81 resultados para Garment cutting
The aim of this study was to determine whether the form of placing the fertilizer by the planter during the sowing under mulch in the no till system affects the yield of corn. The treatments consisted of placing the fertilizer during the seeding 0.05 m below and beside the seed, in front of the cutting blade and without fertilizer, in 03 farms during 03 cropping years. The experimental design at each farm was the randomized block, with 08 repetitions, whose plots had 30 m² each. The initial population and yield components were evaluated. Under the experimental conditions it is concluded that base fertilization can affect the yield. Fertilizer placement can affect the initial stand, but not the yield.
While the pre-harvest sugarcane burning is a disused practice, green harvest requires changes concerning ratoon cultivation due to the presence of a thick layer of straw. The experiment, conducted in a mechanical green harvesting area cultivated with sugarcane, consisted of two stages: in the first stage, the mechanical straw cutting performance of flat disks with different geometry edges was evaluated, considering two types of disks and 10 replications in a completely randomized design; in the second stage, the effect of soil chiseling on both sides of planting lines, using shanks with straw cutting flat disks, was assessed, as well as fertilizer deposition form. The experimental design in the second stage was completely randomized, with seven treatments and five replications. Treatments consisted of a combination of two straw cutting disks (smooth or toothed edge), chiseling presence or absence, and fertilizer deposition forms (broadcast, on the planting line, and incorporated into chiseling furrows). The toothed disk differed from the smooth one, presenting lower values of horizontal and vertical forces, and torque. The agroindustrial variables pol (%), brix (%), fiber (%), and ATR (kg Mg-1) were not influenced by the fertilizer deposition form and soil chiseling. However, the localized fertilizer deposition increased crop yield when compared with broadcast fertilization.
The mechanical harvesting is an important stage in the production process of soybeans and, in this process; the loss of a significant number of grains is common. Despite the existence of mechanisms to monitor these losses, it is still essential to use sampling methods to quantify them. Assuming that the size of the sample area affects the reliability and variability between samples in quantifying losses, this paper aimed to analyze the variability and feasibility of using different sizes of sample area (1, 2 and 3 m²) in quantifying losses in the mechanical harvesting of soybeans. Were sampled 36 sites and the cutting losses, losses by other mechanisms of the combine and total losses were evaluated, as well as the water content in seeds, straw distribution and crop productivity. Data were subjected to statistical analysis (descriptive statistics and analysis of variance) and Statistical Control Process (SCP). The coefficients of variation were similar for the three frames available. Combine losses showed stable behavior, whereas cutting losses and total losses showed unstable behavior. The frame size did not affect the quantification and variability of losses in the mechanical harvesting of soybeans, thus a frame of 1 m² can be used for determining losses.
Vegetation cover on soil acts positively in maintaining temperature and soil moisture, yet, it has been imposing specific operational conditions on seeders. The objective of this study was to evaluate performance of different mechanisms regarding straw mobilization, employed in a no-till seeder. The experimental area was conducted on clayey soil under no-tillage with a large quantity of sorghum residue. The experiment was established in a randomized block design, as the treatments consisted of a combination of two mechanisms at front of the furrow opener composed of cutting disc and row cleaners, and three mechanisms behind the seed furrower, covering discs prototype model M1, Spider and commercial model, with the combination of cutting disc and Spider model not being evaluated. We assessed the coverage permanence on soil index, vegetation mass on surface and inside the line. The treatment containing the row cleaner mechanism efficiently removed straw from the surface of sowing line as well as the return one acted on straw replacement. It was identified that use of the cutting disc at the front of seeder contributed to the increase of straw installation inside the line, three times more than in the row cleaner system when operating individually. Covering mechanism with row cleaners reduced straw inside the line and kept line covering similar to treatment of cutting disc operating alone.
Straw on sowing line modifies seed germination environment regarding temperature and water content. Given these considerations, the aim of this study was to evaluate different mechanisms for coverage mobilization on the sowing line and their effect on germination environment of maize seeds, mainly in relation to the dynamics of straw in the seedbed, water content and soil temperature. Treatments consisted on the combination of two mechanisms at front of furrow opener, composed of cutting disc and row cleaners, with three mechanisms behind the seed furrower for returning the soil, consisting of three covering mechanisms, commercial and prototype models. It was found that straw presence on the surface of sowing line contributed to germination of maize seeds, maintenance of temperature and soil water content. The cutting disc treatment, associated with prototype, introduced percentages of water content near the ones in bottom layer, and this soil water content was 29.7% with 93.75% of straw coverage and deeper seeding depth, granting better conditions for seed germination. However, the straw coverage removal on soil by the row cleaners and its low sowing depth caused water loss in the lines resulting in great reduction of the emergence speed index in maize seedlings.
