85 resultados para Lumbar intervertebral discs


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A mielomalácia hemorrágica progressiva (MHP) é uma afecção rara e fatal, em que ocorre necrose aguda isquêmica e progressiva do parênquima da medula espinhal, levando à liquefação da mesma. Pode ocorrer após extrusão do disco intervertebral, trauma medular ou embolismo fibrocartilaginoso. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar casos de mielomalácia hemorrágica progressiva em cães atendidos no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Estadual de Londrina entre os anos 2000 e 2011, realizando-se a análise dos prontuários de atendimento e acompanhamento dos casos. Os animais do presente estudo atendiam a alguns critérios de inclusão, como histórico de paraplegia com sinais de neurônio motor superior, piora dos sinais progredindo para tetraplegia flácida, alterações clínicas progressivas e/ou alterações nos exames complementares. Foram analisados os aspectos epidemiológicos (raça, idade e sexo), clínicos (evolução dos sinais clínicos e neurológicos), laboratoriais (análise do líquido cefalorraquidiano), radiográficos (radiografias simples e contrastadas) e o tempo decorrido desde o início dos sinais clínicos até óbito ou eutanásia. A raça Teckel foi a mais acometida (43%), a média de idade foi de 5,04 anos e no atendimento inicial a síndrome toracolombar grau V foi a alteração mais encontrada, além de hiperpatia e progressão cranial da diminuição do reflexo cutâneo do tronco. Em sete cães a causa da MHP foi a doença do disco intervertebral toracolombar, em um cão a causa foi o trauma medular, em dois cães a MHP foi decorrente de linfoma e em quatro cães a causa provável foi doença de disco intervertebral. Alterações na análise do líquido cerebroespinhal, na mielografia e na evolução dos sinais clínicos e neurológicos foram extremamente importantes para diagnosticar a MHP. Seis animais progrediram para tetraplegia e quatro cães já apresentavam tetraplegia flácida no atendimento inicial. Em outros quatro pacientes, a identificação de sinais sugestivos de MHP antes desta progressão levou à indicação de eutanásia. Como o prognóstico é ruim e ocasiona sofrimento ao animal, o clínico deve estar atento ao histórico de paraplegia com posterior mudança da síndrome de neurônio motor superior para neurônio motor inferior, diminuição do reflexo cutâneo do tronco cranialmente e presença de respiração abdominal, sendo que algumas alterações em exames complementares encontradas neste trabalho também podem auxiliar no diagnóstico precoce da MHP, como o líquido cerebroespinhal xantocrômico com aumento de proteínas, hemácias e pleocitose. Na mielografia o edema medular e a presença de contraste no interior do tecido nervoso, frente às alterações clínicas e liquóricas, são sugestivas de MHP.


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Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo de cães atendidos no Serviço de Neurologia (SN) do Hospital Veterinário Universitário (HVU) da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), de 2006 a 2013, com o objetivo de identificar e caracterizar a idade, a raça, o sexo e as doenças neurológicas e classificá-las de acordo com a região anatômica e o acrônimo DINAMIT-V. Foram avaliadas 1.277 fichas neurológicas de cães e obtidas as informações para inclusão no estudo em 1.184 delas, sendo o diagnóstico confirmado em 525 cães (44,4%) e presuntivo em 659 (55,6%). A raça mais frequente foi Dachshund (28,7%), seguida dos cães sem raça definida. Os locais mais afetados foram medula espinhal entre T3-L3 (40,9%) e tálamo-córtex (17,5%). A maioria dos cães foi diagnosticada com doença degenerativa (49%), sendo a doença do disco intervertebral a mais observada, seguida das doenças inflamatórias/infecciosas (16,6%). Pode se concluir que a maior prevalência das doenças neurológicas de cães envolve a medula espinhal e o tálamo-córtex, sendo as degenerativas as mais frequentes e os dados obtidos podem auxiliar em futuros estudos sobre a frequência e a distribuição das principais doenças neurológicas em cães.


