217 resultados para Aldo Oliva
FUNDAMENTO: Cresce o uso da Telemedicina, especialmente no envio e na avaliação de eletrocardiograma (ECG). É um procedimento de baixo custo, com alto potencial de salvar vidas. OBJETIVO: Descrever a forma de análise sistemática e o perfil do usuário da Rede Catarinense de Telemedicina quando o laudo era emitido de forma livre. MÉTODOS: Estudo observacional, transversal, determinando as associações entre características dos pacientes e diagnósticos eletrocardiográficos emitidos, dentre os usuários da Rede Catarinense de Telemedicina quando o laudo era fornecido de forma livre. Esse sistema estava conectado a 287 cidades de Santa Catarina, os exames eram feitos nos locais de origem e emitidos os laudos em três hospitais terciários. Entre 2005 e 2010, os laudos eram emitidos de forma livre e foi criado um método probabilístico para análise dos dados. Um cardiologista experiente avaliou todos os ECG para aferir a chance de anormalidade. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliados 243.363 ECG. A maioria (58%) foi realizada em pacientes com mais de 50 anos e proveniente da atenção primária (72%). Houve diferenças de frequência por região, parcialmente relacionado com número de cardiologistas/região (r = -0,551), com a distância dos centros terciários e com possíveis diferenças de aceitação do método. Cerca de 53% do ECG foram anormais, com maior frequência quanto maior a idade (r2 = 0,8166), e com diferenças regionais também significantes (p < 0,0001). CONCLUSÃO: Foi construído um sistema de análise dos dados integrando termos prevalentes, análise probabilística e dicionários especializados. O sistema tem atendido uma parcela significativa da população catarinense, principalmente idosos, da rede básica e de regiões remotas do estado.
Seis tipos de óleos comestíveis (de milho, de soja, de oliva, de algodão, de amendoim e de girassol) e duas gorduras de origem animal (manteiga e banha) foram analisados quanto aos seus teores em ácidos graxos, por meio da cromatografia em fase gasosa. O óleo de girassol apresentou o maior teor de ácidos graxos insaturados (86,10%) seguido pelo óleo de soja 84,15% e sendo o óleo mais saturado, o de algodão (24,23%). A manteiga apresentou grande número de ácidos graxos, desde 4 até 22 átomos de carbono, apresentando 58,00% de saturados. A banha de porco apresentou 39,82% de ácidos graxos saturados. Os ácidos graxos mais abundantes foram o olêico e linoléico, entre os insaturados e palmítico, entre os saturados.
The relative population sizes of a species complex of Chauliognathus are reported, as well as their spatial distribution associated with different patches of food plants. Field work was done at Fazenda Santa Isabel, municipality of Guaíba, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The results suggest that two mechanisms account for the reduction in food competition among the species involved: one is asynchrony in the appearance of the species in the area, and the other is aggregation in different patches of food plants. Since the species here reported show a similar colour pattern (yellow-black) the possibility of the occurrence of serial mimicry in this complex of species is dicussed.
The presence of three aspidocotyleans trematodes in marine fishes from Perú and Chile is reported. One of them, Lobatostoma veranoi from the intestine of Menticirrhus ophicephalu (Sciaenidae) is considered a new species. Distinct characteristcs of the new species are:a cirrus sac smaller than the pharynx; tail overlapping posteriorly the ventral disk; testis in the last third of the body and the presence of 64-66 marginal alveoli. The two other species are Lobatostoma pacificum Manter, 1940 found in Trachinotus paitensis Cuvier, 1830 from Perú and Chile and Lobatostoma Anisotremum Oliva & Carvajal, 1984 from the intestine of Anisotremus scapularis (Tschudi, 1844) from Perú.
