80 resultados para AK-003-001
Existe diferença na contratilidade da musculatura do assoalho pélvico feminino em diversas posições?
OBJETIVO: avaliar e comparar resultados da eletromiografia de superfície do assoalho pélvico feminino em diversas posições (decúbito dorsal, na posição sentada e ortostática). MÉTODOS: foram avaliadas 26 mulheres submetidas a um protocolo de exercícios para o fortalecimento do assoalho pélvico como tratamento da incontinência urinária de esforço por hipermobilidade do colo vesical. Utilizou-se sensor intravaginal conectado ao equipamento Myotrac 3G TM e a avaliação consistia em: 60 segundos iniciais de repouso, cinco contrações fásicas, uma contração tônica de 10 segundos e outra de 20 segundos. As amplitudes destas contrações foram obtidas pela diferença entre a amplitude final da contração menos a amplitude de repouso (em µV) e foram comparadas com o uso do teste de Wilcoxon para amostras pareadas (p<0,05). RESULTADOS: as amplitudes das contrações foram maiores em decúbito dorsal, decrescendo sucessivamente nas posições sentada e ortostática. Em decúbito dorsal, as medianas das contrações fásicas e tônicas de 10 s e 20 s foram respectivamente 23,5 (5-73), 18,0 (3-58) e 17,0 (2-48). Na posição sentada foram 20,0 (2-69), 16,0 (0-58) e 15,5 (1-48), e na posição ortostática 16,5 (3-67), 12,5 (2-54) e 13,5 (2-41). Quando se comparou a posição ortostática, com o decúbito dorsal, observou-se diferença significativa em todas as contrações (p<0,001, p<0,001 e p=0,003). Resultados semelhantes também foram encontrados comparando-se a posição ortostática com a posição sentada. Todavia, entre o decúbito dorsal e a posição sentada, não foi observada diferença significativa. CONCLUSÃO: as amplitudes de todas as contrações do assoalho pélvico feminino foram inferiores na posição ortostática, sugerindo que o fortalecimento muscular deve ser intensificado nesta posição.
OBJETIVO: identificar os fatores obstétricos e neonatais associados ao desfecho de displasia broncopulmonar em pacientes com amniorrexe prematura no pré-termo. MÉTODOS: foram analisados 213 prontuários do Instituto Fernandes Figueira, entre 1998 e 2002, cujas pacientes evoluíram com quadro de amniorrexe prematura <34 semanas de gestação. Foram excluídas gestações múltiplas. As variáveis de natureza clínico-obstétricas e neonatais foram cotejadas com o desfecho de displasia broncopulmonar. Os dados foram submetidos à análise bivariada, sendo os valores que exibiam significância estatística (p<0,05) submetidos à regressão logística. RESULTADOS: a prevalência de displasia broncopulmonar foi de 6.10%. A análise univariada dos fatores associados ao desfecho de displasia broncopulmonar exibiu os seguintes resultados: tempo de ventilação mecânica neonatal >10 dias (OR: 54,00 [11,55-278,25] p=0,000); idade gestacional <30 semanas (OR: 6,33 [1,26-43,06] p=0,017) peso <1.000 g (OR: 4,82 [1,34-17,53] p=0,010); peso <1.500 g (OR: 14,09 [1,82-300,50] p=0,003; persistência do canal arterial (OR: 12,33 [3,07-50,10], p=0,000); doença da membrana hialina (OR: 8,46 [2,21-35,00] p=0,000); pneumonia congênita (OR: 7,48 [2,03-27,93] p=0,000); uso de surfactante neonatal (OR: 19,66 [4,54-97,76] p=0,000) e infecção neonatal (OR: 7,67 [0,99-163,79] p=0,049). No modelo multivariado final, somente as variáveis "ventilação mecânica">10 dias (p=0,001) e "uso de surfactante" (p=0,040) permaneceram independentemente associadas ao desfecho. CONCLUSÕES: observou-se que os fatores associados à displasia broncopulmonar são de natureza neonatal, sendo que a ventilação mecânica duradoura e o uso de surfactante neonatal influenciaram no desenvolvimento dessa doença.
