424 resultados para Agricultura - Argentina


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Until early 1998 the presence of Aedes albopictus had never been detected in Argentina. During April of the same year, few individuals of this species were recorded in 33 breeding sites found in 25 out of 161 inspected houses in the city of Eldorado, Province of Misiones. The homogeneous spatial distribution of the proliferation foci suggests the existence of a generalized infestation in this locality during the study period.


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OBJECTIVE: To study the risk of Trypanosoma cruzi domestic transmission using an entomological index and to explore its relationship with household's characteristics and cultural aspects. METHODS: There were studied 158 households in an endemic area in Argentina. Each household was classified according to an entomological risk indicator (number of risky bites/human). A questionnaire was administered to evaluate risk factors among householders. RESULTS: Infested households showed a wide range of risk values (0 to 5 risky bites/human) with skewed distribution, a high frequency of lower values and few very high risk households. Of all collected Triatoma infestans, 44% had had human blood meals whereas 27% had had dogs or chickens blood meals. Having dogs and birds sharing room with humans increased the risk values. Tidy clean households had contributed significantly to lower risk values as a result of low vector density. The infested households showed a 24.3% correlation between time after insecticide application and the number of vectors. But there was no correlation between the time after insecticide application and T. infestans' infectivity. The statistical analysis showed a high correlation between current values of the entomological risk indicator and Trypanosoma cruzi seroprevalence in children. CONCLUSIONS: The risk of T. cruzi domestic transmission assessed using an entomological index show a correlation with children seroprevalence for Chagas' disease and householders' habits.


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The efficacy of a larvicide, temephos, for controlling Ae. aegypti was evaluated in a cemetery in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Breeding sites decreased from 18.4% in the first study period (Nov 1998 to May 1999, without temephos) to 2.2% in the second period (Nov 1999 to May 2000, two applications), and to 0.05% in the third one (Nov 2000 to May 2001, five applications). Ovitraps with eggs decreased from 17% in the first period to 5.8% in the second period, and to 2.9% in the third one. Results suggest that, in Buenos Aires, Ae. aegypti populations are highly susceptible to temephos. It is recommended to limit the use of temephos to prevent potential epidemics rather than for routine control.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the intensity of Pediculus capitis infestation (abundance) among Argentinean schoolchildren. Children's sex and social stratum were analyzed as modifiers of the general prevalence and degree of parasitism. METHODS: The study included 1,370 schoolchildren (692 girls, 678 boys) from 26 schools of the province of La Rioja (21 public schools, five private schools). Classic prevalence was obtained as the percentage of children with nits and/or lice. Moreover, five degrees of parasitism were classified: 0) children with no signs of pediculosis; 0+) children with evidence of past infestation; 1) children with a recent infestation and low probability of active parasitism; 2) children with a recent infestation and high probability of active parasitism; 3) children with mobile lice (active pediculosis). RESULTS: The general prevalence was 61.4% (girls: 79%; boys: 44%, p<0.001). Private schools showed lower prevalence than public schools (p=0.02), especially due to the low prevalence in boys. Fifty percent of children were classified in classes 0 and 0+, 22% in class 1; and 28% in grades 2 and 3. The proportion of children in grade 3 was higher in public schools than in private schools. There were significant sexual differences in the intensity of parasitism for grades 2 and 3, where girls' rates exceeded twice those of boys'. CONCLUSIONS: Sex and social stratum are important modifiers of P. capitis general prevalence and degree of infestation. The classification of children by intensity of infestation allowed a more precise delimitation of this condition, which is especially important for disease surveillance and application of control measures.


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OBJETIVO: Estudiar la fluctuación estacional de Aedes aegypti y correlacionar su abundancia con factores ambientales. MÉTODOS: Las colectas fueron realizadas entre octubre de 2002 y noviembre de 2003, en la ciudad de Resistencia, província del Chaco, Argentina. Fueron hechos muestreos semanales empleando ovitrampas. El número de huevos colectados fue correlacionado con la temperatura, humedad relativa ambiente, evaporación y precipitaciones registradas en dicha localidad. Se utilizó el test de correlación de Pearson con los respectivos datos climáticos semanales, realizándose correlaciones simples y múltiples. RESULTADOS: La ocurrencia de huevos fue registrada de manera discontinua, desde la última semana de octubre de 2002, hasta la última de junio de 2003, a partir de la cual no fueron encontrados hasta noviembre de 2003. Se observó un pico de abundancia (70%) en noviembre y diciembre, que coincidió con el período de temperaturas altas y mayores precipitaciones. Otro pico, aunque de menor importancia, fue observado en abril y coincidió con las lluvias de otoño. Las correlaciones fueron significativas solamente para las precipitaciones acumuladas mensuales (r=0,57; P<0,05). No se registraron oviposturas en invierno cuando la temperatura media semanal fue inferior a 16,5ºC. CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados muestran correlación entre la oviposición y las precipitaciones, pues los períodos de mayor actividad de Aedes aegypti ocurrieron en el final de la primavera, comienzos del verano y en el inicio del otoño. Estos serían los períodos de mayor riesgo epidemiológico especialmente ante la aparición de personas infectadas.


