73 resultados para Java Native Interface


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We used axillary buds as initial explants for hormone interaction studies required for in vitro cultivation of S. allagophylla. Callus production was achieved on gelled Murashige & Skoog medium (MS) supplemented with indole-3-acetic acid (IAA= 0.1 and 0.5 mg.l­1 alone or combined with 6 benzylaminopurine) (BA= 0.01 and 0.1 mg.l-1). A hormone balance between IAA and BA that would encourage shoot bud development was not found. Nodal segments from axenic cultures grown in the presence of cytokinin (0.1 mg.1­1 of BA) without any auxin on MS medium with half-strength macronutrients were used as a standard explant source for subsequent experiments on optimum mineral culture media composition for S. allagophylla in vitro cultivation. We found that explants kept in vitro on gelled Gamborg et al. (B5) mineral composition culture medium showed better shoot and specially root growth than on MS medium. Comparisons of the ammonium and nitrate ratios of MS and B5 media indicate that B5 medium has a substantial reduced ammonium ion when compared to MS medium, as well as a lower total nitrogen level. The growth response pattern obtained in vitro may be evidence of the adaptation of this species to soils of poor mineral composition as found in the Brazilian cerrado, as well as an indication that nitrogen levels play a key role for S. allagophylla growth.


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The aim of this work was the identification of geographic zones suitable for the production of honeys in which pollen grains of Escallonia pulverulenta (Ruiz & Pav.) Pers. (Saxifragaceae) can be detected. The analysis of botanical origin of 240 honey samples produced between La Serena and Puerto Mont (the IV and X Administrative Regions of Chile), allowed the detection of pollen grains of E. pulverulenta in 46 Chilean honeys. The geographic distribution of the honeys studied is presented together with their affinities, through factor analysis and frequency tables. The study was based on the presence of E. pulverulenta pollen. Escallonia pulverulenta pollen percentages oscillated between 0.24% and 78.5%. Seventeen of the studied samples were designated as unifloral - i.e. samples showing more than 45% pollen of a determined plant species. Two of these corresponded to E. pulverulenta (corontillo, madroño or barraco) honeys. The remaining unifloral honeys correspond to 8 samples of Lotus uliginosus Schkuhr (birdsfoot trefoil), 2 samples of Aristotelia chilensis (Molina) Stuntz (maqui) and 1 sample of Escallonia rubra (Ruiz & Pav.) Pers. (siete camisas), Eucryphia cordifolia Cav. (ulmo or muemo), Weinmannia trichosperma Cav. (tineo), Rubus ulmifolius Schott (blackberry) and Brassica rapa L. (turnip). Honeys with different percentages of E. pulverulenta pollen - statistically analyzed through correspondence analysis - could be associated and assigned to one of three geographic types, defined on the basis of this analysis. The geographical type areas defined were the Northern Mediterranean Zone (samples from the IV Region), Central Mediterranean Zone (samples from the V to the VIII regions including two samples of unifloral Escallonia pulverulenta honey), and Southern Mediterranean Zone (samples from the IX Region).


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The parameters of germination, initial growth, and biomass allocation of three native plant species of Cerrado (Copaifera langsdorffii, Dipteryx alata and Kielmeyera coriacea) were established. The species had germination percentages above 88% and average germination times longer than 139 hours. The average time for the opening of the first leaf pair was more than 538 hours for all three species. The average root length of C. langsdorffii and D. alata seedlings after 80 days of growth was around 40cm, four times larger than the average shoot length (<10cm), although the root and shoot biomasses were similar for both species. The average root length (>20cm) of K. coriacea seedlings was four times larger than the average shoot length (<5cm), and the root biomass was 243% greater than the shoot biomass. Increase in seedling biomass was sustained primarily by the cotyledons in C. langsdorffii and D. alata, which acted as reserve organs and showed progressive weight reductions. Increase in seedling biomass in K. coriacea was sustained primarily by photosynthesis, since the cotyledons showed no significant weight reduction, acting primarily as photosynthetic organs. The length of the root systems was at least four times larger than the length of the shoots parts in all three species. Higher investment in root length rather than in root biomass suggest that the initial growth of these species is primarily to ensure access to water resources, apparently putting off the function of the radicular system as storage organ.


