117 resultados para Dispositivo de proteção para motociclistas
New methodologies for protection of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (FP) cells when supported in montmorillonite K10 (K10), recovered or not with gelatin (G) and in the presence or absence of sucrose (S) are presented. These systems were used for the enantioselective reduction of ethyl acetoacetate and a-chloroacetophenone in hexane, under FP/K10/G/S and FP/S at 20ºC during 24 hours, affording S-(+)-ethyl-3-hydroxybutanoate in 100% conversion and 99% ee, and R-(-)-2-chloro-1-phenylethanol 79% and 78% ee at 20 and 30 ºC, respectivelly.
A simple and low cost device (ca. US$ 150) that comprises two photodiodes fixed in lab-made Perspex flow cell is proposed for chemiluminescence measurements. The characteristics of the device (large observation window and reduced thickness) allow maximizing the amount of the emitted radiation detected. A sensitivity improvement of ca. 50 % was observed by employing two photodiodes for signal measurements. The performance of the device was assessed by the oxidation of luminol by hydrogen peroxide, yielding a linear response within the range of 2.50 to 500 µmol L-1 H2O2. The detection limit was estimated as 0.8 µmol L-1 hydrogen peroxide which is comparable with those obtained by using equipments based on photomultipliers.
This paper describes the drawing, construction and optimization of a device, which can be used to obtain single crystals of different metallic materials with melting point from 550 to 1050 ºC. Components of ease obtaining and of low cost were used. The device was based on the modified Bridgman technique and it was used to obtain single crystals of copper-based alloys. The temperature axial profiles and a difference less then 1% in the temperature between the wall and the center of the ceramic tube in the critical region for obtaining single crystals of good quality indicated that the oven presents a good thermal stability. Single crystals of CuZnAl and CuAlAg alloys of good quality were growth and characterized using optical microscopy and Laüe X-ray back reflection.
In this paper a water quality index is developed to subsidize management actions in the Atibaia River for upon protection of aquatic organisms. This index is composed of two measurable environmental parameters normaly, ammonia and dissolved oxygen, the latter representing the contribution of organic matter. Concentrations of these two variables were normalized on a scale from 0 to 100 and translated into statements of quality (excellent, good, regular, bad and very bad). The index was applied to three monitoring points in the Atibaia River and compared to other indices used by the State of São Paulo Environmental Agency (CETESB). The results showed that the degradation in this watershed follows the urban population density. The developed index is more restricted than the other ones routinely used to infer water quality.
Fundamental aspects of the conception and applications of ecomaterials, in particular porous materials in the perspective of green chemistry are discussed in this paper. General recommendations for description and classification of porous materials are reviewed briefly. By way of illustration, some case studies of materials design and applications in pollution detection and remediation are described. It is shown here how different materials developed by our groups, such as porous glasses, ecomaterials from biomass and anionic clays were programmed to perform specific functions. A discussion of the present and future of ecomaterials in green chemistry is presented along with important key goals.
This paper presents the alkaline battery (MnO2/Zn) as a useful device in the teaching of chemistry. The preparation of the battery, the materials used in the preparation of the MnO2 electrode, the mechanism of energy storage and the parameters often used in the understanding of general batteries are discussed in detail. In addition, a schedule and a questionnaire that can be applied in an experimental class have been developed, which allow the assembly of an alkaline battery, its discharge using a galvanostatic or a load-resistance procedure, and the elaboration of a report based on the main text. This experimental class has been offered in the chemistry course of FFCLRP.
In order to ascertain the impact of agricultural activities on water quality of the Ribeira de Iguape River Basin in the state of São Paulo, surface water areas for catchment and drinking water have been characterized. The sampling period covered March/2002 - February/2003 and January/2004 at 10 different catchment points. SPE-LC-UV/Vis was used to monitor various pesticide classes such as carbamates, triazines and nitroanilines. The results revealed that water quality is associated with seasonal variation. Of 152 samples analyzed, only 24% showed the presence of pesticides, particulary during the wet season. High variability in pH, turbidity and color were observed.
