138 resultados para Homeostase redox
Paddy rice fields may contribute to methane (CH4) emission from soil due to anaerobic conditions after flooding. Alternatives to continuous flooding irrigation in rice have been developed to mitigate CH4 efflux into the atmosphere. This study aims to investigate the effects of irrigation managements in the CH4 efflux during the rice growing season. An experiment was carried out at in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, during 2007/08 and 2009/10 growing seasons. The treatments were continuous flooding and intermittent irrigation in 2007/08 and continuous flooding, intermittent irrigation and flush irrigation in 2009/10. Intermittent irrigation is effective in mitigating CH4 efflux from rice fields when climatic conditions enable water absence during cultivation, but its efficiency depends on the electrochemical soil conditions during the flooding cycles.
Eucalyptus Shoot Blight in the Vale do Rio Doce (ESBVRD) is an anomaly that leads to reduced growth and, in more extreme cases, to death of eucalyptus plants. Initially diagnosed in plantations in the region of the Vale do Rio Doce, in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, this problem has also been found in plantations in other regions of the country and even in other countries. Although the symptoms of this anomaly are well-known, its causes are not yet understood. The aim of this study was to evaluate the cause-effect relationship between accumulation of manganese (Mn) in eucalyptus clones and ESBVRD. Characterization of the environment in areas of greater occurrence of this problem in regard to soil, climate and fluctuation of the water table was undertaken in eucalyptus plantations of the Celulose Nipo-brasileira S.A. (Cenibra) company in the region of the Vale do Rio Doce. Plant tissues were sampled in two situations. In the first situation, diagnosis occurred in the initial phase of the anomaly in clones with differentiated tolerance to the problem; in the second situation, diagnosis was made in a single clone, considered to be sensitive, in two time periods - in the phase with the strong presence of symptoms and in the recovery phase, in areas of occurrence and in areas of escape from the problem. The most ESBVRD-sensitive clone showed much higher (4.8 times higher) leaf Mn contents than more tolerant clones. In plants with the anomaly, Mn leaf contents were greater than 3,070 mg kg-1, much greater than the quantity found in those without the anomaly (734 mg kg-1). In the period in which the symptoms began to wane, there was a sharp decline in leaf Mn contents, from 2,194 to 847 mg kg-1. Manganese content in the above ground part and plant litter (44.4 g ha-1) in the area of occurrence of the anomaly was three times greater than that found in these same components (14.1 g ha-1) in the area of absence of the symptom. Based on the evidence found, such as the existence of environmental conditions favorable to high Mn availability to the plants in the areas of greatest incidence of ESBVRD, greater uptake of Mn in sensitive clones and in plants with symptoms, and a synchronism between the intensity of symptoms of ESBVRD and leaf Mn contents, it may be inferred that temporary excess of Mn in eucalyptus plants is closely related to ESBVRD.
A utilização de efluentes industriais tratados na irrigação do arroz por alagamento pode provocar alterações eletroquímicas e aumentar o teor de nutrientes na solução do solo. Para testar essa hipótese, este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a dinâmica dos atributos químicos e eletroquímicos da solução do solo sob cultivo de arroz irrigado com lixiviado industrial tratado, contendo 820 mg L-1 de Na. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, utilizando-se como unidades experimentais vasos preenchidos com 20 kg de solo, em delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados, com três repetições. Os tratamentos foram: controle (irrigação com água destilada) e quatro proporções do lixiviado (25, 50, 75 e 100 %). As coletas de solução do solo foram feitas semanalmente a partir do quarto dia após o início do alagamento (DAA) até 84 DAA. A solução do solo foi amostrada na profundidade de 10 cm e analisada para os principais nutrientes e o Na, bem como para a demanda bioquímica de oxigênio (DBO5), relação de adsorção de sódio (RAS), condutividade elétrica (CE) e potencial redox (EH). A irrigação com o lixiviado aumentou os teores de K, Ca, Mg, S, P, N-NH+4, N-NO−3 e Na, assim como os valores de RAS e CE, para valores considerados prejudiciais para as plantas. Foi observada diminuição do potencial redox na solução do solo pela irrigação com lixiviado industrial tratado. Os teores de DBO5 e o N-NH+4 diminuíram com o tempo de alagamento. Em proporções menores que 25 %, o lixiviado industrial tratado pode aumentar os teores de nutrientes em solução sem causar interferência do Na para as plantas.