PURPOSE:To evaluate factors associated with hypertension in Brazilian women of 50 years of age or more.METHODS:A cross-sectional population based study using self-reports. A total of 622 women were included. The association between sociodemographic, clinical and behavioral factors and the woman's age at the onset of hypertension was evaluated. Data were analyzed according to cumulative continuation rates without hypertension, using the life-table method and considering annual intervals. Next, a Cox multiple regression analysis model was adjusted to analyze the occurrence rates of hypertension according to various predictor variables. Significance level was pre-established at 5% (95% confidence level) and the sampling plan (primary sampling unit) was taken into consideration.RESULTS:Median age at onset of hypertension was 64.3 years. Cumulative continuation rate without hypertension at 90 years was 20%. Higher body mass index (BMI) at 20–30 years of age was associated with a higher cumulative occurrence rate of hypertension over time (coefficient=0.078; p<0.001). Being white was associated with a lower cumulative occurrence rate of hypertension over time (coefficient= -0.439; p=0.003), while smoking >15 cigarettes/day was associated with a higher rate over time (coefficient=0.485; p=0.004).CONCLUSION:The results of the present study highlight the importance of weight control in young adulthood and of avoiding smoking in preventing hypertension in women aged ≥50 years.
Objetivo Avaliar se há correlação das dosagens de frutosamina e de hemoglobina glicosilada (HbA1c) com as frequências de desvios de glicemia capilar em gestantes com diabetes mellitus. Métodos estudo observacional, retrospectivo, de corte transversal, incluindo todas as gestantes comdiabetes que iniciaram o pré-natal emhospital terciário de ensino durante o ano de 2014 e que apresentavam pelo menos 20 dias de auto monitoramento glicêmico previamente às dosagens séricas de frutosamina e de HbA1c. Os desvios de glicemia capilar foram considerados "hipoglicemias" quando menores que 70mg/dL ou "hiperglicemias" quando acima do alvo glicêmico terapêutico para o horário. Foram testadas as correlações lineares par a par das dosagens de frutosamina e de HbA1c com as frequências de hipoglicemias e de hiperglicemias capilares pelo teste Tau-b de Kendall. Na sequência, foi avaliada a regressão linear entre as dosagens de HbA1c e de frutosamina e as frequências de hipoglicemias e de hiperglicemias. Resultados Foram incluídas 158 gestantes que contribuíram com 266 amostras para dosagem sérica de frutosamina e HbA1c. As dosagens de frutosamina e de HbA1c apresentaram, respectivamente, coeficientes τ de Kendall de 0,29 (p < 0,001) e 0,5 (p < 0,001) com a frequência de hiperglicemias, e de 0,09 (p = 0,04) e 0,25 (p < 0,001) com a frequência de hipoglicemias capilares. No modelo de regressão linear, as dosagens de frutosamina e de HbA1c apresentaram, respectivamente, coeficientes de determinação R2 = 0,26 (p < 0,001) e R2 = 0,51 (p < 0,001) para a predição de hiperglicemias, e R2 = 0,03 (p = 0,003) e R2 = 0,059 (p < 0,001) para a predição de hipoglicemias. Conclusão As dosagens de frutosamina e de HbA1c apresentam correlação fraca a moderada com as frequências de hiperglicemias e hipoglicemias capilares no auto monitoramento glicêmico e não são capazes de traduzir com precisão os desvios da meta glicêmica no tratamento de gestantes com diabetes.