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The stabilizing free energy of ß-trypsin was determined by hydrogen ion titration. In the pH range from 3.0 to 7.0, the change in free energy difference for the stabilization of the native protein relative to the unfolded one (D D G0 titration) was 9.51 ± 0.06 kcal/mol. An isoelectric point of 10.0 was determined, allowing us to calculate the Tanford and Kirkwood electrostatic factor w. This factor presented a nonlinear behavior and indicated more than one type of titratable carboxyl groups in ß-trypsin. In fact, one class of carboxyl group with a pK = 3.91 ± 0.01 and another one with a pK = 4.63 ± 0.03 were also found by hydrogen ion titration of the protein in the folded state


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The genome of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv contains three contiguous genes (plc-a, plc-b and plc-c) which are similar to the Pseudomonas aeruginosa phospholipase C (PLC) genes. Expression of mycobacterial PLC-a and PLC-b in E. coli and M. smegmatis has been reported, whereas expression of the native proteins in M. tuberculosis H37Rv has not been demonstrated. The objective of the present study was to demonstrate that native PLC-a is expressed in M. tuberculosis H37Rv. Sera from mice immunized with recombinant PLC-a expressed in E. coli were used in immunoblots to evaluate PLC-a expression. The immune serum recognized a 49-kDa protein in immunoblots against M. tuberculosis extracts. No bands were visible in M. tuberculosis culture supernatants or extracts from M. avium, M. bovis and M. smegmatis. A 550-bp DNA fragment upstream of plc-a was cloned in the pJEM12 vector and the existence of a functional promoter was evaluated by detection of ß-galactosidase activity. ß-Galactosidase activity was detected in M. smegmatis transformed with recombinant pJEM12 grown in vitro and inside macrophages. The putative promoter was active both in vitro and in vivo, suggesting that expression is constitutive. In conclusion, expression of non-secreted native PLC-a was demonstrated in M. tuberculosis.


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More than 20% of the world's biodiversity is located in Brazilian forests and only a few plant extracts have been evaluated for potential antibacterial activity. In the present study, 705 organic and aqueous extracts of plants obtained from different Amazon Rain Forest and Atlantic Forest plants were screened for antibacterial activity at 100 µg/ml, using a microdilution broth assay against Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli. One extract, VO581, was active against S. aureus (minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) = 140 µg/ml and minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC) = 160 µg/ml, organic extract obtained from stems) and two extracts were active against E. faecalis, SM053 (MIC = 80 µg/ml and MBC = 90 µg/ml, organic extract obtained from aerial parts), and MY841 (MIC = 30 µg/ml and MBC = 50 µg/ml, organic extract obtained from stems). The most active fractions are being fractionated to identify their active substances. Higher concentrations of other extracts are currently being evaluated against the same microorganisms.


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Blue native polyacrylamide electrophoresis (BN-PAGE) is a technique developed for the analysis of membrane complexes. Combined with histochemical staining, it permits the analysis and quantification of the activities of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation enzymes using whole muscle homogenates, without the need to isolate muscle mitochondria. Mitochondrial complex activities were measured by emerging gels in a solution containing all specific substrates for NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome c oxidase enzymes (complexes I and IV, respectively) and the colored bands obtained were measured by optique densitometry. The objective of the present study was the application of BN-PAGE colorimetric staining for enzymatic characterization of mitochondrial complexes I and IV in rat muscles with different morphological and biochemical properties. We also investigated these activities at different times after acute exercise of rat soleus muscle. Although having fewer mitochondria than oxidative muscles, white gastrocnemius muscle presented a significantly higher activity (26.7 ± 9.5) in terms of complex I/V ratio compared to the red gastrocnemius (3.8 ± 0.65, P < 0.05) and soleus (9.8 ± 0.9, P < 0.001) muscles. Furthermore, the complex IV/V ratio of white gastrocnemius muscle was always significantly higher when compared to the other muscles. Ninety-five minutes of exhaustive physical exercise induced a decrease in complex I/V and complex IV/V ratios after all resting times (0, 3 and 6 h) compared to control (P < 0.05), probably reflecting the oxidative damage due to increasing free radical production in mitochondria. These results demonstrate the possible and useful application of BN-PAGE-histochemical staining to physical exercise studies.


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That English is the lingua franca of today's science is an indisputable fact. Publication in English in international journals is a pre-requisite for a research paper to gain visibility in academia. However, English proficiency appears to be taken for granted in the scientific community, though this language can be a hurdle for a number of authors, particularly from non-native English-speaking countries. The influence of English proficiency on the publication output of Brazilian authors has never been assessed. We report our preliminary data on the relationship between the English proficiency of 51,223 researchers registered in the CNPq database and their publication output in international journals. We have found that publication rates are higher for those authors with good command of English, particularly written English. Although our research is still underway and our results are preliminary, they suggest that the correlation between written English proficiency and research productivity should not be underestimated. We also present the comments of some Brazilian scientists with high publication records on the relevance of communication skills to the scientific enterprise.


