256 resultados para Experimental Transmission
OBJETIVO: Para evaluar la infección y obtener el estado adulto del cestodos, se buscó reproducir la equinococosis en perros a partir de quiste hidatídico de origen porcino. MÉTODOS: Se formaron 2 grupos, uno de 5 y otro de 3 perros, a cada animal del grupo experimental se le dió 2 g de membrana germinativa de quíste hidatídico fértil por vía oral, el segundo grupo fue testigo. Ambos grupos fueron evaluados clínica, serológica y parasitológicamente, en el grupo experimental se sacrificó un animal el día 35 de la infección y los siguientes cada 5 dias hasta el 55, en el segundo grupo todos se sacrificaron el día 55. Se observaron huevos del cestodos en heces a partir del dia 51 postinfección. La evaluación morfológica se realizó mediante observación microscópica del raspado de mucosa intestinal. RESULTADOS: De 50 cestodos analizados, 10 de cada uno de los perros infectados, 49 (98%) presentaron 3 proglótidos y 1 (2%) tenía 4; 18 (36%) de los cestodos presentaban un proglótido grávido. La longitud de los estróbilos varió de 1,6 a 2,6 mm. El número promedio de los ganchos largos y cortos fue de 31 y 34 respectivamente. La longitud de los ganchos largos varió entre 0,081 y 0,09 mm, los ganchos cortos fluctuaron entre 0,034 y 0,041 mm. En los perros evaluados clínicamente, el número de leucocitos y la cantidad de proteínas plasmáticas fue significativamente mayor en el grupo testigo (P < 0,05); la cantidad de alfa globulinas fue mayor en el grupo infectado (P < 0,05). CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados permiten confirmar el ciclo perro-cerdo y una infección subclínica en los huéspedes definitivos, lo que dificulta su diagnóstico y control en una especie intimamente relacionada con el hombre.
OBJECTIVE: To show how a mathematical model can be used to describe and to understand the malaria transmission. METHODS: The effects on malaria transmission due to the impact of the global temperature changes and prevailing social and economic conditions in a community were assessed based on a previously presented compartmental model, which describes the overall transmission of malaria. RESULTS/CONCLUSIONS: The assessments were made from the scenarios produced by the model both in steady state and dynamic analyses. Depending on the risk level of malaria, the effects on malaria transmission can be predicted by the temperature ambient or local social and-economic conditions.
OBJECTIVE: Describe the overall transmission of malaria through a compartmental model, considering the human host and mosquito vector. METHODS: A mathematical model was developed based on the following parameters: human host immunity, assuming the existence of acquired immunity and immunological memory, which boosts the protective response upon reinfection; mosquito vector, taking into account that the average period of development from egg to adult mosquito and the extrinsic incubation period of parasites (transformation of infected but non-infectious mosquitoes into infectious mosquitoes) are dependent on the ambient temperature. RESULTS: The steady state equilibrium values obtained with the model allowed the calculation of the basic reproduction ratio in terms of the model's parameters. CONCLUSIONS: The model allowed the calculation of the basic reproduction ratio, one of the most important epidemiological variables.
OBJECTIVE: It is an accepted fact that confinement conditions increase the risk of some infections related to sexual and/or injecting drugs practices. Mathematical techniques were applied to estimate time-dependent incidence densities of HIV infection among inmates. METHODS: A total of 631 prisoners from a Brazilian prison with 4,900 inmates at that time were interviewed and their blood drawn. Risky behavior for HIV infection was analyzed, and serological tests for HIV, hepatitis C and syphilis were performed, intended as surrogates for parenteral and sexual HIV transmission, respectively. Mathematical techniques were used to estimate the incidence density ratio, as related to the time of imprisonment. RESULTS: Prevalence were: HIV -- 16%; HCV -- 34%; and syphilis -- 18%. The main risk behaviors related to HIV infection were HCV prevalence (OR=10.49) and the acknowledged use of injecting drugs (OR=3.36). Incidence density ratio derivation showed that the risk of acquiring HIV infection increases with the time of imprisonment, peaking around three years after incarceration. CONCLUSIONS: The correlation between HIV and HCV seroprevalence and the results of the mathematical analysis suggest that HIV transmission in this population is predominantly due to parenteral exposure by injecting drug, and that it increases with time of imprisonment.
OBJECTIVE: Sensitivity analysis was applied to a mathematical model describing malaria transmission relating global warming and local socioeconomic conditions. METHODS: A previous compartment model was proposed to describe the overall transmission of malaria. This model was built up on several parameters and the prevalence of malaria in a community was characterized by the values assigned to them. To assess the control efforts, the model parameters can vary on broad intervals. RESULTS: By performing the sensitivity analysis on equilibrium points, which represent the level of malaria infection in a community, the different possible scenarios are obtained when the parameters are changed. CONCLUSIONS: Depending on malaria risk, the efforts to control its transmission can be guided by a subset of parameters used in the mathematical model.