Variabilidade da contagem automática tridimensional de folículos ovarianos durante o ciclo menstrual
Objetivos Avaliar a variabilidade da contagem automática tridimensional dos folículos ovarianos que mediram 2 a 6 mm e 2 a 10 mm durante o ciclo menstrual. Verificar se este exame pode ser aplicado fora da fase folicular precoce do ciclo. Método Prospectivo observacional. Foram incluídas todas as pacientes inférteis submetidas à monitorização da ovulação de 20 de abril de 2013 a 30 de outubro de 2014, com18 a 35 anos; IMC de 18 a 25 kg/m2, eumenorréicas; semhistória de cirurgia ovariana e sem alterações nas dosagens do TSH, prolactina, insulina e glicemia. Foram excluídas aquelas que apresentaram cistos ovarianos e as que faltaram algum dia da monitorização. A contagem ultrassonográfica dos folículos foi feita pelo modo 3D com Sono AVC na fase folicular precoce, folicular media, periovulatória e lútea do ciclo. Resultados Quarenta e cinco mulheres foram incluídas. Houve diferença entre as médias das contagens dos folículos com 2 a 6 mm (p = 0,001) e 2 a 10 mm (p = 0,003) pelo teste de Friedman que avaliou conjuntamente as quatro fases do ciclo. Quando se aplicou o teste t-Student pareado, houve aumento significativo na contagem dos folículos de 2 a 6 mm quando se comparou a contagem desses folículos na fase folicular média e periovulatória com a contagem da fase lútea. Não houve diferença significante entre a contagem destes folículos pequenos nas fases folicular precoce, média e periovulatória. Conclusões A variação da contagem automática tridimensional dos folículos de 2 a 6 mm, nas fases folicular precoce, folicular média e periovulatória, não mostrou significância estatística. Houve uma variação significativa da contagem automática 3D dos folículos ovarianos de 2 a 10 mmdurante o ciclo. A variabilidade significativa da contagem dos folículos de 2 a 10 mm durante o ciclo não permite que este exame seja realizado fora da fase folicular precoce.
Foram determinadas as prevalências de propriedades positivas e de animais positivos e identificados fatores de risco associados à leptospirose em vacas no Estado da Paraíba, Nordeste do Brasil. Foram aleatoriamente selecionadas 2.317vacas com idade ≥ 24 meses, procedentes de 450propriedades. Para o diagnóstico sorológico da infecção por Leptospira spp. foi empregado o teste de soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM), utilizando-se 24 sorovares como antígenos. Uma propriedade foi considerada positiva quando apresentou pelo menos um animal soropositivo. Das 450 propriedades investigadas 398 (89,7%; IC 95% = 86,6-92,2%) apresentaram pelo menos um animal reagente na SAM para qualquer sorovar, e 1.349 (61,1%; IC 95% = 56,6-65,4%) animais foram soropositivos. O sorovar Hardjo foi o mais prevalente nas propriedades e nos animais, com frequências de 58,17% e 54,69%, respectivamente. Propriedade ser localizada no Sertão (odds ratio = 3,20; p = 0,003), presença de animais silvestres (odds ratio =2,89; p=0,005), não resfriar o leite (odds ratio =3,83; p=0,034) e presença de pastos alagados (odds ratio =2,36; p<0,001) foram identificados como fatores de riscos associados à prevalência de propriedades positivas. Conclui-se que a leptospirose encontra-se amplamente difundida em bovinos do Estado da Paraíba, o que reforça a necessidade de intensificação de medidas de prevenção e controle, como a vacinação dos rebanhos. De acordo com os resultados da análise de fatores de risco, sugere-se que o controle sanitário antes da introdução de animais, drenagem de áreas alagadas e melhora nas condições de manejo são importantes medidas para a prevenção da infecção.
Cocaine-induced behavioral sensitization and weight loss were investigated in periadolescent Wistar rats kept with their mothers or subjected to repeated maternal separation. Litters allocated to the separation procedure were placed in a temperature-controlled (33ºC) chamber for 3 h per day from postnatal day 6 (P6) to P20. Non-handled rats were left undisturbed until weaning. Treatments were started on P30-31 and the test was performed on P36-37. Animals received injections of saline or cocaine (10 mg/kg, sc) twice daily for 5 days. On day 6 all animals received saline. On day 7 animals were challenged with 10 mg/kg cocaine and their locomotion was evaluated in activity cages. A third group received saline throughout the 7-day period. Body weights were recorded on P30-31 and P36-37. Two-way ANOVA on body weights showed a main effect of treatment group (F(1,35) = 10.446, P = 0.003; N = 10-12). Non-handled rats treated with cocaine for 5 days gained significantly less weight, while no significant effect was observed in maternally separated rats. Two-way ANOVA revealed a main effect of drug treatment on locomotor activity (F(2,32) = 15.209, P<0.001; N = 6-8), but not on rearing condition (F(1,32)<0.001, P = 0.998). Animals pretreated with cocaine showed a clear behavioral sensitization relative to the saline group. No difference in the magnitude of sensitization was found between separated and non-handled animals. Only the effect of cocaine on weight gain was significantly affected by repeated episodes of early maternal separation during the pre-weaning period.
