292 resultados para Acute abdominal distress
A serological study was carried out to evaluate the causal relationship of acute diarrhoea and rotavirus in children under five years of age. The rotaviral infection was demonstrated in paired sera by determining the antibody titers by immunofluorescence test (IF). Bovine rotavirus-infected MA-104 cell culture was used as substratum for IF. Out of 80 paired sera it was shown that 23 (28.75%) presented seroconversion, 19 (23.75%) samples showed a twofold increase in their titers and 38 (47.5%) had no increase in rotavirus antibody. This result is discussed on the light of previously obtained results on viral antigen detection by counterimmunoelectrosmophoresis (CIEOP).
Report of a case of acute transfusional Chagas'disease in a four-year-old child with a previous diagnosis of acute lymphocytic leukemia, transmitted in São Paulo, the Capital of São Paulo State, Brazil. Epidemiological investigation disclosed the donor's serological positivity and his previous residence in an area where Chagas' disease is endemic. The importance of adequate sorological screening in blood donors is evident. It should be stressed that this is the first case notified to the Superintendência de Controle de Endemias (SUCEN) (Superintendency for the Endemy Control) of the State Secretariat of Health, São Paulo, for the last five years.
Eosinophil dynamics, in bone marrow, blood and peritoneal exudate, of resistant C57B1/6 (C57) and susceptible A/Snell (A/Sn) mice was comparatively studied during the acute phase of infection by Trypanosoma cruzi Y strain. A decline was observed in bone marrow eosinophil levels in A/Sn, but not in C57 mice, soon after infection, those of the former remaining significantly below those of the latter up to the 4th day of infection. Bone marrow eosinophil levels of C57 mice declined subsequently to levels comparable to those of A/Sn mice, the number of these cells in this compartment remaining 50% those of non infected controls, in both strains, up to the end of the experiment on the 14th day of infection. The fluctuations in eosinophil levels in blood and peritoneal space were similar in both mice strains studied. Concomitantly with depletion of eosinophils in the marrow, depletion in blood and a marked rise of these cells in the peritoneal space, initial site of infection, occurred in both strains. The difference in eosinophil bone marrow levels, between C57 and A/Sn mice, observed in the first four days of infection, suggests a higher eosinopoiesis capacity of the former in this period, which might contribute to their higher resistance to T. cruzi infection.
In an attempt to find a better T. cruzi antigen and possible immunological markers for the diagnosis of different clinical forms of Chagas' disease, amastigote and trypomastigote antigens obtained from immunosuppressed mice infected with T. cruzi (Y strain) were assessed in comparison with conventional epimastigote antigens. A total of 506 serum samples from patients with acute and with chronic (indeterminate, cardiac and digestive) forms, from nonchagasic infections, and from healthy individuals were assayed in immunofluorescence (IF) tests, to search for IgG, IgM and IgA antibodies. Amastigote proved to be the most convenient antigen for our purposes, providing higher relative efficiency indexes of 0.946, 0.871 and 0.914 for IgG, IgM and IgA IF tests, respectively. Anti-amastigote antibodies presented higher geometric mean titers (GMT) than anti-trypomastigote and anti-epimastigote. Anti-amastigote IgG antibodies were found in all forms of Chagas' disease, and predominantly IgA antibodies, in chronic digestive and in acute forms, as well as IgM antibodies, in latter forms. Thus, tests with amastigote antigen could be helpful for screening chagasic infections in blood banks. Practical and economical aspects in obtaining amastigotes as here described speak in favour of its use in developing countries, since those from other sources require more complex system of substruction, specialized personnel or equipment.
The occurrence of different viruses in nasopharyngeal secretions from children less than 5 years old with acute respiratory infections (ARI) was investigated over a period of 4 years (1982-1985) in Rio de Janeiro. Of the viruses known to be associated with ARI, all but influenza C and parainfluenza types 1, 2 and 4 were found. Viruses were found more frequently in children attending emergency or pediatric wards than in outpatients. This was clearly related to the high incidence of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in the more severe cases of ARI. RSV positive specimens appeared mainly during the fall, over four consecutive years, showing a clear seasonal ocurrence of this virus. Emergency wards provide the best source of data for RSV surveillance, showing sharp increase in the number of positive cases coinciding with increased incidence of ARI cases. Adenovirus were the second most frequent viruses isolated and among these serotypes 1,2 and 7 were predominant. Influenza virus and parainfluenza virus type 3 were next in frequency. Influenza A virus were isolated with equal frequency in outpatient departments, emergency and pediatric wards. Influenza B was more frequent among outpatients. Parainfluenza type 3 caused outbreaks in the shanty town population annually during the late winter or spring and were isolated mainly from outpatients. Herpesvirus, enterovi-rus and rhinovirus were found less frequently. Other viruses than RSV and parainfluenza type 3 did not show a clear seasonal incidence.
