121 resultados para Ananas sativus extract
The objective of the study was to evaluate whether allergenic extracts of five house dust and storage mite species standardized for humans might be used for the diagnosis of canine atopic dermatitis (CAD). Extracts of Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Pyroglyphidae), D. farinae (Pyroglyphidae), Blomia tropicalis (Glycyphagidae), Lepidoglyphus destructor (Glycyphagidae) and Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Acaridae) were evaluated by intradermal testing in 20 healthy dogs (control) and 25 dogs with allergic dermatitis. A significant difference in the response was observed between the two groups (p<0.05). Only one dog (5%) in the control group reacted to the intradermal test, whereas 14 dogs (56%) in the allergic group were positive for at least one extract (odds ratio = 24.2). Most of the positive reactions observed in the allergic group occurred against the extracts of T. putrescentiae or L. destructor, each inducing reactions in 10 dogs (40%). D. farinae, D. pteronyssinus e B. tropicalis extracts induced reactions in 7 (28%), 3 (12%) and 3 (12%) dogs, respectively. The allergenic extracts standardized for humans evaluated in the present study may be used as a tool to complement the diagnosis of the disease, as well as to select potential allergen candidates for allergen-specific immunotherapy.
The efficacy of three vaccines was evaluated in chickens for the control of experimental infection with Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) phage type 4. The vaccines were produced with bacterin, outer membrane proteins (OMP) and fimbriae crude extract (FE). The chickens were vaccinated intramuscularly with two doses of each vaccine at 12 and 15 weeks of age. The chickens were then orally challenged with 10(9) CFU/chicken Salmonella Enteritidis phage type 4 at 18 weeks of age. Fecal swabs were performed for the recovery of shedding SE, and SE was recovered from the liver and spleen. Additionally, antibody titers were measured in the serum by micro-agglutination test. The results indicated that the vaccine produced with bacterin yielded better results and resulted in reduction of fecal shedding and organ invasion by SE after oral challenge, although no vaccine was 100% effective for the control of SE experimental infection.
Abstract: Infection with Escherichia coli (E. coli) is a common disease in poultry industry. The use of antibiotics to treat diseases is facing serious criticism and concerns. The medicinal plants may be effective alternatives because of their multiplex activities. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of cinnamon extract on the levels of liver enzymes, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) gene expressions in liver of broiler chickens infected with E. coli. Ninety Ross-308 broilers were divided into healthy or E. coli-infected groups, receiving normal or cinnamon extract (in concentrations of 100 or 200mg/kg of food) supplemented diets. E. coli suspension (108cfu) was injected subcutaneously after 12 days cinnamon administration. Seventy-two hours after E. coli injection, the blood samples were taken for biochemical analysis of liver enzymes in serum (spectrophotometrically), and liver tissue samples were obtained for detection of gene expression of inflammatory markers TNF-α and NF-κB, using real-time PCR. Infection with E. coli significantly increased the levels of TNF-α and NF-κB gene expressions as well as some liver enzymes including creatine-kinase (CK), lactate-dehydrogenase (LDH), alanine-transferase (ALT) and aspartate-transferase (AST) as compared with control group (P<0.05). Pre-administration of cinnamon extract in broilers diet (in both concentrations) significantly reduced the tissue levels of TNF-α and NF-κB gene expressions and enzymes CK and ALT in serum of broiler chickens inoculated with E. coli in comparison with E. coli group (P<0.05 and P<0.01). The levels of LDH and AST were significantly decreased only by 200mg/kg cinnamon extract in infected broilers. The level of alkaline-phosphatase (ALP) was not affected in any groups. Pre-administration of cinnamon extract in diets of broiler chickens inoculated with E. coli could significantly reduce the gene expression levels of pro-inflammatory mediators and liver enzymes activities, thereby protecting the liver against this pathologic condition.