Pancreatic ß cell function and insulin sensitivity, analyzed by the homeostasis model assessment, before and after 24 weeks of insulin therapy were studied and correlated with the presence of autoantibodies against ß cells (islet cell and anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies), in a group of 18 Brazilian lean adult non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) patients with oral hypoglycemic agent failure (OHAF). Median fasting plasma glucose before and after insulin treatment was 19.1 and 8.5 mmol/l, respectively (P < 0.001); median HbA1c was 11.7% before vs 7.2% after insulin treatment (P < 0.001). Forty-four percent of the patients were positive (Ab+) to at least one autoantibody. Fasting C-peptide levels were lower in Ab+ than Ab- patients, both before (Ab+: 0.16 ± 0.09 vs Ab-: 0.41 ± 0.35 nmol/l, P < 0.003) and after insulin treatment (Ab+: 0.22 ± 0.13 vs Ab-: 0.44 ± 0.24 nmol/l, P < 0.03). Improvement of Hß was seen in Ab- (median before: 7.3 vs after insulin therapy: 33.4%, P = 0.003) but not in Ab+ patients (median before: 6.6 vs after insulin therapy: 20.9%). These results show that the OHAF observed in the 18 NIDDM patients studied was due mainly to two major causes: autoantibodies and ß cell desensitization. Autoantibodies against ß cells could account for 44% of OHAF, but Ab- patients may still present ß cell function recovery, mainly after a period of ß cell rest with insulin therapy. However, the effects of ß cell function recovery on the restoration of the response to oral hypoglycemic agents need to be determined.
Alternative methods to assess ventricular diastolic function in the fetus are proposed. Fetal myocardial hypertrophy in maternal diabetes was used as a model of decreased left ventricular compliance (LVC), and fetal respiratory movements as a model of increased LVC. Comparison of three groups of fetuses showed that, in 10 fetuses of diabetic mothers (FDM) with septal hypertrophy (SH), the mean excursion index of the septum primum (EISP) (ratio between the linear excursion of the flap valve and the left atrial diameter) was 0.36 ± 0.09, in 8 FDM without SH it was 0.51 ± 0.09 (P = 0.001), and in the 8 normal control fetuses (NCF) it was 0.49 ± 0.12 (P = 0.003). In another study, 28 fetuses in apnea had a mean EISP of 0.39 ± 0.05 which increased to 0.57 ± 0.07 during respiration (P < 0.001). These two studies showed that the mobility of the septum primum was reduced when LVC was decreased and was increased when LVC was enhanced. Mean pulmonary vein pulsatility was higher in 14 FDM (1.83 ± 1.21) than in 26 NCF (1.02 ± 0.31; P = 0.02). In the same fetuses, mean left atrial shortening was decreased (0.40 ± 0.11) in relation to NCF (0.51 ± 0.09; P = 0.011). These results suggest that FDM may have a higher preload than normal controls, probably as a result of increased myocardial mass and LV hypertrophy. Prenatal assessment of LV diastolic function by fetal echocardiography should include analysis of septum primum mobility, pulmonary vein pulsatility, and left atrial shortening.
Mood disorders cause many social problems, often involving family relationships. Few studies are available in the literature comparing patients with bipolar, unipolar, dysthymic, and double depressive disorders concerning these aspects. In the present study, demographic and disease data were collected using a specifically prepared questionnaire. Social adjustment was assessed using the Disability Adjustment Scale and family relationships were evaluated using the Global Assessment of Relational Functioning Scale. One hundred patients under treatment for at least 6 months were evaluated at the Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic of the Botucatu School of Medicine, UNESP. Most patients were women (82%) more than 50 (49%) years old with at least two years of follow-up, with little schooling (62% had less than 4 years), and of low socioeconomic level. Logistic regression analysis showed that a diagnosis of unipolar disorder (P = 0.003, OR = 0.075, CI = 0.014-0.403) and dysthymia (P = 0.001, OR = 0.040, CI = 0.006-0.275) as well as family relationships (P = 0.002, OR = 0.953, CI = 0914-0.992) played a significant role in social adjustment. Unipolar and dysthymic patients presented better social adjustment than bipolar and double depressive patients (P < 0.001), results that were not due to social class. These patients, treated at a teaching hospital, may represent the severest mood disorder cases. Evaluations were made knowing the diagnosis of the patients, which might also have influenced some of the results. Social disabilities among mood disorder patients are very frequent and intensive.
