480 resultados para Frações de fósforo


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The determination of total nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in plant material can be carried out in a common extract prepared with sulphuric acid and 30 per cent hydrogen peroxide. Nitrogen is estimated by direct nesslerization of a suitable aliquot (1-5 ml of the 50 ml extract made out of 250 mg of dried material); in order to avoid excessive acidity, 10 ml of Nessler's reagent should be employed. An aliquot of 1-5 ml suffices for the colorimetric determination of phosphorus by the molybdenum method; to reduce the phosphomolybdate complex 2 ml of a 2% SnC12 soln are necessary. Potassium is determined by the cobaltinitrite method after elimination of ammonium salts with the aid of aqua-regia.


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This paper describes the data obtained for the growth of sugar cane, Variety Co 419, and the amount and rate of absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, and silicon, according to the age of the plant, in the soil and climate conditions of the state of S. Paulo, Brazil. An experiment was installed in the Estação Experimental de Cana de Açúcar "Dr. José Vizioli", at Piracicaba, state of S. Paulo, Brazil, and the soil "tèrra-roxa misturada" presented the following composition: Sand (more than 0,2 mm)........................................................................ 8.40 % Fine sand (from 0,2 to less than 0,02 mm)................................................. 24.90 % Silt (from 0,02 to less than 0,002 mm)...................................................... 16.40 % Clay (form 0,002 mm and less)................................................................ 50.20 % pH 10 g of soil and 25 ml of distilled water)..................................................... 5.20 %C (g of carbon per 100 g of soil)................................................................. 1.00 %N (g of nitrogen per 100 g of soil)............................................................... 0.15 P0(4)-³ (me. per 100 g of soil, soluble in 0,05 normal H2SO4) ............................... 0.06 K+ (exchangeable, me. per 100 g of soil)....... 0.18 Ca+² (exchangeable, me. per 100 g of soil)...... 2.00 Mg+² (exchangeable, me. per 100 g of soil)...... 0.66 The monthly rainfall and mean temperature from January 1956 to August 1957 are presented in Table 1, in Portuguese. The experiment consisted of 3 replications of the treatments: without fertilizer and with fertilizer (40 Kg of N, from ammonium sulfate; 100 Kg of P(2)0(5) from superphosphate and 40 Kg K2 O, from potassium chloride). Four complete stools (stalks and leaves) were harvested from each treatment, and the plants separated in stalks and leaves, weighed, dried and analysed every month from 6 up to 15 months of age. The data obtained for fresh and dry matter production are presented in table 2, and in figure land 2, in Portuguese. The curves for fresh and dry matter production showed that fertilized and no fertilized sugar cane with 6 months of age presents only 5% of its total weight at 15 months of age. The most intense period of growth in this experiment is located, between 8 and 12 months of age, that is between December 1956 and April 1957. The dry matter production of sugar cane with 8 and 12 months of age was, respectively, 12,5% and 87,5% of the total weight at 15 months of age. The growth of sugar cane in relation to its age follows a sigmoid curve, according to the figures 1, 2 and 3. The increase of dry matter production promoted by using fertilizer was 62,5% when sugar cane was 15 months of age. The concentration of the elements (tables 4 and 5 in Portuguese) present a general trend of decreasing as the cane grows older. In the stalks this is true for all elements studied in this experiment. But in the leaves, somme elements, like sulfur and silicon, appears to increase with the increasing of age. Others, like calcium and magnesium do not show large variations, and finally a third group, formed by nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium seems to decrease at the beginning and later presents a light increasing. The concentration of the elements was higher in the leaves than in the stalks from 6 up to 15 months of age. There were some exceptions. Potassium, magnesium and sulfur were higher in the stalks than in the leaves from 6 up to 8 or 9 months of age. After 9 months, the leaves presented more potassium, magnesium and sulfur than the stalks. The percentage of nitrogen in the leaves was lower in the plants that received fertilizer than in the plants without fertilizer with 6, 7, 8, 10, 11 and 13 months of age. This can be explained by "dilution effect". The uptake of elements by 4 stools (stalks and leaves) of sugar cane according to the plant age is showed in table 6, in Portuguese. The absorption of all studied elements, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur and silicon, was higher in plants that received fertilizer. The trend of uptake of nitrogen and potassium is similar to the trend of production of dry matter, that is, the maximum absorption of those two nutrients occurs between 9 and 13 months of age. Finaly, the maxima amounts of elements absorbed by 4 stools (stalks and leaves) of sugar cane plants that received fertilizer are condensed in the following table: Element Maximum absorption in grams Age of the plants in months Nitrogen (N) 81.0 14 Phosphorus (P) 6.8 15 Potassium (K) 81.5 15 Calcium (Ca) 19.2 15 Magnesium (Mg) 13.9 13 Sulfur (S) 9.3 15 Silicon (Si) 61.8 15 It is very interesting to note the low absorption of phosphorus even with 100 kg of P2O5 per hectare, aplied as superphosphate. The uptake of phosphorus was lower than calcium, magnesium and sulfur. Also, it is noteworthy the large amount of silicon absorbed by sugar cane.


