286 resultados para Filomena, Santa


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INTRODUCTION: Carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa (CRPA) has been isolated with increasing frequency in Brazilian hospitals. Since June 2003, its detection in a teaching hospital in the city of Florianópolis, Brazil, has increased. This study aimed to investigate the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC), presence of Metallo-β-lactamase (MβL) and a possible clonal relationship among the isolates. METHODS: The study included 29 CRPA and seven isolates with reduced susceptibility. The MIC was determined by agar-dilution. Detection of MβL was performed by Double Disk Sinergism (DDS) and Combined Disk (CD). The MβL gene was verified by PCR and nucleotide sequence analysis. Epidemiological typing was performed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. RESULTS: Among the 29 carbapenem-resistant isolates, polymyxin B presented 100% susceptibility and piperacillin/tazobactam 96.7%. Seventeen (62%) strains were verified as clonal (A clone) and among these, six isolates indicated phenotypically positive tests for MβL and harbored the blaSPM-1 gene. The first CRPA isolates were unrelated to clone A, harbored blaIMP-16 and were phenotypically positive only by CD. CONCLUSIONS: The spread of a high-level of resistance clone suggests cross transmission as an important dissemination mechanism and has contributed to the increased rate of resistance to carbapenems. This study emphasizes the need for continuous surveillance and improved strategies.


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INTRODUÇÃO: Neste estudo, objetivou-se caracterizar a prevalência e o perfil de suscetibilidade de cepas de Staphylococcus coagulase negatives resistentes à oxacilina isoladas de culturas de sangue, em um hospital escola, localizado na Cidade de Santa Maria. Além disso, buscou-se comparar ao teste genotípico de referência, diferentes metodologias fenotípicas para a caracterização da resistência mediada pelo gene mecA. MÉTODOS: Após identificação (MicroScan® - Siemens), os isolados foram submetidos a testes de sensibilidade antimicrobiana a partir da difusão do disco e automação (MicroScan® - Siemens). A presença do gene mecA foi evidenciada através da técnica molecular de reação em cadeia da polimerase. RESULTADOS: A espécie prevalente foi Staphylococcus epidermidis (67%). O gene mecA foi detectado em 90% das cepas e conforme análise dos perfis de sensibilidade, observou-se um índice elevado de resistência a várias classes de antimicrobianos. Contudo, todos os isolados mostraram-se uniformemente sensíveis à vancomicina e tigeciclina. O disco de cefoxitina foi a metodologia fenotípica que melhor correlacionou-se com o padrão ouro. CONCLUSÕES: A análise da significância clínica de SCN isolados de hemoculturas e a detecção precisa da resistência à oxacilina representam fatores decisivos para a instituição correta da antibioticoterapia. Apesar da vancomicina constituir o tratamento usual na maioria dos hospitais brasileiros, tem a redução de seu emprego recomendada.


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INTRODUÇÃO: O aumento no número de casos de leishmaniose tegumentar americana no ano de 2005 foi em decorrência do surto ocorrido nos Municípios de Itapema e Balneário Camboriú. O presente trabalho teve como objetivos determinar a possível presença de infecção por Leishmania sp em cães domésticos residentes em foco endêmico para LTA, no Município de Balneário Camboriú e verificar a existência de correlação entre a resposta imune humoral e celular, presença de lesões sugestivas e positividade no exame parasitológico direto. MÉTODOS: Foram cadastrados 275 animais, os quais foram examinados segundo seus aspectos clínicos, desenvolvimento de hipersensibilidade tardia ao antígeno Immunoleish® e respostas sorológicas à reação de imunofluorescência indireta e ao ensaio imunoenzimático. RESULTADOS: Sete animais apresentaram lesões suspeitas, porém não foram encontradas Leishmanias pelo método parasitológico direto. O resultado da sorologia foi de 5,8% de positividade com a RIFI, 6,2% com o ELISA e 1,8% com a prova intradérmica. Somando os cães positivos pelos exames sorológicos e/ou pela prova intradérmica obteve-se um total de 24 positivos, imunoprevalência de 8,7% para LTA. CONCLUSÕES: Há necessidade de mais estudos para avaliar a participação dos cães na cadeia epidemiológica da LTA no Município de Balneário Camboriú.


