496 resultados para Lutzomyia (Helcocyrtomyia) herreri sp. nov.
Coctilelater minimus from Brazil (Pará) is described and illustrated. This new species is mainly characterized by small size and coloration pattern.
Philipotabanus (Mimotabanus) henriquesi sp. nov. é descrita e ilustrada baseada em 30 fêmeas e dois machos coletados em vegetação de Cerrado, nos municÃpios de Carolina, Alto ParnaÃba e Mirador, região sul do estado do Maranhão, Brasil. Este é o primeiro registro de uma espécie do subgênero no Brasil.
Pseudopsis Newman, 1834 is a genus of Pseudopsinae with about 46 species distributed worldwide, five of which have been reported for South America. In this paper P. monica sp. nov. is described and illustrated based on specimens collected in Lima, Peru. A key to South American species of Pseudopsis and a catalog are also provided.
Se describe e ilustran los adultos y genitalia de macho y hembra de Copitarsia uncilata Burgos & Leiva sp. nov., que se distribuye en Colombia y México. La nueva especie se caracteriza por poseer un uncus ancho apicalmente espatulado con una diminuta proyección dorsal bulbosa, digitus de corte apical ampliamente cóncavo y una ampulla con ápice recurvado que sobresale de la valva, externamente es similar a Copitarsia decolora (Guenée).
Navicordulia aemulatrix sp. nov. (holotype male deposited in MZSP: Brazil, Santa Catarina State, [São Bento do Sul municipality, 26°14'58"S, 49°22'59"W], [railroad station] Rio Vermelho, II.1952) is described and illustrated based on three males. The long cercus (2.9-3.2 mm) places this species in the longistyla-group together with N. kiautai, N. longistyla and N. nitens but it differs from them mainly by the shape of cercus, with carinated part occupying 0.33 of cercus total length, and also by dorsal, ventro-medial and ventro-lateral tubercles developed. An unusual process on tergal portion of prothorax is reported for the first time in Navicordulia. The rate of description of new species of South American 'Corduliidae' is discussed. A map with records of Atlantic Forest Navicordulia species and a list of Brazilian corduliids by state are also presented.
Alphus marinonii sp. nov., new species from Peru and Brazil (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae). A new species of Alphus, A. marinonii sp. nov., from Peru and Brazil (Rondônia) is described. Key to identification and pictures for the four species of the genus are provided. Notes on distribution of A. tuberosus are included, with a new record for Peru and Brazil (Goiás and Mato Grosso do Sul).
Relata-se a ocorrência de um fungo de ferrugem em mudas e árvores de oiti (Licania tomentosa) em Manaus, AM. Os sintomas de queima de brotações, terminais de ramos, limbos novos e lesões necróticas em limbos maduros ou velhos foram relacionados à fase de uredÃnia, cujas pústulas, anfÃgenas, tinham tonalidade amarelada passando a esbranquiçadas. Crostas marrom-claras a escuras, correspondentes à fase de télia, foram freqüentemente observadas próximas à periferia das lesões necróticas, na superfÃcie abaxial de limbos maduros ou velhos. O agente causal foi descrito como Phakopsra tomentosae.
This is a description of the new species Mycovellosiella robsii, a cercosporoidal hyphomycete, associated with leaf spots on Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia, an important hedge plant with multiple uses in Brazil. The new species was compared to other cercosporoid species associated with plants of the genus Mimosa and other species of the genus Mycovellosiella described on legumes, and is recognized as a distinct taxon. Koch's postulates were carried out and the disease was reproduced by inoculating healthy plants with mycelial suspension or disk, confirming the pathogenicity. This is the first report of a fungal disease on this host.
Trichoderma stromaticum é um fungo antagonista a Crinipellis perniciosa, agente causal da vassoura-de-bruxa do cacaueiro (Theobroma cacao). Estromas periteciais de Hypocrea sp. formaram-se sobre a superfÃcie de frutos mumificados e vassouras secas de cacaueiros em áreas onde T. stromaticum tinha sido pulverizado, experimentalmente, no controle biológico de C. perniciosa. Ascósporos obtidos dos estromas de Hypocrea sp. originaram colônias idênticas à s de T. stromaticum. DNA genômico de colônias provenientes de ascósporos desta Hypocrea sp., de conÃdios de T. stromaticum e de Fusarium sp. (controle negativo) foi extraÃdo e amplificado com oito "primers" decâmeros para obtenção de marcadores RAPD. Observaram-se similaridades genéticas de 0,82 a 0,96 entre os isolados ascospóricos e conidiais com base nos marcadores RAPD e de 0,06 a 0,09 entre estes e o isolado de Fusarium sp. O teleomorfo de T. stromaticum é denominado H. stromatica Bezerra, Costa & Bastos sp. nov.
