68 resultados para 7038-203
An imbalance between cholinergic and noradrenergic neurotransmission has been proposed for the etiology of affective disorders. According to this hypothesis, depression would be the result of enhanced cholinergic and reduced noradrenergic neurotransmission. Repeated electroconvulsive shock (ECS) is an effective treatment for depression; moreover, in laboratory animals it induces changes in brain noradrenergic neurotransmission similar to those obtained by chronic treatment with antidepressant drugs (down-regulation of beta-adrenergic receptors). The aim of the present study was to determine whether repeated ECS in rats changes acetylcholinesterase (Achase) activity. Achase controls the level of acetylcholine (Ach) in the synaptic cleft and its levels seem to be regulated by the interaction between Ach and its receptor. Thus, a decrease in Achase activity would suggest decreased cholinergic activity. Adult male Wistar rats received one ECS (80 mA, 0.2 s, 60 Hz) daily for 7 days. Control rats were handled in the same way without receiving the shock. Rats were sacrificed 24 h after the last ECS and membrane-bound and soluble Achase activity was assayed in homogenates obtained from the pons and medulla oblongata. A statistically significant decrease in membrane-bound Achase activity (nmol thiocholine formed min-1 mg protein-1) (control 182.6 ± 14.8, ECS 162.2 ± 14.2, P<0.05) and an increase in soluble Achase activity in the medulla oblongata (control 133.6 ± 4.2, ECS 145.8 ± 12.3, P<0.05) were observed. No statistical differences were observed in Achase activity in the pons. Although repeated ECS induced a decrease in membrane-bound Achase activity, the lack of changes in the pons (control Achase activity: total 231.0 ± 34.5, membrane-bound 298.9 ± 18.5, soluble 203.9 ± 30.9), the region where the locus coeruleus, the main noradrenergic nucleus, is located, does not seem to favor the existence of an interaction between cholinergic and noradrenergic neurotransmission after ECS treatment
Mitochondrial mutations are responsible for at least 1% of the cases of hereditary deafness, but the contribution of each mutation has not yet been defined in African-derived or native American genetic backgrounds. A total of 203 unselected hearing-impaired patients were screened for the presence of the mitochondrial mutation A1555G in the 12S rRNA gene and mutations in the tRNA Ser(UCN) gene in order to assess their frequency in the ethnically admixed Brazilian population. We found four individuals with A1555G mutation (2%), which is a frequency similar to those reported for European-derived populations in unselected samples. On the other hand, complete sequencing of the tRNA Ser(UCN) did not reveal reported pathogenic substitutions, namely A7445G, 7472insC, T7510C, or T7511C. Instead, other rare substitutions were found such as T1291C, A7569G, and G7444A. To evaluate the significance of these findings, 110 "European-Brazilians" and 190 "African-Brazilians" unrelated hearing controls were screened. The T1291C, A7569G and G7444A substitutions were each found in about 1% (2/190) of individuals of African ancestry, suggesting that they are probably polymorphic. Our results indicate that screening for the A1555G mutation is recommended among all Brazilian deaf patients, while testing for mutations in the tRNA Ser(UCN) gene should be considered only when other frequent deafness-causing mutations have been excluded or in the presence of a maternal transmission pattern.
