173 resultados para Epidemiology and vector control
An Autonomous Mobile Robot battery driven, with two traction wheels and a steering wheel is being developed. This Robot central control is regulated by an IPC, which controls every function of security, steering, positioning localization and driving. Each traction wheel is operated by a DC motor with independent control system. This system is made up of a chopper, an encoder and a microcomputer. The IPC transmits the velocity values and acceleration ramp references to the PIC microcontrollers. As each traction wheel control is independent, it's possible to obtain different speed values for each wheel. This process facilities the direction and drive changes. Two different strategies for speed velocity control were implemented; one works with PID, and the other with fuzzy logic. There were no changes in circuits and feedback control, except for the PIC microcontroller software. Comparing the two different speed control strategies the results were equivalent. However, in relation to the development and implementation of these strategies, the difficulties were bigger to implement the PID control.
Many studies have demonstrated the beneficial influence of nitrogen doses on corn dry grain yield and green ear yield. Due to a growing concern with environmental degradation, many agricultural practices, adopted in the past, are being reexamined. With regard to weed control, strategies that employ mechanical control, including intercrops, are being the object of renewed interest. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of the application of nitrogen doses (0, 40, 80, and 120 kg N ha-1; as ammonium sulfate) and weed control on the growth, green ear yield, and grain yield of the AG 1051 corn cultivar. A randomized block experimental design with split-plots and nine replications was adopted. In addition to nitrogen rates, the AG 1051 cultivar was submitted to the following treatments, applied to subplots: no weeding, two hoeings (at 20 and 40 days after sowing), and intercropping with gliricídia (Gliricidia sepium). Gliricidia was sowed at corn planting, between the corn rows, using two seedlings per pit, in pits spaced 0.30 m apart. Gliricidia did not provide weed control, and gave plant growth, green ear yield and grain yield values similar to the no weeding treatment. However, regarding the number of mature ears got, intercropping with gliricidia did not differ from the two-hoeing treatment. Weed control did not have an effect on plant height and number of marketable, husked green ears, with the application of 120 kg N ha-1; indicating that nitrogen improved the corn's competitive ability. The two-hoeing treatment provided the best means for total green ears weight, number of marketable husked ears, both unhusked and husked marketable ear weight, grain yield and its components than the other treatments. Nitrogen application increased corn growth, green ear yield, and grain yield, as well as weed green biomass, but reduced the stand and growth of gliricidia.
Green sugarcane harvesting may promote great changes in the dynamics of herbicides in the environment. Our goal was to evaluate the influence of straw decomposition degree on leaching and weed (Ipomoea grandifolia) control efficacy by (14C) tebuthiuron and hexazinone. The presence of straw on the soil surface affected leaching, mainly for hexazinone (leaching reduced from 37 to 5% of the applied amount in the presence of straw). Overall, tebuthiuron showed more efficient control of Ipomoea than hexazinone. The straw decomposition degree affected only hexazinone efficacy that was lowest for the least decomposed straw. Further studies are needed to evaluate the effects of sugarcane straw on herbicides dissipation, particularly on volatilization and photolysis, to better predict their efficacy and environmental fate.
ABSTRACTThe raw sugarcane harvesting system has changed the dynamics of weed tillage for this crop, changing the predominant weed species and providing a barrier between the herbicide and the soil. Thus, this study has aimed to assess the influence of precipitation and sugarcane straw in the aminocyclopyrachlor and indaziflam herbicides control efficiency for the species Ipomoea trilobaand Euphorbia heterophylla. There were two trials, one for aminocyclopyrachlor and one for the indaziflam, both in the greenhouse at the campus of Faculdade Integrado in the Brazilian city of Campo Mourão, PR. Each experiment consisted of eight treatments with four replications. The treatments consisted of the combination of the presence of straw (10 t ha-1), capillary irrigation and rainfall simulation (20 mm). Assessments of control percentage of I.triloba and E.heterophylla were carried out, as well as the number of plants per pot. The aminocyclopyrachlor and indaziflam herbicides applied directly to the soil were efficient in controlling these species. The 20 mm rainfall simulation or daily irrigation on the straw are indispensable to promote the removal of aminocyclopyrachlor and indaziflam from the straw and provide satisfactory control of I.triloba and E.heterophylla.