RESUMO A interação de compostos orgânicos com minerais de argila pode alterar o tamanho dos cristais. No entanto, em solos, esse efeito é ainda pouco claro por causa das limitações na separação de fases puras de minerais para realizar experimentos de dissolução. Neste estudo, a relação entre a matéria orgânica do solo (MOS) e diâmetro médio do cristal (DMC) de minerais de argila de horizontes superficiais e subsuperfíciais de solos de uma topossequência no sul do Brasil foi avaliada. Os teores de C e N foram determinados, e a natureza dos grupos funcionais da MOS foi avaliada por espectroscopia de FTIR. O DMC dos minerais foi avaliado por difração de raios X, em umas amostras desferrificadas e outras com óxidos de Fe concentrados. Os teores de C e N e as intensidades relativas dos espectros de FTIR foram considerados como variáveis preditoras; e o DMC de hematita, goethita, caulinita e gibbsita, como variáveis preditas. Os teores de C e N e os grupos carboxílicos e C-O-Alquil evidenciaram efeito significativo sobre a variação do DMC. A dimensão dos cristais de óxidos de Fe e de caulinita foi inversamente correlacionada com esses atributos da MOS. Em contraste, o DMC de gibbsita não foi influenciado pelos atributos dae MOS. A influência da MOS sobre o DMC dos óxidos de Fe foi atribuída às reações de complexação de superfície e de redox, que promovem um processo contínuo de dissolução-precipitação.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da suplementação dietária com ácido L-ascórbico (vitamina C) no ganho de peso e em parâmetros hematológicos de juvenis de tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum. Após dez semanas, em que foram alimentados com dietas contendo 0, 100 e 500 mg de ácido L-ascórbico por kg de ração, os peixes foram capturados e imediatamente anestesiados para a coleta de sangue da veia caudal e determinação dos parâmetros hematológicos. Animais alimentados com maiores níveis de ascorbato mostraram pesos corpóreos maiores, melhores taxas de conversão alimentar e sobrevivência. A asência de ácido L-ascórbico na ração, além de causar redução nos valores de hematócrito e no número de eritrócitos, que caracteriza anemia, provocou aumento no volume corpuscular médio, na hemoglobina corpuscular média e na concentração de hemoglobina corpuscular média. Esses resultados revelam a importância do ácido L-ascórbico na dieta dos juvenis de tambaqui. O nível de 100 mg de ácido L-ascórbico/kg de ração é adequado, garantindo bom ganho de peso e manutenção da homeostase do organismo.
A formalina tem sido usada no controle de doenças parasitárias, porém existem poucas informações sobre o efeito secundário desse produto sobre os peixes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de concentrações terapêuticas de formalina na homeostase de tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum Cuvier 1818) por meio de índices fisiológicos. Os banhos terapêuticos foram realizados em tanques de 100 L, com soluções de formalina a 0, 100, 150, 200 e 250 mg/L, em tempos de exposição de 0, 30, 60 e 120 minutos; a recuperação dos animais em tanques, sem adição de formalina à água, foi avaliada após 24 horas. Foi realizada a coleta de sangue da veia caudal dos peixes para determinação de glicose, cloretos, sódio, potássio e cálcio. Os peixes não exibiram sinais de estresse na concentração de 100 mg/L de formalina em todos os tempos de exposição. Contudo, banhos de 200 e 250 mg/L causaram aumentos significativos nos níveis de glicose após 30 minutos de exposição. Os resultados sugerem que a formalina pode ser usada nas concentrações de 100 e 150 mg/L em banhos de 30, 60 e 120 minutos e nas concentrações de 200 e 250 mg/L em banhos de até 30 minutos sem comprometer a homeostase do tambaqui.
This review discusses the present state of the art of the stereochemistry of electrochemical reactions. The extent of asymmetric induction is progressing, but in general diastereoselectivities and enantioselectivities remain behind those from chemical synthesis. In recent years, new methodological developments have been successful. Effects that play important roles in homogeneous chemistry have been used with success. Lack of expressive enantiomeric excess (ee) could be related to the absence of tightly organized structures during the reaction of interest. The highest ee might be expected for redox reactions where conformational preference in transition state plays the important role or for the ones performed while adsorbed on the electrode, and where the chiral element is also at the surface, either adsorbed or chemically bound to the surface and interacting directly with the substrate. Electroenzymatic synthesis has a promising future.
This paper proposes an experiment to be performed in both instrumental analysis and experimental physical-chemistry curricular disciplines in order to open options to develop challenging basic research activities. Thus the experimental procedures and the results obtained in the preparation of electrodeposited lead dioxide onto graphite and its evaluation as potentiometric sensor for H3O+ and Pb2+ ions, are presented. The data obtained in acid-base titrations were compared with those of the traditional combination glass electrode at the same conditions. Although a linear sub-Nernstian response to free hydrogen ions was observed for the electrodeposited PbO2 electrode, a good agreement was obtained between them. Working as lead(II) sensing electrode, the PbO2 showed a linear sub-Nernstian behavior at total Pb2+ concentrations ranging from 3,5 x 10-4 to 3,0 x 10-2 mol/L in nitrate media. For the redox couple PbO2/Pb(II) the operational slope converges to the theoretical one, as the acidity of the working solution increases.