Epidemiological and clinical evidence suggests that a judicious diet, regular physical activity and blood pressure (BP) monitoring must start in early childhood to minimize the impact of modifiable cardiovascular risk factors. This study was designed to evaluate BP and metabolic parameters of schoolchildren from Vitória, Espírito Santo State, Brazil, and correlate them with cardiovascular risk factors. The study was conducted on 380 students aged 10-14 years (177 boys, 203 girls) enrolled in public schools. Baseline measurements included body mass index, BP and heart rate. The students were submitted to exercise spirometry on a treadmill. VO2max was obtained from exercise testing to voluntary exhaustion. Fasting serum total cholesterol (TC), LDL-C, HDL-C, triglycerides (TG), and glucose were measured. Nine point nine percent of the boys and 11.7% of the girls were hypertensive or had pre-hypertensive levels. There was no significant correlation between VO2max and TC, LDL-C, or TG in prepubertal children, but a slight negative correlation was detected in post-pubertal boys for HDL-C and TG. In addition, children with hypertension (3.4%) or pre-hypertensive levels (6.6%) also had comorbidity for overweight and blood lipid abnormalities (14% for triglycerides, 44.7% for TC, 25.9% for LDL-C, 52% for low HDL-C). The present study shows for the first time high correlations between prehypertensive blood pressure levels and the cardiovascular risk factors high TC, high LDL-C, low HDL-C in schoolchildren. These are important for the formulation of public health policies and strategies.
The purpose of the present study was to determine the range of the influence of the baroreflex on blood pressure in chronic renal hypertensive rats. Supramaximal electrical stimulation of the aortic depressor nerve and section of the baroreceptor nerves (sinoaortic denervation) were used to obtain a global analysis of the baroreceptor-sympathetic reflex in normotensive control and in chronic (2 months) 1-kidney, 1-clip hypertensive rats. The fall in blood pressure produced by electrical baroreceptor stimulation was greater in renal hypertensive rats than in normotensive controls (right nerve: -47 ± 8 vs -23 ± 4 mmHg; left nerve: -51 ± 7 vs -30 ± 4 mmHg; and both right and left nerves: -50 ± 8 vs -30 ± 4 mmHg; P < 0.05). Furthermore, the increase in blood pressure level produced by baroreceptor denervation in chronic renal hypertensive rats was similar to that observed in control animals 2-5 h (control: 163 ± 5 vs 121 ± 1 mmHg; 1K-1C: 203 ± 7 vs 170 ± 5 mmHg; P < 0.05) and 24 h (control: 149 ± 3 vs 121 ± 1 mmHg; 1K-1C: 198 ± 8 vs 170 ± 5 mmHg; P < 0.05) after sinoaortic denervation. Taken together, these data indicate that the central and peripheral components of the baroreflex are acting efficiently at higher arterial pressure in renal hypertensive rats when the aortic nerve is maximally stimulated or the activity is abolished.
The aim of this study was to measure the energy expenditure for locomotor activities usually performed by soccer referees during a match (walking, jogging, and running) under laboratory conditions, and to compare forward with backward movements. The sample was composed by 10 male soccer referees, age 29±7.8 years, body mass 77.5±6.2 kg, stature 1.78±0.07 m and professional experience of 7.33±4.92 years. Referees were evaluated on two separate occasions. On the first day, maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) was determined by a maximal treadmill test, and on the second day, the oxygen consumption was determined in different speeds of forward and backward movements. The mean VO2max was 41.20±3.60 mL·kg-1·min-1 and the mean heart rate achieved in the last stage of the test was 190.5±7.9 bpm. When results of forward and backward movements were compared at 1.62 m/s (walking speed), we found significant differences in VO2, in metabolic equivalents, and in kcal. However, the same parameters in forward and backward movements at jogging velocities (2.46 m/s) were not significantly different, showing that these motor activities have similar intensity. Backward movements at velocities equivalent to walking and jogging are moderate-intensity activities, with energy expenditure less than 9 kcal. Energy expenditure was overestimated by at least 35% when calculated by mathematical equations. In summary, we observed that backward movements are not high-intensity activities as has been commonly reported, and when calculated using equations available in the literature, energy expenditure was overestimated compared to the values obtained by indirect calorimetry.
