437 resultados para Biomphalaria accidentalis


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In order to determine Schistosoma mansoni infection rates in Biomphalaria tenagophila and B. straminea, low stringency polymerase chain reaction (LS-PCR) technique was used as a complementary method to light exposure technique. LS-PCR has already been standardized in our laboratory to detect the trematode DNA in B. glabrata. Higher S. mansoni infection rates were detected using conventional method and LS-PCR. The parasite DNA profile was detected in both species after 7-day exposure to miracidia, using LS-PCR. This technique enables early detection of schistosomiasis transmission focuses, in endemic areas, before the beginning of cercariae shedding.


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Experiments were carried out to test the susceptibility of Biomphalaria tenagophila to the infection with strain SJ of Schistosoma mansoni in the F1, F2 and non-selected parental generation. The potential adaptation of B. tenagophila to desiccation, in healthy mollusks and those exposed to the larvae of S. mansoni of the F1, F2 and non-selected parental generations was also studied. The presence of mucus and soil, at the shell opening, protected the snails against desiccation, favoring survival. The healthy mollusks performed more attempts against desiccation than those exposed to the larvae of the parasite. The mortality rate, during desiccation, was higher among mollusks that remained buried and with the shell opening unobstructed. During the desiccation period the stage of development of the parasite was influenced by the weight loss and the survival of the snails. The longer the period of desiccation, the greater was the weight loss observed, abbreviating survival. The non-selected parental generation was more sensitive to desiccation than the F1 and F2 generations, both in healthy mollusks and in those exposed to S. mansoni larvae. Healthy mollusks were more resistant to desiccation than those exposed to the larvae of the S. mansoni. Desiccation did not interrupt the development of S. mansoni larvae in mollusks, causing a delay in the cercariae elimination. The susceptibility of B. tenagophila to the SJ strain of S. mansoni, in mollusks maintained in water during the larvae incubation period, was similar in all three generations.


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The aim of this study was to compare the fecundity and fertility of B. glabrata and B. straminea by cross- and self-fertilization. To attain this objective, laboratory-raised strains of B. glabrata and B. straminea were used. The former originated from natural breeding grounds in the municipality Paulista, state of Pernambuco, Brazil. The latter originated from irrigation ditches in the municipality of Petrolândia, in the same state. Snail populations of B. glabrata and B. straminea were maintained for 240 days in laboratory. Their fecundity was evaluated by noting the number of egg-masses, eggs and eggs per mass. Their fertility was evaluated by the number of viable eggs and the hatching rate. B. straminea was markedly more fecund than B. glabrata through cross- and self-fertilization, namely: greater egg-mass; higher egg production and more eggs per mass. Regarding fertility, there seemed to be no preferential period for occlusion to occur or a trend in the rhythm of producing viable eggs.


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A total of 909 Biomphalaria tenagophila were collected from two areas in Guarulhos (Metropolitan area of São Paulo, São Paulo State, Brazil) to assess larval trematode infections. In all collection sites, only this species was found and 183 (20.13%) harbored trematode infections. In these collections, four morphologically distinguishable types of cercariae were identified by confocal microscopy. Xiphidiocercaria (Cercaria lutzi) was the most common type of cercaria recovered, contributing 76.5% of all infections. Schistosoma mansoni cercariae were recovered and comprised the total of 13.11%. Strigea cercaria (Cercaria caratinguensis) and Brevifurcate pharyngeate Clinostomatoide cercaria (Cercaria ocellifera) contributed 8.33% and 2.22% of all infections, respectively. Double infections (S. mansoni and C. lutzi) were found in twelve snails, contributing 6.55% of all infections. In all sites studied, small vertebrates were found in snail habitats and it was observed human contact with the water. The presence of trematode infected snails in large cities has public health implications. It further provides a starting point for some comprehensive studies on snail-related aspects of transmission and biology of trematode of medical and veterinary importance.


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To observe the effects of the parasitic infection on the biology of B. tenagophila, field and laboratory populations of this mollusk from Itariri, in Vale do Ribeira, Brazil, were experimentally infected. Each mollusk received 10 miracidia of Schistosoma mansoni (SJ lineage) and was observed throughout the parasite's development. The biological variables were compared according to the criteria "group" and "infectious phase". The main damage caused by the parasitic infection manifested itself in reproduction, longevity and lesions on the shell of the mollusks in the patent phase. An infection rate of 58.8% was observed. Microanatomical study of the mollusk's digestive gland and ovotestis revealed the presence of evolving larval forms and cercariae. It was concluded that the effects of the parasitic infection on both populations were moderate, despite the low survival rate of the infected mollusks, the damage did not prevent either reproduction or the elimination of cercariae, which continued for a long time.


