167 resultados para Geographical variation
Clinical and laboratory evidence is reviewed which shows that there is a great deal of variation in the susceptibility of Schistosoma mansoni to oxamniquine. This variation occurs both among endemic regions and within endemic regions in Brazil and Kenya. It is genetically controlled. It is suggested that the parasite possesses a large capacity for developing resistance to the drug and that resistance will develop where sufficient drug pressure is maintained.
The crossbreeding activities of the Schistosoma mansoni vector snail Biomphalaria glabrata were counted in a laboratory aquarium throughout the year under two regimes of 12h light: 12h dark from 7 A., M. to 10 P. M. Mating increased significantly in Authmn and Winter and just missed a significant inverse correlation with temperature and a direct one with locomotion. Other similar experiments were carried out to compare mating under various ilumination conditions in complete daily cycle measurements. Mating counts decreased under the regimes which submited snail to a total exposure of 12h light and 12 dark during a daily cycle in the following sequence: 12h light: 12h dark alternating hourly with light gradient, 12h light: 12h dark, 1h light: 1h dark and 12h dark: 12h light. Under two constant illuminations, the mating scored less than under the previous conditions, except under 12h light. Under darkeness the mating count was lower than light conditions. There was no way to differentiate the night and day rhythms of mating on different days in each regime, except for mating under 12h light: 12 dark alternating with light gradient, constant dark and 12h dark: 12h light conditions. Mating increased in certain light and temperature conditions, in wich the intensities, should have an optimum value.
Three Yersinia pestis strains isolated from humans and one laboratory strain (EV76) were grown in rich media at 28§C and 37§C and their outer membrane protein composition compared by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-Page). Several proteins with molecular weights ranging from 34 kDa to 7 kDa were observed to change in relative abundance in samples grown at different temperatures. At least seven Y. pestis outer membrane proteins showed a temperature-dependent and strain-specific behaviour. Some differences between the outer membrane proteins of full-pathogenic wild isolates and the EV76 strain could aldso be detected and the relevance of this finding on the use of laboratory strains as a reference to the study of Y. pestis biological properties is discuted.
A large bibliographic survey provided data on Trypanosoma cruzi serology covering the period l948-l984. Epidemiological-demographic methods provided an estimate of 11% for the prevalenceof positive serology in Brazil, by 1984. Significant temporal trends were observed for most of the Brazilian geographical regions as well as for Brazil, as a whole. The parabolic curve that fit best for the entire country, indicates that by 1991, the incidence of new positive serology would be close to zero. This conclusion needs further fine-adjustment, since the forecast point is somewhat distant from the measured period.
Immunoblot analysis was used to investigate antigenic differences among clinical isolates of Leishmania amazonensis and their role in the etiology of the diseases. Western blots of promastigote homogenates were analyzed with either monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) specific for the L. mexicana complex (M-4, M-6, M-9 and M-11) or polyclonal sera from L. amazonensis infected patients with the various forms of clinical disease. In the case of the MAbs, no significant variation was observed among the strains of L. amazonensis, isolated from cases of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL), mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (MCL), diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis (DCL), visceral leishmaniasis (VL) or post kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis (PKDL), in either the relative morbility (Mr) or the quantitative amount (intensity) of the antigenic determinats. In the case of the sera of the infected patients, the patterns of antigenic reactivity of these strains revealed that, despite showing the presence of shared antigens, differences were observed between some of the antigenic components of the various isolates of L. amazonensis that were recognized by a single serum. Differences were also demonstrated between the antigenic determinants of a single isolate of L. amazonensis that were recognized by the different patient's sera. No apparent association was consistently found, however, between the Mr components identified in these isolates and clinical form of the disease or the geographical area of isolation. In addition, the spectrum of antigens recognized by the sera from patients with the same clinical form were not identical; although in some instances, similar Mr antigens were shared. These results indicate that isolates of L. amazonensis are not antigenically identical (homogeneous) and that the immune responses (antibodies) observed among infected patients are heterogeneous.
Studies in mice have shown that immunity to malaria sporozoites is mediated primarily by citotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) specific for epitopes within the circumsporozoite (CS) protein. Humans, had never been shown to generate CTL against any malaria or other parasite protein. The design of a sub-unit vaccine for humans ralies on the epitopes recognized by CTL being identified and polymorphisms therein being defined. We have developed a novel technique using an entire series of overlapping synthetic peptides to define the epitopes of the Plasmodium falciparum CS protein recognized by human CTL and have analyzed the sequence variation of the protein with respect to the identified CTL epitopic domain. We have demonstrated that some humans can indeed generate CTL. against the P. falciparum CS protein. Furthermore, the extent of variation observed for the CTL recognition domain is finite and the combination of peptides necessary for inclusion in a polyvalent vaccine may be small. If ways can be found to increase immune responsiveness, then a vaccine designed to stimulate CS protein-specific CTL activity may prevent malaria.
The sequestration of Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes to the endothelial cells of brain capillaries is believed to represent one of the determining factors in the pathogenesis of cerebral malaria. In vitro studies of cytoadherence provide an experimental approach to understand the mechanism of sequestration and the respective roles played by parasite and host components in this interaction. This paper critically reviews current studies on cytoadherence, with particular emphasis on the nature of the information provided by such studies and their limitations. The paper also describes how cytoadherence studies using the patient's own monocytes can provide original information on the level of receptor up-regulation in the course of malarial infection.
