122 resultados para 6-coordinate Copper(ii)


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In this study, the epidemiological and clinical features observed in solely HTLV-II-infected individuals were compared to those in patients co-infected with HIV-1. A total of 380 subjects attended at the HTLV Out-Patient Clinic in the Institute of Infectious Diseases "Emilio Ribas" (IIER), São Paulo, Brazil, were evaluated every 3-6 months for the last seven years by infectious disease specialists and neurologists. Using a testing algorithm that employs the enzyme immuno assay, Western Blot and polymerase chain reaction, it was found that 201 (53%) were HTLV-I positive and 50 (13%) were infected with HTLV-II. Thirty-seven (74%) of the HTLV-II reactors were co-infected with HIV-1. Of the 13 (26%) solely HTLV-II-infected subjects, urinary tract infection was diagnosed in three (23%), one case of skin vasculitis (8%) and two cases of lumbar pain and erectile dysfunction (15%), but none myelopathy case was observed. Among 37 co-infected with HIV-1, four cases (10%) presented with tropical spastic paraparesis/HTLV-associated myelopathy (TSP/HAM) simile. Two patients showed paraparesis as the initial symptom, two cases first presented with vesical and erectile disturbances, peripheral neuropathies were observed in other five patients (13%), and seven (19%) patients showed some neurological signal or symptoms, most of them with lumbar pain (five cases). The results obtained suggest that neurological manifestations may be more frequent in HTLV-II/HIV-1-infected subjects than those infected with HTLV-II only.


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Os autores relatam os resultados obtidos no diagnóstico laboratorial de varíola, durante o segundo ano de funcionamento de uma unidade montada no Instituto Presidente Castello Branco, da Fundação Instituto Oswaldo Crus, no Rio de Janeiro. O exame de 105 espécimens de crostas e de 76 de líquido vesicular /pustular, forneceu 39 e 34 amostras de vírus da varíola, respectivamente (Tabela 1). A demora em chegar ao laboratório influencia significativamente a taxa de isolamento de vírus (Tabela 2). Foi encontrada estreita relação entre os diagnósticos clínico e laboratorial (Tabela 3), quando possível compará-los. A inoculação em ovos embrionados após 1 a 2 horas do abaixamento da mebrana cório-alantóica, foi considerada como adequada às condições em que são realizados os exames. O laboratório continua a receber regularmente mais especimens para diagnóstico.


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As part of the health survey on the Ilha da Conceição, a 25 percent random sample of households was identified and a health guestionnaire completed at 236 households. These households contained 536 children, of whom 239 were under age six. Prenatal care had been obtained by 70 percent of the mothers during the pregnancies of the youngest children and 83 percent of these children had been born in hospital. The use of available health facilities was reported more frequently for the younger children in comparison to the older children. Over 90 percent of the children had been vaccinated against one or more diseases but only 50 to 60 percent of the children had complete vaccination against pertussis, diphtheria and tetanus. Almost two-thirds of the stool specimens from the children revealed evidence of parasites and were most commonly found in children two to three years of age. Low hemoglobin values were found commonly under age three and hemoglobin leveis ábove 12 grams were not commonly found until age six. Compared with a North American standard for height and weight, proportionately more children on the Ilha da Conceição were found below the 25th and 3rd percentiles. These findings suggest that an improved health status for the children on the Ilha da Conceição would result from a household health record maintained at the island clinic including current information on vaccination status of all children, and a health education program focused on expectant mothers and the well baby clinic program.


