109 resultados para Corycaeus typicus, female
Two new species of Marilia Müller (Odontoceridae), M. aiuruoca sp. nov. and M. huamantincoae sp. nov., are described and figured from Itatiaia massif, Mantiqueira mountain range, southeastern Brazil. The female of M. major Müller, 1880 is described and the species is recorded for the first time from Rio de Janeiro state.
In the primitively eusocial wasps, especially Polistini and Mischocyttarini tribes, the physiological condition of each individual is strongly associated with its dominance status in the colonial hierarchy. As a rule, in independent-founding wasps, female wasps are all morphologically alike, and their role is apparently quite flexible even as adults. However, some studies have shown that differences in body size can exist between reproductive and non-reproductive females. Thus, the present study aimed at detecting differences between reproductive (inseminated) and non-reproductive (uninseminated) individuals based on morphological and physiological parameters. We tape-recorded the daily behavioural repertory of six colonies of Mischocyttarus cassununga for determining the hierarchical dominance in the field, and then collected these colonies (in different cycle stages) for measuring 13 set characters, and assessing the physiological condition of each individual by inspecting their fat bodies and ovaries. Our results revealed that inseminated and uninseminated females are not significantly different in relation to body size, in spite of first group shows higher average than second in almost all measured parts. The physiological evaluation of each individual demonstrated more than one inseminated female per colony during all stages of the colony cycle, suggesting a strategic condition of this species against difficulties (predation and parasitism of the colony) in nature.
The aim of this study was to verify the duration of the development period, number of parasitoids produced per pupa, parasitism rate and sex ratio of Nasonia vitripennis (Hymenoptera, Pteromalidae), when they were exposed to a single host: Chrysomya megacephala (Diptera, Calliphoridae). One pupa was exposed in glass tubes to different numbers of female parasitoids (1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11) during 48 h. Twenty replications/treatment were used, under controlled conditions (T= 27 °C day/ 25 °C night, 60 ± 10% RH). Statistical analysis of the data was made using the ANOVA test and the "a posteriori" comparisons were made using the Tukey-HSD test (both tests with a significance level of 5%). The duration of the development period was longer in treatments where a higher density of females per host was used. When five females per host were used, the mean number of parasitoids that emerged per pupa was higher. The data showed a tendency to a decrease in the amount of parasitoids emerged per host, especially of female, when used high quantities of female per host. Higher parasitism rates were observed in the 3:1 and 5:1 treatments and an increase in the percentage of unviable pupae was observed, probably due to an increase of female densities in the treatments, possibly a consequence of superparasitism.
Functional response of Telenomus remus Nixon (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae) to Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) eggs: effect of female age. Functional response of 24-h and 48-h-old Telenomus remus adults was studied on Spodoptera frugiperda eggs. The study was carried out in climatic chamber regulated at 25 ± 1°C, 70 ± 10% RH and 12:12h (L: D). Females of T. remus were honey fed and individualized in glass vials along with 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 250 or 300 eggs of S. frugiperda for 24 h. Complete randomized design with ten replications was adopted. The parameters evaluated to construct the functional response curve were daily average parasitism, searching rate and oviposition time. It was observed that the higher the egg density, the higher the parasitism for 24-h and 48-h-old females although there was a tendency of parasitism stabilization at 150-egg density. The results showed a type II functional response curve for both 24-h and 48-h-old female.
Comparative morphology of the mandibles of female polistine social wasps (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Polistinae). Diversity of mandibular forms in female polistines is explored and compared among 116 species of all polistine genera. Inferences about function are made and discussed based on observed form differences. Mandible length and width measurements are analyzed for a subset of polistine species plus two vespines and two eumenines. A variable expressing the ratio between these variables is also considered in morphometric analyses. The following mechanical interactions among mandible structural elements are highlighted: opposition and crossing of mandibles' apical teeth at the middle of the closing trajectory; shearing action of the apical teeth against mesial denticles of the opposite mandible; shearing action of the mandible anterior margin against the ventral margin of the clypeus. In the genera Agelaia and Angiopolybia, exceptionally developed mesial mandibular structures may be related to necrophagy. In some epiponine genera, poorly developed mesial denticles and strong torsion of mandibles may be partially related to use of short wood fibers in nest construction as advanced by Sarmiento (2004). The considerable morphological variation found across the subfamily Polistinae is certain to be important in taxonomic and phylogenetic studies at the genus and species levels.