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Phosphate "fixation" is the convertion of soluble into insoluble phosphate in the soil. There are many factors conditioning phosphate fixation by soil such as reactions originating less soluble compounds (phosphates of iron, aluminum, calcium, magnesium, etc.), PO4-3 adsorption by the colloidal fraction of soils, PO4-3 absorption by the soil microflora, etc. Certain soils of the state of São Paulo (Brazil) are relatively rich in both iron and aluminum oxides. PO4-3 fixation, using P31 and P32 has been verified by researchers, specially with "Terra Roxa". The known methods for fixation evaluation are conventional as this depends on phosphate solution concentration, pH, time of contact between soil and solution, relation of sample weight to solution volume, shaking time, etc. In this experiment, the following conventional method was used: 4 g of soil were shaken for 15 minutes at 30-40 rpm, in 300 ml Erlenmeyer flask in a Wagner shaking machine, together with 100 ml of 0,03 normal phosphate solution (being 0,01 normal as PO4-3 contributed by H8PO4 and 0,02 normal as PO4-3 from KH2PO4). After shaking it was set aside for 24 hours and then filtered. Phosphate was determined in a suitable aliquot of both the original solution (blank) and the soil extract, by the vanadomolibidic-phosphoric acid method. From phosphate concentration in the blank minus phosphate concentration in the soil stract the rate of fixation by 100 g of soil was calculated. The data obtained show that "Terra Roxa" and "Terra Roxa Misturada" have a fairly high PO4-3 fixation capacity, varying from 10 to 24 milliequivalents of PO4-3 per 100 g of soil.


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Twelve samples of fluid milk delivered by "Laticínios Piracicaba Ltda." for public consumption, from March 25 do August 7, 1959, were analysed to determine its calcium and phosphorus content per 100 ml. A slight variation was observed. Calcium varied from 119 to 136 mg and phosphorus from 83 to 91 mg. These results are comparable to the ones obtained in other countries, showing that calcium and phosphorus content in cow milk is almost invariable.


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In order to study the phosphorus availability from various phosphates fertilizers an experiment was performed according to the biological seedling method of Neubauer. The physico-chemical properties of the soil "terra roxa-misturada", a red soil derived from basaltic rocks are given in the Portuguese text. Rice (Oryza sativa, L.) instead of rye (Secale cereale, L.) was used. Five replications of each of the following treatments were made: 1 - check, with 350 g of sand 2 - 350 g of sand plus 100 g of soil 3 - 350 g of sand and plus 100 g of soil plus 40 mg of P2O5, from superphosphate. 4 - 350 g of sand plus 100 g of soil plus 40 mg of P2O5. from Olinda (Brazil) phosphorite. 5 - 350 g of sand plus 100 g of soil plus 40 mg of P2O5 from Florida (U. S. A.) phosphorite. 6 - 350 g os sand plus 100 g of soil plus 40 mg of P2O5 from Hyperphosphate, a commertial name of a North African (Gafsa) phosphorite. 7 - 350 g of sand plus 100 g of soil plus 40 mg of P2O5 from Araxá (Brazil) apatite. After 18 days of growth, the roots and tops of rice seedlings were harvested and analysed for phosphorus, and the results are summarized in table 1. Table 1 - Milligrams of P2O5 determined in rice seedlings. Treatments Mean of 5 replications mg of P2O5 1 ..................... 24.196 2 ..................... 23.850 3 ..................... 30.724 4 ..................... 27.620 5 ..................... 27.480 6..................... 30.210 7 ..................... 26.032 The least significant difference at the 5% level by Tukey's procedure for comparisons among the treatments means is 1.365 mg of P(2)0. It is interesting to observe that rice plants did not take any phosphorus from the soil according to he data of the treatments n.° 1 and n.° 2. This can be explained by the high phosphorus fixing capacity of the soil "terra roxa misturada".