We determined whether over-expression of one of the three genes involved in reverse cholesterol transport, apolipoprotein (apo) AI, lecithin-cholesterol acyl transferase (LCAT) and cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP), or of their combinations influenced the development of diet-induced atherosclerosis. Eight genotypic groups of mice were studied (AI, LCAT, CETP, LCAT/AI, CETP/AI, LCAT/CETP, LCAT/AI/CETP, and non-transgenic) after four months on an atherogenic diet. The extent of atherosclerosis was assessed by morphometric analysis of lipid-stained areas in the aortic roots. The relative influence (R²) of genotype, sex, total cholesterol, and its main sub-fraction levels on atherosclerotic lesion size was determined by multiple linear regression analysis. Whereas apo AI (R² = 0.22, P < 0.001) and CETP (R² = 0.13, P < 0.01) expression reduced lesion size, the LCAT (R² = 0.16, P < 0.005) and LCAT/AI (R² = 0.13, P < 0.003) genotypes had the opposite effect. Logistic regression analysis revealed that the risk of developing atherosclerotic lesions greater than the 50th percentile was 4.3-fold lower for the apo AI transgenic mice than for non-transgenic mice, and was 3.0-fold lower for male than for female mice. These results show that apo AI overexpression decreased the risk of developing large atherosclerotic lesions but was not sufficient to reduce the atherogenic effect of LCAT when both transgenes were co-expressed. On the other hand, CETP expression was sufficient to eliminate the deleterious effect of LCAT and LCAT/AI overexpression. Therefore, increasing each step of the reverse cholesterol transport per se does not necessarily imply protection against atherosclerosis while CETP expression can change specific athero genic scenarios.
Osteoporosis and its consequent fractures are a great social and medical problem mainly occurring in post-menopausal women. Effective forms of prevention and treatment of osteoporosis associated with lower costs and the least side effects are needed. Electrical fields are able to stimulate osteogenesis in fractures, but little is known about their action on osteoporotic tissue. The aim of the present study was to determine by bone densitometry the effects of electrical stimulation on ovariectomized female Wistar rats. Thirty rats (220 ± 10 g) were divided into three groups: sham surgery (SHAM), bilateral ovariectomy (OVX) and bilateral ovariectomy + electrical stimulation (OVX + ES). The OVX + ES group was submitted to a 20-min session of a low-intensity pulsed electrical field (1.5 MHz, 30 mW/cm²) starting on the 7th day after surgery, five times a week (total = 55 sessions). Global, spine and limb bone mineral density were measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA Hologic 4500A) before surgery and at the end of protocol (84 days after surgery). Electrical stimulation improved (P < 0.05) global (0.1522 ± 0.002), spine (0.1502 ± 0.003), and limb (0.1294 ± 0.003 g/cm²) bone mineral density compared to OVX group (0.1447 ± 0.001, 0.1393 ± 0.002, and 0.1212 ± 0.001, respectively). The OVX + ES group also showed significantly higher global bone mineral content (9.547 ± 0.114 g) when compared to both SHAM (8.693 ± 0.165 g) and OVX (8.522 ± 0.207 g) groups (P < 0.05). We have demonstrated that electrical fields stimulate osteogenesis in ovariectomized female rats. Their efficacy in osteoporosis remains to be demonstrated.
