67 resultados para Mola hidatiforme (MH)
The effects of dorsomedial hypothalamic (DMH) nucleus lesion on body weight, plasma glucose levels, and the gastric emptying of a liquid meal were investigated in male Wistar rats (170-250 g). DMH lesions were produced stereotaxically by delivering a 2.0-mA current for 20 s through nichrome electrodes (0.3-mm tip exposure). In a second set of experiments, the DMH and the ventromedial hypothalamic (VMH) nucleus were lesioned with a 1.0-mA current for 10 s (0.1-mm tip exposure). The medial hypothalamus (MH) was also lesioned separately using a nichrome electrode (0.3-mm tip exposure) with a 2.0-mA current for 20 s. Gastric emptying was measured following the orogastric infusion of a liquid test meal consisting of physiological saline (0.9% NaCl, w/v) plus phenol red dye (6 mg/dl) as a marker. Plasma glucose levels were determined after an 18-h fast before the lesion and on the 7th and 15th postoperative day. Body weight was determined before lesioning and before sacrificing the rats. The DMH-lesioned rats showed a significantly faster (P<0.05) gastric emptying (24.7% gastric retention, N = 11) than control (33.0% gastric retention, N = 8) and sham-lesioned (33.5% gastric retention, N = 12) rats, with a transient hypoglycemia on the 7th postoperative day which returned to normal by the 15th postoperative day. In all cases, weight gain was slower among lesioned rats. Additional experiments using a smaller current to induce lesions confirmed that DMH-lesioned rats had a faster gastric emptying (25.1% gastric retention, N = 7) than control (33.4% gastric retention, N = 17) and VMH-lesioned (34.6% gastric retention, N = 7) rats. MH lesions resulted in an even slower gastric emptying (43.7% gastric retention, N = 7) than in the latter two groups. We conclude that although DMH lesions reduce weight gain, they do not produce consistent changes in plasma glucose levels. These lesions also promote faster gastric emptying of an inert liquid meal, thus suggesting a role for the DMH in the regulation of gastric motility
Several factors are associated with bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Among them, hyperoxia and lung immaturity are considered to be fundamental; however, the effect of malnutrition is unknown. Our objective was to evaluate the effects of 7 days of postnatal malnutrition and hyperoxia on lung weight, volume, water content, and pulmonary morphometry of premature rabbits. After c-section, 28-day-old New Zealand white rabbits were randomized into four groups: control diet and room air (CA, N = 17), control diet and ≥95% O2 (CH, N = 17), malnutrition and room air (MA, N = 18), and malnutrition and ≥95% O2 (MH, N = 18). Malnutrition was defined as a 30% reduction of all the nutrients provided in the control diet. Treatments were maintained for 7 days, after which histological and morphometric analyses were conducted. Lung slices were stained with hematoxylin-eosin, modified orcein-resorcin or picrosirius. The results of morphometric analysis indicated that postnatal malnutrition decreased lung weight (CA: 0.83 ± 0.19; CH: 0.96 ± 0.28; MA: 0.65 ± 0.17; MH: 0.79 ± 0.22 g) and water content, as well as the number of alveoli (CA: 12.43 ± 3.07; CH: 8.85 ± 1.46; MA: 7.33 ± 0.88; MH: 6.36 ± 1.53 x 10-3/mm) and elastic and collagen fibers. Hyperoxia reduced the number of alveoli and increased septal thickening and the mean linear intercept. The reduction of alveolar number, collagen and elastic fibers was intensified when malnutrition and hyperoxia were associated. These data suggest that dietary restriction enhances the magnitude of hyperoxia-induced alveolar growth arrest and lung parenchymal remodeling. It is interesting to consider the important influence of postnatal nutrition upon lung development and bronchopulmonary dysplasia.
Multigenerational Brazilian family with malignant hyperthermia and a novel mutation in the RYR1 gene
Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is a pharmacogenetic disease triggered in susceptible individuals by the administration of volatile halogenated anesthetics and/or succinylcholine, leading to the development of a hypermetabolic crisis, which is caused by abnormal release of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum, through the Ca2+ release channel ryanodine receptor 1 (RyR1). Mutations in the RYR1 gene are associated with MH in the majority of susceptible families. Genetic screening of a 5-generation Brazilian family with a history of MH-related deaths and a previous MH diagnosis by the caffeine halothane contracture test (CHCT) in some individuals was performed using restriction and sequencing analysis. A novel missense mutation, Gly4935Ser, was found in an important functional and conserved locus of this gene, the transmembrane region of RyR1. In this family, 2 MH-susceptible individuals previously diagnosed with CHCT carry this novel mutation and another 24 not previously diagnosed members also carry it. However, this same mutation was not found in another MH-susceptible individual whose CHCT was positive to the test with caffeine but not to the test with halothane. None of the 5 MH normal individuals of the family, previously diagnosed by CHCT, carry this mutation, nor do 100 controls from control Brazilian and USA populations. The Gly4932Ser variant is a candidate mutation for MH, based on its co-segregation with disease phenotype, absence among controls and its location within the protein.