The oxidation process of sulfur (IV) species (SO2, HSO3- e SO32-) by oxygen, catalysed by trace metal ion and complexes, can play an important role in atmospheric, analytical and bioinorganic chemistry. An overview of the most important reactions in these fields is presented. A fascinating redox cycling of the metal ions and complexes during such autoxidation process was revealed by the combination of kinetics and coordination chemistry studies.
Theoretical and practical aspects concerning construction and use of a thin layer electrochemical cell are presented. Construction was realized by a simple technic and geometry was optimized in order to minimize the problems of electrical resistance. A well known redox system was studied ((Fe(III)(CN)6(3-)/Fe(II)(CN) 6(4-)) using two experimental methods, cyclic voltammetry and pulse chronopotentiometry. A numerical integration based-program was developed to calculate the voltammetric current in case of nernstian and non-nernstian behaviours and a diffusional model was used to treat the chronopotentiometric data. Thermodynamic (potential, concentration) and kinetic parameters (diffusion coefficient) were successfully determined for the redox system studied in this work.
Methylene blue (AM) was immobilised on surface of the silica gel modified with niobium oxide. This material was incorporated in a carbon paste electrode, which showed a redox couple in a potential of E= -113 mV vs SCE in KCl solution at pH 7.0. The formal potential, in 0.5 mol L-1 KCl at pH 7.0, shifted about 290 mV towards more positive values compared to those observed for AM solubilized in aqueous solution. The dependence on the formal potential with solution pH between 2 and 7 was much lower than those observed for AM solubilized in aqueous solution.
The most relevant advances on the analytical applications of glutathione determination based on glutathione redox cycle and the antioxidant system are given. The main enzymes that participate of the glutathione metabolism are the glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase. The glutathione peroxidase has a major role in the removal of hydrogen peroxide and lipid peroxides from the cells. These enzymes, operating in tandem with catalase and superoxide dismutase promote a scavenging of oxyradical products in tissues minimizing damages caused by these species. Reduced glutathione is the major intracellular thiol found in mammals and changes in the glutathione concentration in biological fluids or tissues may provide a useful marker in certain disorders like hemolytic anemia, myocardial oxidative stress and in the investigation of some kinds of cancers. Particular attention is devoted to the main advantages supplied by biosensors in which there is an incorporation of bioactive materials for the glutathione determination. The correlation between stability and sensitivity of some reduced glutathione electrochemical sensors is discussed.
The use of zeolites and other molecular sieves as catalysts is discussed at an introductory level. The text includes a brief historic background on the use of zeolites in catalysis, and a discussion of some chemical and physical properties of silicalite, aluminosilicate, and aluminophosphate molecular sieves. The strategies currently used to chemically modify zeolites and related materials to produce catalysts with increased activity and selectivity are discussed, including the use of redox molecular sieves for hydrocarbon oxidation and the leaching of the active metals from the support.
The aim of this work was to optimize the preparation of electrodes with riboflavin (RF) immobilized on a silica surface modified with niobium oxide and carbon paste. Electrode preparation was optimized employing a factorial design consisting of two levels and three factors. The electrochemical properties of immobilized RF were investigated by cyclic voltammetry. The factorial analysis was carried out analysing the current intensity (Ipa). It was possible to optimize the electrode to get the best reversibility in the redox process, i. e. the lowest separation between anodic and cathodic peak potentials and a current ratio close to unity. The concentration of supporting electrolyte has a small effect. The proportion has the highest effect and the interaction factor between proportion and mixture has also a significant effect on the current intensity.
The physical and electrochemical properties of Ti-SnO2/Sb electrodes obtained by the thermal decomposition of solutions of the precursor salts SnCl2×2H2O/SbCl3 and SnSO4/Sb2(SO4)3 were investigated. The reversibility of the cyclic voltammetric response of the Fe(CN)6(4-)/Fe(CN)6(3-) redox couple was assessed using the obtained electrodes. Their catalytic activity for the oxygen-evolving reaction and maximum capacity for electronic transfer were also evaluated by potential and current linear scans in 0.5 mol L-1 H2SO4. Additionally, scanning electron microscopy analyses allowed the visualization of the morphology of the oxide films obtained. The best results were presented by the electrodes obtained from the chloride salt precursors.