196 resultados para Comunidades arbóreas
As respostas das comunidades de formigas às mudanças ambientais de fragmentos florestais para agroecossistemas (café ou pastagem) foram avaliadas na região sul do Estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Neste trabalho, avaliaram-se as interações entre fragmentos florestais e os dois agroecossistemas mais típicos do sudeste do Brasil: monocultivo de café a pleno sol e pastagem introduzida. A comunidade de formigas foi amostrada em cinco áreas de cada agroecossistema, dentro de fragmentos florestais adjacentes a estes e nas bordas entre os dois sistemas. Em cada área, foram retiradas 15 amostras de 1m² de serapilheira, das quais foram extraídas as formigas, utilizando-se o extrator de Winkler. Registrou-se um total de 165 espécies de formigas distribuídas em 48 gêneros e 10 subfamílias. O cafezal apresentou o menor número de espécies observado e menor riqueza estimada. As razões das variações observadas entre as áreas são discutidas.
O Pampa é o menor bioma brasileiro e está entre os mais ameaçados devido ao rápido avanço das culturas agropastoris e da silvicultura; é um dos biomas com menor representação no sistema de unidades de conservação. Neste estudo são apresentadas informações sobre a estrutura e a organização espacial das comunidades de anuros de duas das quatro regiões fisiográficas em que o bioma é dividido. Foram amostrados dez corpos d’água em cada região entre os meses de setembro de 2011 e agosto de 2012. Foram registradas 24 espécies caracterizadas como generalistas, de ampla distribuição e típicas de ambientes abertos. A curva de acumulação de espécies apresentou a formação de uma assíntota após o 12° mês de amostragem. A análise de similaridade mostrou uma segregação na estrutura das duas comunidades, que foram influenciadas pelos descritores ambientais e da paisagem.
I - Short description of the species. II - Analytic key of the trees. III - List of the species collected with register number and author's number. SHORT DESCRIPTION OF SPECIES - This section includes a short morphological analysis of the species and the study of their geographic distribution, locality, habitat and regional zonation. ANALYTIC KEY OF THE TREES - The author was obliged to make a morphological key for his use on account of the great difficulty met in identifying the species in the field. LIST OF SPECIES COLLECTED WITH REGISTER AND COLLECTOR'S NUMBERS - As the majority of the species from Ilheus are paratypes of the types described in "Flora Brasiliensis" it was decided to publish this list. The author's chief objective was to call the attention of specialists tothe undetermined material with a view to interesting them in studying it.
The present work is part of the studies realized under the authority of the National Service of Malaria (Brazil), with the collaboration of scientists of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute, in some forests of the southern part of Brazil.This is the first of a series and its subject is the development of the Anopheles mosquitoes of the kerteszia in water collected in Bromeliaceae leaves. The ecology of Bromeliaceae was studied in a previous work. The botanical material was classified by specialists from several botanical institutions from Europe and the United States of America. The most important ecological relations of the bromeliad-kerteszia problem were presented through four indices: 1st Positivity index Relative frequency of bromeliad with watery forms in the bromeliad examined. 2nd Larval index Mean number of watery forms in the positive bromeliad. 3rd Ovoposition index Product of the Positivy index by the Larval index. 4th MK index Product of the Ovoposition index by the total number of bromeliad, positive or not, in a unity of area (1.000 m²). The capture of flying forms in relation to the relative humidity was also studied. From the several forests of the Brusque region we have selected one community of each type, which were the most representative forests in Southern Brazil. Conclusions on the bromeliad-kerteszia problem From a general point of view only a few factors are really important and these are listed below: 1°) The volum of water on the bromeliad. 2°) The level where the bromeliad is fixed. 3°) The number of bromeliad in unity of area. The distribution of microclimas in the forest through the considered levels has a direct influence on the species of subgenus Kerteszia (qualitative influence) and an indirect influence through the ecological distribution of the more frequent bromeliad with best qualities as biotope for the watery forms (qualitative influence). The MK index is roughly proportional to the square of half the total number of Bromeliaceae in a certain type of forest. Then the MK index would be a certain function of the ecological type of the forest and of the total number of bromeliad in a unity of area. MK approximately α x (x/10)² . x = n° of bromeliad in a unity of área (1.000 m²); α = qualitative factor. It would be interesting to see if this proportion is maintained when we have examined a greater number of forests of different types.