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INTRODUÇÃO: O presente estudo buscou identificar os efeitos adversos e o efeito protetor da vacina contra influenza, em idosos acima de 60 anos, aplicada pela rede pública no município de Tubarão, Santa Catarina. MÉTODOS: Foi realizada uma coorte prospectiva de pacientes durante o período de maio a setembro de 2008. Foram recrutados 341 idosos, sendo 289 vacinados na rede pública (VSUS) e 52 não vacinados (NV). A incidência do efeito protetor foi verificada através da comparação dos grupos VSUS com os NV. RESULTADOS: Um percentual de 22,5% de pacientes apresentou pelo menos um efeito adverso. Comparando o grupo VSUS e NV quanto à incidência de sintomas gripais durante o inverno, a presença de pelo menos um sintoma foi verificada em 47% e 28,8% (RR = 1,11; 1,02-1,22; p = 0,0156), respectivamente. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados apontam uma baixa incidência de efeitos adversos. A maior incidência de sintomas gripais no grupo VSUS comparado ao NV pode estar relacionado às características da população que costuma fazer a vacina contra influenza.


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INTRODUÇÃO: A hanseníase é uma das doenças mais antigas da humanidade e persiste como problema de saúde pública. O Brasil ocupa o primeiro lugar na incidência e o segundo na prevalência mundial, e nas Américas representa 93% dos casos, conforme dados da Organização Mundial de Saúde de 2008. O objetivo deste estudo é conhecer o perfil dos pacientes com hanseníase nos municípios da Associação dos Municípios da Região Carbonífera (AMREC), no período de 01/01/2001 a 31/12/2007. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo transversal e retrospectivo realizado na região da AMREC em Santa Catarina, Brasil. A amostra foi do tipo censitária, em que todos os pacientes notificados foram analisados. RESULTADOS: A população foi de 54 pacientes: 57,4% do sexo feminino e 42,6% do sexo masculino. A faixa etária prevalente foi de 30 a 39 anos (31,5%), a raça branca representou 79,6%. A ocupação foi ignorada em 51 casos, e a baciloscopia em 98%. As formas tuberculóide e virchoviana apresentaram frequência de 27,8% cada e na classificação operacional 50% eram multibacilares. O coeficiente de detecção das cidades variou de baixo a muito alto. CONCLUSÕES: Na análise não há predomínio de multi ou paucibacilares, nem de uma forma clinica específica, contudo sabemos que o diagnóstico está ocorrendo tardiamente pela menor porcentagem de casos indeterminados e com predomínio do sexo feminino. Soma-se a isso o fato de haver escassez dos dados nas fichas de notificação, o que impossibilita-nos de mostrar a realidade da população estudada.


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INTRODUCTION: Human serofrequency of antibodies against Taenia solium antigens was determined and risk factors for cysticercosis transmission were identified. METHODS: Individuals (n=878) from periurban and rural locations of Lages, SC, were interviewed to gather demographic, sanitary and health information. Interviews and blood sample collections by finger prick on Whatman filter paper were performed from August 2004 to May 2005. Observation determined that 850 samples were suitable for analysis and were tested by ELISA using vesicular fluid of Taenia crassiceps heterologous antigen. To ensure the reliability of the results, 77 samples of the dried blood were matched with sera. The reactive samples were submitted to a serum confirmatory immunoblot (IB) test using purified Taenia crassiceps glycoproteins. RESULTS: The ELISA results for the dried blood and serum samples were statistically consistent. ELISA was positive in 186 (21.9%) out of 850 individuals. A group of 213 individuals were asked to collect vein blood for IB (186 with positive result in ELISA and 27 with inappropriate whole blood samples) and 130 attended the request. The IB was positive in 29 (3.4%) out of 850 individuals. A significant correlation (p = 0.0364) was determined among individuals who tested positive in the IB assay who practiced both pig rearing and kitchen gardening. CONCLUSIONS: ELISA with dried blood eluted from filter paper was suitable for cysticercosis population surveys. In Lages, human infection was associated with pig rearing and kitchen gardening. The prevalence index was compatible with other Latin American endemic areas.