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OBJETIVO: Comparar la abundancia de Anopheles pseudopunctipennis, y otros anofelinos, en tres zonas silvestres y modificadas por el hombre, a fin de verificar en qué medida tales diferencias ambientales afectan la distribución espacial de estos mosquitos. MÉTODOS: Se realizaron muestreos mensuales (diciembre de 2001 a diciembre de 2002), con trampas de luz CDC con CO2, en cada sitio de muestreo (selva, borde de selva y peridomicilio). En el peridomicilio, además, dos operadores aspiraron mosquitos posados sobre las paredes. Se estimaron índices de diversidad y abundancia de especies, y se intentó caracterizar a los ambientes estudiados mediante ANOVA, cálculo de cosenos y análisis de agrupamientos. RESULTADOS: Anopheles pseudopunctipennis fue la especie más abundante. Se colectaron también An. argyritarsis, An. nuneztovari, An. rangeli y An. strodei. Excepto An. nuneztovari que no se capturó en el peridomicilio, las demás se colectaron en los tres ambientes. No hubo diferencias en los índices de diversidad, ni tampoco entre los ambientes estudiados; sin embargo, el análisis de agrupamiento separó el borde de la selva, donde todas las especies fueron más abundantes en general. CONCLUSIONES: El borde de la selva fue el ambiente que presentó la mayor abundancia, representando, además del peridomicilio, un ambiente de alto riesgo para la transmisión del paludismo.


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The objective of the study was to assess the use of helmets in a community where helmet use is mandatory but low as there is no police enforcement. A sample comprising 451 motorcyclists in the city of Mar del Plata, Argentina, was studied in 2006. The following variables were studied: gender, type of motorcycle, weather conditions, time of the day, city area and type of road where motorcyclists traveled. Data were analyzed through a multiple logistic regression model. An overall 40% prevalence (95% CI: 35.5;44.5) of helmet use was found. Higher rates of helmet use were seen among women, and under unfavorable weather conditions, lower rates were found in the city outskirts, and variable use was seen according to the type of motorcycle. There is a need to improve law enforcement and to promote education of motorcyclists.


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Este articulo es una reflexión acerca del impacto de la epidemia 2009 en Argentina, con 26.000 afectados y seis muertes, y como las consecuencias pudieron haber sido mucho menores si hubiese existido dialogo y entendimiento entre epidemiología y política sanitaria. La falta de preparación, la descoordinación en la respuesta y el impacto sobre la población, confirman la brecha existente entre la evidencia científica y la toma de decisión política. La epidemiologia y la política sanitaria tienen distintas prioridades, distintos tiempos y distinta escala de valores. Las lecciones de la epidemia de 2009 deberían servir para acercar estos dos pilares de la salud publica de cara al beneficio de la comunidad, que al fin, es el objetivo común.


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El objetivo del estudio fue determinar los horarios de máxima actividad de oviposición de Aedes aegypti en la ciudad de Orán (noroeste argentino). Se realizaron muestreos quincenales entre noviembre de 2006 y febrero de 2007 (primavera-verano). La ciudad fue dividida en tres zonas (norte, centro, sur), donde fueron seleccionadas al azar las viviendas para colocar dos ovitrampas en el exterior de las mismas. Las ovitrampas fueron reemplazadas cada cuatro horas, desde la mañana (8h) hasta el atardecer (20h). Se registró la mayor cantidad de huevos entre las 16 y 20 h (81%). Estos datos aportan al conocimiento del vector y, por lo tanto, de la posibilidad de control, pudiendo realizarse las fumigaciones en la franja horaria con mayor actividad de oviposición.


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The presence of Aedes aegypti is reported beyond its current limit of distribution in Argentina, in the city of Neuquén, Neuquén Province. Ovitraps were placed to collect Ae. aegypti eggs between December 2009 and April 2010. The geographical distribution of Culex eduardoi, Psorophora ciliata and Ps. cingulata is extended with new records from two provinces.


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OBJECTIVE Identify spatial distribution patterns of the proportion of nonadherence to tuberculosis treatment and its associated factors.METHODS We conducted an ecological study based on secondary and primary data from municipalities of the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires, Argentina. An exploratory analysis of the characteristics of the area and the distributions of the cases included in the sample (proportion of nonadherence) was also carried out along with a multifactor analysis by linear regression. The variables related to the characteristics of the population, residences and families were analyzed.RESULTS Areas with higher proportion of the population without social security benefits (p = 0.007) and of households with unsatisfied basic needs had a higher risk of nonadherence (p = 0.032). In addition, the proportion of nonadherence was higher in areas with the highest proportion of households with no public transportation within 300 meters (p = 0.070).CONCLUSIONS We found a risk area for the nonadherence to treatment characterized by a population living in poverty, with precarious jobs and difficult access to public transportation.