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The development of integrated measures which involve sterile mate release to supplement the conventional insecticidal techniques used in controlagainst insects of medical importance, raised the question, whether the vectors of Chagas'disease possess the natural mechanisms by manipulation of which they may be controlled. Results of earlier expenments, that had been published previously, were restricted to fragmentary information that raised various questions, the answer to which became available in the study herein described. Interspecific hybrids were produced from reciprocal crosses between T. pseudomaculata and T. sórdida and from unilateral crosses between female T. pseudomaculata and male. T. infestans. These females mated with males, laid less than the normal complement of eggs, but offspring was relatively abundant. When T. pseudomaculata females were paired with T. brasiliensis males, hybridization was more difficult because few of the females mated and those that did had a strongly reduced fertility. Adults emerged from ali crosses but exhibited sex disproportion, females predominating in all populations but one. The two Rhodnius species tested were also found to cross, but only when female R. prolixus were paired with male R. neglectus. These females laid a relatively high complement o f eggs, had a strongly reduced fertility, but 50% of the fertile eggs developed into vigorous adults, males predominating females. Neither type of hybrid male elicited fertilized eggs from either parental type of female, through their vesicula seminal is were found to be packed with spermatozoa, some normal looking and moving, others underdeveloped and motionless. Although, no artificial insemination was performed, the sperm in itself did not appear to be the prime inducer of sterility. Females paired with these hybrids did mate, sperm was transfered, as evidenced by the discharged spermatophores smeared with sperm, but did notcontain spermatozoa in their spermatecae. The failure of the sperm to migrate to the spermatecae indicate prezygotic pos-copulation incompatibility, thus the hybrid male can't be used to suppress populations. The female hybrids mated with parent males of either species had reduced fertility and ther sons were sterile as were those of their fertile daughters. However, continous backcrossing of the hybrid females and their female progeny to parental males partially restored fertility of the males and increased fertility of females, as scored by egg hatchability. Fertility of hybrid females, measured by the yield of adults capable to reproduce, indicated that the reproductive perfomance decreased when hybrid females and their daughters were backcrossed additional generations to parental males. It is tentatively suggested that hybrid females could be used for suppression if they compete efficiently with wild females.


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Objetivando avaliar o potencial do primata C. apella como modelo experimental da leishmaniose cutânea, produzida pela L. (V.) braziliensis e L. (L.) Amazonensis , inocularam-se, via intradérmica, 3 X 10(6) de promastigotas dessas leishmanias, em 8 sítios da cauda de 10 espécimens desse primata, 5 deles com a L. (V.) braziliensis e outros 5 com a L. (L.) Amazonensis . Posteriormente, às inoculações, o exame semanal dos animais e biópsias mensais, revelaram os seguintes resultados relativos a cada parasita: a) L. (V.) braziliensis : o período de incubação foi de 15-20 dias; aos 30 dias evidenciaram-se lesões pápulo-eritematosas, que evoluíram para nódulos ao fim de 60 dias; no 3.° mês, notou-se ulceração espontânea destas lesões e, no 4° mês, deu-se o início da reparação das lesões ulceradas, culminando com a cura em um dos animais após 5 meses, em dois após 6 meses, noutro após 7 meses e, no último, após 10 meses. Quanto ao parasitismo nas lesões, foi demonstrado nos 5 animais, até 90 dias; depois disto, somente em 2 até 120 dias e, por fim, até 180 dias apenas naquele que curou depois de 10 meses, b) L. (L.) Amazonensis : o período de incubação foi de 20 dias; aos 30 dias notou- se lesões pápulo-eritematosas, que também evoluíram para nódulos ao fim de 60 dias, porém, a partir do 3.° mês, estas lesões regrediram rapidamente ao fim de 90 dias, quando não mais detectou-se o parasita na pele dos animais. Em relação aos testes de Montenegro, somente 2 dos 5 animais infectados com a L. (V.) braziliensis reagiram ao teste, 60 e 90 dias após as inoculações. Os resultados observados permitiram confirmar a infectividade do C. apella a estas leishmanias e, também, reforçar a indicação desse primata como modelo experimental da leishmaniose cutânea causada por estes parasitas.


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Os Autores fazem um estudo retrospectivo e prospectivo de 6 pacientes portadores de leishmaniose cutânea difusa, observados no Estado do Maranhão a partir de 1974. Os casos abordados são oriundos de diversas regiões do estado, observando-se em todos eles o envolvimento da leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis, sendo que 5 (84%) dos pacientes apresentaram início de doença na 1ª década de vida. Em todos os pacientes envolvidos no estudo, houve relato de lesão inicial nodular única, que, posteriormente, em período variável de tempo, disseminou-se adquirindo outros aspectos. Evolutivamente apresentaram múltiplas lesões nodulares e ulceradas, intradermorreação de Montenegro(-) e refratariedade aos esquemas terapêuticos utilizados até ao presente momento.


