94 resultados para Agricultural Residues
The effects of swine wastewater on atrazine dissipation and formation of bound residues in subtropical clay soil were investigated in this study. The experiment was carried out in laboratory, under room conditions, where samples of Rhodic Hapludox soil received 168.61 mg kg-1 of atrazine and were incubated for 60 days in the following treatments: T1 (sterilized soil + swine wastewater), T2 (sterilized soil + distilled water), T3 (Non sterilized soil + swine wastewater) and T4 (Non sterilized soil + distilled water). The extractable residues and bound residues of atrazine were extracted and analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography. The results showed no effect of swine wastewater on atrazine dissipation. However, the addition of swine wastewater favored the increase of bound residues, which can increase the persistence of atrazine in the environment and reduce its bioavailability.
Experimental evaluation of the performance of a wireless sensor network in agricultural environments
The aim of this study was to perform an experimental study to evaluate the proper operation distance between the nodes of a wireless sensor network available on the market for different agricultural crops (maize, physic nut, eucalyptus). The experimental data of the network performance offers to farmers and researchers information that might be useful to the sizing and project of the wireless sensor networks in similar situations to those studied. The evaluation showed that the separation of the nodes depends on the type of culture and it is a critical factor to ensure the feasibility of using WSN. In the configuration used, sending packets every 2 seconds, the battery life was about four days. Therefore, the autonomy may be increased with a longer interval of time between sending packets.
The concern related to environment is growing. Due to this, it is needed to determine chemical elements in a large range of concentration. The neutron activation technique (NAA) determines the elemental composition by the measurement of artificial radioactivity in a sample that was submitted to a neutron flux. NAA is a sensitive and accurate technique with low detection limits. An example of application of NAA was the measurement of concentrations of rare earth elements (REE) in waste samples of phosphogypsum (PG) and cerrado soil samples (clayey and sandy soils). Additionally, a soil reference material of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was also analyzed. The REE concentration in PG samples was two times higher than those found in national fertilizers, (total of 4,000 mg kg-1 ), 154 times greater than the values found in the sandy soil (26 mg kg-1 ) and 14 times greater than the in clayey soil (280 mg kg-1 ). The experimental results for the reference material were inside the uncertainty of the certified values pointing out the accuracy of the method (95%). The determination of La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Pm, Sm, Eu, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb and Lu in the samples and reference material confirmed the versatility of the technique on REE determination in soil and phosphogypsum samples that are matrices for agricultural interest.
The tire inflation pressure, among other factors, determines the efficiency in which a tractor can exert traction. It was studied the effect of using two tire inflation pressures, 110.4 kPa in the front and rear wheels, 124.2 kPa in the front wheel and 138 kPa in the rear wheels, the energetic efficiency of an agricultural tractor of 147 kW of engine power, in the displacement speed of 6.0 km.h-1, on track with firm surface, with the tractor engine speed of 2000 rpm. For each condition of the tire pressure, the tested tractor was subjected to constant forces in the drawbar of 45 kN and 50 kN, covering 30 meters. It was used a randomized complete block with a 2x2 factorial arrangement (tire pressure and drawbar power) with four replications, totaling 16 experimental units. Data were subjected to analysis of variance, using the Tukey test at 5% probability for comparison averages. The lowest hourly and specific fuel consumption, the lowest slippage of the wheelsets and the highest efficiency in the drawbar was obtained with the tire inflation pressure of 110.4 kPa in the front and rear tires of the tractor, highlighting that lower pressures improve energetic and operational performance of the tractor.
The reduction of pesticide spraying drift is still one of the major challenges in Brazilian agriculture. The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of different adjuvant products, such as surfactants, drift retardants, mineral oil and vegetable oil for reducing drift in agricultural spraying. The experiment consisted of quantifying drift of sprayings of 18 adjuvants dissolved in water under controlled conditions in a wind tunnel. Tests were performed in triplicates with spraying nozzles type Teejet XR8003 VK, pressure of 200kPa and medium drops. Solutions sprayed were marked with Brilliant Blue dye at 0.6% (m v-1). The drift was collected using polyethylene strips transversally fixed along the tunnel at different distances from the nozzle and different heights from the bottom part of the tunnel. Drift deposits were evaluated by spectrophotometry in order to quantify deposits. The adjuvants from chemical groups of mineral oil and drift retardant resulted in lower values of drift in comparison with surfactants and water. The results obtained in laboratory show that the selection of appropriate class and concentration of adjuvants can significantly decrease the risk of drift in agricultural spraying. However, the best results obtained in laboratory should be validated with pesticide under field conditions in the future.