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Trypanosoma cruzi prevalence rates of human, dog and cat populations from 47 households of 3 rural localities of the phytogeographical Chaqueña area of Argentina were determined both by serological and xenodiagnostic procedures. Human prevalence rates were uniform and ranged from 49.6 to 58.7%. Overall prevalence rate in dogs (75.0%) was significantly higher than in humans (51.0%). The overall proportion of parasitemic individuals assessed by xenodiagnosis was significantly higher in either dog (64.2%) or cat (63.6%) populations than among humans (12.5%). Although both the average number of resident as well as infected individuals per household was higher for people than for dogs (6.5 vs. 3.3, and 3.4 vs. 2.4, respectively), the reverse was recorded when parasitemic individuals were considered (1.0 vs. 2.1). Results are discussed in relation to dog between dogs and people, and dogs and bugs. In the light of present data, dogs must be considered as the major donors of parasites to vector bugs and thus, principal contributors to transmission in this region of Argentina.


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Levou-se a cabo numa área rural da Argentina uma pesquisa epidemiológica dos cães associados ao domicílio, com vistas a caracterizar sua dinâmica populacional as infecções naturais pelo T. cruzi empregando técnicas sorológicas e xenodiagnóstico. A estrutura de idades da população mostrou que os indivíduos participam no ciclo doméstico da transmissão uma média de 4 anos; a proporção de sexos por grupos etários sugeriu uma mortalidade diferencial para as fêmeas, especialmente nas cadelas. Achou-se uma prevalência geral de infecção de 84%, crescendo desde 69% em cães 1 ano até 100% nos maiores de 3 anos, indicando alta eficiência de transmissão do T. cruzi aos cães na qual a infecção congênita ou pelo leite pode estar implicada. A sorologia mostrou concordância de 98% com os xenodiagnósticos positivos. A parasitemia não diminuiu com a idade em cães seropositives < 10 anos. Ao menos os 50% dos reservatórios achavam-se estreitamente associados as moradas da gente. A estreita associação trdfica entre os cães e T. infestans; a persistência da parasitemia nos reservatórios; a alta eficiência de transmissão do parasito a este; padrões de exposição do hospedeiro adequados; e altas taxas de recrutamento de indivíduos suscetíveis qualificam o cão como hospedeiro amplificador da doença de Chagas nas áreas rurais do centro e norte da Argentina. Os programas rurais de atenção primária da saúde vieram estimular a introdução de medidas dirigidas a diminuir o contacto cão-barbeiro para ser executadas em conexão à luta química contra os vetores na Argentina.


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A new cross-sectional survey of household- associated mongrel dogs as well as follow-up of previously parasitemic individuals was carried out in 1984 toy means of xenodiagnosis and serologic techniques to get a deeper insight into the relationship of T. cruzi parasitemia and age among canine hosts in a rural area of Argentina. Persistence of detectable parasitemia was age-independent, or at most, loosely related to age, confirming the pattern observed in 1982. Similarly no significant age-decreasing effect was recorded among seropositive dogs in: a) the probability of detecting parasites in a 2-year follow-up; b) their intensity of infectiousness (=infective force) for T. infestans 3rd-4th instar nymphs, as measured by the percentage of infected bugs observed in each dog xenodiagnosis. Moreover, not only was the infective force of seropositive dogs for bugs approximately constant through lifetime, but it was significantly higher than the one recorded for children in the present survey, and for human people by other researchers. Therefore, and since T. infestans field populations show high feeding frequencies on dogs, the latter are expected to make the greatest contribution to the pool of infected vectors in the rural household of Argentina. This characteristic should be sufficient to involve canine reservoirs definitely as a risk factor for human people residing in the same house. The increased severity of parasitemia observed among dogs in this survey may be related to the acute undernutrition characteristic of canine populations of poor rural areas in our country, which is expected to affect the ability of the host to manage the infection.


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An epidemiological study for histoplasmosis coccidioidomycosis and cryptococcosis made in five areas of the province of Córdoba is presented. The data obtained showed a global positivity of 41.1% for histoplasmin 26.7% for coccidioidin and 14.1% for cryptococcin. In some areas, the Rio III basin and Traslasierra, the histoplasmosis infection indexes were much higher, 53,3% and 73.1% respectively. The index of positive skin tests with Cryptococcus antigen in Traslasierra was also very high: 31.9%.