com e sem osteoporose. MÉTODOS: estudo corte transversal que incluiu 266 mulheres com e sem osteoporose, acima de 60 anos, amenorreia de no mínimo 12 meses. As mulheres foram entrevistadas quanto à ocorrência de quedas nos últimos 12 meses, informações clínicas e sociodemográficas. O diagnóstico de osteoporose foi verificado pela densitometria óssea e o equilíbrio corporal avaliado com plataforma de força. Para análise estatística foram calculadas médias, desvios padrão, percentuais, teste de Mann-Whitney, χ2 e Odds Ratio, coeficiente de correlação de Spearman. RESULTADOS: mulheres com osteoporose apresentaram menor índice de massa corpórea (IMC), menor escolaridade, menor tempo de uso de terapia hormonal e menor idade na menopausa. A frequência de quedas foi significativamente maior no grupo de mulheres com osteoporose (51,1%) (p<0,01), que apresentaram risco ajustado 1,9 (1,3 a 3,4) vez maior de quedas e 3,2 (1,2 a 8,2) vezes maior de quedas recorrentes que o grupo sem osteoporose. Mulheres com osteoporose apresentaram maior amplitude de deslocamento no eixo Y do que aquelas sem, no teste com olhos abertos. A análise de correlação ajustada entre os parâmetros de equilíbrio e quedas não mostrou correlação significativa com nenhum dos parâmetros avaliados. CONCLUSÕES: mulheres com osteoporose pós-menopausa apresentam maior frequência de quedas e maior risco de quedas recorrentes comparadas com mulheres sem osteoporose.
Foram estudados corpúsculos de Herbst da mucosa palatina de avestruz em nível de microscopia de luz. Os corpúsculos compõem-se de uma cápsula externa, cápsula interna e axônio central. A cápsula externa apresentou numerosas lamelas, enquanto que a cápsula interna mostrou estrutura de folhas compactas. Os corpúsculos apresentaram formato ovalado ou circular e circundado por espessos feixes de fibras colágenas. Cada lamela estava composta de uma densa rede de fibras espessas. Os axônios terminais estavam situados ao longo do eixo, terminando em um bulbo terminal. As fibras da cápsula externa, coradas por Picrosirius e examinadas no microscópio óptico sob luz polarizada, revelou a presença de fibras colágenas do tipo I em verde e na região periférica observou-se grande quantidade de fibras colágenas do tipo III. Os corpúsculos apresentaram-se envoltos por células planas e envoltos por fibras colágenas.
The relation between hyperglycemia and diabetic neuropathy has already been demonstrated in some studies. Among the theories proposed for its etiology the oxidative stress stands out. The performance of nitric oxide as a link between the metabolic and vascular neuropathogenic factors that triggers the diabetic neuropathy has already been put forward. This study aimed to assess the quantification and measurements of the cell body profile area (CBPA) of NADPH-diaphorase reactive (NADPH-dp) myenteric neurons of the jejunum of diabetic rats (induced by streptozotocin) supplemented with Ascorbic Acid (AA). These changes in the myenteric neurons seem to be related to the gastrointestinal disturbances observed in diabetes mellitus (DM). Twenty male Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) were distributed in 4 groups (n=5): controls (C), control supplemented (CS), diabetic (D), and diabetic suplemented (DS). DM was induced by estreptozotocin (50mg/kg body wt). One week after the induction and confirmation of the DM (glycemia exam), animals of the groups CS and DS received 50mg of AA three times a week by gavage. After 90 days of experiment, the animals were anesthetized with lethal thiopental dose (40mg/kg) and the collected jejunum processed for the histochemistry NADPH-diaphorase technique. Whole-mount preparations were obtained for quantitative and morphometric analysis of the myenteric neurons. A quantity of jejunum neurons in the Group D (96±7.5) was not different (P>0.05) from Group DS (116±8.08), C (92±9.7), and CS (81±5.4), but in Group DS the quantity was higher (P<0.05) than in Group C and CS. The CBPA of neurons from Group D (189.50±2.68µm²) and DS (195.92±3.75µm²) were lower (P<0.05) than from Group C (225.13±4.37µm²) and CS (210.23±3.15µm²). The streptozotocin-induced DM did not change the jejunum-ileum area, the jejunum myenteric plexus space organization and the density of NADPH-dp neurons. The 50g AA-supplementation, three times a week, during 90 days, did not decrease hyperglycemia; however, it had a neuroprotective effect on the myenteric neurons, minimizing the increase on the CBPA of NADPH-dp neurons and increasing the amount of NADPD-dp neurons.