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Studies on the association between vitamin D receptor (VDR) polymorphism and bone mineral density (BMD) in different populations have produced conflicting results probably due to ethnic differences in the populations studied. The Brazilian population is characterized by a very broad genetic background and a high degree of miscegenation. Of an initial group of 164, we studied 127 women from the city of São Paulo, aged 20 to 47 years (median, 31 years), with normal menses, a normal diet and no history of diseases or use of any medication that could alter BMD. VDR genotype was assessed by PCR amplification followed by BsmI digestion of DNA isolated from peripheral leukocytes. BMD was measured using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (Lunar DPX) at the lumbar site (L2-L4) and femoral neck. Most of the women (77.6%) were considered to be of predominantly European ancestry (20.6% of them reported also native American ancestry), 12.8% were of African-Brazilian ancestry and 9.6% of Asian ancestry, 41.0% (52) were classified as bb, 48.8% (62) as Bb and 10.2% (13) as BB. The BB, Bb and bb groups did not differ in age, height, weight, body mass index or age at menarche. Lumbar spine BMD was significantly higher in the bb group (1.22 ± 0.16 g/cm²) than in the BB group (1.08 ± 0.14; P<0.05), and the Bb group presented an intermediate value (1.17 ± 0.15). Femoral neck BMD was higher in the bb group (0.99 ± 0.11 g/cm²) compared to Bb (0.93 ± 0.12) and BB (0.90 ± 0.09) (P<0.05). These data indicate that there is a significant correlation between the VDR BsmI genotype and BMD in healthy Brazilian premenopausal females.


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Osteoporosis is a major health problem. Little is known about the risk factors in premenopause. Sixty 40-50-year old patients with regular menses were studied cross-sectionally. None of the patients were on drugs known to interfere with bone mass. Patients answered a dietary inquiry and had their bone mineral density (BMD) measured. The Z scores were used for the comparisons. A blood sample was taken for the determination of FSH, SHBG, estradiol, testosterone, calcium and alkaline phosphatase. Calcium and creatinine were measured in 24-h urine. A Z score less than -1 was observed for the lumbar spine of 14 patients (23.3%), and for the femur of 24 patients (40%). Patients with a Z score less than -1 for the lumbar spine were older than patients with a Z score ³-1 (45.7 vs 43.8 years) and presented higher values of alkaline phosphatase (71.1 ± 18.2 vs 57.1 ± 14.3 IU/l). Multiple regression analysis showed that a lower lumbar spine BMD was associated with higher values of alkaline phosphatase, lower calcium ingestion, a smaller body mass index (BMI), less frequent exercising, and older age. The patients with a Z score less than -1 for the femur were shorter than patients with a Z score ³-1 (158.2 vs 161.3 cm). Multiple regression analysis showed that a lower femoral BMD was associated with lower BMI, higher alkaline phosphatase and caffeine intake, and less frequent exercising. A lower than expected BMD was observed in a significant proportion of premenopausal women and was associated with lower calcium intake, relatively lower physical activity and lower BMI. We conclude that the classical risk factors for osteoporosis may be present before ovarian failure, and their effect may be partly independent of estrogen levels.


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Heart transplantation is associated with rapid bone loss and an increased prevalence and incidence of fractures. The aim of the present study was to compare the bone mineral density (BMD) of 30 heart transplant (HT) recipients to that of 31 chronic heart failure (CHF) patients waiting for transplantation and to determine their biochemical markers of bone resorption and hormone levels. The BMD of lumbar spine and proximal femur was determined by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Anteroposterior and lateral radiographs of the thoracic and lumbar spine were also obtained. The mean age of the two groups did not differ significantly. Mean time of transplantation was 25.4 ± 21.1 months (6 to 88 months). Except for the albumin levels, which were significantly higher, and magnesium levels, which were significantly lower in HT patients when compared to CHF patients, all other biochemical parameters and hormone levels were within the normal range and similar in the two groups. Both groups had lower BMD of the spine and proximal femur compared to young healthy adults. However, the mean BMD of HT patients was significantly lower than in CHF patients at all sites studied. Bone mass did not correlate with time after transplantation or cumulative dose of cyclosporine A. There was a negative correlation between BMD and the cumulative dose of prednisone. These data suggest that bone loss occurs in HT patients mainly due to the use of corticosteroids and that in 30% of the patients it can be present before transplantation. It seems that cyclosporine A may also play a role in this loss.