Infecção experimental pelo Encephalitozoon cuniculi em camundongos imunossuprimidos com dexametasona
OBJETIVO: O microsporídio Encephalitozoon cuniculi tem sido reconhecido como um patógeno oportunista em indivíduos imunossuprimidos, tais como pacientes com Aids. O objetivo do trabalho foi desenvolver animais farmacologicamente imunossuprimidos como modelo da infecção natural pelo E. cuniculi. MÉTODOS: Foram usados grupos distintos de camundongos Balb-C adultos, imunossuprimidos com diferentes doses de dexametasona (Dx, 3 ou 5 mg/kg/dia por via intraperitoneal ¾ IP) e inoculados com esporos de E. cuniculi por via IP. Também foram usados grupos controle (animais inoculados, mas nãoimunossuprimidos, e animais imunossuprimidos, mas não inoculados). Os esporos de E. cuniculi foram previamente cultivados em células MDCK. Os animais foram sacrificados e submetidos à necropsia aos 7, 14, 21, 28 e 35 dias pós-inoculação. Fragmentos teciduais foram coletados e processados para análise por microscopia de luz, utilizando-se as técnicas de coloração de Gram -chromotrope e de hematoxilina-eosina. RESULTADOS: Em todos os animais imunossuprimidos e inoculados, porém especialmente naqueles que receberam 5 mg/kg/dia de Dx, os achados de necropsia mais proeminentes foram hepato e esplenomegalia. A inoculação experimental resultou em uma infecção disseminada e não-letal, caracterizada por lesões granulomatosas em diversos órgãos (fígado, pulmões, rins, intestino, encéfalo), porém mais notadamente no tecido hepático. Esporos de E. cuniculi foram observados em poucos animais tratados com 5 mg/kg/dia de Dx aos 35 dias pós-infecção. CONCLUSÕES: Microsporidiose em camundongos imunossuprimidos com Dx fornece um modelo útil para estudos da infecção por microsporídios, assemelhando-se àquela naturalmente observada em indivíduos imunodeficientes com Aids.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito da administração intramuscular de artemether a camundongos infectados experimentalmente por Schistosoma mansoni no momento da infecção, durante a maturação dos esquistossômulos e após iniciada a oviposição. MÉTODOS: Oitenta camundongos Balb/c, fêmeas adultas, foram divididos em oito grupos com 10 animais cada. Sete grupos foram infectados por S. mansoni empregando-se 60 cercárias para cada animal, inoculadas por via subcutânea; o grupo restante foi mantido sem infecção. Entre os sete grupos infectados, seis foram tratados com artemether, segundo o seguinte esquema: três grupos receberam dose correspondente a 100 mg/kg no dia 0, 20 ou 60 após inoculação das cercárias; os demais receberam 50 mg/kg de artemether, no mesmo período que os lotes anteriores. Da 9ª, 10ª e 11ª semanas após infecção os camundongos infectados por S. mansoni foram submetidos a exames de fezes pela técnica de Kato-Katz. No 80º dia do experimento, os animais sobreviventes foram sacrificados e submetidos à perfusão do sistema porta para recuperação de vermes. Determinaram-se, nessa ocasião, os pesos corporal, hepático e esplênico de cada animal. RESULTADOS: Observou-se queda na oviposição e no número de vermes recuperados entre os camundongos tratados com artemether (50 ou 100 mg/kg) no 20º dia após infecção. A diminuição do número de vermes foi mais expressiva no caso de fêmeas de S. mansoni. Verificou-se, ainda, diminuição significativa nos pesos hepático e esplênico entre os animais tratados com 50 e 100 mg/kg de artemether no 20º dia e também entre os que receberam a droga na dose de 50 mg/kg 60 dias após infecção. CONCLUSÕES: Ficou evidenciada a atividade anti-Schistosoma do artemether, mesmo ao se empregar dose correspondente a 50 mg/kg, quando a droga foi administrada durante o período de maturação dos esquistossômulos no sistema porta do hospedeiro vertebrado.