The present work provides an overview of patent protection for second medical use of known chemical compounds, in Brazil and other countries, through the approach of the main controversies related to this theme. That issues encompass aspects related to the legality of the protection granted by the patent, the general requirements of patenteability, the ethic and social concepts and the politic and economic factors involved. This work also introduces the diverging views of the two Brazilian government agencies involved in the procedure for granting patent in the pharmaceutical area, INPI and ANVISA.
The goal of this work was to develop a homemade device to desalinate brackish water, using biological material like seeds from different plant species of the semi arid regions. Umbu seeds (Spondias tuberosa Arruda Câmara) were found to be the most appropriate material, removing a higher quantity of salt from the water compared to the other tested materials. The salt content in 1 L of brackish water typical of the region can be removed with only 1 g of the material, if the water is heated to 50 °C and it may also lower the water hardness, achieving drinking water standards.
An Nb2O|Cu corrosion-resistant coating was developed and applied onto AISI 1020 steel substrate by Powder Flame Spray. A galvanostatic electrochemical technique was employed, with and without ohmic drop, in four different soils (two corrosively aggressive and two less aggressive). Behavior of coatings in different soils was compared using a cathodic hydrogen reduction reaction (equilibrium potential, overvoltage and exchange current density) focusing on the effect of ohmic drop. Results allow recommendation of Nb2O5|Cu composite for use in buried structure protection.
Brazilian universities and research institutions still fail to protect the knowledge and technology produced by their community of students, staff and professors while Intellectual Property (IP) issues along with the role of patents and their strategic management in educational and research institutions remain taboo or misunderstood. The focus of this work was to demystify these subjects, including IP, patents and their requirements, the decision to patent as well as tips for successful patenting. Any student, professor or researcher of an educational or research institution can invent and protect their technology. This paper shows how to make such a patent application.
This paper describes the use of the open source hardware platform, denominated "Arduino", for controlling solenoid valves for solutions handling in flow analysis systems. System assessment was carried out by spectrophotometric determination of iron (II) in natural water. The sampling rate was estimated as 45 determinations per hour and the coefficient of variation was lower than 3%. Per determination, 208 µg of 1-10-phenanthroline and ascorbic acid were consumed, generating 1.3 mL of waste. "Arduino" proved a reliable microcontroller with low cost and simple interfacing, allowing USB communication for solenoid device switching in flow systems.
In this work, a novel device based on polyacrylamide (PAAm) hydrogels and KL - DeOH - H2O lyotropic liquid crystal (LLC), with potential for application as Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystals (PDLC), was proposed and its properties characterized. The confinement of LLC promoted significant changes in spectroscopic, morphological, optical, hydrophilic, structural and mechanical properties due to the interaction between the LLC-PAAm matrix and entropic parameter changes. The mechanical and structural properties can be controlled by adjusting AAm, temperature and presence of LLC, which can be useful for technological applications of these systems in optical devices.
The filling of capillaries via the sol-gel process is growing. Therefore, this technical note focuses on disseminating knowledge acquired in the Group of Analytical Chemistry and Chemometrics over seven years working with monolithic stationary phase preparation in fused silica capillaries. We believe that the detailed information presented in this technical note concerning the construction of an alternative high pressurization device, used to fill capillary columns via the sol-gel process, which has promising potential for applications involving capillary electrochromatography and liquid chromatography in nano scale, may be enlightening and motivating for groups interested in developing research activities within this theme.
AbstractA device comprising a lab-made chamber with mechanical stirring and computer-controlled solenoid valves is proposed for the mechanization of liquid-liquid extractions. The performance was demonstrated by the extraction of ethanol from biodiesel as a model of the extraction of analytes from organic immiscible samples to an aqueous medium. The volumes of the sample and extractant were precisely defined by the flow-rates and switching times of the valves, while the mechanic stirring increased interaction between the phases. Stirring was stopped for phase separation, and a precise time-control also allowed a successful phase separation (i.e., the absence of the organic phase in the aqueous extract). In the model system, a linear response between the analytical response and the number of extractions was observed, indicating the potential for analyte preconcentration in the extract. The efficiency and reproducibility of the extractions were demonstrated by recoveries of ethanol spiked to biodiesel samples within 96% and 100% with coefficients of variation lower than 3.0%.