158 resultados para CD69 antigen
We have developed an in vitro model of granuloma formation for the purpose of studying the immunological components of delayed type hypersensitivity granuloma formation in patients infected with Schistosoma mansoni. Our data show that 1) granulomatous hypersensitivity can be studied by examining the cellular reactivity manifested as multiple cell layers surrounding the antigen conjugated beads; 2) this reactivity is a CD4 cell dependent, macrophage dependent, B cell independent response and 3) the in vitro granuloma response is antigenically specific for parasite egg antigens. Studies designed to investigate the immune regulation of granulomatous hypersensitivity using purified populations of either CD4 or CD8 T cells have demonstrated the complexity of cellular interactions in the suppression of granulomatous hypersensitivity. The anti-S. mansoni egg immune responses of individual patients with chronic intestinal schistosomiasis can be classified either as soluble egg antigen (SEA) hypersensitive with maximal granulomatous hypersensitivity or SEA suppressive with activation of the T cell suppressor pathway with effective SEA granuloma modulation. Our data suggest that T cell network interactions are active in the generation of effective granuloma modulation in chronic intestinal schistosomiasis patients.
After treatment young Kenyan schoolchildren are highly susceptible to reinfection with Schistosoma mansoni. Older children and adults are resistant to reinfection. There is no evidence that this age related resistance is due to a slow development of protective immunological mechanisms, rather, it appears that young children are susceptible because of the presence of blocking antibodies which decline with age, thus allowing the expression of protective responses. Correlations between antibody responses to different stages of the parasite life-cycle suggest that, in young children, antigen directed, isotype restriction of the response against cross-reactive polysaccharide egg antigens results in an ineffectual, or even blocking antibody response to the schistosomulum.
The acquisition of host antigens by Schistosoma mansoni was studied by evaluating the resistance of schistosomula to the complement attack mediated by lethal antibody. Schistosomula cultured for 24 hours with intact human erythrocytes (N-HuE) or ghosts of any type of ABO or Rh blood group, showed a marked resistance to complement damage. Sheep red blood cells, pronase-treated N-HuE or erythrocytes from patients with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, which are complement-sensitive cells, were unable to protect schistosomula. Schistosomula protected by N-HuE became again susceptible to complement killing after incubation with a monoclonal antibody anti-DAF. These results indicate that, in vitro, host DAF from N-HuE can be acquired by schistosomula surface in a biological active form that protects the parasite from the complement lesion.
For the first time in Brazil it was investigated the occurrence of IgM anti-PGL-1 in the sera of household contacts of leprozy patients using the ELISA methodology. The sera of the multipatients. It was observed a high subclinical infection incidence among household contacts (19.4%). The percentage of leprosy development was 5% (1/21) among the seropositive contact group. This finding suggests that serology could be useful as prognostic test, but for better definition is necessary to tet a population from endemic area for long period time.
In order to study the kinetics and composition of the polyclonal B-cell activation associated to malaria infection, antigen-specific and non-specific B-cell responses were evaluated in the spleens of mice infected with Plasmodium yoelii 17 XL or injected with lysed erythrocytes or plasma from P. yoelii infected mice or with P. falciparum culture supernatants. Spleen/body weigth ratio, numbers of nucleated spleen cells and Immunoglobulin-containing and Immunoglobulin-secreting cells increased progressively during the course of infection,in parallel to the parasitemia. A different pattern of kinetics was observed when anti-sheep red blood cell and anti-trinitrophenylated-sheep red blood cell plaque forming cells response were studied: maximum values were observed at early stages of infection, whereas the number of total Immunoglobulin-containing and Immunoglobulin-secreting cells were not yet altered. Conversely, at the end of infection, when these latter values reached their maximum, the anti-sheep red blood cell and anti-trinitrophenylated-sheep red blood cell specific responses were normal or even infranormal. In mice injected with Plasmodium-derived material, a higher increase in antigen-specific PFC was observed, as compared to the increase of Immunoglobulin-containing and Immunoglobulin-secreting cell numbers. This suggested a "preferential" (antigen-plus mitogen-induced) stimulation of antigen-specific cells rather than a generalized non-specific (mitogen-induced) triggering of B-lymphocytes. On the basis of these and previous results, it is suggested that polyclonal B-cell activation that takes place during the course of infection appears as a result of successive waves of antigen-specific B-cell activation.
Different patterns of cutaneous leishmaniasis can be induced when a challenge of alike dose of Leishmania amazonensis amastigotes in various inbred strains was applied. Two strains of mice, the Balb/c and C57 BL/10J, showed exceptional suscepbility, and 10(elevado a sexta potência) amastigotes infective dose lead, to ulcerative progressive lesions with cutaneous metastasis and loss by necrosis of leg on wich the footpad primary lesion occured. Lesions were also progressive but in a lower degree when C3H/HeN and C57BL/6 were infected. Lesions progress slowly in DBA/2 mice presenting lesions wich reach a discreet peack after 12 weeks, do not heal but do not uncerate. DBA/2 mice is, therefore, a good model for immunomodualtion. In attempt to determine the influence of BCG in vaccination schedule using microsomal fraction, DBA/2 became an excellent model, since it is also a non-responder to BCG. Vaccination of DBA/2 mice, receiving the same 10(elevado a sexta potência) BCG viable dose and 10 *g or 50 *g of protein content of microsomal fraction, lead to a progressive disease with time course similar to those observed in susceptible non-vaccinated C57BL/10J mice after 6 months of observation. An enhancement of infection in BCG non-responder mice suggests that use of BCG as immunostimulant in humans could be critical for both vaccination and immunoprophylactic strategies.
The P126 protein, a parasitosphorus vacuole antigen of Plasmodium falciparum has beenshoen to induce protective immunity in Saimiri and Aotus monkeys. In the present work we investigated its immunogenicity. Our results suggest that the N-term of P126 is poorly immunogenic and antibody response against the P126 could be under a MHC restricted control in C57BL/6(H-2b) mice, which could be problematic in ternms of a use of the P126 in a vaccine program. However, we observed that a synthetic peptide, copying the 6 octapeptide repeat corresponding to the N-term of the P126, induces an antibody response to the native molecule in C57BL/6 non-responder mice. Moreover, the vaccine-P126 recombinant induced anmtibodies against the N-term of the molecule in rabbits while the unprocessed P126 did not.