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F1-antigen purified from Yersinia pestis was covalently linked to 5-mm diameter filter paper discs plasticized with polyvinyl alcohol-glutaraldehyde. These discs were used both for ELISA and dot-ELISA for the detection of anti-F1 IgG in rabbits. The best conditions were achieved using 1.25 µg of F1 antigen/disc, 3% w/v skim milk in PBS as blocking agent, anti-IgG peroxidase conjugate diluted 12,000 times, and serum from rabbits immunized or not against Y. pestis, diluted 6,400 times. The absorbance values obtained from the comparative study between this procedure and conventional ELISA were not significantly different but the low cost of the reagents employed in ELISA using the filter paper discs plasticized with polyvinyl alcohol-glutaraldehyde makes this method economically attractive.


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Tropical spastic paraparesis/human T-cell leukemia type I-associated myelopathy (TSP/HAM) is caused by a human T-cell leukemia virus type I (HTLV-I) after a long incubation period. TSP/HAM is characterized by a chronic progressive paraparesis with sphincter disturbances, no/mild sensory loss, the absence of spinal cord compression and seropositivity for HTLV-I antibodies. The pathogenesis of this entity is not completely known and involves a multivariable phenomenon of immune system activation against the presence of HTLV-I antigens, leading to an inflammatory process and demyelination, mainly in the thoracic spinal cord. The current hypothesis about the pathogenesis of TSP/HAM is: 1) presence of HTLV-I antigens in the lumbar spinal cord, noted by an increased DNA HTLV-I load; 2) CTL either with their lytic functions or release/production of soluble factors, such as CC-chemokines, cytokines, and adhesion molecules; 3) the presence of Tax gene expression that activates T-cell proliferation or induces an inflammatory process in the spinal cord; 4) the presence of B cells with neutralizing antibody production, or complement activation by an immune complex phenomenon, and 5) lower IL-2 and IFN-gamma production and increased IL-10, indicating drive to a cytokine type 2 pattern in the TSP/HAM subjects and the existence of a genetic background such as some HLA haplotypes. All of these factors should be implicated in TSP/HAM and further studies are necessary to investigate their role in the development of TSP/HAM.


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Bone mineral density (BMD) in the lumbar spine (LSBMD), femoral neck (FNBMD) and whole body (WBBMD) and whole body tissue composition were evaluated in 288 Brazilian men 50 years and older, 80% white and 20% Mulattoes. Age was inversely correlated with WBBMD (r = -0.20) and FNBMD (r = -0.21) but not with LSBMD (r = 0.03). Body mass index and weight showed a strong positive correlation with WBBMD (r = 0.48 and 0.54), LSBMD (r = 0.37 and 0.45) and FNBMD (r = 0.42 and 0.48). Correlation with height was positive but weaker. No significant bone loss at the lumbar spine level was observed as the population aged. FNBMD and WBBMD decreased significantly only in the last decade (age 70-79) studied. BMD was higher for Brazilian men as compared to Brazilian women at all sites. No significant differences were observed between Brazilian and the US/European male population for BMD in the femoral neck. BMD measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry in South American men is reported here for the first time. A decrease in FNBMD was detected only later in life, with a pattern similar to that described for the US/European male population.


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We developed an efficient method to prepare a hybrid inorganic-organic composite based on polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and polysiloxane using the sol-gel disc technique. Antigen obtained from Yersinia pestis was covalently immobilized onto these discs with glutaraldehyde and used as solid phase in ELISA for antibody detection in serum of rabbits experimentally immunized with plague. Using 1.25 µg antigen per disc, a peroxidase conjugate dilution of 1:4,000 and a serum dilution of 1:200 were adequate for the establishment of the procedure. These values are similar to those used for PVA-glutaraldehyde discs, plasticized filter paper discs and the polyaniline-Dacron composite discs. This procedure is comparable to that which utilizes the adsorption of the antigen to conventional PVC plates, with the amount of antigen being one fourth that employed in conventional PVC plates (5 µg/well). In addition to the performance of the polysiloxane/PVA-glutaraldehyde disc as a matrix for immunodetection, its easy synthesis and low cost are additional advantages for commercial application.