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The present work was carried out in order to study: 1 - The effect of several levels of P and Fe on the chemical composition of young coffee plants (Coffea arabica L., var. Caturra, KMC); 2 - The influence of P and Fe in the up take of N, K, Ca, and Mg as revealed by the chemical analyses of coffee tissues. Five treatments with two replicates were used, namely: 1 - Control - plants grown in the solution 2 of HOAGLAND & ARNON (1950); 2 - Omission of P; 3 - 310 p. p.m. of P; 4 - Omission of Fe; 5-28 p. p.m. of Fe. The experiment was carried out in the grenhouse, the pH of the different solutions being kept between 5. 0 and 5. 5; aeration was provided to the solutions. The following conclusions wen drawn: 1 - When P was omitted from the nutrient solution, there was an increase in N, K and Fe content of the plant as compared to the levels found in control plants; 2 - Raising the P level in the substrate brought about an apparent luxury consumption of this element as well as an increase in plant Mg; 3 - High P in the nutrient solution on the other hand, decreased Fe up take but increased the K content; 4 - K content was even higher in plants corresponding to the excess Fe treatment; 5 - A very high P content was found in the roots from the excess Fe treatment, this suggesting the formation of ferric phosphate in those organs; 6 - The control plants had less Fe than those corresponding to the minus Fe treatment.


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O presente trabalho relata os dados obtidos sôbre a concentração e a quantidade de macronutritntes, N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S no tronco, ramos, fôlhas e frutos do cafeeiro, Coffea arabica, L, variedade mundo novo [(B. Rodr.) Choussy], aos dez anos de idade e crescendo em solo latossólico da Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", em Piracicaba. São apresentados também os dados obtidos nas mesmas condições, sôbre o pêso de diversas partes (tronco, ramos, fôlhas e frutos) do cafeeiro.


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O método da diluição isotópica foi empregado com êxito para estudar a influência de doses crescentes de calcário na disponibilidade do fósforo do solo de cerrado. Os valores A foram determinados usando-se uma técnica simplificada; as amostras de solos de cerrado usadas no trabalho haviam sido submetidas prèviamente ao tratamento com diferentes dosagens de calcário em condições de campo. Tais amostras foram colhidas nas localidades de Orlandia, Pirassununga e Matão, todas elas no Estado de São Paulo. As seguintes conclusões puderam ser tiradas: (1) os três tipos de solos de cerrado apresentaram teores diferentes de fósforo assimilável; (2) nos casos das amostras de Pirassununga e Matão a calagem aumetou a disponibilidade do fósforo de modo linear; em Orlandia, entretanto, a dose mais alta de calcário diminuiu significativamente o teor de fósforo disponível.


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O presente trabalho relata a determinação do P2O5 em fertilizantes simples e em misturas, pelos métodos, espectrofotométrico (espectrofotômetro Beckman, modelo B) diferencial do ácido fosfovánadomólíbdico e pelo método volumétrico alcalimétrico (fosfomolibdato de amônio). Relata também a determinação do P2O5 solúvel em solução de ácido cítrico a 2% nos mesmos materiais, pelos métodos espectrofotométrico e colorimétrico (Klett-Summerson) dif erenciais e volumétrico. Os dados obtidos permitem afirmar que os métodos espectrofotométrico e colorimétrico diferenciais são precisos e muito mais simples e rápidos que o método volumétrico. Considerando-se que os métodos espectrofotométrico e colorimétrico são mais simples, e rápidos que o método volumétrico e que êste está mais sujeito à erros devido às operações de precipitação, filtração, lavagem do precipitado, etc, pode-se adotar os dois primeiros em substituição ao método volumétrico de determinação do P2O5 total e solúvel em solução de ácido cítrico a 2%, em fertilizantes fosfatados, simples e em misturas.


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Young coffee plants were allowed to absorb radiophosphate via leaves during 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes and via roots during 24 hours. It was verified that leaf absorption was almost twice more intense than root uptake despite the considerable difference in time of contact which would favour the latter. Translocation of leaf applied material was also more marked.