OBJECTIVE: To study the risk of Trypanosoma cruzi domestic transmission using an entomological index and to explore its relationship with household's characteristics and cultural aspects. METHODS: There were studied 158 households in an endemic area in Argentina. Each household was classified according to an entomological risk indicator (number of risky bites/human). A questionnaire was administered to evaluate risk factors among householders. RESULTS: Infested households showed a wide range of risk values (0 to 5 risky bites/human) with skewed distribution, a high frequency of lower values and few very high risk households. Of all collected Triatoma infestans, 44% had had human blood meals whereas 27% had had dogs or chickens blood meals. Having dogs and birds sharing room with humans increased the risk values. Tidy clean households had contributed significantly to lower risk values as a result of low vector density. The infested households showed a 24.3% correlation between time after insecticide application and the number of vectors. But there was no correlation between the time after insecticide application and T. infestans' infectivity. The statistical analysis showed a high correlation between current values of the entomological risk indicator and Trypanosoma cruzi seroprevalence in children. CONCLUSIONS: The risk of T. cruzi domestic transmission assessed using an entomological index show a correlation with children seroprevalence for Chagas' disease and householders' habits.
OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of missed opportunities for congenital syphilis and HIV prevention in pregnant women who had access to prenatal care and to assess factors associated to non-testing of these infections. METHODS: Cross-sectional study comprising a randomly selected sample of 2,145 puerperal women who were admitted in maternity hospitals for delivery or curettage and had attended at least one prenatal care visit, in Brazil between 1999 and 2000. No syphilis and/or anti-HIV testing during pregnancy was a marker for missed prevention opportunity. Women who were not tested for either or both were compared to those who had at least one syphilis and one anti-HIV testing performed during pregnancy (reference category). The prevalence of missed prevention opportunity was estimated for each category with 95% confidence intervals. Factors independently associated with missed prevention opportunity were assessed through multinomial logistic regression. RESULTS: The prevalence of missed prevention opportunity for syphilis or anti-HIV was 41.2% and 56.0%, respectively. The multivariate analysis showed that race/skin color (non-white), schooling (<8 years), marital status (single), income (<3 monthly minimum wages), having sex during pregnancy, history of syphilis prior to the current pregnancy, number of prenatal care visits (<6), and last prenatal visit before the third trimester of gestation were associated with an increased risk of missed prevention opportunity. A negative association with missed prevention opportunity was found between marital status (single), prenatal care site (hospital) and first prenatal visit in the third trimester of gestation. CONCLUSIONS: High rates of non-tested women indicate failures in preventive and control actions for HIV infection and congenital syphilis. Pregnant women have been discontinuing prenatal care at an early stage and are failing to undergo prenatal screening for HIV and syphilis.
OBJECTIVE: To identify clustering areas of infants exposed to HIV during pregnancy and their association with indicators of primary care coverage and socioeconomic condition. METHODS: Ecological study where the unit of analysis was primary care coverage areas in the city of Porto Alegre, Southern Brazil, in 2003. Geographical Information System and spatial analysis tools were used to describe indicators of primary care coverage areas and socioeconomic condition, and estimate the prevalence of liveborn infants exposed to HIV during pregnancy and delivery. Data was obtained from Brazilian national databases. The association between different indicators was assessed using Spearman's nonparametric test. RESULTS: There was found an association between HIV infection and high birth rates (r=0.22, p<0.01) and lack of prenatal care (r=0.15, p<0.05). The highest HIV infection rates were seen in areas with poor socioeconomic conditions and difficult access to health services (r=0.28, p<0.01). The association found between higher rate of prenatal care among HIV-infected women and adequate immunization coverage (r=0.35, p<0.01) indicates that early detection of HIV infection is effective in those areas with better primary care services. CONCLUSIONS: Urban poverty is a strong determinant of mother-to-child HIV transmission but this trend can be fought with health surveillance at the primary care level.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the feasibility of HIV rapid testing for pregnant women at maternity hospital admission and of subsequent interventions to reduce perinatal HIV transmission. METHODS: Study based on a convenience sample of women unaware of their HIV serostatus when they were admitted to delivery in public maternity hospitals in Rio de Janeiro and Porto Alegre, Brazil, between March 2000 and April 2002. Women were counseled and tested using the Determine HIV1/2 Rapid Test. HIV infection was confirmed using the Brazilian algorithm for HIV infection diagnosis. In utero transmission of HIV was determined using HIV-DNA-PCR. There were performed descriptive analyses of sociodemographic data, number of previous pregnancies and abortions, number of prenatal care visits, timing of HIV testing, HIV rapid test result, neonatal and mother-to-child transmission interventions, by city studied. RESULTS: HIV prevalence in women was 6.5% (N=1,439) in Porto Alegre and 1.3% (N=3.778) in Rio de Janeiro. In Porto Alegre most of women were tested during labor (88.7%), while in Rio de Janeiro most were tested in the postpartum (67.5%). One hundred and forty-four infants were born to 143 HIV-infected women. All newborns but one in each city received at least prophylaxis with oral zidovudine. It was possible to completely avoid newborn exposure to breast milk in 96.8% and 51.1% of the cases in Porto Alegre and Rio de Janeiro, respectively. Injectable intravenous zidovudine was administered during labor to 68.8% and 27.7% newborns in Porto Alegre and Rio de Janeiro, respectively. Among those from whom blood samples were collected within 48 hours of birth, in utero transmission of HIV was confirmed in 4 cases in Rio de Janeiro (4/47) and 6 cases in Porto Alegre (6/79). CONCLUSIONS: The strategy proved feasible in maternity hospitals in Rio de Janeiro and Porto Alegre. Efforts must be taken to maximize HIV testing during labor. There is a need of strong social support to provide this population access to health care services after hospital discharge.