Foram estudados os efeitos de ethephon, com e sem uréia no controle do florescimento de abacaxizeiro 'Cayenne". Foram utilizadas as concentrações de 475 e 950 ppm de ethephon, e essas mesmas doses em combinação com uréia a 2%, em pulverização sobre toda a planta. Verificou-se que 60 dias após os tratamentos, a porcentagem de inflorescências emergidas das plantas das parcelas que receberam 950 ppm de ethephon foi significativamente maior do que as que receberam 475 ppm; por outro lado, essa dose quando acrescida de uréia foi superior à de 950 ppm isolada. Entretanto, a concentração de 950 ppm de ethephon adicionado de uréia foi o melhor tratamento, apresentando mais de 50% de inflorescéncias emergidas, enquanto que a testemunha permaneceu em estádio vegetativo. Aos 116 dias da aplicação, todas as plantas apresentaram inflorescências emergidas excetuando-se as plantas testemunhas, das quais apenas 4,6% atingiram esse estádio de desenvolvimento. A adição de uréia ao ethephon aumentou significativamente a eficiência deste produto em antecipar o florescimento. O tempo necessário para se obt er ce rca de 100% de inflorescências emergidas foi 74, 95, 95 e 116 dias após a aplicação, respectivamente para os tratamentos de 950 ppm de ethephon + uréia a 2%, 950 ppm de ethephon, 475 ppm de ethephon + uréia a 2% e 475 ppm de ethephon.
Este experimento teve por objetivo avaliar os efeitos da cultura da cevada e de períodos de controle das plantas daninhas sobre o crescimento e produção de sementes de Raphanus sativus. Foram considerados dois tratamentos testemunha sem controle das plantas daninhas, com e sem a cultura. Nos oito demais tratamentos, a cultura esteve sempre presente, controlando-se as plantas daninhas até 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80 e 100 dias após a emergência da cevada. A comunidade infestante da área era composta quase exclusivamente por R. .sativus. Avaliou-se o número de plantas, acúmulos de matéria seca, número médio de frutos e sementes de nabiça por planta e por unidade de área ; foram ainda avaliados o número médio de sementes por fruto, peso médio de 1.000 sementes e a contribuição das sementes na composição da matéria se catota. A análise dos resultados evidenciou que a espécie Raphanus sativus apresenta elevado potencial reprodutivo, sendo possível concluir pela ineficiência de programas de controle de curta duração, em termos de redução do banco de sementes. A presença da cultura da cevada reduziu tanto o crescimento quanto o número de sementes produzidas pela nabiça (R. sativus). Na ausência da cultura e de práticas de controle foram produzidas 5.074 sementes/m, a partir de 125 plantas/m ainda presentes na colheita da cultura.
O manejo de plantas daninhas na cultura do abacaxi é uma prática indispensável, sendo o controle químico cada vez mais utilizado, uma vez que permite o controle eficiente e não danifica as raízes da cultura. Todavia, há poucos trabalhos sobre interferência de herbicidas no crescimento da cultura; portanto, visando avaliar os efeitos de amicarbazone e diuron + paraquat, estes foram aplicados diretamente sobre as plantas, sendo os efeitos mensurados através da taxa de fluorescência da clorofila a e dos teores de clorofila a, clorofila b e carotenóides, além da avaliação de altura e biomassa seca de parte aérea (Wpa). O herbicida amicarbazone promoveu declínio nos teores de pigmentos fotossintéticos, não se verificando a mesma interferência para as variáveis altura e Wpa; no entanto, o herbicida diuron + paraquat foi letal para a cultura, haja vista a redução nos teores de clorofilas a e b e carotenóides, além da impossibilidade da medição da altura e Wpa (aos 120 DAT) em função da morte das plantas aos 30 DAT, o que demonstra certa seletividade do amicarbazone à cultura do abacaxi.