Wir beginnen mit dieser Arbeit einen Katalog der Baumpollen Suedbrasiliens, der als Unterlage zum spaeteren Studium der Humusablagerungen in Brasilien dienen soll. Die Reihenfolge der Familien stuetzt sich auf die Phylogenie der Pflanzenfamilien, weshalb wir mit den Polycarpicae, im besonderen der Magnoliaceae s. lat., Lauraceae, Annonaceae und Myristicaceae, beginnen. Obwohl die Abstammungsfolge der verschiedenen Familien noch sehr hypothetisch ist (vergleiche zum Beispiel WETTSTEIN, 1944, und HUTCHINSON, 1946 und 1959), konnten wir Aehnlichkeiten zwischen den Pollen der behandelten Familien feststellen. Vergleiche zwischen den verschiedenen Gattungen dieser Familien fuehren zu keinem sicheren phylogenetischen Schluss. Die Pollen der verschiedenen Lauraceengattugen, ausser Cryptocarya, aehneln sich untereinander so, dass dadurch die Gattungs-und Artbestimmungen unmoeglich gemacht werden. Im Gegensatz treffen wir bei den Annonaceengattungen, so wie auch bei den Magnoliaceen s. lat., typische Formen und Strukturen an. Hierzu machen wir auf die pollensystematische Zusammenfassung am Ende der Arbeit aufmerksam. Die Praeparate wurden nach der Acetolysemethode (beschrieben in ERDTMAN, 1952 und 1954) hergestellt. Da alle Pollen, ausser Drimys und Virola, eine sehr duenne Exine besitzen, war groesste Vorsicht geboten, um sie nicht zu zerstoeren. Gleichzeitig wurde zum Vergleich jeweils ein Objekt nach der Wodehouse'schen Methode (WODEHOUSE, 1935) behandelt.
In Ergaenzung des 1. Teils des Katalogs der Baumpollen Sued-brasiliens werden die drei einzigen hier vorkommenden Gymnospermaearten beschrieben: Araucaria angustifolia, Podocarpus sellowii und P. lamberti. Die erste besitzt runde, mit zwei Ausbuchtungen versehene Pollen und eine komplex gebaute Exine. Beide Podocarpusarten aehneln einander sehr. Bezueglich ihrer Groesse koennen sie nicht voneinander geschieden werden. Die beste Art der Unterscheidung besteht in der Oberflaechenstruktur der Pollenkoerper: P. sellowii hat eine feine, engmaschige, anaehernd netzartige oberflaeche (entsprechend dem "reticulate-ornate" = Typ), waehrend P. lamberti grobe Erhebungen (entsprechend dem "ornate" = typ) vorweist.
In Fortsetzung des ersten Teils des katalogs der Baumpollen Suedbrasiliens werden hier di Monimiaceen und Dilleniaceen behandelt. Phylogenetisch gehoeren die ersteren zur Gruppe der Lauraceen und Annonaceen, was durch den morphologischen Befund ihrer Pollen bestaetigt wird. Die Dilleniaceen gehoeren einer paralelen Gruppe an, stammen aber auch, wie die vorherigen, von primitiven magnoliaceen ab. Ihre Pollenkoerner sind sehr verschieden von allen bisher von uns untersuchten Familien. Innerhalb der Monimiaceen der feucht-tropischen Waelder Sued-brasiliens, wurden zwei morphologische Pollentypen gefunden: der erste bei Hennecartia omphalandra: runde Pollen mit einer gekoernten Oberflaeche; der zweite bei Mollinedia (bei allen untersuchten Arten): runde Pollen, auch mit gekoernter Oberflaeche, die aber ein subaequatoriales glatter Band besitxen. Bei beiden Gattungen wurden keine Oeffnungsvorichtungen beobachtet. Die Dilleniaceen wurden auch in zwei Gruppen eingeteilt: Davilla angustifolia, Doliocarpus lasiogyne und Tetracera oblongata, deren Pollen je drei Colpori besitzen, waehrend Davilla rugosa mit vier Poren ausgestatte ist. Alle Gattungen besitzen eine netzartige Oberflaeche.
Weitere fuenf Familien werden in diesem 3. Teil des Katalogs der Baumpollen Suedbrasiliens auf ihre Pollenkoerner hin untersucht. Es handelt sich dabei um die Theaceae, Marcgraviaceae, Ochnaceae, Guttiferae und Quiinaceae. Phyllogenetisch schliessen sich diese Fainilien an die Dlleniaceae an. Die Pollenkoerner von Laplacea (Theaceae) unterscheiden sich deutlich von allen der anderen untersuchten Familien. Sie sind dreiporig und haben eine mit Stacheln besetzte Oberflaeche. Bei Marcgravia polyantha und Noranthea brasiliensis (Marcgraviaceae) stossen wir auf Pollenkoerner mit je drei Colpori. Beide Arten lassen sich aber durch ihre verschiedene Oberflaechenstruktur unterscheiden. Ouratea parviflora (Ochnaceae) hat sehr aehnliche Pollenkoerner wie Noranthea brasiliensis, mit drei Colpori, jedoch gleichzeitig auch andere mit vier Colpori. Unter den Guttiferae finden wir eine eigenartige Form bei Kielmeyera, deren Pollenkoerner alle in Tetraden auftreten. Das einzelne Korn hat wieder grosse Aehnlichkelt mit dem von Caryocar brasiliense (Caryoearaceae). Calophyllum brasiliense und Rheedia gardneriana unterscheiden sich erstens durch den groesseren Durchmesser der Koerner bei C. brasiliense und zweitens durch eine feinere Oberflaechenstruktur bei R, gardneriana. Clusia criuva ist dreiporig. Quiina glaziovii (Quiinaceae) ist vierporig und besitzt grosse Aehnlichkeit mit den Pollenkoernern von Davilla rugosa (Dilleniaceae).