A quantitative and qualitative analysis of the parasite fauna of the sciaenid Stellifer minor (Tschudi) from Chorrillos, Peru, was made. Some characteristics of the infectious processes, in terms of intensity and prevalence of infection, as a function of host sex and size, are given. Moreover, comments on the characteristics of the parasite fauna, related with host role in the marine food webs are included. The parasite fauna of Stellifer minor taken of Chorrillos, Peru, include the monogeneans Pedocotyle annakohni, Pedocotyle bravoi, Rhamnocercus sp. and Cynoscionicola sp., the digenean Helicometra fasciata, the adult acantocephalan Rhadinorhynchus sp. and the larval Corynosoma sp., the nematode Procamallanus sp., the copepods Caligus quadratus, Clavellotis dilatata and Bomolochus peruensis and one unidentified isopod of the family Cymothoidae. A distinctive characteristic of the parasite fauna (Metazoa) of S. minor is the almost absence of larval forms.
The presence of four Monogenoidea parasitic on marine fishes from the central Peruvian coast is recorded. One of them, Anoplocotyloides chorrillensis (Monocotylidae) described from the gills of Rhinobatos planiceps (Rhinobatidae) is considered a new species. The three other species are: Caballerocotyla autralis Oliva, 1986 (Capsalidae); Callorhynchocotyle marplatensis Suriano & Incorvaia, 1982 (Hexabothriidae) and Anoplocotyloides papillatus (Doran, 1953) (Monocotylidae) parasitic on Sarda chiliensis chiliensis (Scombridae), Callorhinchus callorhinchus (Callorhinchidae) and Rhinobatos planiceps (Rhinobatidae) respectively.
Serine proteinase inhitors, in the seeds of several Leguminosae from the Pantanal region (West Brazil), were studied using bovine trypsin, a digestive enzyme, Factor XIIa and human plasma Kallikrein, two blood clotting factors. The inhibitors were purified from Enterolobium contortisiliquum (Mr=23,000), Torresea cearensis (Mr = 13,000), Bauhinia pentandra (Mr = 20,000) and Bauhinia bauhinioides (Mr = 20,000). E. contortisiliquum inhibitor inactivates all three enzymes, whereas the T. cearensis inhibitor inactivates trypsin and Factor XSSa, but does nor affect plasma kallikrein; both Bauhinia inhibitors, on the other hand, inactivate trypsin and plasma kallikrein but only the Bpentandra inhibitor affects Factor XIIa. Ki values were calculated between 10 [raised to the power of] -7 and 10 [raised to the power of] -8 M.
The distribution of Kudoa sciaenae cysts (Myxozoa), in terms of intensity and prevalence, in the somatic muscles of the sciaenid Stellifer minor, shows an apparent preference for the anterior body region, including the head. The observed preference seems to be a consequence of the differential distribution of muscle mass, in the defined area, because when density (cyst/g dry muscle), is considered, all the somatic areas, but not cephalic area, do no show significant differences in terms of mean intensity and prevalence.
Specimens of Fissurella crassa (Archaeogastropoda) from Ilo, southern Perú, are infected with the adult stage of the digenetic trematode Proctoeces lintoni (Fellodistomidae). The histopatological analysis of the male and female gonads show a strong effect of the parasite on the structure and function of these organs. P. lintoni live unencysted in the gonads, and the main mechanical damage is originated by the action of a well developed acetabulum. Chemical actions of parasitic secretions may also be involved. The infected gonads show altered structure and the gametogenic processes is aborted. There is no evidence of hemocytic response, but leucocite infiltration is evident at least in male infected gonads. An increased content of polysaccarides is evident in infected gonads.
Five species of monogeneans collected from marine fishes of the Pacific coast of Chile and Perú were studied. Three of them are new species: Interniloculus chilensis n. sp. (Capsalidae), Neoheterobothrium insalaris n. sp. (Diclidophoridae) and Loxura peruensis n. sp. (Axinidae) parasitic on Sebastes capensis (Scorpaenidae), Paralichthys sp. (Bothiidae) and Belone scapularis (Belonidae), respectively. Two new combinations are proposed, Intracotyle neghmei (Microcotylidae) for Neobivagina neghmei Villalba, 1987 and Hargicotlyle conceptionensis (Diclidophoridae) for Choricotyle conceptionensis Villalba, 1987.