Use of the caffeine-halothane contracture test for the diagnosis of malignant hyperthermia in Brazil
Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is a pharmacogenetic disease triggered by volatile anesthetics and succinylcholine. Deaths due to MH have been reported in Brazil. The first Malignant Hyperthermia Diagnostic and Research Center in Latin America was inaugurated in 1993 at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The center followed the diagnostic protocols of the North America MH Group, in which the contractures of biopsies from the vastus lateralis muscle are analyzed after exposure to caffeine and halothane (CHCT). CHCT was performed in individuals who survived, their relatives and those with signs/symptoms somewhat related to MH susceptibility (MHS). Here, we report data from 194 patients collected over 16 years. The Southeast (N = 110) and South (N = 71) represented the majority of patients. Median age was 25 (4-70) years, with similar numbers of males (104) and females (90). MHS was found in 90 patients and 104 patients were normal. Abnormal responses to both caffeine and halothane were observed in 59 patients and to caffeine or halothane in 20 and 11 patients, respectively. The contracture of biopsies from MHS exposed to caffeine and halothane was 1.027 ± 0.075 g (N = 285) and 4.021 ± 0.255 g (N = 226), respectively. MHS was found in patients with either low or high blood creatine kinase and also, with a low score on the clinical grading scale. Thus, these parameters cannot be used with certainty to predict MHS. We conclude that the CHCT protocol described by the North America MH Group contributed to identification of MHS in suspected individuals at an MH center in Brazil with 100% sensitivity and 65.7% specificity.
O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos de métodos de abate (MA) (humanitário (MH) e por tiro (MT)) e sexo na composição centesimal, perfil de ácidos graxos (AG) e colesterol da carne de capivara (Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris L. 1766). Foram abatidos 20 animais (13 machos (M) e 7 fêmeas (F)) com peso médio de 45,71kg. No músculo longissimus dorsi (LD) foram determinados: umidade, lipídios totais (LT), proteína e cinzas e no semimembranosus (SM), o colesterol por colorimetria e o perfil de AG por cromatografia gasosa. O LD apresentou: 75,87% de umidade, 1,37% de LT, 22,11% de proteínas e 1,09% de cinzas. Houve diferença (p<0,01) nos teores de LT de M (1,75%) e F (0,98%). Os fatores sexo e MA não influenciaram: umidade, proteína e cinzas. Os AG encontrados em maior proporção (%) foram: C16:0 (29,57); C18:1w9 (27,87); C18:2w6 (19,19); C18:0 (6,57); C18:3w3 (4,97); C14:0 (3,64); C20:4w6 (3,45); C18:1w7 (3,31) e C16:1w7 (1,90). A relação AG poliinsaturados/saturados foi 0,82. As médias de AG w6 e w3 foram 23,41 e 5,63%. Os fatores sexo e MA não influenciaram os poliinsaturados e colesterol (28,11mg/100g). A carne de capivara apresentou teores elevados de proteína e valores reduzidos de lipídios totais e de colesterol e relação w6/w3 nutricionalmente adequada.
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de dois métodos de abate (MA) e do sexo sobre a qualidade de carne de capivaras. Os métodos de abate avaliados foram o humanitário (MH) e por tiro (MT), sendo utilizados 2 lotes de 10 animais, um deles contendo 5 machos e 5 fêmeas e outro com 8 machos e 2 fêmeas, nos quais foram avaliados os valores de pH na 1ª, 3ª, 5ª, 7ª, 9ª, 11ª e 24ª horas após o abate e a perda de peso por cozimento (PPC), a cor e a força de cisalhamento (FC), em porções do músculo longissimus dorsi, retiradas entre a 10ª e 12ª vértebras. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que as médias de pH não foram influenciadas pelo MA e pelo sexo. Os valores médios foram: 6,24; 6,05; 6,01; 6,01; 6,03; 6,04 e 5,96 às 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 e 24 horas, respectivamente. Em relação à cor, o MT apresentou valor de L* (32,40) superior (P<0,05) ao MH (29,59), não sendo observado o efeito de sexo sobre esse parâmetro. Nos demais parâmetros de cor e na PPC não foram observadas diferenças entre os lotes. A FC foi influenciada pelo MA, sendo observado maiores valores (P<0,05) para MT do que para MH com médias de 5,04 e 3,97kgf, respectivamente.
A manga Ubá (Mangifera indica L. variedade Ubá) possui excelentes qualidades de sabor e aroma, além de sua polpa ser amarelada, saborosa e suculenta. Contém teor de sólidos solúveis, em torno de 14 °Brix, acidez de 0,2% em ácido cítrico e ratio 70, além de ser rica em potássio e vitaminas A e C. A fruta possui fibras curtas e macias, podendo ser consumida ao natural e ser utilizada na industrialização, especialmente para elaboração de polpa e suco. Esta variedade possui excelente rendimento industrial por reduzir sensivelmente os custos de processamento durante o preparo, com conseqüente redução nos custos de produção. Para isso, determinou-se a qualidade da manga Ubá fornecida a uma agroindústria produtora de polpas e sucos na Região da Zona da Mata Mineira, com análises laboratoriais da fruta e da polpa. Durante a safra 2003/2004 as Mangas Sujas (MS), assim denominadas as frutas que chegavam à indústria, apresentaram contagem inicial média de 7,34 log UFC de mesófilos aeróbios/manga e após a higienização, denominadas de Mangas Higienizadas (MH), cuja média era de 5,62 log UFC/manga, apresentando redução média de 1,72 ciclos log. na safra 2004/2005, as MS apresentaram contagem inicial média de 7,02 log UFC de mesófilos aeróbios/manga e as MH, média de 5,76 log UFC/manga, apresentando redução média de 1,52 ciclos log. A polpa de manga apresentou valores para pH, sólidos solúveis totais, acidez total titulável, relação sólidos solúveis totais/acidez total titulável (ratio), sólidos totais e açúcares totais solúveis dentro dos exigidos pela legislação. As coordenadas de cor apresentaram valores indicando que a polpa possui cor característica amarelo-alaranjado.