The repetitive use of iodosulfuron for the control of weeds in winter cereals in the south of Brazil has favored the emergence of resistant Raphanus sativus biotypes. The objective of this study was to evaluate: the response of Raphanus sativus biotypes susceptible and resistant to different dosages of iodosulfuron; the control of biotypes with alternative registered herbicides for the control of the species in crops of wheat, corn and soybean; and the existence of cross-resistance of the biotypes. Thus, four experiments were done in a greenhouse, with a completely randomized design and four replicates. The experimental units were composed of vases with a volumetric capacity of 0.75 L filled with substrate, containing a plant each. For the dose-response curve, three biotypes (factor A) and nine doses of the iodosulfuron herbicide (factor B) were used. For the alternative control, the recommendation was herbicides in pre or postemergence of the crops, and the crossed-resistance was evaluated by using herbicides that inhibit the ALS enzyme of different chemical groups. The analyzed variables were control and shoot dry matter. GR50 of the susceptible biotype (B1) was 0.11 g a.i. ha-1, whereas GR50 of resistant biotypes (B4 and B13) was 102.9 and 86.8 g a.i. ha-1 of the iodosulfuron herbicide, respectively. The resistant biotypes presented crossed resistance to herbicides that inhibit the ALS enzyme, where the control can be efficient with the use of herbicides with different action mechanisms.
This review describes the ways in which the primary bradycardia and peripheral vasoconstriction evoked by selective stimulation of peripheral chemoreceptors can be modified by the secondary effects of a chemoreceptor-induced increase in ventilation. The evidence that strong stimulation of peripheral chemoreceptors can evoke the behavioural and cardiovascular components of the alerting or defence response which is characteristically evoked by novel or noxious stimuli is considered. The functional significance of all these influences in systemic hypoxia is then discussed with emphasis on the fact that these reflex changes can be overcome by the local effects of hypoxia: central neural hypoxia depresses ventilation, hypoxia acting on the heart causes bradycardia and local hypoxia of skeletal muscle and brain induces vasodilatation. Further, it is proposed that these local influences can become interdependent, so generating a positive feedback loop that may explain sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). It is also argued that a major contributor to these local influences is adenosine. The role of adenosine in determining the distribution of O2 in skeletal muscle microcirculation in hypoxia is discussed, together with its possible cellular mechanisms of action. Finally, evidence is presented that in chronic systemic hypoxia, the reflex vasoconstrictor influences of the sympathetic nervous system are reduced and/or the local dilator influences of hypoxia are enhanced. In vitro and in vivo findings suggest this is partly explained by upregulation of nitric oxide (NO) synthesis by the vascular endothelium which facilitates vasodilatation induced by adenosine and other NO-dependent dilators and attenuates noradrenaline-evoked vasoconstriction.
There is a close association between the location of angiotensin (Ang) receptors and many important brain nuclei involved in the regulation of the cardiovascular system. The present review encompasses the physiological role of Ang II in the brainstem, particularly in relation to its influence on baroreflex control of the heart and kidney. Activation of AT1 receptors in the brainstem by fourth ventricle (4V) administration to conscious rabbits or local administration of Ang II into the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) of anesthetized rabbits acutely increases renal sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA) and RSNA baroreflex responses. Administration of the Ang antagonist Sarile into the RVLM of anesthetized rabbits blocked the effects of Ang II on the RSNA baroreflex, indicating that the RVLM is the major site of sympathoexcitatory action of Ang II given into the cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the brainstem. However, in conscious animals, blockade of endogenous Ang receptors in the brainstem by the 4V AT1 receptor antagonist losartan resulted in sympathoexcitation, suggesting an overall greater activity of endogenous Ang II within the sympathoinhibitory pathways. However, the RSNA response to airjet stress in conscious rabbits was markedly attenuated. While we found no effect of acute central Ang on heart rate baroreflexes, chronic 4V infusion inhibited the baroreflex and chronic losartan increased baroreflex gain. Thus, brainstem Ang II acutely alters sympathetic responses to specific afferent inputs thus forming part of a potentially important mechanism for the integration of autonomic response patterns. The sympathoexcitatory AT1 receptors appear to be activated during stress, surgery and anesthesia.