O etileno acelera o metabolismo pós-colheita de brócolis, e sua síntese é induzida por danos mecânicos e pelo aumento da temperatura. Para testar esta hipótese, foram realizados 03 experimentos. No primeiro, avaliou-se o efeito do dano mecânico na produção do etileno; no segundo, estudou-se o efeito do armazenamento refrigerado; e, no terceiro, o efeito do 1-MCP no metabolismo e conservação de brócolis. Os resultados mostraram que o dano mecânico aumenta significativamente a produção do etileno, passando de 0,25 a 501,83 mL.h-1 g-1, duas horas após a aplicação do tratamento. Já, no tratamento controle, os incrementos foram menores, passando de 0,27 para 203,13 mL.h-1 g-1. Durante o armazenamento, observou-se que a deterioração ocorreu mais rapidamente no tratamento controle (20-22 °C), com intenso amarelecimento, degradação de clorofilas e formação de odor desagradável. Os brócolis armazenados a 0-2 e a 5-7 °C mantiveram boa qualidade por 12 dias. A aplicação de 1-MCP não contribuiu para prolongar a vida-de-prateleira de brócolis Legacy a 20-22 °C, não tendo havido efeito na preservação da coloração esverdeada, nem na prevenção da degradação de clorofilas.
The aim of this experiment was to evaluate how susceptible spores become to mechanical damage during food extrusion after being submitted to CO2. B. stearothermophilus spores sowed to corn and soy mix were submitted to 99% CO2 for 10 days and extruded in a single-screw extruder. The treatments were: T1 - spore-containing samples, extruded at screw rotational speed of 65 rpm and barrel wall temperature of 80 °C; T2 - as T1, except for screw rotational speed of 150 rpm; and T3 - as T2, except that samples were submitted to the modified atmosphere. The results for cell viability, minimum and maximum residence times, and static pressure were T1 - 19.90 ± 3.24%, 123.3 ± 14.50 seconds; 203.3 ± 14.05 seconds; 2.217 ± 62 kPa; T2 - 21.42 ± 8.24%, 70.00 ± 5.77 seconds; 170.00 ± 4.67 seconds; 2.310 ± 107 kPa; and T3 - 11.06 ± 2.46%, 86.00 ± 7.23 seconds; 186.00 ± 7.50 seconds; 2.403 ± 93 kPa, respectively. It was concluded that the extrusion process did reduce the cell count. However, screw rotational speed variation or CO2 pre-treatment did not affect cell viability.
ResumoIntrodução:O micofenolato mofetil (MMF), pró-droga do ácido micofenólico (MPA), é um tratamento imunossupressor eficaz na profilaxia da rejeição aguda, mas associado a eventos adversos gastrointestinais. O micofenolato sódico (MPS) com revestimento entérico foi desenvolvido com a intenção de reduzir tais eventos associados ao MPA.Objetivo:Avaliar a tolerabilidade de EC-MPS e MMF em receptores de transplante renal.Métodos:Estudo retrospectivo, multicêntrico, com pacientes submetidos a transplante renal entre 07/01/2004 e 31/07/2007 em 18 centros brasileiros.Resultados:1380 pacientes incluídos, 702 receberam EC-MPS e 678 receberam MMF. A idade média de 42,3 anos, 60% masculino e 62,5% de etnia caucasiana. A incidência de eventos avaliados no desfecho composto de eficácia não foi diferente entre os grupos ao final de 24 meses de acompanhamento (22,9% para EC-MPS versus 19,9% para MMF, p = 0,203). Os pacientes tratados com EC-MPS apresentaram maior incidência de eventos adversos gastrointestinais comparados com os tratados com MMF (57,7% vs. 52,5%). Infecções virais foram mais frequentes no grupo EC-MPS (38,2%) comparado com MMF (32,6%). Não houve diferença nos valores médios tolerados no final do primeiro (1187 ± 344 mg vs. 1209 ± 426 mg, p = 0,294) e segundo ano (1172,3 ± 347mg vs. 1197,4 ± 430,6 mg, p = 0,241) pós-transplante.Conclusão:Não houve diferença estatística na incidência de rejeição aguda, função tardia e eventos gastrointestinais entre os tratamentos. A dose média tolerada de MPA foi semelhante entre os grupos, mas pacientes tratados com MMF foram submetidos a mais reduções de doses e descontinuações do tratamento.