The application of the Extreme Value Theory (EVT) to model the probability of occurrence of extreme low Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) values leads to an increase of the knowledge related to the occurrence of extreme dry months. This sort of analysis can be carried out by means of two approaches: the block maxima (BM; associated with the General Extreme Value distribution) and the peaks-over-threshold (POT; associated with the Generalized Pareto distribution). Each of these procedures has its own advantages and drawbacks. Thus, the main goal of this study is to compare the performance of BM and POT in characterizing the probability of occurrence of extreme dry SPI values obtained from the weather station of Ribeirão Preto-SP (1937-2012). According to the goodness-of-fit tests, both BM and POT can be used to assess the probability of occurrence of the aforementioned extreme dry SPI monthly values. However, the scalar measures of accuracy and the return level plots indicate that POT provides the best fit distribution. The study also indicated that the uncertainties in the parameters estimates of a probabilistic model should be taken into account when the probability associated with a severe/extreme dry event is under analysis.
This study defined the main adjuvant characteristics that may influence or help to understand drift formation process in the agricultural spraying. It was evaluated 33 aqueous solutions from combinations of various adjuvants and concentrations. Then, drifting was quantified by means of wind tunnel; and variables such as percentage of droplets smaller than 50 μm (V50), 100 μm (V100), diameter of mean volume (DMV), droplet diameter composing 10% of the sprayed volume (DV0.1), viscosity, density and surface tension. Assays were performed in triplicate, using Teejet XR8003 flat fan nozzles at 200 kPa (medium size droplets). Spray solutions were stained with Brilliant Blue Dye at 0.6% (m/ v). DMV, V100, viscosity cause most influence on drift hazardous. Adjuvant characteristics and respective methods of evaluation have applicability in drift risk by agricultural spray adjuvants.
ABSTRACT Soy harvest matches seasons with shortage of dry matter supply for ruminant feeding in most Brazilian soy-growing areas. Agricultural machinery-producing companies must have market perception, observing new opportunities and developing equipment to meet costumers’ needs. This paper aims to design, build, and test a device to collect soybean crop residues from the combine cleaning mechanism, consisting mainly of vegetable straw (chaff), and the other plant parts (stems) remain being deposited onto the ground. For equipment designing, we made use of the architectural design methodology proposed in the reference model for the agricultural machinery development process. The equipment was designed and built following the proposed methodology, then installed and put into operation in a John Deere 1165 combine. After initial testing and few adjustments, the device showed satisfactory chaff-collecting performance. The equipment consists of a screw conveyor assembled transversely to the combine and a centrifugal fan assembled on the side. The collected chaff is dumped into a trailer towed by tractor.
ABSTRACT This study aims at presenting the process of machine design and agricultural implements by means of a reference model, formulated with the purpose of explaining the development activities of new products, serving as a guideline to coach human resources and to assist in formalizing the process in small and medium-sized businesses (SMB), i.e. up to 500 employees. The methodology used included the process modeling, carried out from case studies in the SMB, and the study of reference models in literature. The modeling formalism used was based on the IDEF0 standard, which identifies the dimensions required for the model detailing: input information; activities; tasks; knowledge domains; mechanisms; controls and information produced. These dimensions were organized in spreadsheets and graphs. As a result, a reference model with 27 activities and 71 tasks was obtained, distributed over four phases of the design process. The evaluation of the model was carried out by the companies participating in the case studies and by experts, who concluded that the model explains the actions needed to develop new products in SMB.
Considering acute and chronic toxicity effects on human and animal health caused by pesticide residues in food, this study aimed to analyze organophosphorate (OP) and carbamate (CB) in feedstuff and water destined for dairy cattle, as well as in the milk produced by these animals, through gas chromatography (GC). In the Agreste region of Pernambuco, Brazil, 30 raw milk samples and all components of the animals' diet were collected from several farms. Out of the 30 milk of milk analyzed, six (20%) were contaminated with OP, five (16.7%) with CB, and one sample with both pesticides. From 48 analyzed feed samples, 15 (31.25%) were contaminated with residues of OP, six (12.50%) with CB, and one sample was contaminated with both pesticides. Out of 16 water samples analyzed, six (37.50%) were contaminated with OP residues, but non with CB. In four dairy farms the pesticides detected in milk were compatible with the active principles found in water and/or foodstuff, suggesting them to be the source of contamination.
Copper sulfate and sodium hypochlorite are used in footbath solutions for the prevention and treatment of bovine digital diseases; however, data on the residues of such elements in milk are sparse in Brazil. This study evaluated the cost of applying the footbath treatment and the total amount of copper and chlorite residues in the milk of healthy cows after they had passed through these footbath solutions. Two groups of 7 cows each (GI and GII) were studied. In the case of GI, 1% sodium hypochlorite was used and for GII 5% copper sulfate was employed in the footbath. The milk samples were collected before the 7-day footbath treatment period (M0) and 24 h (M1), 48 h (M2), 72 h (M3) and 15 days (M15) after the last footbath. Statistical analysis to compare the different samples within each group was carried out by applying Friedman's test, followed by Dunn's test (p<0.05). It was concluded that the amount of total chlorites and copper in the milk of healthy cattle after routine daily footbaths for a period of 7 days presented some variations. However, the concentrations observed were considered insufficient to represent a risk to human health. The cost of the footbath solutions was found to be reasonable.