This study aimed to show, based on the literature on the subject, the potential for dispersal and establishment of the chikungunya virus in Brazil. The chikungunya virus, a Togaviridae member of the genusAlphavirus, reached the Americas in 2013 and, the following year, more than a million cases were reported. In Brazil, indigenous transmission was registered in Amapa and Bahia States, even during the period of low rainfall, exposing the whole country to the risk of virus spreading. Brazil is historically infested by Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus, also dengue vectors. Chikungunya may spread, and it is important to take measures to prevent the virus from becoming endemic in the country. Adequate care for patients with chikungunya fever requires training general practitioners, rheumatologists, nurses, and experts in laboratory diagnosis. Up to November 2014, more than 1,000 cases of the virus were reported in Brazil. There is a need for experimental studies in animal models to understand the dynamics of infection and the pathogenesis as well as to identify pathophysiological mechanisms that may contribute to identifying effective drugs against the virus. Clinical trials are needed to identify the causal relationship between the virus and serious injuries observed in different organs and joints. In the absence of vaccines or effective drugs against the virus, currently the only way to prevent the disease is vector control, which will also reduce the number of cases of dengue fever.
Foram estudados aspectos da infecção e da imunidade experimentais em um roedor o Mastomys natalensis inoculado com a cepa LE (Belo Horizonte) do Schistosoma mansoni, comparando os resultados com os do camundongo albino, animal tido como melhor modelo experimental. Os parâmetros estudados ofereceram resultados em tudo semelhantes aos encontrados em camundongos, com o M. natalensis se mostrando bastante sensível à infecção pelo S. mansoni, sendo de grande utilidade para os estudos da biologia do parasito e/ou observações da imu-nologia advinda da infecção. Somando-se a tal fato a grande reprodutividade do animal em cativeiro, a criação fácil, o manejo e a manutenção simples em laboratório, sugere-se que seja o M. natalensis usado como modelo experimental alternativo nos diversos estudos da esquistossomose mansoni.
C3H/He and C57B1/6 mice were inoculated with 500 Trypanosoma cruzi trypomastigotes (Strain Y). During the acute phase infected mice presented parasitemia and enlargement of lymph nodes and spleens and intracellular parasites were observed in the heart. Examinations of cells derived from spleen and lymph nodes showed increased numbers of IgM and IgG-bearing cells. During the peak of splenomegaly, about day 17 post-infections, splenic lymphocytes showed a marked decrease in responsiveness to T and B-cell mitogens, parasite antigens and plaque forming cells (PFC) to sheep red blood cells (SRBC). Unfractionated or plastic adherent splenic cells from mice, obtained during the acute phase were able to suppress the response to mitogens by lymphocytes from uninfected mice. During the chronic phase. Disappearance of parasitemia and intracellular parasites in the hearts as well as a decrease in spleen size, was observed. These changes preceded the complete recovery of responsiveness to mitogens and T. cruzi antigens by C57B1/6 splenic lymphocytes. However, this recovery was only partial in the C3H/He mice, known to be more sensitive to T. cruzi infection. Partial recovery of humoral immune response also occurred in both strains of mice during the chronic phase.
Roedores silvestres, classificados como Holochilus brasiliensis nanus Thomas,1897, foram capturados na cidade de São Bento, pertencente à Região da Baixada, do Estado do Maranhão, Brasil, naturalmente infectados com formas adultas de filaria, na cavidade peritoneal, e microfilárias sangüíneas, assim como, com esquistossoma mansoni (vermes adultos e granulomas peri-ovulares hepáticos; intestinais; pulmonares; esplênicos e pancreáticos). Animais nascidos em Biotério, descendentes de Holochilus da Região da Baixada, foram infectados experimentalmente com Leishmania m. amazonensis e Schistosoma mansoni. Em observações semanais, foram encontradas lesões teciduais, semelhantes às que se desenvolvem em hamsters infectados com Leishmania, e hipergamaglobulinemia. Nos esquistossomóticos, foram constatadas hipergamaglobulinemia e reações granulomatosas similares às encontradas nos animais infectados naturalmente. Foram observadas, também, lesões hepática graves, semelhantes às encontradas na esquistossomose humana. Estes achados sugerem a utilização do Holochilus b. nanus como modelo experimental destas três doenças tropicais.