A caracterização da habilidade competitiva da soja, em função da resposta diferencial dos cultivares, pode fornecer subsídios valiosos tanto para o melhoramento genético como para o manejo de plantas daninhas. Várias características da cultura podem associar-se com a competitividade; contudo, em soja, poucos estudos foram realizados com a finalidade de identificá-las. Com os objetivos de avaliar a variabilidade existente em cultivares de soja quanto à competitividade com plantas concorrentes e identificar aqueles portadores de habilidade competitiva superior, foi conduzido experimento a campo, em Cruz Alta-RS, na safra 2000/01. Testaram-se duas condições de competição (ausência ou presença de nabo-forrageiro durante a fase de desenvolvimento vegetativo da soja), combinadas com 11 cultivares da cultura. A presença do nabo durante os primeiros 60 dias do ciclo da soja reduziu estatura de planta, área foliar, massa da parte aérea seca, emissão e crescimento de ramos. Os cultivares de soja responderam diferentemente à interferência do nabo, indicando existir variabilidade genética para competitividade, o que permite selecionar genótipos de soja portadores de habilidade competitiva superior. De outra parte, ocorreu maior supressão do crescimento de plantas de nabo em função da presença dos cultivares de soja 'CD 201' e 'Fepagro RS 10'.
A forte dependência de herbicidas para o controle de plantas daninhas em soja tem como consequência a seleção de espécies daninhas tolerantes e resistentes. O manejo integrado considera, além do uso de herbicidas, técnicas como a habilidade competitiva do cultivar para controlar plantas daninhas. Com os objetivos de avaliar a resposta de cultivares à competição com nabo (Raphanus sativus) e identificar aqueles portadores de habilidade competitiva superior, foi conduzido experimento em campo, em Cruz Alta-RS, na safra 2000/01. Testaram-se duas condições de competição (ausência ou presença de nabo forrageiro durante a fase de desenvolvimento vegetativo da soja), combinadas com 11 cultivares da cultura. O efeito da competição com nabo é variável entre os cultivares, caracterizando variabilidade genética que permite selecionar genótipos portadores de habilidade competitiva superior. A competição com nabo reduz a estatura de planta, o comprimento médio dos ramos e a produtividade de grãos de soja. Entre os genótipos de soja utilizados, o cultivar MSoy 6101 destaca-se quanto à habilidade competitiva pela maior produtividade potencial de grãos na ausência de competição e pela capacidade de mantê-la diante da competição com nabo.
The toxic action of aqueous wheat (Triticum aestivum) straw extracts was investigated on germination, early seedling growth, some biochemical attributes and the antioxidant enzymes of horse purslane (Trianthemaportulacastrum). Aqueous extracts of wheat straw were prepared by soaking the wheat straw in distilled water in 1:10 w/v ratio and diluted to obtain the concentrations of 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%. These were used as pre and post emergence in laboratory and screen house trials. Wheat aqueous extracts exhibited phytotoxicity to horse purslane by inhibiting and delaying its germination and suppressing seedling growth. Wheat phytotoxins in its aqueous extracts suppressed the chlorophyll content and soluble protein, and enhanced soluble phenolics and the activity of antioxidant enzymes as catalase, peroxidase and superoxide dismutase in the seedlings of horse purslane compared with the control. Such inhibitory activity is believed to originate from exposure to wheat phytotoxins that are present in its aqueous straw extract. The suppressive effects of wheat straw need to be investigated further under field conditions.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the ethanolic extract of Serjania lethalis leaves and stems on the diaspore germination and seedling growth of wild poinsettia (Euphorbia heterophylla) and barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli). The crude ethanolic extract was prepared from 100 g of dry plant material dissolved in 500 ml of ethanol. The extracts were solubilized in a buffer solution containing dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) at concentrations of 10.0, 7.5, 5.0 and 2.5 mg mL-1. The effect of these extracts was compared with herbicide oxyfluorfen in bioassays. The ethanolic extracts of S. lethalis leaves and stems inhibited the germination and seedling growth of barnyardgrass and wild poinsettia in a concentration-dependent manner. The reduction in the root length of E. heterophylla seedlings might be attributed to the reduced elongation of metaxylem cells. The phytotoxicity of the extracts ranged according to the receptor species, and for some variables, the inhibitory effect was similar, and even superior, to that of the commercial herbicide. Thus, S. lethalis extracts might be a promising alternative for sustainable weed management.