Behavioural variation in the South American malaria vector Anopheles darlingi is described. At the centre of its distribution, in forest areas close to the city of Manaus, Brazil, it is primarily exophagic and exophilic. Mosquitoes from this area are chromosomally diverse. Towards the northern edge of its distribution (in Guyana and Venezuela) it is more endophagic and less diverse chromosomally. Similarly in the south (in the state of Minas Gerais) it is less polymorphic. In this area, however, it is primarily zoophilic and exophagic. Evidence is presented that female wing size may vary between populations. The possibility that this widely distributed species may be a complex could have important implications for future malaria control schemes.
Triatoma brasiliensis is one of the most important vectors of Chagas disease in the semiarid zone of the northeast of Brazil. Intraspecific morphological and behavioural variation has been reported for different populations. Results for four distinct populations using eight isoenzymes are reported here. The literature describes three subspecies: T. brasiliensis brasiliensis Neiva, 1911; T. brasiliensis melanica Neiva & Lent, 1941 and T. brasiliensis macromelasoma Galvão, 1956. These subspecies differ mainly in their cuticle colour pattern and were regarded as synonyms by Lent and Wygodzinsky (1979). In order to evaluate whether the chromatic pattern is a morphological variation of different melanic forms within T. brasiliensis or due to interspecific variation, field collections were performed in localities where these three subspecies have been described: Caicó (Rio Grande do Norte), the type-locality for T. b. brasiliensis; Petrolina (Pernambuco) for T. b. macromelasoma and Espinosa (Minas Gerais) for T. b. melanica. A fourth distinct chromatic pattern was found in Juazeiro (Bahia). A total of nine loci were studied. Values of Nei's genetic distance (D) were calculated. T. b. brasiliensis and T. b. macromelasoma are the closest populations with a D=0.295. T. b. melanica had a D ³ 0.537 when compared to the others, a distance in the range of interspecific variation for other triatomine species
Genetic diversity among three field populations of Lutzomyia longipalpis in Colombia was studied using isozyme analysis. Study sites were as much as 598 km apart and included populations separated by the eastern Cordillera of the Andes. Genetic variability among populations, estimated by heterozygosity, was within values typical for insects in general (8.1%). Heterozygosity for field populations were compared with a laboratory colony from Colombia (Melgar colony) and were only slightly lower. These results suggest that establishment and long term maintenance of the Melgar colony has had little effect on the level of isozyme variability it carries. Genetic divergences between populations was evaluated using estimates of genetic distance. Genetic divergence among the three field populations was low (D=0.021), suggesting they represent local populations within a single species. Genetic distance between field populations and the Melgar colony was also low (D=0.016), suggesting that this colony population does not depart significantly from natural populations. Finally, comparisons were made between Colombian populations and colonies from Brazil and Costa Rica. Genetic distance values were high between Colombian and both Brazil and Costa Rica colony populations (D=0.199 and 0.098 respectively) providing additional support for our earlier report that populations from the three countries represent distinct species
Ribotyping has been widely used to characterise the seventh pandemic clone including South American and O139 variants which appeared in 1991 and 1992 respectively. To reveal the molecular basis of ribotype variation we analysed the rrn operons and their flanking regions. All but one variation detected by BglI, the most discriminatory enzyme, was found to be due to changes within the rrn operons, resulting from recombination between operons. The recombinants are detected because of the presence of a BglI site in the 16S gene in three of the nine rrn operons and/or changes of intergenic spacer types of which four variants were identified. As the frequency of rrn recombination is high, ribotyping becomes a less useful tool for evolutionary studies and long term monitoring of the pathogenic clones of Vibrio cholerae as variation could undergo precise reversion by the same recombination event.
This paper examines the results of spatial (microgeographical) water contact/schistosomiasis studies in two African (Egyptian and Kenyan) and one Brazilian communities. All three studies used traditional cartographic and statistical methods but one of them emploeyd also GIS (geographical information systems) tools. The advantage of GIS and their potential role in schistosomiasis control are briefly described. The three cases revealed considerable variation in the spatial distribution of water contact, transmission parameters and infection levels at the household and individual levels. All studies showed considerable variation in the prevalence and intensity of infection between households. They also show a variable influence of distance on water contact behavior associated with type of activity, age, sex, socioeconomic level, perception of water quality, season and availability of water in the home. Water contact behavior and schistosomiasis were evaluated in the Brazilian village of Nova União within the context of water sharing between household and age/sex groups. Recommendations are made for further spatial studies on the transmission and control of schistosomiasis.
Antigenic variation in Trypanosoma brucei is a highly sophisticated survival strategy involving switching between the transcription of one of an estimated thousand variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) genes. Switching involves either transcriptional control, resulting in switching between different VSG expression sites; or DNA rearrangement events slotting previously inactive VSG genes into an active VSG expression site. In recent years, considerable progress has been made in techniques allowing us to genetically modify infective bloodstream form trypanosomes. This is allowing us to reengineer VSG expression sites, and look at the effect on the mechanisms subsequently used for antigenic variation. We can now begin a dissection of a highly complicated survival strategy mediated by many different mechanisms operating simultaneously.