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INTRODUCTION: Vaccination is the main tool for preventing hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection; however, following the completion of the vaccination series, the concentrations of anti-HBs can decline over the years and reach levels less than 10mIU/mL. The persistence of protection in these individuals is still unknown. The present study aimed to determine the anti-HBs antibody levels among children and adolescents who had received a complete vaccination course for hepatitis B. METHODS: Antibodies against HBV surface antigen (anti-HBs) were tested in 371 individuals aged 10 to 15 years-old. RESULTS: Volunteers who showed undetectable quantities of anti-HBs accounted for 10.2% of the population studied and 39.9% presented antibody titers of less than 10mIU/mL. Anti-HBs > 10mIU/mL were verified in 49.9%. CONCLUSIONS: These results corroborate other studies indicating levels of anti-HBs below 10mIU/mL in vaccinated individuals. Additional studies are required to assess whether this indicates susceptibility to HBV infection and the need and age for booster doses.


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INTRODUCTION: Hepatitis B infection constitutes an important cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. In Brazil, however, the current epidemiological situation is not clear. Considering the importance of establishing this prevalence, the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of HBV markers in voluntary adolescents, junior high (secondary school) students, in the City of Itajaí, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil. METHODS: A seroepidemiological, transverse study was conducted with 353 randomly chosen adolescents from elementary school in 2008. Blood samples were analyzed for HBsAg, anti-HBc and anti-HBs. All analyses were conducted by automated microparticle enzyme immunosorbent assay (Abbott®, AxSYM system, Deerfield, IL, USA), according to the manufacturer's instructions. RESULTS: The prevalence of HBsAg was 0.6% (CI 95% 0.1 - 2.0), that of anti-HBc was 1.1% (CI 95% 0.3 - 2.9) and that of detectable anti-HBs was 83.6% (CI 95% 79.3 - 87.3). Hepatitis B vaccination coverage was 97.5% (CI 95% 95.2 - 98.8). CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate the success of the vaccination program against hepatitis B in the region studied and indicate that prevention strategies must be maintained and, if possible, expanded to contribute to the establishment of positive prevalence rates in all age groups.


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INTRODUCTION: Rodent-borne hantaviruses cause severe human diseases. We completed a serological survey of hantavirus infection in rural inhabitants of Turvo County, in the southern State of Santa Catarina, Brazil, in which seropositivity for hantavirus was correlated to previous disease in the participants. METHODS: The levels of IgG antibodies to hantavirus Araraquara in the sera of 257 individuals were determined using an immunoenzymatic assay. RESULTS: IgG antibodies to hantavirus were found in 2.3% of the participants. All seropositive participants reported previous disease with symptoms suggestive of hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome. CONCLUSIONS: Human infections causing unreported cardiopulmonary syndrome probably occur in the southern State of Santa Catarina.


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Introduction Knowledge of blood donor characteristics is essential to better guide clinical and serological screening for hemotherapy. The objective of this study was to determine the syphilis seroprevalence and the associated factors of blood donors in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Methods This population-based study from the State of Santa Catarina used information obtained from blood donation records. We analyzed 83,396 blood donor records generated from donors who were considered eligible to donate between January and August 2010. The aim of the study was to estimate the syphilis seroprevalence and its relationship with educational level, age, gender, geographical region and having donated blood in the past 12 months. We used descriptive analyses and a Poisson regression to calculate the prevalence ratios for the variables of interest. Results We found a 0.14% overall seroprevalence and significant differences among the following: first-time blood donors (0.19%) versus repeat donors (0.03% to 0.08%); low educational levels (0.30%) versus medium and high educational levels (0.08% to 0.19%); and donors who did not report their residence (0.88%) or age (6.94%) versus those who did. Increased syphilis seroprevalence was also significantly associated with increased age. Conclusion High syphilis seroprevalence was associated with lower educational level, age, first-time donation and the failure to provide age or residence information.


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Introduction This research aimed to identify and quantify potentially pathogenic Vibrio from different cultivations of bivalve shellfish in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil, and water regions in the South Bay, as well as correlate the incidence of these microorganisms with the physicochemical parameters of marine waters. Methods Between October 2008 and March 2009, 60 oyster and seawater samples were collected from six regions of bivalve mollusk cultivation, and these samples were submitted for Vibrio counts. Results Twenty-nine (48.3%) oyster samples were revealed to be contaminated with one or more Vibrio species. The Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio vulnificus counts in the samples ranged from < 0.5 log10 Most Probable Number (MPN) g–1 to 2.3 log10 MPN g–1 oyster and from < 0.5 log10 MPN g–1 to 2.1 log10 MPN g–1 oyster, respectively. Of the 60 seawater samples analyzed, 44 (73.3%) showed signs of contamination with one or more vibrio species. The counts of V. parahaemolyticus and V. vulnificus in the samples ranged from < 0.3 log10 MPN·100mL–1 to 1.7 log10MPN·100mL–1 seawater and from < 0.3 log10 MPN·100mL–1 to 2.0 log10 MPN·100mL–1 seawater, respectively. A positive correlation between V. vulnificus counts and the seawater temperature as well as a negative correlation between the V. parahaemolyticus counts and salinity were observed. Conclusions The results suggest the need to implement strategies to prevent vibrio diseases from being transmitted by the consumption of contaminated bivalve shellfish.