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of modifying the maintenance programming of equipment used in sugarcane mechanical harvesting, by transferring actions that can be planned to periods when machines are inactive due to meal breaks and other working shift transitions stoppages. A simulation model was developed to represent the maintenance procedures of combines, haulouts, and other vehicles used by a harvest team. Scenarios were tested using alternatives for interventions such as refueling, lubrication and harvester blade replacement, enabling strategies to be focused towards better utilization of cutting, loading, and transport (CLT) system equipment. As a result, it was possible to remove one combine and two haulouts, while maintaining current daily production. The maintenance time for harvesters, which refers to corrective maintenance and the transfer of remaining interventions for periods of inactivity, was reduced from 10.0% to 3.5% over the useful period. This study indicates that maintenance management in the sugarcane sector enables the expanded use of equipment, leading to the greater productivity of the CLT system.
One of the most difficult procedures in digestive-tract surgery is esophago-jejunal anastomosis following total gastrectomy. Cost/benefit analysis of this procedure justifies the use of mechanical staplers, in spite of their high cost. A technical variant of the side-to-side esophago-jejunal anastomosis is presented, which incorporates the use of a cutting linear stapler. Technical maneuvers are easy to perform, the cost of the cutting linear stapler is smaller than the circular ones, the amplitude of the anastomosis is wider and the likelihood of fistulae is smaller when compared to other techniques. The side-to-side esophago-jejunal anastomosis with the cutting linear stapler is always complemented by a manual suture.
Two outbreaks of zigomycosis with rhinofacial and two other with rhinopharyngeal lesions involving fungi with filamentous coaenocytic hyphae characteristic of entomoph-thoramycetous fungi are reported in the state of Paraíba, northeastern Brazil. One outbreak of rhinofacial zygomycosis occurred during the rainy season affecting 5 sheep. Another outbreak of the clinical form affected one out of 40 sheep during the dry season. Common clinical signs of the rhinofacial infection were bilateral serosanguineous nasal discharge with swelling of nostrils, upper lip, and the skin of the face. At necropsy the nasal mucosa showed dark brownish ulcerated areas which extended from the mucocutaneous region to 10cm inside the nasal vestibule. The mucosa of the hard palate was also ulcerated. The cutting surface of nostrils and palate showed a brownish or red spongeous tissue of friable consistency. One outbreak of rhinopharyngitis took place on an irrigated coconut farm; 7 out of 60 adult sheep were affected. Another outbreak affected a sheep in a flock of 80 during the dry season. Clinical signs as noisy respiration and dyspnoea due to mechanical blockage of the nasal cavities, swelling of the nostrils, and serosanguineous nasal discharge were observed. Six out of 8 sheep in this group showed exophthalmia, keratitis and unilateral corneal ulceration of the eye. The sheep either died of their infection or were euthanized after a clinical course of 7-30 days. At necropsy there was a dense yellow exudate in the nasopharyngeal area affecting the ethmoidal region, turbinate bones, paranasal sinuses, hard and soft palates, orbital cavity, pharynges, regional muscles and lymph nodes. Histopathologically both forms of the disease showed multifocal granulomas with an eosinophilic necrotic reaction (Splendore-Hoeppli phenomenon) containing ribbon-type coenocytic hyphae with 7-30mum in diameter similar to hyphae of zygomycetous fungi, possibly Conidiobolus spp. Outbreaks of both forms of mycotic rhinitis are common in northeastern Brazil and in other regions of the country.
Some material aspects such as grain size, purity and anisotropy exert an important influence on surface quality, especially in single point diamond turning. The aim of this paper is to present and discuss some critical factors that can limit the accuracy of ultraprecision machining of non-ferrous metals and to identify the effects of them on the cutting mechanism with single point diamond tools. This will be carried out through observations of machined surfaces and chips produced using optical and scanning electron microscopy. Solutions to reduce the influence of some of these limiting factors related with the mechanism of generation of mirror-like surfaces will be discussed.