The exacerbation of the oxidative stress and of the polyol pathway which impair damage myenteric plexus are metabolic characteristics of diabetes. The ascorbic acid (AA) is an antioxidant and an aldose reductase inhibitor, which may act as neuroprotector. The effects of AA supplementation on the density and cellular body profile area (CP) of myenteric neurons in STZ-induced diabetes in rats were assessed. Four groups with five animals each were formed: normoglycemic (C); diabetic (D); AA-treated diabetic (DS) and AA-treated normoglycemic (CS). Dosagen of 50mg of AA were given, three times a week, for each animal (group DS and CS). Ninety days later and after euthanasia, the ileum was collected and processed for the NADPH-diaphorase technique. There were no differences (P>0.05) in the neuronal density among the groups. The CP area was lower (P<0.05) in the DS and CS groups, with a higher incidence of neurons with a CP area exceeding 200µm² for groups C and D. The AA had no influence on the neuronal density in the ileum but had a neuroprotective effect, preventing the increase in the CP area and allowing a higher number of neurons with a CP area with less than 200µm².
The present study assessed the association of tail-biting lesions in finishing pigs with weight gain, occurrence of locomotion or respiratory disorders and abscesses during finishing period, and carcass condemnation at slaughter. The study was carried out on 4 different farms. For each animal with a tail biting lesion, two control pigs were selected. The total number of animals in the study was 312, with 104 of them being tail-bitten. Tail lesions were classified according to the degree of severity into four scores: score 0 -normal tail withou lesion; score 1-3 - increasing lesion severity, and score 4 - healed lesions. Overall, the occurrence of severe tail lesions (score 3) varied from 55 to 73% of tail-bitten pigs among farms. On all farms, healing of tail lesions was observed in 95% to 100% of the animals at the evaluation performed within 41-43 days after the commencement of the study. In two out of the four evaluated farms, pigs with score of 3 showed lower weight gain (P<0.05) compared with score 0 pigs. Before slaughter, the occurrence of locomotion problems and nodules/abscesses was associated (P<0.05) with the presence of tail-biting lesions. At slaughter, tail-biting lesions were associated (P<0.05) with the presence of abscesses, lung lesions (pleuritis and embolic pneumonia) or arthritis in carcasses. Carcass condemnation was associated with the presence of tail-biting lesions (P<0.05). Overall, carcass condemnation rate was 21.4%, of which animals with tail-biting lesions accounted for 66.7% of condemnations. Among the animals diagnosed with cannibalism at farm level, only two had not healed their lesions at slaughter. The fact that there were a lot of carcass condemnations, despite the fact that tail-bitten animals had no more active lesions, suggests that different situations may be observed between the field and slaughter, reinforcing the need to analyze pigs both at farm and slaughter to allow proper assessment of losses related to tail biting. Collectively, the observations of the present study show that complications associated with tail-biting found in slaughterhouses are probably underestimating field prevalence.
Amorimia exotropica é um arbusto escandente que pertence à família Malpighiacea, cujo princípio tóxico é o monofluoracetato de sódio e possui ação cardiotóxica em bovinos. Ela é a única representante, na região Sul do país, do grupo de plantas que causam morte súbita associada ao exercício. Este trabalho identificou e mapeou as lesões cardíacas observadas em bovinos intoxicados naturalmente por A. exotropica. Selecionaram-se nove corações bovinos, provenientes de um surto de intoxicação natural pela planta em uma propriedade de gado de corte do Rio Grande do Sul e procedeu-se o mapeamento de oito regiões topográficas distintas (ápice, ventrículos direito e esquerdo, septo interventricular, músculos papilares direito e esquerdo e átrios direito e esquerdo). À avaliação macroscópica quatro bovinos apresentaram lesão focal e bem delimitada no músculo papilar esquerdo. Estas áreas na histologia correspondiam à necrose de coagulação em diferentes estágios de evolução, similares a infartos. Todos os bovinos apresentavam necrose de cardiomiócitos, caracterizadas por retração e hipereosinofilia citoplasmática e fragmentação celular em todas as áreas amostradas. A severidade da injúria celular foi avaliada pela imuno-histoquímica anti-troponina C, a qual demonstrou acentuada perda e/ou diminuição de marcação citoplasmática em células necróticas. O músculo papilar esquerdo foi a região mais acometida nos casos de intoxicação por Amorimia exotropica.