This study aimed to verify the hygienic-sanitary working practices and to create and implement a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) in two lobster processing industries in Pernambuco State, Brazil. The industries studied process frozen whole lobsters, frozen whole cooked lobsters, and frozen lobster tails for exportation. The application of the hygienic-sanitary checklist in the industries analyzed achieved conformity rates over 96% to the aspects evaluated. The use of the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) plan resulted in the detection of two critical control points (CCPs) including the receiving and classification steps in the processing of frozen lobster and frozen lobster tails, and an additional critical control point (CCP) was detected during the cooking step of processing of the whole frozen cooked lobster. The proper implementation of the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) plan in the lobster processing industries studied proved to be the safest and most cost-effective method to monitor each critical control point (CCP) hazards.
Urban occurrence of human and canine visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is linked to households with characteristics conducive to the presence of sand flies. This study proposes an ad hoc classification of households according to the environmental characteristics of receptivity to phlebotominae and an entomological study to validate the proposal. Here we describe the phlebotominae population found in intra- and peridomiciliary environments and analyse the spatiotemporal distribution of the VL vector Lutzomyia longipalpis of households receptive to VL. In the region, 153 households were classified into levels of receptivity to VL followed by entomological surveys in 40 of those properties. Kruskal-Wallis verified the relationship between the households’ classification and sand fly abundance and Kernel analysis evaluated L. longipalpis spatial distribution: of the 740 sand flies were captured, 91% were L. longipalpis; 82% were found peridomiciliary whilst the remaining 18% were found intradomiciliary. No statistically significant association was found between sandflies and households levels. L. longipalpis counts were concentrated in areas of high vulnerability and some specific households were responsible for the persistence of the infestation. L. longipalpis prevails over other sand fly species for urban VL transmission. The entomological study may help target the surveillance and vector control strategies to domiciles initiating and/or maintaining VL outbreaks.
This article discusses dengue in terms of its conceptual and historical aspects, epidemiological and clinical/pathological nature, and evolution up to the present situation in Brazil. The author discusses the ecological relationship in both the production of dengue and its control. Comparison is made between traditional dengue-control programs and a proposed socially-controlled program of an ecological nature without the use of insecticides. Stress is placed on interdisciplinary technical and scientific activity, broadbased participation by communities in discussing methodological aspects involving them, and prospective evaluation comparing the communities selected for intervention and control communities with regard to clinical and subclinical dengue cases and vector infestation rates in relation to climatic, socio-economic, and behavioural factors.
Chagas disease, named after Carlos Chagas, who first described it in 1909, exists only on the American Continent. It is caused by a parasite, Trypanosoma cruzi, which is transmitted to humans by blood-sucking triatomine bugs and via blood transfusion. Chagas disease has two successive phases: acute and chronic. The acute phase lasts six-eight weeks. Several years after entering the chronic phase, 20-35% of infected individuals, depending on the geographical area, will develop irreversible lesions of the autonomous nervous system in the heart, oesophagus and colon, and of the peripheral nervous system. Data on the prevalence and distribution of Chagas disease improved in quality during the 1980s as a result of the demographically representative cross-sectional studies in countries where accurate information was not previously available. A group of experts met in Brasilia in 1979 and devised standard protocols to carry out countrywide prevalence studies on human T. cruzi infection and triatomine house infestation. Thanks to a coordinated multi-country programme in the Southern Cone countries, the transmission of Chagas disease by vectors and via blood transfusion was interrupted in Uruguay in 1997, in Chile in 1999 and in Brazil in 2006; thus, the incidence of new infections by T. cruzi across the South American continent has decreased by 70%. Similar multi-country initiatives have been launched in the Andean countries and in Central America and rapid progress has been reported towards the goal of interrupting the transmission of Chagas disease, as requested by a 1998 Resolution of the World Health Assembly. The cost-benefit analysis of investment in the vector control programme in Brazil indicates that there are savings of US$17 in medical care and disabilities for each dollar spent on prevention, showing that the programme is a health investment with very high return. Many well-known research institutions in Latin America were key elements of a worldwide network of laboratories that carried out basic and applied research supporting the planning and evaluation of national Chagas disease control programmes. The present article reviews the current epidemiological trends for Chagas disease in Latin America and the future challenges in terms of epidemiology, surveillance and health policy.