Numerical simulation of machining processes can be traced back to the early seventies when finite element models for continuous chip formation were proposed. The advent of fast computers and development of new techniques to model large plastic deformations have favoured machining simulation. Relevant aspects of finite element simulation of machining processes are discussed in this paper, such as solution methods, material models, thermo-mechanical coupling, friction models, chip separation and breakage strategies and meshing/re-meshing strategies.
The aim of this work is to evaluate the mechanism of stock removal and the ground surface quality of advanced ceramics machined by a surface grinding process using diamond grinding wheels. The analysis of the grinding performance was done regarding the cutting surface wear behavior of the grinding wheel for ceramic workpieces. The ground surface was evaluated using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). As a result it can be said that the mechanism of material removal in the grinding of ceramic is largely one of brittle fracture. The increase of the h max can reduce the tangential force required by the process. Although, it results in an increase in the surface damage, reducing the mechanical properties of the ground component.
This paper discusses the effect of tool wear on surface finish in single-point diamond turning of single crystal silicon. The morphology and topography of the machined surface clearly show the type of cutting edge wear reproduced onto the cutting grooves. Scanning electron microscopy is used in order to correlate the cutting edge damage and microtopography features observed through atomic force microscopy. The possible wear mechanisms affecting tool performance and surface generation during cutting are also discussed. The zero degree rake angle single point diamond tool presented small nicks on the cutting edge. The negative rake angle tools presented more a type of crater wear on the rake face. No wear was detected on flank face of the diamond tools.
Process planning is a very important industrial activity, since it determines how a part or a product is manufactured. Process planning decisions include machine selection, tool selection, and cutting conditions determination, and thus it is a complex activity. In the presence of unstable demand, flexibility has become a very important characteristic of today's successful industries, for which Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMSs) have been proposed as a solution. However, we believe that FMS control software is not flexible enough to adapt to different manufacturing system conditions aiming at increasing the system's efficiency. One means to overcome this limitation is to include pre-planned alternatives in the process plan; then planning decisions are made by the control system in real time to select the most appropriate alternative according to the conditions of the shop floor. Some of the advantages of this approach reported in the literature are the reduction of the number of tool setups, and the selection of a replacement machine for executing an operation. To verify whether the presence of alternatives in process plans actually increases the efficiency of the manufacturing system, an investigation was carried out using simulation and design of experiments techniques for alternative plans on a single machine. The proposed methodology and the results are discussed within this paper.
Textile manufacture occupies a prominent place in the national economy. Because of its importance researches have been made on the development of new materials, equipment and methods used in the production process. The cutting of textiles starts in the basic stage, to be followed by the process of the making of clothes and other articles. In the hot cutting of fabric, one of the variables of great importance in the control of the process is the contact temperature between the tool and the fabric. This work presents a technique for the measurement of the temperature based on the processing of infrared images. With this purpose, it was developed a system which is composed of an infrared camera, a framegrabber PC board and a software which analyses the punctual temperature in the cut area enabling the operator to achieve the necessary control of other variables involved in the process.
Imazapyr has been used to control stump sprouting in stand of Eucalyptus plantations, where herbicide is applied to the tree trunk before cutting. The herbicide is applied exclusively on the stump to be killed, but little is known about the final fate of the molecule. Imazapyr exudation via roots of eucalypt grown in soil as the substrate was evaluated under greenhouse conditions. Different herbicide doses (0.000, 0.375, 0.750, 1.125, 1.500, and 3.000 kg ha-1 a.i.) were applied on the aerial parts of 8-month-old Eucalyptus grandis clonal seedlings, cultivated in pots with 18.0 dm³ of soil. Forty days after this treatment, the eucalypt plants were cut and a lateral opening in the containers was made and the plants inclined 90º, with plants sensitive to herbicide presence (sorghum and cucumber) sown into the openings along the exposed soil surface. After 15-day sowing, toxicity symptoms on the shoots as well as the shoot and root system dry biomass of the bio-indicators were evaluated. The results suggest that eucalypt roots do exude imazapyr, and/or its metabolites, at concentrations high enough to cause toxicity to the bio-indicators. Toxicity effects were observed in all plants sown along the exposed soil profile of the container, with higher intensity at higher doses.