Male and female reproductive systems of Stolas conspersa (Germar) (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Cassidinae). The male and female reproductive systems of Stolas conspersa (Germar, 1824) are described and illustrated for the first time. The male reproductive system shows no difference from the subfamily pattern, which is a tubular well-developed median lobe; "Y", "V" or T-shaped tegmen; reduced pygidium; internal sac membranous and tubular; flagellum generally well developed needle-like structured and gastral spiculum absent. However, the female differs from the pattern proposed for Stolas in two aspects: ovary with 28 ovarioles and a reduced ampulla with indistinct velum.
Phylogeny and revision of the bee genus Rhinocorynura Schrottky (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Augochlorini), with comments on its female cephalic polymorphism. A taxonomic revision and a phylogeny for the species of Rhinocorynura are provided. Six species are recognized: R. briseis, R. crotonis, R. inflaticeps and R. vernoniae stat. nov., the latter removed from synonymy with R. inflaticeps, in addition to two newly described species, R. brunnea sp. nov. and R. viridis sp. nov. Lectotypes for Halictus crotonis Ducke, 1906 and Halictus inflaticeps Ducke, 1906 are hereby designated. Another available name included in Rhinocorynura, Corynuropsis ashmeadi Schrottky, 1909, is removed from the genus and treated as species inquerenda in Augochlorini. Rhinocorynura is monophyletic in the phylogenetic analysis and the following relationships were found among its species: (R. crotonis (R. briseis ((R. brunnea sp. nov. + R. viridis sp. nov.) (R. inflaticeps + R. vernoniae)))). Biogeographic relationships within the genus and comparisons with related taxa are presented. Females of all species exhibit pronounced variation in body size, in two of them, R. inflaticeps and R. vernoniae, with structural modifications possibly linked to division of labor. Identification key and illustrations for the species are provided.
Effects of female diet and age on offspring sex ratio of the solitary parasitoid Pachycrepoideus vindemmiae (Rondani) (Hymenoptera, Pteromalidae). Theories predict that females of parasitoid wasps would adjust the offspring sex ratio to environmental conditions in the oviposition patch, but the diet and age of females would also affect the sex ratio adjustment. Our focus was to test the effects of female diet and age on offspring sex ratio of the solitary parasitoid wasp, Pachycrepoideus vindemmiae (Rondani, 1875). Our results showed that females fed with honey had significantly less female biased offspring sex ratio than those fed only with water. Offspring sex ratio (male percentage) decreased with female age or female longevity at the beginning of oviposition but increased at the end. There should be a sperm limitation in P. vindemmiae females at the end of oviposition, and a higher frequency of unfertilized eggs were laid then. Females also laid more unfertilized eggs at the beginning of oviposition, which would be necessary to insure the mating among offspring. Male offspring developed faster and emerged earlier, which would also reduce the risk of virginity in offspring with female-biased sex ratio.
Description of the female of Ctenodontina nairae Vieira (Diptera, Asilidae, Asilinae), with new distribution records. The female of Ctenodontina nairae Vieira, 2012 is described for the first time. Description and illustrations of the habitus, wing and terminalia of the female are provided. The distribution is extended to Bolivia and Peru.
The objective of this study was to obtain female inbred lines from sunflower (Helianthus annuus) hybrids. A methodology based on altering inbred lines carrying the fertility restorer gene (Rf) obtained from self pollinating hybrids into inbred lines with normal cytoplasm without the Rf gene was described. Further, derived male-sterile inbred lines were developed. The methodology was successfully used to obtain female inbreds from sunflower commercial hybrids. Although more time and labor consuming than the conventional female inbred line extraction methods, this methodology is advantageous in exploiting superior germplasms (commercial hybrids), which prompted us to develop practical procedures to allow its routinely use.
GC/MS/FID analyses of volatile compounds from cladodes and inflorescences from male and female specimens of Baccharis trimera (Less.) DC. collected in the states of Paraná and Santa Catarina, Brazil, showed that carquejyl acetate was the primary volatile component (38% to 73%), while carquejol and ledol were identified in lower concentrations. Data were subjected to hierarchical cluster analysis and principal component analysis, which confirmed that the chemical compositions of all samples were similar. The results presented here highlight the occurrence of the same chemotype of B. trimera in three southern states of Brazil.