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Osteoporosis is a multifactorial disease with great impact on morbidity and mortality mainly in postmenopausal women. Although it is recognized that factors related to life-style and habits may influence bone mass formation leading to greater or lower bone mass, more than 85% of the variation in bone mineral density (BMD) is genetically determined. The collagen type I alpha 1 (COLIA1) gene is a possible risk factor for osteoporosis. We studied a population of 220 young women from the city of São Paulo, Brazil, with respect to BMD and its correlation with both COLIA1 genotype and clinical aspects. The distribution of COLIA1 genotype SS, Ss and ss in the population studied was 73.6, 24.1 and 2.3%, respectively. No association between these genotypes and femoral or lumbar spine BMD was detected. There was a positive association between lumbar spine BMD and weight (P<0.0001), height (P<0.0156), and body mass index (BMI) (P<0.0156), and a negative association with age at menarche (P<0.0026). There was also a positive association between femoral BMD and weight (P<0.0001), height (P<0.0001), and BMI (P<0.0001), and a negative correlation with family history for osteoporosis (P<0.041). There was no association between the presence of allele s and reduced BMD. We conclude that a family history of osteoporosis and age at menarche are factors that may influence bone mass in our population.


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We evaluated spine bone mineral density (BMD) in Brazilian children with juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus (JSLE) in order to detect potential predictors of reduction in bone mass. A cross-sectional study of BMD at the lumbar spine level (L2-L4) was conducted on 16 female JSLE patients aged 6-17 years. Thirty-two age-matched healthy girls were used as control. BMD at the lumbar spine was measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Weight, height and pubertal Tanner stage were determined in patients and controls. Disease duration, mean daily steroid doses, mean cumulative steroid doses and JSLE activity measured by the systemic lupus erythematosus disease activity index (SLEDAI) were determined for all JSLE patients based on their medical charts. All parameters were used as potential determinant factors for bone loss. Lumbar BMD tended to be lower in the JSLE patients, however, this difference was not statistically significant (P = 0.10). No significant correlation was observed in JSLE girls between BMD and age, height, Tanner stage, disease duration, corticosteroid use or disease activity. We found a weak correlation between BMD and weight (r = 0.672). In the JSLE group we found no significant parameters to correlate with reduced bone mass. Disease activity and mean cumulative steroid doses were not related to BMD values. We did not observe reduced bone mass in female JSLE.


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Neuron-specific enolase (NSE) is a glycolytic enzyme present almost exclusively in neurons and neuroendocrine cells. NSE levels in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) are assumed to be useful to estimate neuronal injury and clinical outcome of patients with serious clinical manifestations such as those observed in stroke, head injury, anoxic encephalopathy, encephalitis, brain metastasis, and status epilepticus. We compared levels of NSE in serum (sNSE) and in CSF (cNSE) among four groups: patients with meningitis (N = 11), patients with encephalic injuries associated with impairment of consciousness (ENC, N = 7), patients with neurocysticercosis (N = 25), and normal subjects (N = 8). Albumin was determined in serum and CSF samples, and the albumin quotient was used to estimate blood-brain barrier permeability. The Glasgow Coma Scale score was calculated at the time of lumbar puncture and the Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) score was calculated at the time of patient discharge or death. The ENC group had significantly higher cNSE (P = 0.01) and albumin quotient (P = 0.005), but not sNSE (P = 0.14), levels than the other groups (Kruskal-Wallis test). Patients with lower GOS scores had higher cNSE levels (P = 0.035) than patients with favorable outcomes. Our findings indicate that sNSE is not sensitive enough to detect neuronal damage, but cNSE seems to be reliable for assessing patients with considerable neurological insult and cases with adverse outcome. However, one should be cautious about estimating the severity of neurological status as well as outcome based exclusively on cNSE in a single patient.