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Reações cutâneas de hipersensibilidade tardia ao antígeno T12E foram identificadas em 35,7% da amostra de 842 indivíduos do município de Mambaí, Goiás. Suas especificidade e sensibilidade foram comparadas com aquelas dos exames sorológicos. Em 94 pacientes chagásicos comprovados pelo xenodiagnóstico, o teste cutâneo foi positivo em 98,7% dos casos, a imunofluorescência em 97,8% e afixação do complemento em 80,6%. A hemaglutinação foi positiva em todos esses casos. O índice de 0,897 mostrou a estreita relação entre os percentuais positivos dos exames de hemaglutinação e de imunofluorescência com o teste cutâneo, nos chagásicos sem comprovaçãoparasitológica. Esse dado indica que em aproximadamente 90% dos casos os resultados desses três exames são concordantes. A quantidade de 50µg do antígeno T12E empregada no teste cutâneo não apresentou efeitos colaterais e não produziu conversão das provas imunológicas, mesmo quando foi repetido cinco vezes em voluntários sadios, em intervalos de 15 dias. A potência do antígeno permaneceu inalterada após a estocagem a -10ºC, durante 24 meses.


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The purpose of this study was to determine the seroprevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1/2), human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV-I/II), hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), Treponema pallidum and Trypanosoma cruzi among 63 male prisoners in Manhuaçu, Minas Gerais, Brazil and to compare this with data from eligible blood donors. The positive results were as follows: 11/63 (17.5%) for HBV, 5/63 (7.4%) for syphilis, 4/63 (6.3%) for HCV, 3/63 (4.8%) for Chagas' disease, 2/63 (3.2%) for HIV-1/2 and 1/63 (1.6%) for HTLV-I/II. The seroprevalence in prisoners was higher than among blood donors, mainly for antibodies to HIV-1/2, HCV and HBV. This is probably due to low social economic level, illiteracy, higher proportion with a prior history of intravenous drug use and/or unsafe sexual behavior. Therefore, these prisoners constitute a high risk group and routine screening and counseling are recommended.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze the frequency of human leukocyte antigens class II-DR in children and adolescents with systemic lupus erythematosus. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Fifty-fiveBrazilian systemic lupus erythematosus children and adolescents and 308 healthy individuals were studied. Gender, race, and age of onset of systemic lupus erythematosus were recorded. The human leukocyte antigens typing of class II-DR was carried out by polymerase chain reaction amplification with sequence-specific primers (PCR-SSP). Data were analyzed statistically using the chi square test with Yates' correction, Fisher's exact test, and Bonferroni's correction. RESULTS: Human leukocyte antigen-DR 15 was the most frequently detected antigen in this group of children and adolescents, and it also occurred more frequently in the female group, in children with onset of systemic lupus erythematosus between 0 and 9 years and between 10 to 14 years, and in the Black race group, but these associations were not statistically significants. CONCLUSION: In this group of children and adolescents with a high degree of racial admixture, we could not verify a significant association between human leukocyte antigens class II-DR and systemic lupus erythematosus.