Faecal samples were obtained from 190 children, aged 0 to 5 years, admitted to a public hospital in Belém, Pará, Brazil. These patients were placed in a pediatric ward with 40 beds distributed in six rooms. Case were classified into three groups: (a) nosocomial: children who developed gastroenteritis 72 hr or later after admission; (b) community-acquired: patients admitted either with diarrhoea or who had diarrhoea within 72 hr following admission; (c) non-diarrhoeic: those children who had no diarrhoea three days before and three days after collection of formed faecal sample. Specimens were routinely processed for the presence of rotaviruses, bacteria and parasites. Rotaviruses were detected through enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and subsequently serotyped/electrophoretyped. Rotaviruses were the most prevalent enteropathogens among nosocomial cases, accounting for 39 % (9/23) of diarrhoeal episodes; on the other hand, rotaviruses ocurred in 8.3 % (11/133) and 9 % (3/34) of community-acquired and non-diarrhoeic categories, respectively. Mixed infections involving rotavirus and Giardia intestinalis and rotavirus plus G. intestinalis and Entamoeba histolytica were detected in frequencies of 8.6 and 4.3 %, respectively, in the nosocomial group. The absence of bacterial pathogens in this category, and the unusual low prevalence of these agents in the other two groups may reflect the early and routine administration of antibiotics following admission to this hospital. Rotavirus serotype 2 prevailed over the other types, accounting for 77.8 % of isolates from nosocomial diarrhoeal episodes. In addition, at least five different genomic profiles could be observed, of which one displayed an unusual five-segment first RNA cluster. Dehydration was recorded in all cases of hospital-acquired, rotavirus-associated diarrhoea, whereas in only 57 % of nosocomial cases of other aetiology. It was also noted that nosocomial, rotavirus-associated diarrhoeal episodes occur earlier (7 days), following admission, if compared with those hospital-acquired cases of other aetiology (14 days).
Three species of protistan and 22 species of metazoan parasites were obtained from a sample of 179 flatfish, (Paralichthys adspersus) taken-off Antofagasta, northern Chile. Prevalence of infection of seven parasites (Protista: 1, Copepoda: 2, Digenea: 1, Acantocephala: 1, Nematoda: 2) was significantly and positively correlated with host size. Host's sex do not seem to affect prevalence of infection, except for Nybelinia surmenicola, Capillaria sp. and Anisakis sp. (prevalence of infection significantly greater in males than females) and Philometra sp. (prevalence higher in females). Mean abundance is correlated with size in nine species (Protista: 1, Copepoda: 2, Digenea: 3, Acantocephala: 1, Nematoda: 2). Host's sex do not affect mean abundance, except for Cainocreadium sp. and Philometra sp.(mean abundance higher in females) and Nybelinia surmenicola, Capillaria sp. and Anisakis sp. (mean abundance higher in males).
Parasitological analysis of 237 Menticirrhus ophicephalus, 124 Paralonchurus peruanus, 249 Sciaena deliciosa, 50 Sciaena fasciata and 308 Stellifer minor from Callao (Perú) yielded 37 species of metazoan parasites (14 Monogenea, 11 Copepoda, 4 Nematoda, 3 Acanthocephala, 1 Digenea, 1 Aspidobothrea, 1 Eucestoda, 1 Isopoda and 1 Hirudinea). Only one species, the copepoda Bomolochus peruensis, was common to all five hosts. The majority of the components of the infracommunities analyzed are ectoparasites. The Brillouin index (H) and evenness (J´) were applied to the fully sampled metazoan parasite infracommunities. High values of prevalence and mean abundance of infection are associated to the polyonchoinean monogeneans; the low values of J' reinforce the strong dominance of this group in the studied communities. The paucity of the endoparasite fauna may be a consequence of the unstable environment due to an upwelling system, aperiodically affected by the El Niño Southern Oscillation phenomena.