Limited occurrence of resistant radish (Raphanus sativus) to AHAS-inhibiting herbicides in Argentina
Radish has developed feral and weedy biotypes, which is a concern for agriculture around the world. In Argentina, it is one of the most widespread and troublesome crop weeds. In Brazil, this species has developed herbicide-resistance to acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS) inhibiting herbicides. The objective of this study was to record the presence of herbicide-resistant weedy radish plants in Argentina. In spring 2008, we found a small population of radish at the end of the flowering stage in an imidazolinone-tolerant canola field treated with imazethapyr. Screening and dose-response tests were conducted to two successive generations. They proved the biotype resistant status, and showed extensive survival (between 50 and 80% of control) to the application of a double dose of four AHAS‑inhibiting herbicides from two different chemical families (imidazolinones and sulfonylureas). Dose-response assays exhibited very high resistance for imazethapyr (LD50 = 2452.5 g a.i. ha-1, GR50 = 2926.9 g a.i. ha-1) and intermediate for metsulfuron (LD50 = 3.0 g a.i. ha-1, GR50 = 43.2 g a.i. ha-1). The acquisition of cross-resistance to different herbicide families would confer an adaptive and invasive advantage in agricultural environments to this biotype. Due to the herbicide rotation conducted in the field, the dispersion of this biotype was restricted. This is the first report of resistance in weedy radish in Argentina.
This study aimed to evaluate the allelopathic effect of various concentrations of an aqueous extract of eucalyptus leaves on Urochloa decumbens and Panicum maximum seeds. The extract was prepared from Eucalyptus urograndis leaves that were milled and mixed with distilled water in a 1:9 milled leaves: water ratio to obtain an extract with a defined concentration of 100%. In addition, dilutions of 50%, 25% and 12.5% were prepared, and a 0% dilution was used as a control. The experiment followed a completely randomized design, with four replicates, each of 50 seeds of U. decumbens and 50 seeds of P. maximum, arranged on filter paper moistened with each concentration of extract in a Gerbox plastic box. The results demonstrated the allelopathic potential of E. urograndis aqueous extracts applied to the seeds of U. decumbens and P. maximum. The 50% and 100% concentrations of leaf extract most strongly inhibited the germination, vigor and seedling growth of U. decumbens and P. maximum. The germination speed index and the root length were the characteristics that were most affected by the potentially allelopathic substances contained in the eucalyptus extracts at all concentrations.
A análise da atividade enzimática da redutase do nitrato baseou-se no método do ensaio in vivo, que foi padronizado para os tecidos foliares e radiculares do abacaxizeiro cultivado in vitro. As maiores atividades enzimáticas foram obtidas quando se empregou como meio de reação uma solução tampão fosfato 0,1 M, contendo KNO3 100 mM e 3% de n-propanol, a faixa de pH ótimo foi de 6,5 a 7,5. O tempo de incubação foi de 60 min a 30 °C. Essa padronização mostrou-se muito importante para a análise do ritmo diurno da redutase do nitrato em abacaxizeiro, visto que as condições de ensaio in vivo dessa enzima variam muito entre diferentes espécies vegetais. As folhas apresentaram as maiores atividades na presença de luz. As raízes mostraram atividade da redutase do nitrato também na ausência de luminosidade em níveis semelhantes aos observados na presença de luz. A atividade observada nas raízes foi sempre superior à das folhas, sugerindo que as raízes têm um importante papel na redução do nitrato nas condições de cultivo in vitro. O acúmulo de nitrato observado durante o ciclo diurno, nas folhas, evidenciou que a presença desse íon ocorreu em maiores níveis durante o período luminoso, estabelecendo uma correlação positiva com a atividade da redutase do nitrato. Entretanto, nas raízes, as maiores concentrações foram observadas na ausência de luz. Nesse caso, discute-se a possibilidade de outros fatores, além do nitrato, estarem contribuindo positivamente, induzindo uma elevada atividade enzimática na presença de luz.