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We measured bone mineral density (BMD) in girls with juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM) considering multiple factors in order to determine if it could be used as a predictor of reduction in bone mass. A cross-sectional study of lumbar spine BMD (L2-L4) was conducted on 10 girls aged 7-16 years with JDM. A group of 20 age-matched healthy girls was used as control. Lumbar spine BMD was measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Weight, height and pubertal Tanner stage were determined in all patients and controls. Duration of disease and mean daily and cumulative steroid doses were calculated for all patients on the basis of their medical charts. JDM activity was determined on the basis of the presence of muscle weakness, cutaneous vasculitis and/or elevation of serum concentration of one or more skeletal muscle enzymes. Seven patients demonstrated osteopenia or osteoporosis. Lumbar BMD was significantly lower in the JDM patients than the age-matched healthy control girls (0.712 vs 0.878, respectively; Student t-test, P = 0.041). No significant correlation between BMD and age, height, Tanner stage, disease duration, corticosteroid use, or disease activity was observed in JDM girls, but a correlation was observed between BMD and weight (Pearson's correlation coefficient, r = 0.802). Patients with JDM may be at risk for a significant reduction in BMD that might contribute to further skeletal fragility. Our results suggest that reduced bone mass in JDM may be related to other intrinsic mechanisms in addition to steroid treatment and some aspects of the disease itself may contribute to this condition.


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Low bone remodeling and relatively low serum parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels characterize adynamic bone disease (ABD). The impact of renal transplantation (RT) on the course of ABD is unknown. We studied prospectively 13 patients with biopsy-proven ABD after RT. Bone histomorphometry and bone mineral density (BMD) measurements were performed in the 1st and 12th months after RT. Serum PTH, 25-hydroxyvitamin D, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, and osteocalcin were measured regularly throughout the study. Serum PTH levels were slightly elevated at transplantation, normalized at the end of the third month and remained stable thereafter. Bone biopsies performed in the first month after RT revealed low bone turnover in all patients, with positive bone aluminum staining in 5. In the 12th month, second biopsies were performed on 12 patients. Bone histomorphometric dynamic parameters improved in 9 and were completely normalized in 6, whereas no bone mineralization was detected in 3 of these 12 patients. At 12 months post-RT, no bone aluminum was detected in any patient. We also found a decrease in lumbar BMD and an increase in femoral BMD. Patients suffering from ABD, even those with a reduction in PTH levels, may present partial or complete recovery of bone turnover after successful renal transplantation. However, it is not possible to positively identify the mechanisms responsible for the improvement. Identifying these mechanisms should lead to a better understanding of the physiopathology of ABD and to the development of more effective treatments.


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We evaluated the prevalence of low bone mineral density (BMD) and osteoporotic fractures in kidney transplantation (KT) patients and determined risk factors associated with osteoporotic fractures. The study was conducted on 191 patients (94 men and 97 women) with first KT for 3 years or more presenting stable and preserved renal function (serum creatinine levels lower than 2.5 mg/dl). KT patients were on immunosuppressive therapy and the cumulative doses of these drugs were also evaluated. BMD was determined by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry at multiple sites (spine, femur and total body). Quantitative ultrasound of the calcaneus (broadband ultrasound attenuation, speed of sound, and stiffness index, SI) was also performed. Twenty-four percent (46) of all patients had either vertebral (29/46) or appendicular (17/46) fractures. We found osteoporosis and osteopenia in 8.5-13.4 and 30.9-35.1% of KT patients, respectively. Women had more fractures than men. In women, prevalent fractures were associated with diabetes mellitus [OR = 11.5, 95% CI (2.4-55.7)], time since menopause [OR = 3.7, 95% CI (1.2-11.9)], femoral neck BMD [OR = 1.99, 95% CI (1.4-2.8)], cumulative dose of steroids [OR = 1.1, 95% CI (1.02-1.12)] and low SI [OR = 1.1, 95% CI (1.0-1.2)]. In men, fractures were associated with lower lumbar spine BMD [OR = 1.75, 95% CI (1.1-2.7)], lower SI [OR = 1.1, 95% CI (1.03-1.13)], duration of dialysis [OR = 1.3, 95% CI (1.13-2.7)], and lower body mass index [OR = 1.24, 95% CI (1.1-1.4). Our results demonstrate high prevalence of low BMD and osteoporotic fractures in patients receiving a successful kidney transplant and indicate the need for specific intervention to prevent osteoporosis in this population.