Foram estudadas cinco espécies de Uromyces sobre Bauhinia spp. e uma espécie nova em Galactia peduncularis. Uromyces bauhiniae foi encontrada pela primeira vez sobre B. holophylla, onde somente Uromyces floralis havia sido descrita. Uromyces floralis foi estudada sobre B. curvula, hospedeiro inédito no Brasil para esta espécie. Uromyces foveolatus, comum em B. acuruana var. nitida, no cerrado do Mato Grosso e U. goyazensis sobre B. dumosa var. viscidula foram encontradas somente na fase telial em todas as exsicatas examinadas. Uromyces viegasii foi estudada em B. forficata. Uromyces galactiae sp. nov. é o primeiro fungo fitopatogênico associado ao gênero Galactia.
The paper proposed Cyanoaggregatum brasiliense, a new genus and species from the plankton of a subtropical brackish coastal lagoon from Rio Grande do Sul State, South Brazil. It differs from all other members of Chroococcales by its characteristic arrangement of cells in irregular groups distributed in a single, flat or slightly curved layer, on irregular rows, slightly distant from each other, forming a mosaic-like pattern slightly below the surface of the mucilaginous colonial envelope. The cell division in one plane perpendicular to the long axis and the lack of pseudo-filaments indicate its classification in the family Synechococcaceae, sub-family Aphanothecoideae. The general characteristics, the diagnostic criteria and the taxonomic position are discussed, and a comparison between Cyanoaggregatum and its most closely related genera is presented. Physical and chemical data on the studied lagoon and geographical distribution are presented.
The phlebotomine sand fly Lutzomyia velezi sp.nov. was described and illustrated from male specimens collected by light trap in the Reserva Natural Cañon del RÃo Claro in the Central Cordillera of the Colombian Andes. The new species belongs to the series sanguinaria of the subgenus Helcocyrtomyia, which is represented in Colombia by Lutzomyia cirrita, Lutzomyia hartmanni, Lutzomyia sanguinaria, Lutzomyia scorzai, Lutzomyia sp. of Pichindé and Lutzomyia tortura. The new species can be differentiated from others of the subgenus by the combination of the following characteristics: long antennal ascoids, reaching level of the papilla, coxite with a single basal seta and fifth palpomere longer than or equal to the sum of the lengths of the third and fourth palpomeres.
Description of Lutzomyia robusta, n. sp. (Diptera, Psychodidae, Phlebotominae) from interandean areas of Peru and Equador. Lutzomyia robusta, n. sp., probable vector of human bartonellosis and cutaneous leishmaniasis, is described and illustrated. This species presents strong affinity with L. serrana (Damasceno & Arouck, 1949) but they can be distinguished by variance analysis of four male characteristics and only one female characteristic. In the variance analysis, populations of L. serrana, of Amazonian areas of Brazil, Peru and Bolivia, the coast of Equador and other areas of Brazil were studied. The synonymy of Lutzomyia guayasi (Rodriguez) and L. serrana was corroborated.
Les auteurs décrivent le mâle et la femelle d'une nouvelle espèce de phlébotome non anthropophile, appartenant au sous-genre Trichopygomyia Barreto, 1962 Lutzomyia gantieri n.sp., très proche de L. elegans Martins, Llanos et Silva 1976.
Lutzomyia georgii n. sp. and the female of L. tarapacaensis in the Series infraspinosa of the subgenus Evandromyia are described, from specimens collected in rainforest in the north of the State of Pará, Brazil. The new species was taken together with five other Evandromyia species including L. infraspinosa (sensu strictu) in the same locality. L. georgii has previously been confused with both L. begonae and L. infraspinosa, whereas L. tarapacaensis would run to L. infraspinosa in recent taxonomic keys. The fact that both L. georgii and L. tarapacaensis are locally sympatric with L. infraspinosa helps to clarify the taxonomic limits of the latter species. New keys to the subgenus Evandromyia are provided.