The interaction between H+ extrusion via H+-ATPase and Cl- conductance was studied in the C11 clone of MDCK cells, akin to the intercalated cells of the collecting duct. Cell pH (pHi) was measured by fluorescence microscopy using the fluorescein-derived probe BCECF-AM. Control recovery rate measured after a 20 mM NH4Cl acid pulse was 0.136 ± 0.008 pH units/min (dpHi/dt) in Na+ Ringer and 0.032 ± 0.003 in the absence of Na+ (0 Na+). With 0 Na+ plus the Cl- channel inhibitor NPPB (10 µM), recovery was reduced to 0.014 ± 0.001 dpHi/dt. 8-Br-cAMP, known to activate CFTR Cl- channels, increased dpHi/dt in 0 Na+ to 0.061 ± 0.009 and also in the presence of 46 nM concanamycin and 50 µM Schering 28080. Since it is thought that the Cl- dependence of H+-ATPase might be due to its electrogenic nature and the establishment of a +PD (potential difference) across the cell membrane, the effect of 10 µM valinomycin at high (100 mM) K+ was tested in our cells. In Na+ Ringer, dpHi/dt was increased, but no effect was detected in 0 Na+ Ringer in the presence of NPPB, indicating that in intact C11 cells the effect of blocking Cl- channels on dpHi/dt was not due to an adverse electrical gradient. The effect of 100 µM ATP was studied in 0 Na+ Ringer solution; this treatment caused a significant inhibition of dpHi/dt, reversed by 50 µM Bapta. We have shown that H+-ATPase present in MDCK C11 cells depends on Cl- ions and their channels, being regulated by cAMP and ATP, but not by the electrical gradient established by electrogenic H+ transport.
Antibodies to citrullinated peptides are highly specific for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and represent a significant risk factor for undifferentiated polyarthritis. This prognostic ability may be related to the very diagnostic performance of these autoantibodies, since RA is a more erosive disease than other forms of arthritis. The present study evaluated an association of antibodies to citrullinated peptides and the rate of joint destruction in patients with a well-established diagnosis of RA. Seventy-one patients with RA were evaluated in 1994 and again in 2002 (functional class, joint count, Health Assessment Questionnaire score, hands X-ray). Autoantibodies (rheumatoid factor (RF), anti-perinuclear factor, anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (CCP) antibodies) and Sharp's index were analyzed blindly. Delta Sharp was calculated as the difference in Sharp's index obtained in 1994 and 2002. During the follow-up the Health Assessment Questionnaire score increased from 0.91 ± 0.74 to 1.39 ± 0.72 (P < 0.001). Similarly, the number of swollen joints increased from 4.6 ± 5.71 to 6.4 ± 4.1 (P = 0.002). The frequency of autoantibodies and anti-CCP titer remained stable; however, serum RF concentration increased from 202.8 ± 357.6 to 416.6 ± 636.5 IU/mL (P = 0.003). Sharp's index increased from 56.7 ± 62.1 to 92.4 ± 80.9 (P < 0.001). No correlation was observed between Delta Sharp and the presence of RF, anti-perinuclear factor, and anti-CCP antibodies at baseline. Antibodies to citrullinated epitopes are specific and early markers for the diagnosis of RA but do not seem to be associated with the rate of joint destruction in patients with a well-established diagnosis of RA.
The immune consequences of in utero HIV exposure to uninfected children whose mothers were submitted to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) during gestation are not well defined. We evaluated 45 HIV-exposed uninfected (ENI) neonates and 45 healthy unexposed control (CT) neonates. All HIV-infected mothers received HAART during pregnancy, and the viral load at delivery was <50 copies/mL for 56.8%. Twenty-three ENI neonates were further evaluated after 12 months and compared to 23 unexposed healthy age-matched infants. Immunophenotyping was performed by flow cytometry in cord and peripheral blood. Cord blood lymphocyte numbers did not differ between groups. However, ENI neonates had a lower percentage of naive T cells than CT neonates (CD4+, 76.6 vs 83.1%, P < 0.001; CD8+, 70.9 vs 79.6%, P = 0.003) and higher percentages of central memory T cells than CT neonates (CD4+, 13.9 vs 8.7%, P < 0.001; CD8+, 8.6 vs 4.8%, P = 0.001). CD38 mean fluorescence intensity of T cells was higher in ENI neonates (CD4+, 62.2 vs 52.1, P = 0.007; CD8+, 47.7 vs 35.3, P < 0.001). At 12 months, ENI infants still had higher mean fluorescence intensity of CD38 on T cells (CD4+, 34.2 vs 23.3, P < 0.001; CD8+, 26.8 vs 19.4, P = 0.035). Despite effective maternal virologic control at delivery, HIV-exposed uninfected children were born with lower levels of naive T cells. Immune activation was present at birth and remained until at least 12 months of age, suggesting that in utero exposure to HIV causes subtle immune abnormalities.