In October, 1986, 7 to 22 days after a meeting at a farm in Paraíba state, 26 individuals presented with a febrile illness associated with bilateral eyelid and lower limb edema, mild hepatosplenomegaly, lymphadenopathy and, occasionally a skin rash. A 11-year-old boy exhibited atrial premature complexes and a 74-year-old patient developed acute heart failure. In two patients hospitalized in São Paulo city, acute Chagas' disease was diagnosed by the demonstration of circulating Trypanosoma cruzi. At autopsy in a fatal case, acute Chagas' cardiomyopathy was demonstrated. Xenodiagnosis were positive in 9 out of 14 tested patients. A specific IgG immune response was found in all patients and specific IgM antibodies were identified in 20 out of 22 tested patients. A epidemiological survey showed the existence of Triatoma brasiliensis in the outbuildings of this farm, but none in the house where most of the guests stayed. A high rate of infection with Trypanosoma cruzi was found in opossums. These observations together with those related to the food consumed by the patients, lead the authors to suggest that the human infections resulted from oral contamination probably originating from naturally infected marsupials in the area or crushed infected bugs.
Most of the cases of abdominal angiostrongyliasis in Brazil were reported from the southern States of São Paulo, Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul (RS). A study in 27 cases from RS revealed a distinct local epidemiology. Peasants were usually affected, either adults or children, from the mountainous areas in the north of the Suite. There was a seasonal increase in the number of cases, from late spring to autumn, that does not coincide with the rainy season. Besides the most common clinical features of abdominal pain, fever and cosinophilia in the leucogram, painful relapsing episodes were detected in some patients. The abdominal pain could be either localized or diffuse during the rapid evolution to a surgical abdominal condition, with a letality of 7.4%. The use of a serological test and the greater awareness of physicians working in endemic areas is expected to improve the recognition of uncomplicated and benign courses of the disease. This study confirms the known clinical manifestations of abdominal angiostrongyliasis and demonstrates the diversity of its epidemiology.
This is a report of a 25 years old black woman from the city of São Paulo, Brazil, who developed acute obstructive cholangitis of Ascaris lumbricoides with septicemia and multiple hepatic abscesses. The patient had sickle cell trait and normal delivery 3 months ago. Massive infestation of the biliary tract by Ascaris lumbricoides was diagnosed by abdominal ultrasonography and endoscopic retrograde cholangiography. Sixty worms were removed from the common bile duct and hepatic abscesses were drained by surgery. The infectious process was polymicrobial. The patient's recovery was complete after a long evolution with a wide spectrum antibiotic therapy. New surgeries were needed to remove residual worms in the biliary tract. The diagnostic methods, clinical-biochemical features and also the clinical and surgical management are presented. The biliary ascariasis pathophysiology is commented.
Three distinct syndromes caused by schistosomiasis have been described: cercarial dermatitis or swimmer's itch, acute schistosomiasis or Katayama fever, and chronic schistosomiasis. Complications of acute schistosomiasis have also been reported. The absence of a serological marker for the acute stage has hindered early diagnosis and treatment. Recently, an ELISA test using KLH (keyhole limpet haemocyanin) as antigen, has proved useful in differentiating acute from chronic schistosomiasis mansoni. Clinical and experimental evidence indicate that steroids act synergistically with schistosomicides in the treatment of Katayama syndrome. In this paper, clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic features of acute schistosomiasis are updated.
To obtain base line data on incidence, duration, clinical characteristics and etiology of acute respiratory infections (ARI), 276 children from deprived families living in Montevideo were followed during 32 months. The target population was divided into two groups for the analysis of the results: children aged less than 12 months and those older than this age. During the follow-up period 1.056 ARI episodes were recorded. ARI incidence was 5.2 per child/year. It was 87% higher in infants than in the older group, as was the duration of the episodes. Most of the diseases were mild. Tachypnea and retractions were seldom observed, but 12 children were refered to the hospital, and 2 infants died. Viral etiology was identified in 15.3% of the episodes. RSV was the predominant agent producing annual outbreaks. Moderate to heavy colonization of the upper respiratory tract by Streptococcus pneumoniae (32.3%) and Hemophilus sp. (18.9%) was recorded during ARI episodes. This community-based study furnish original data on ARI in Uruguay. It enabled to asses the impact of these infections on childhood.
Leptospirosis is an important cause of acute renal failure in our environment. Although several mechanisms are implicated, the role of rhabdomyolysis in the pathogenesis of acute renal failure in leptospirosis has not been analysed. Sixteen patients with the diagnosis of leptospiroses consecutively admitted to the hospital were prospectively studied. The disease was characterized by sudden onset in all patients and, at admission, jaundice, conjunctival suffusion and myalgias. Mild to moderate proteinuria with unremarkable urinary sediment was recorded in 37.5% of the patients and abnormal levels of urea creatinine were found in 87.5% and 74.0%, respectively. Increased levels of aminotranspherase were documented in all 12 and CPK in all 10 patients studied. Serum myoglobin levels greater than 120µg/l recorded in 56.2%. A correlation between myoglobin and renal failure or severity of disease, however, could not be established.
Two cases of Aspergillosis in immunocompromised children are reported. Both were caused by Aspergillns flavus. Early diagnosis and treatment led to the remission of the process. One patient had acute myeloid leukemia; the fungus was isolated from the blood. The other patient with bone marrow aplasia, presented an invasive aspergillosis of the paranasal sinuses with dissemination of fungal infection; the diagnosis was obtained by histology and culture of biopsied tissue from a palatal ulceration.
Histopathological and ultrastructural studies of 23 patients who died with clinical diagnosis of measles were carried out. In 12 cases viral nucleocapsids were searched by electron microscopy and detected in 100% of the cases in the lungs and in 50% of the cases in the central nervous system. They were mostly intranuclear. Histopathological changes associated to neurological alterations and the detection of virion are discussed in relation to acute and delayed clinical manifestations.