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Introduction The aim of this study was to estimate the incidence of tuberculous meningitis in the State of Santa Catarina (SC), Brazil, during the period from 2001 to 2010. Methods Ecological, temporal, and descriptive methods were employed using data obtained from the Information System on Disease Notification (Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação). Results One hundred sixteen reported cases of tuberculous meningitis occurred from 2001 to 2010, corresponding to 1.2% (0.2 cases/100,000 inhabitants) of all meningitis cases reported in SC. There was a predominance of new cases in males, corresponding to 56.9% of new cases (0.2 cases/100,000 inhabitants; males vs. females; p=0.374), in patients aged 20-39 years, corresponding to 52.6% of new cases (0.5 cases/100,000 inhabitants; 20-39 years versus others; p<0.001), and in urban areas, corresponding to 91.4% of new cases (0.2 cases/100,000 inhabitants; urban vs. rural; p=0.003). In 48.3% of cases, the outcome was death. Conclusions The incidence rate of tuberculous meningitis in SC has increased within the last decade, with the most affected population comprising young adult white males with an average education. Thus, tuberculous meningitis remains a serious disease, emphasizing the need for disease prevention with vaccination campaigns against tuberculosis, the development of faster and more accurate diagnostic methods, and the use of current epidemiological knowledge regarding the disease to facilitate the establishment of early treatment.


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Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Carbapenems are the therapy of choice for treating severe infections caused by the Acinetobacter calcoaceticus-Acinetobacter baumannii complex. We aimed to assess the prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility profiles of producers of distinct oxacillinases among nosocomial isolates of the A. calcoaceticus-A. baumannii complex in a 249-bed general hospital located in Joinville, Southern Brazil. METHODS: Of the 139 A. baumannii clinical isolates with reduced susceptibility to carbapenems between 2010 and 2013, 118 isolates from varying anatomical sites and hospital sectors were selected for genotypic analysis. Five families of genes encoding oxacillinases, namely blaOXA-23-like, blaOXA-24-like, blaOXA-51-like, blaOXA-58-like, and blaOXA-143-like, wereinvestigated by multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR). RESULTS: Most (87.3%) isolates simultaneously carried the blaOXA-23-likeand blaOXA-51-likegenes, whereas three (2.5%) isolates harbored only blaOXA-51-likeones. The circulation of carbapenem-resistant isolates increased during the study period: from none in 2010, to 22 in 2011, 64 in 2012, and 53 in 2013. CONCLUSIONS: Isolates carrying the blaOXA-23-likeand blaOXA-51-likegenes were widely distributed in the hospital investigated. Because of the worsening scenario, the implementation of preventive measures and effective barriers is needed.


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The Santa Tenesinha region in northeaster Mato Grosso has a varied vegetation which is principally hammock pantanal. The flat clayey alluvial ground between the hummocks is coveted with a continuous non-cerrado ground cover dominated by grasses but which harbors sedges and a lange herb flora. No woody plants grow in it. The tops of the 10-20m wide, slightly elliptical hummocks, 1.5-2 m high, 10-40 per hectare, are covered with cerrado plants: herbs, semlshrubs, thin- and thick-stemmed shrubs and low trees. For 4-5 months during the latter part of the rainy season, the regional water table rises to the surface and the ground between the hummocks becomes saturated or floods up to 1.5-2 m deep. The tops of the hummocks almost always remain above high water level. In the dry season the surface soil dries out completely. This alternation of saturation or shallow flooding and dryness, prevents woody plant, growth between the hummocks, and except for a few tolerant species, also prevents woody plant. growth on the lower part of the hummochs. The gallery forests in the pantanal are seasonally flooded more deeply but their soil does not dry out so thonoughly in the dry season so woody plant growth is not prevented.