Ablation of host submaxillary glands modifies Ehrlich tumor growth and tumor-infiltrating leukocytes, possibly by modifications in the serum level of growth factors produced by this gland. To extend this research, 7-month-old male EPM-1 mice (N = 30) were divided into two groups: 1) inoculated with tumor cells previously incubated with submaxillary salivary gland extract (SGE) in PBS for 30 min at 37%; 2) inoculated with tumor cells previously incubated with PBS, under the same conditions. Animals were inoculated into the footpad with 40 µl of a suspension containing 4.5 x 107 tumor cells/ml, and footpad thickness was measured daily for 10 days. Sections and smears of tumor cells were prepared from the tumor mass to determine mitosis frequency, percent of tumor cells immunopositive to nerve (NGF) and epidermal (EGF) growth factors and percent of tumor-infiltrating leukocytes. The incubation of tumor cells with SGE produced a tumor reduction of about 30% in size (P<0.01). This effect was not related to loss of cell viability during incubation, but a 33% increase (P<0.05) in the percentage of dead or dying tumor cells and a 15% increase in the percent of NGF/EGF-positive tumor cells (P<0.01) were observed in vivo at the end of experiment. Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes and mitosis frequency did not differ between groups. These data suggest a direct effect of factors present in SGE on tumor cells, which induce degeneration of tumor cells.
Injection of an Ascaris suum extract (Asc) affects both the humoral and cellular immune responses to unrelated antigens when it is co-administered with these antigens. In the present study we evaluated the effect of Asc on macrophage activation in the early phase of Mycobacterium bovis BCG (Pasteur strain TMCC 1173) infection in C57Bl/6 mice. C57Bl/6 mice were injected intraperitoneally (ip) with 0.1 mg BCG (BCG group) or BCG plus 1 mg Asc (BCG + Asc group). The peritoneal exudates were obtained at 2, 7 and 14 days after infection. The numbers of IFN-g-secreting cells were assessed by the ELISPOT assay. Nitric oxide (NO) production was measured by the Griess method and by the evaluation of NADPH diaphorase activity in the peritoneal exudates. The administration of Asc extract increased NADPH diaphorase activity (2 days: control = 0, BCG = 7%, BCG + Asc = 13%, and Asc = 4%; 7 days: control = 4, BCG = 13%, BCG + Asc = 21%, and Asc = 4.5%) and TNF-a levels (mean ± SD; 2 days: control = 0, BCG = 169 ± 13, BCG + Asc = 202 ± 37, and Asc = 0; 7 days: control = 0, BCG = 545 ± 15.5, BCG + Asc = 2206 ± 160.6, and Asc = 126 ± 26; 14 days: control = 10 ± 1.45, BCG = 9 ± 1.15, BCG + Asc = 126 ± 18, and Asc = 880 ± 47.67 pg/ml) in the early phase of BCG infection. Low levels of NO production were detected at 2 and 7 days after BCG infection, increasing at 14 days (mean ± SD; 2 days: control = 0, BCG = 3.7 ± 1.59, BCG + Asc = 0.82 ± 0.005, Asc = 0.48 ± 0.33; 7 days: control = 0, BCG = 2.78 ± 1.54, BCG + Asc = 3.07 ± 1.05, Asc = 0; 14 days: control = 0, BCG = 9.05 ± 0.53, BCG + Asc = 9.61 ± 0.81, Asc = 10.5 ± 0.2 (2 x 106) cells/ml). Furthermore, we also observed that Asc co-injection induced a decrease of BCG-colony-forming units (CFU) in the spleens of BCG-infected mice during the first week of infection (mean ± SD; 2 days: BCG = 1.13 ± 0.07 and BCG + Asc = 0.798 ± 0.305; 7 days: BCG = 1.375 ± 0.194 and BCG + Asc = 0.548 ± 0.0226; 14 days: BCG = 0.473 ± 0.184 and BCG + Asc = 0.675 ± 0.065 (x 102) CFU). The present data suggest that Asc induces the enhancement of the immune response in the early phase of BCG infection.