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An efficient method for breeding Biomphalaria tenagophila (Taim lineage/RS) was developed over a 5-year-period (2005-2010). Special facilities were provided which consisted of four cement tanks (9.4 x 0.6 x 0.22 m), with their bottom covered with a layer of sterilized red earth and calcium carbonate. Standard measures were adopted, as follows: each tank should contain an average of 3000 specimens, and would be provided with a daily ration of 35,000 mg complemented with lettuce. A green-house effect heating system was developed which constituted of movable dark canvas covers, which allowed the temperature to be controlled between 20 - 24 ºC. This system was essential, especially during the coldest months of the year. Approximately 27,000 specimens with a diameter of 12 mm or more were produced during a 14-month-period. The mortality rates of the newly-hatched and adult snails were 77% and 37%, respectively. The follow-up of the development system related to 310 specimens of B. tenagophila demonstrated that 70-day-old snails reached an average of 17.0 ± 0.9 mm diameter. The mortality rates and the development performance of B. tenagophila snails can be considered as highly satisfactory, when compared with other results in literature related to works carried out with different species of the genus Biomphalaria, under controlled laboratory conditions.


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SUMMARYSchistosomiasis is a neglected disease with public health importance in tropical and subtropical regions. An alternative to the disease control is the use of molluscicides to eliminate or reduce the intermediate host snail population causing a reduction of transmission in endemic regions. In this study nine extracts from eight Piperaceae species were evaluated against Biomphalaria glabrata embryos at blastula stage. The extracts were evaluated in concentrations ranging from 100 to 10 mg/L. Piper crassinervium and Piper tuberculatum extracts were the most active (100% of mortality at 20 mg/L and 30 mg/L respectively).


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The action of extracts from the stem, leaves, and fruit of Jatropha gossypiifolia on Biomphalaria glabrata was studied by analyzing survival, feeding capacity and oviposition ability. The extracts were obtained by macerating the plant parts in 92% ethanol, which were then evaporated until a dry residue was obtained and phytochemically studied. The molluscicidal activity on B. glabrata was investigated using the procedures recommended by WHO (1965). The amount of food ingested and oviposition were measured during each experiment. The extract of leaves from J. gossypiifolia was shown to be a strong molluscicidal agent, causing 100% mortality of B. glabrata, even in the lowest concentration tested, of 25 ppm. Regarding the fruit extract, there was variation in the mortality, depending on the concentration used (100, 75, 50 and 25 ppm). The snails that were in contact with the fruit extract had significant reduction in feeding and number of embryos in comparison to the control. The stem extract did not present molluscicidal activity nor had any influence on the feeding and oviposition abilities of B. glabrata, in the concentrations tested. In conclusion, the extracts of leaves and fruits of J. gossypiifolia investigated in this work show molluscicidal effect and may be sources of useful compounds for the schistosomiasis control.


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O autor estuda os dados obtidos pela infecção de moluscos de Campinas e de Belo Horizonte por miracídios de S. mansoni. Chega à conclusão de que a população de Belo Horizonte mostrou-se mais susceptível à infecção pelo helminto do que a população de moluscos Campinas.


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Os autores estudam, comparativamente o crescimento de duas populações de moluscos planorbídeos pertencentes às espécies B. glabrata e B. tenagophila. Concluem que não há diferença significativa entre o crescimento dos caramujos oriundos das populações estudadas.


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Durante um período de 6 meses os autores estudaram, comparativamente, o crescimento populacional das espécies B. glabrata e B. tenagophila. Houve um desenvolvimento inicial, significativamente maior, de população de B. glabrata. Após terem alcançado um nível crítico de saturação, o número de exemplares das populações decresceu, sendo que, após um breve período de oscilações, a freqüência dos indivíduos manteve-se mais ou menos estável. Uma diminuição do número de oviposições antecedeu a queda do número de exemplares observados, após o nível crítico de saturação das populações estudadas. Sugere-se que os fatores de limitação do desenvolvimento das populações agiriam por um mecanismo de retro-alimentação.


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Foram estudadas comparativamente as desovas ãe populações de B. glabrata e B. tenagophila, concluindo-se que nas condições da experiência, houve diferença significativa no que se refere ao período de desenvolvimento dos ovos. Foi verificada que a probabilidade de eclosão com relação ao número de dias de desenvolvimento dos ovos apresentou, em ambas as populações, uma distribuição de Poisson.


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Exemplares de Biomphalaria tenagophila, originários de Londrina, mostraram-se resistentes à infecção por cepa simpátrica de Schistosoma mansoni e por cepa originária de Belo Horizonte (MG). Variando-se o diâmetro e a idade dos caramujos submetidos à infecção e aumentando-se o número de miracidios a que cada caramujo foi exposto, não se conseguiu obter cercárias de S. mansoni, 70 dias após a tentativa de infecção.


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Experiências de intrecruzamento de caramujos do gênero Biomphalaria de várias procedências de Pernambuco, Brasil, utilizando o albinismo como mercador genético mostraram que ocorre na região duas populações isoladas que não se intercruzam. Uma das populações è constituída por caramujos que podem atingir diâmetros de concha até em torno de 30 mm, enquanto que a outra atinge somente em torno de 10 mm mesmo nas melhores condições ambientais.