Soil incorporation of crop residues can lead to weed suppression by posing allelopathic and physical effects. Allelopathic potential of the crops sorghum, sunflower, brassica applied as sole or in combination for horse purslane (Trianthema portulacastrum) suppression was evaluated in a pot investigation. Chopped crop residues alone and in combination were incorporated at 6 g kg-1 soil (12 t ha-1), and a weedy check was maintained. Germination traits time to start germination; time to 50% emergence, mean emergence time, emergence index and final germination percentage were negatively influenced by residue incorporation. Crop residues also exerted a pronounced negative influence on the shoot and root length of horse purslane. Significant suppression in leaf and root score and leaf area per plant was also observed. A combination of sorghum and sunflower residues accounted for maximum (71%) seedling mortality. Soil incorporation of allelopathic crop residues can be employed for horse purslane management.
This study aims to assess the composition of weed communities as a function of distinct selection factors, at neighboring areas submitted to distinct soil management and diverse use for sixteen years. Four areas submitted to distinct managements (conventional tillage system; no-till system; integration crop/livestock and continuous livestock) were sampled in relation to the occurrence and severity of weed species by the beginning of the planting season, being estimated the relative abundance, relative frequency and relative dominance of each weed species under each area, as well as the Importance Value Index for each species. Areas were also compared by the Sørensen's similarity coefficient. Areas where pasture and grazing were never present, exhibited a number of seedlings of weed species 250% higher than areas periodically or continuously under grazing, while the area of soil covered by weeds was 87% superior at the conventional tillage system in relation to the average of the other treatments. Grass weeds were the most important at the conventional tillage area while broadleaved weeds where more important at the no-till area, probably due also to herbicide selection factors. Under crop/livestock integration there may be the need to care about controlling seedlings of the forage species inside grain crops in succession.
Field trial was conducted with the aim of utilizing allelopathic crop residues to reduce the use of synthetic herbicides in broad bean (Vicia faba) fields. Sunflower residue at 600 and 1,400 g m-2 and Treflan (trifluralin) at 50, 75 and 100% of recommended dose were incorporated into the soil alone or in combination with each other. Untreated plots were maintained as a control. Herbicide application in plots amended with sunflower residue had the least total weed count and biomass, which was even better than herbicide used alone. Integration of recommended dose of Treflan with sunflower residue at 1,400 g m-² produced maximum (987.5 g m-2) aboveground biomass of broad bean, which was 74 and 36% higher than control and recommended herbicide dose applied alone, respectively. Combination of herbicide and sunflower residue appeared to better enhance pod number and yield per unit area than herbicide alone. Application of 50% dose of Treflan in plots amended with sunflower residue resulted in similar yield advantage as was noticed with 100% herbicide dose. Chromatographic analysis of residue-infested field soil indicated the presence of several phytotoxic compounds of phenolic nature. Periodic data revealed that maximum suppression in weed density and dry weight synchronized with peak values of phytotoxins observed 4 weeks after incorporation of sunflower residues. Integration of sunflower residues with lower herbicide rates can produce effective weed suppression without compromising yield as a feasible and environmentally sound approach in broad bean fields.
Studies related to weed dynamics are essential for agricultural sustainability in tropical soils, as their interference can cause significant yield losses, especially in crops with lower competitive ability. This study aimed to assess the composition of weed communities in the third cropping season in areas submitted to distinct wintercroppings for two consecutive years. Evaluations were made in terms of species composition, level of infestation, and severity of occurrence of each weed species in relation to the others within the same area. The wintercropping management systems were: (1) Brachiaria ruziziensis; (2) corn intercropped with B. ruziziensis; (3) corn and (4) cowpea. Plant communities under these wintercrop systems were evaluated in the third year in terms of relative frequency, relative dominance, relative abundance and importance index for each species. Areas were also compared in terms of species composition by the Sorensen's similarity coefficient. Two years of distinct wintercrop managements were not enough to cause a significant shift in terms of weed composition and severity in a given area. There is also evidence that some weed species are more favored by specific crops, although the causes of this selective behavior are not fully explored in this article. The presence of B. ruziziensis, either alone or intercropped with corn, resulted in lower similarity coefficients when compared to areas where this species was not present. It is suggested that several mechanisms briefly discussed may be involved in the impact of the presence of B. ruziziensis on the weed community.