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In order to assure that the use of cerrado fruits occur in a sustainable way, studies to investigate their characteristics are extremely relevant. In this context, the present study aims to describe some chemical parameters of pequi fruits picked in three municipalities in southwestern Goiás State (Jataí, Rio Verde, and Serranópolis). In each city, two populations of pequi trees - pequizeiros, denominated areas, were selected. In each area, eight trees were selected for the fruit to be picked. The contents of phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, nitrogen, zinc, and ether extract were determined in the samples. The results demonstrate differences between the chemical characteristics studied for the fruits picked in different areas, which does not seem to vary in a significant way. Comparing the contents obtained in the present study with those required as human daily supply, further studies are recommended aiming at using the pequi fruit as a complementary alternative source of magnesium, manganese, and copper.


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Although the greatest variety of Brazilian flora is in the Amazon region, the Southern region of Brazil also has an estimated number of at least 5,000 species of vascular native plants. These species have been neglected as potential food sources, remaining unknown and under-utilized and limiting the potential variety in the diet of Brazilians and other peoples. Therefore the aim of this study was to characterize the mineral composition and content present in seven native fruit species of Southern Brazil using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). The essential element concentrations in the fruit samples were higher or similar to the values reported for traditional fruits. The araticum-do-mato fruit samples had high concentrations of the elements Ca, K, and Cu, and trace elements such as Pb and Sr. Mandacaru-de-três-quinas had predominance of Ba, Bi, and Ga, and the essential elements Mg and Mn. Uvaia and guabiroba had the highest levels of Al and Cr, but uvaia had high levels of Fe and Zn. The pindo palm had high amounts of Cd and Ni, and the yellow guava had high concentrations of Na, while red guava had high levels of Co.


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The most promising microorganisms for use as starter cultures are those isolated from the native microbiota of traditional fermented products. The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of lactic acid bacteria selected from the native microbiota of sausages produced by spontaneous fermentation as starter cultures for the production of sausage. Strains of Lactobacillus plantarum 503 and 341 have the potential for use as starter cultures in the manufacture of Italian sausage type. The population of lactic acid bacteria in sausages was >8 log CFU.g-1 during fermentation, which caused the pH to decrease to <4.5. This decrease in pH and the water activity of < 0.90 of sausages ensures the safety and preservation of this product. Sausages produced with these lactic cultures fulfill the requirements for microbiological quality and composition of Italian sausage type. Our results suggest the possibility of using these starter cultures for the production of sausages with peculiar characteristics that contribute to the identity of the product.


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ResumoIntrodução:O foco no tratamento da doença renal crônica (DRC) é evitar a sua progressão com o uso do controle clínico otimizado. O uso de tecnologias leves apresenta-se como forma promissora de cuidado em saúde. A internet oferece a oportunidade de instrumentalizar o médico em seu contato profissional com o usuário.Objetivo:Desenvolver um sistema web para o atendimento a distância de pacientes com DRC nos estágios não dialíticos e clinicamente estáveis.Métodos:Desenvolvido um sistema utilizando a linguagem Java, banco de dados MySQL e framework PrimeFaces; disponibilizado em um servidor de aplicações Glassfish.Resultados:O acesso inicial é realizado pelo nefrologista, que cadastra os pacientes com suas informações pessoais e dados de acesso. Após ser cadastrado, o paciente (ou médico de família) pode inserir os dados de sua consulta e estes serão, na sequência, repassados ao nefrologista para avaliação. O formulário com os dados de interesse é pré-determinado, mas ainda há possibilidade de acrescentar informações de forma livre. O sistema possibilita, adicionalmente, que haja troca de mensagens entre os médicos e os pacientes. Além disso, os usuários recebem mensagens via e-mail alertando-os de suas tarefas. O sigilo é garantido por senhas individuais para médicos e pacientes.Conclusão:Essa ferramenta possibilitará aumentar a área de abrangência dos nefrologistas, diminuir os custos e aproximar o paciente ao seu médico da atenção básica, utilizando o Programa de Saúde de Família como interface entre o paciente e a atenção secundária nefrológica.


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É de interesse prático, quando se dispõe de diferentes lotes de sementes, conhecer a qualidade fisiológica intrínseca a cada um. Objetivou-se determinar a qualidade fisiológica de lotes de sementes da leguminosa forrageira tropical, Macrotyloma axillare cv. Java, com utilização de diferentes metodologias para realização dos testes germinação e vigor. Determinou-se a pureza física dos lotes, o peso de mil sementes, a germinação com e sem escarificação (TG) e o vigor (índice de velocidade de germinação (IVG), primeira contagem, envelhecimento acelerado e condutividade elétrica) de três lotes de sementes. Diferenças na qualidade fisiológica inicial de sementes escarificadas foram observadas pelo teste de germinação. Pelos resultados dos testes de primeira contagem e IVG não foi possível detectar diferenças na qualidade fisiológica das sementes; o envelhecimento acelerado das sementes escarificadas pode ser realizado a 41º C por 72 horas ou a 45º C por 48 horas; o teste de condutividade elétrica mostrou-se adequado para diferenciar os lotes, a partir de 48 horas de embebição.