Three organophosphorus compounds- malathion, folithion and temephos- and two synthetic pyrethroids- alphamethrin and deltamethrin- were used for monitoring the susceptibility status of larvae and adults of six vector mosquitoe species: Culex quinquefasciatus (Filariasis) and Aedes albopictus (Dengue) (both laboratory and field strains); laboratory strains of Aedes aegypti (Dengue), Anopheles slephensi and Anopheles culicifacies (Malaria), and Culex tritaeniorhynchus (Japanese encephalitis) in India. From the LC50 values obtained for these insecticides, it was found that all mosquito species including the field strains of Cx. quinquefasciatus and Ae. albopictus were highly susceptible Except for Cx. quinquefasciatus (field strain) against malathion, 100% mortality was observed at the discriminating dosages recommended by World Health Organization. The residual effect of alphamethrin, deltamethrin, malathion and folithion at 25 mg (ai)/m² on different surfaces against six species of vector mosquitoes showed that alphamethrin was the most effective on all four treated surfaces (mud, plywood, cement and thatch). Nevertheless, residual efficacy lasted longer on thatch than on the other surfaces. Therefore, synthetic pyrethroids such as alphamethrin can be effectively employed in integrated vector control operations.
Epidemiological surveillance activities were implemented in 1980 in Mambaí and Buritinópolis counties, Goiás State. Twenty years later the authors evaluated the impact of these vector control measures on Chagas' disease transmission, based on entomological indicators. Entomological investigation was conducted using the man-hour technique and covering all domiciles. In order to study vector food sources the stomach contents of triatomines were analyzed using the modified precipitins technique. Triatomines were shown to be present in 48 (71.6%) of the 67 locations. Peridomiciliary infestation rates in Mambaí and Buritinópolis were 8.7% and 12.1%, respectively, while intradomiciliary rates were 0.7% and 1.2%. Triatoma sordida was the species identified in 97.3% of all captured specimens. It was also the only species found to be naturally infected with Trypanosoma cruzi. Birds were the most frequent food source (45%) for Triatoma sordida. The most significant result was the complete absence of Triatoma infestans in the two counties.
Chagas disease was an important medical and social problem in almost all of Latin America throughout the twentieth century. It has been combated over a broad swath of this continent over recent decades, with very satisfactory results in terms of vector and transfusional transmission. Today, a surveillance stage still remains to be consolidated, in parallel with appropriate care required for some millions of infected individuals who are today living in endemic and non-endemic areas. Contradictorily, the good results attained have generated excessive optimism and even disregard among health authorities, in relation to this disease and its control. The loss of visibility and priority may be a logical consequence, particularly in Latin American healthcare systems that are still disorganized and overburdened due to insufficiencies of financial and human resources. Consolidation of the victories against Chagas disease is attainable but depends on political will and continual attention from the most consequential protagonists in this struggle, especially the Latin American scientific community.
From 1977 (index case) to 2006, 87 cases of visceral leishmaniasis were confirmed in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in periurban areas on the continental and coastal slopes of the Pedra Branca massif and the continental slopes of the Gericinó massif. The majority (65.5%) of the patients were more than five years old, predominantly males (61.5%), but without any difference between the sexes below the age of 14 years. The overall fatality rate was 10.4%. Two cases of visceral leishmaniasis/human immunodeficiency virus coinfection were detected. Leishmania chagasi was isolated from human and canine cases. The associations between the presence of phlebotomines and human and canine migrations, disorderly occupation involving degradation of environmental preservation areas and poor socioeconomic conditions may have created a favorable setting for the establishment and propagation of the disease. Close epidemiological surveillance associated with traditional control measures and others (active case researches, land clearing and health education), reduced the incidence of human cases from 2.8 per 100,000 inhabitants in 1981 to less than 0.01 per 100,000 since 1997. The canine infection rates decreased from 4.6% in 1984 to 1.6% in 2008. Lutzomyia longipalpis was not detected in some locations where human and canine cases occurred. In the years 2007 and 2008, no new human cases were reported, but there is a persistent and worrisome residual canine seroprevalence.