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Os autores obtiveram sementes de arroz (Oriza sativa, L. var. Batatais) contendo p32 agitando-as com uma solução que possuía P marcado ou cultivado plantas em presença de P radioativo. As sementes foram semeadas em volume reduzido de silica ou de silica e solo sendo as plantas cultivdas durante 18 dias e depois colhidas. Foram feitos extratos nítricos perclóricos de: silica, misturas sílica-terra, plantas e sementes. Os resultados mostraram haver reliminação de P pelas sementes e/ou pelas plantas e sugerem a possibilidade de fixação do mesmo pelo solo.


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O presente trabalho foi realizado em um vinhedo comercial na região de Jundiaí com a finalidade de se estudar o efeito do modo de aplicação do superfosfato-P32 na sua absorção pela videira. A variedade IAC 313 foi a escolhida. Os resultados dêste ensaio permitem concluir preliminarmente que, para as condições de solo e da variedade estudada, a absorção do fósforo do superfosfato aplicado em cobertura se efetua de maneira mais rápida do que quando em profundidade.


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Plântulas de trigo da variedade Piratiní suscetível ao "crestamento" e da variedade Colônias, considerada resistente, foram cultivadas em solução nutritiva empregando-se a técnica das raízes divididas. Estas variedades foram submetidas aos tratamentos correspondentes as concentrações de 0,2 a 6,0 ppm de alumínio, sendo aplicados 25 microcuries de fósforo radioativo que foram retirados posteriormente a fim de que fôsse determinada a sua translocação. Em ambas variedades observou-se que a concentração de alumínio nas fôlhas não influia na translocação do fósforo (32P) para as fôlhas novas. Entretanto, as relações entre os teores de alumínio nas fôlhas e os teores de fósforo nas fôlhas, hastes e raízes foram diferentes nas variedades estudadas.


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O presente trabalho apresenta os resultados obtidos sôbre um estudo de fracionamento do fósforo em oito amostras constituidas do horizonte Ap de solo latosólico roxo do Estado de São Paulo e do Paraná. Nessas amostras procederam-se as determinações do fósforo solúvel em água e fração fracamente ligada aos colóides, extraídos com solução de cloreto de amônio 0,5 N; fósforo ligado ao alumínio, extraido com solução 0,5 N de fluoreto de amônio com pH = 8,5; fósforo ligado ao ferro, extraído com solução 0,1 N de NaOH; fósforo ligado ao cálcio, extraido com solução 0,5 N de ácido sulfúrico; fósforo ocluido nas formas de fosfatos de ferro e de alumínio. Além disso foram determinados o fósforo orgânico e o fósforo total. Os dados obtidos evidenciaram que os solos estudados apresentaram uma quantidade razoável, 45,3 a 162,5 ppra, de fósforo ligado ao cálcio, o que é explicável tendo em vista o teor de cálcio trocável nas amostras, que variou de 7,71 a 19,40 e.mg por 100 g de solo, e o pH que variou de 6,30 a 7,50. 0 teor de fósforo ligado ao alumínio variou de 35,0 a 265,7 ppm de P; o de fósforo ligado ao ferro, de 74,2 a 144,9 ppm de P; e o de fósforo ocluido de 470,8 a 850,8 ppm de P. O teor de fósforo orgânico e o total variaram, respectivamente, de 347,2 a 511,0 e de 741,0 a 1493,0 ppm de P.


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Uma técnica de ataque de 250 ou 500 mg de amostras de solo, devidamente preparadas, com ácido perclórico e ácido fluorídrico é descrita. O resíduo do ataque com HClO4 e HF é tratado com 10 ml de solução de HC1 1,0 N e o volume é completado a 25 ou 50 ml, de acordo com o peso da amostra trabalhada, 250 ou 500 mg. As determinações executadas no extrato obtido com solução de HCl 1,0 N foram as seguintes: cobre, pelo método colorimétrico de dietilditiocarbamato; ferro, pelo método colori métrico da 1,10-fenantrolina; alumínio, pelo método colorimétrico do aluminon; manganês, pelo método colorimétrico do permanganato; e fósforo, pelo método colorimétrico do azul de molibdênio, empregando-se o acido ascorbico como redutor.