In Fortsentzung des Kataloges der suedbrasilianischen Baumpollen untersuchten wir die Familien Cunoniaceae, Rosaceae und Connaraceae. Die erste besitzt sehr kleine Pollenkoerner, mit zwei (Lamanonia speciosa) oder drei colpori und netzartigen Ober-flaechen. Die Rosaceen haben groessere Koerner mit drei colpori und such, ausser Licania sp., feinere netzartige und gerillte Sexine. Die Connaraceen, mit drei colpori, haben ein etwas grossmaschigeres reticulum. Groessere Aehnlichkeiten wurden festgestellt zwischen den Pollenkoernern der Connaraceae und den der Dilleniaceae und Marcgraviaceae. Mit sicherheit konnten wir keine phylogenetische Reihenfolge der Pollenkoerner der drei bearbeiteten Familien aufstellen.
In this paper of the catalogue of south brazilian arboreal pollen grains, the autor deals with the Papilionatae. The Mimosoideae and Caesalpinioideae are yet in preparation, so that a discussion of the three subfamilies (or families) is not possible. In relation with the systematical subdivision of the Papilionatae, we found a large correspondence with the morphology of the present pollen grains. The group of Phaseoleae contains the genera Mucuna, Erythrina and Dioclea; the grains of the studied species are very different one from another; the first of the genera possesses very volumous grains, with three colpori and a reticulated superficies; the second has three-porated pollen grains with a large reticulated superficies, and the third, Dioclea, is yet different; it possesses oblated grains, each three-colporated, with a thick sexine and a psilated superficies. So, we can say, that Phaseoleae is a erypalynous group. Dalbergieae, with the genera: Andira, Dalbergia, Lonchocarpus, Machaerium, Platymiscium and Pterocarpus (and Dahlstedtia, the only exception), has very uniform pollen grains, and may be considered stenopalynous. It is not possible to include the genus Dahlstedtia into this group. A little exception is represented by Pterocarpus violaceus, because of the reticulated sexine of its grains, while the others, also three-colporated, possess a tectate-reticulated sexine. The genera Myrocarpus and Ormosia, from Sophoreae, are very more similar to the Dalbergieae as to any other genus of the Phaseoleae.
In the present paper of our Catalogue of South Brazilian Arboreal Pollen grains, we have examined the subfamily Caesalpinioideae from the Leguminosae. The Papilionatae were already studied in an earlier paper, the corresponding study of the Mimosoideae will follow soon; in consequence of this, we can not yet compare the pollen grains of the three named subfamilies, on with another. The grains of the examined species were classified in correspondance with the taxonomical groups. We found that the Bauhinieaes constitute an eurypalynous group, but the Cassieae is stenopalynous, and the two species from the Eucaesalpinioideae possess also different forms of pollen grains. From the other groups, Cynometreae and Swartzieae were examined, infortunately only one species from each one. Like the facts observed in the Papilionatae, we find here also the typical form of pollen grains, characterized by three colpori and a fine reticulated superficial structure.
The authors study pollenmorphologicaly species of the present families that occur like trees in the South Brazilian forests, except Heimia myrtifolia, which is herbaceous. One group is formed, remarked by three simple colpori, which consists of the species Buchenavia kleinii, Laguncularia racemosa (Combretaceae), Heimia myrtifolia *Lythraceae) and Rhizophora mangle (Rhizophoraceae). An other group is represented by the pollen grains of Combretum fruticosum, Terminalia autralis (Combretaceae) and Lafoensia pacari (Lythraceae), because they present pseudocolpi or similar streaks of a thinner sexine. Daphnopsis (Thymelaeaceae) is pantoporate with 10 - 14 pori and possesses a superficial pattern like croton-type of the Euphorbiaceae. Cariniana estrellensis (Lecythidaceae), with only three colpi, takes also an isolated position. There are relations between the morphology of pollen grains of the above treated families and those from the Guttiferales and Rosales.
In order to finish the study of pollen grains of arboreal Leguminosae from south brazilian rain forests, this part of our Pollen Catalogue deals with the subfamily Mimosoideae. The grains of all examined species are grouped, from tetrads (like Mimosa taimbensis) to polyads with 32 grains (like Inga lentiscifolia). In relation to the morphology of these polyads, the pollen grains from the present species were distributed in five different groups. However, these groups are not in correspondence with the five Tribus in which these species are distributed, in opposition with our observations in Papilionatae and Caesalpinioideae. We were no able to found clear separations between the pollen grains of the subfamilies studies. The tricolporated type, a little prolate, occurs frequently in the three subfamilies, whereas the Mimosoideae are caracterized by polyads. However this last subfamily may present also isolated grains.
In addition to Part VII (Lythraceae) of our "Catalog" we have strudied the pollen morphology from six species of genus Cuphea, from State Santa Catarina, south of Brazil. These species present 4 different pollinic types; C. calophylla, C. mesostemon and C. racemosa are together in the same morphological group.