Objective: To assess the application of aponeurotic sling by a modified technique with direct visualization of needles in patients with stress urinary incontinence. Methods: we applied the Kings Health Questionnaire (KHQ) for quality of life, gynecological examination, urinalysis I and urine culture approximately seven days prior to the urodynamic study (UDS) and the one-hour PAD test in patients undergoing making aponeurotic sling with its passing through the retropubic route with direct visualization of the needle, PAD test and King's Helth Questionnaire before and after surgery. Results: The mean age was 50.6 years, BMI of 28 and Leak Pressure (LP) 58,5cm H2O; 89% were Caucasian. Forty-six of them were monitored for three and six months, 43 for 12 months. The objective cure rate at 12 months postoperatively was approximately 93.5%. In evaluating quality of life, we observed a significant improvement in 12 months postoperatively compared with the preoperative period. There was no no urethral/bladder injury. As adverse results, we had one persistent urinary retention (2.3%), who was submitted to urethrolysis, currently without incontinence. Conclusion: The proposed procedure is safe as for the risk of bladder or urethral injuries, promoting significant improvement in quality of life and objective cure.
OBJETIVO: traduzir para o português, adaptar culturalmente e validar o questionário Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI). MÉTODOS: dois tradutores brasileiros, cientes dos objetivos desta pesquisa, preparam duas versões do FSFI para o português, as quais foram retro-traduzidas por outros dois tradutores ingleses. As diferenças foram harmonizadas e pré-testadas em um estudo piloto. As versões finais do FSFI e de outro questionário, o Short-Form Health Survey, já vertido e publicado em português, foram simultaneamente administradas a cem pacientes. Foram testadas as propriedades psicométricas do FSFI, como confiabilidade (consistência interna e teste-reteste) e validades de construto. O reteste foi realizado após quatro semanas, a partir da primeira entrevista. RESULTADOS: o processo de adaptação cultural não alterou a versão em português do FSFI comparado ao original. O alfa de Cronbach padronizado do questionário foi 0,96; avaliado por domínios, variou de 0,31 a 0,97. Como medida de confiabilidade teste-reteste, foi aplicado o coeficiente de correlação intra-classes, que foi considerado forte e idêntico (1,0). O coeficiente de correlação de Pearson entre o FSFI e o Short-Form Health Survey foi positivo, mas fraco na maioria dos domínios afins, variando de 0,017 a 0,036. CONCLUSÕES: a versão do FSFI foi traduzida para o português e adaptada culturalmente e é válida para avaliação da resposta sexual das mulheres brasileiras.
OBJETIVO: Foi testar a validade e a confiabilidade de uma versão on-line do Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI). MÉTODOS: Uma versão on-line do FSFI foi comparada à versão tradicional, em papel. Para tanto, estudantes de Fisioterapia de três cidades foram alocadas randomicamente em dois grupos - G-pp/ol (n=126) e G-ol/pp (n=147). As mulheres do G-pp/ol responderam ao FSFI do modo tradicional, em papel e caneta, enquanto o G-ol/pp respondeu a uma versão on-line do mesmo questionário. Após 15 dias de intervalo, houve nova coleta, quando o G-pp/ol respondeu a versão on-line enquanto o G-ol/pp respondeu no papel. Todos os dados foram transportados para o software estatístico SPSS. Diferenças demográficas entre os dois grupos foram reveladas pelo teste t de Student ou pelo teste exato de Fischer (IC95%; p>0,05). A associação e a correlação entre as respostas entre G-pp/ol e G-ol/pp durante cada coleta foram acessadas pelo teste t e o coeficiente de Pearson. Estratégia idêntica foi utilizada para as comparações intragrupo. RESULTADOS: Um total de 273 mulheres participou do estudo e 28 (10,2%) desistiram da segunda coleta. Não houve diferenças demográficas entre os grupos. Houve associação entre 15 das 19 questões do FSFI entre os dois grupos, tanto no teste quanto no reteste. A análise intragrupo revelou que todas as questões e os escores do FSFI estiveram associados, mas fracamente correlacionados para um mesmo grupo durante as duas coletas. CONCLUSÃO: A versão on-line do FSFI apresentou validade e confiabilidade aceitáveis quando comparada à versão em papel, o que pode justificar a opção por essa modalidade, especialmente em estudos envolvendo sexualidade.
An indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was developed to detect antigen-specific secretory IgA antibodies to Campylobacter fetus subsp. venerealis in bovine vaginal mucus with a protein extract of the Campylobacter fetus subsp. venerealis by the acid glycine extraction method. Mean optical density measurement (λ=450 nm) was 0.143±0.9. The most immunoreactive protein bands of the Campylobacter fetus subsp. venerealis or Campylobacter fetus subsp. fetus recognized by IgA in immunoblotting, using bovine vaginal mucus samples, migrate at 42.6 kDa. The protein that migrates at 93 kDa was recognized exclusively for C. fetus subsp. venerealis. A positive vaginal mucus sample of a cow from negative herd recognized antigens of C. jejuni subsp. jejuni e C. fetus subsp. fetus.