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Um inquérito nutricional foi realizado na população ribeirinha do rio Negro, no Estado do Amazonas, numa área de baixíssima densidade populacional. Todas as famílias com crianças abaixo de 6 anos, num trecho de 20OKm entre a foz do rio Branco e a cidade de Barcelos foram estudados num total de 60 famílias e 121 crianças. Este número de crianças representa cerca de. 4,8% das crianças da área rural, dos Municípios envolvidos. Todas as crianças foram submetidas a exame clínico, medidas e pesadas e, de 66 crianças, foi colhido sangue por punção digital para determinação de, hematócrito e, hemoglobina. Foram coletadas amostras de fezes de 78 crianças, para exame panasitológico. Todas as mães foram também medidas e pesadas, além de entrevistadas quanto a hábtos de higiene, alimentação da criança e alimentos por ela ingeridos nas últimas 24 horas, De 42 mães, foi colhido sangue pana determinação de hematúcrito e hemoglobina.As condições de higiene da população local são bastante primitivas. A água. é consumida diretamente do rio, e a defecação efetuada ao nível do solo, em torno das casas. A natimortalidade for estimada em 80/1000 nascimentos, abortos espontâneos de 66,7/1000 gestações e mortalidade infantilde 93,2/1000 nascidos vivos. Todos esses índices são elevados para as condições locais. 0 período de amamentação na área é prolongado e o desmame ocorre em torno de 16 meses, com 72% das crianças amamentadas por mais de 1 ano. Metade das mães introduzem outros alimentos na dieta infantil em torno de 6 meses, principalmente papa de farinha de. mandioca. De acordo com os critérios de Gomez, 63,3% das crianças são malnutridas, enquanto que segundo os critérios de Waterlow, 70% apresentavam nanismo nutricional e 18% atrofia nutricional. No primeiro se -mestre de vida, o nanismo nutricional, atingiu somente 15,8% das crianças, enquanto que no segundo semestre esse valor se eleva para 63,6%. Apesar da amamentação prolongada , 25% das crianças, no primeiro ano de vida, apresentaram diarréia no momento do exame. Os picos na prevalência de diarréia foram observados no segundo semestre e. segundo ano de vida, coincidindo com a alta prevalência de desnutrição aguda (atrofia nutricional).A desnutrição crônica (nanismo nutricional) foi significantemente mais prevalente nas crianças com histórias de quadros diarréicos freqüentes. Parasitas intestinais foram encontrados em 84,6% das crianças cujas fezes foram coletadas, sendo que A. lumbricoides, Ancilostomideo e T. trichiura afetando mais de 60%. Os sinais clínicos de deficiências de ferro e possivelmente vitaminas, tais como riboflavina e vitamina A, foram as mais freqüentemente observados.Níveis de hemoglobina abaixo de 11 g% e concentração de Hemoglobina Corpuscular média abaixo de 30% foram observados em 71,2% das crianças, sugerindo que anemia feropriva é altamente prevalente na área.Obesidade foi mais freqüentemente encontrada nas mães do que emagrecimento, sugerindo que o consumo total de energia e alimentos não é limitante nessa população. Peixe foi consumido nas últimas 24 horas por 75% das mães e 50% consumiu de mandioca é altíssimo. O consumo de frutas foi limitado, principalmente bananas, e o uso de vegetais limitado a condimentos. Os níveis de hemoglobina foram baixos em 62% das mães, sugerindo que a deficiência de ferro é um problema na área, apesar da dieta ser alta em proteinas e baixa em fibras e fitato.


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The rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora Ducke) is a native tree species of Amazon rainforest growing naturally in acidic forest soils with reduced redox potential. However, this species can also been found growing in forest gaps containing oxide soils. Variations in the forms of mineral nitrogen (NO3- or NH4+) may be predicted in these different edaphic conditions. Considering that possibility, an experiment was carried out to analyze the effects of different NO3-:NH4+ ratios on the growth performance, mineral composition, chloroplastid pigment contents, photochemical efficiency photosystem II (PSII), and nitrate redutase activity (RN, E.C. on A. rosaeodora seedlings. Nine-month-old seedlings were grown in pots with a washed sand capacity of 7.5 kg and submitted to different NO3-:NH4+ ratios (T1 = 0:100%, T2 = 25:75%, T3 = 50:50%, T4 = 75:25%, and T5 = 100:0%). The lowest relative growth rate was observed when the NO3-:NH4+ ratio was equal to 0:100%. In general, high concentrations of NO3- rather than NH4+ favored a greater nutrient accumulation in different parts of the plant. For the chloroplastid pigment, the highest Chl a, Chl b, Chl tot, Chl a/b and Chl tot/Cx+c contents were found in the treatment with 75:25% of NO3-:NH4+, and for Chl b and Cx+c it was observed no difference. In addition, there was a higher photochemical efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm) when high NO3- concentrations were used. A linear and positive response for the nitrate reductase activity was recorded when the nitrate content increased on the culture substrate. Our results suggest that A. rosaeodora seedlings have a better growth performance when the NO3- concentrations in the culture substrate were higher than the NH4+ concentrations.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze the association of thiamin, selenium, and copper serum levels with cardiac function in patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy using diuretics, and also to compare them with levels in control patients with no evidence of disease. METHODS: The study comprised 30 patients with heart disease and 30 healthy control individuals. Thiamin was analyzed by measuring the activity of erythrocytic transketolase and the effect of thiamin pyrophosphate. Selenium and copper serum levels were measured by hydride generation and flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry, respectively. RESULTS: Thiamin deficiency was observed in 10% of the control individuals and in 33% of the patients with heart disease (p=0.02). The mean selenium and copper serum levels in control individuals and patients with heart disease were, respectively, 73.2±9.9 µg/L (56.5 to 94.5 µg/L) and 72.3±14.3 µg/L (35.5 to 94 µg/L) (p=0.77); 1.1±0.4mg/L (0.6 to 1.8mg/L) and 1.2± 0.4mg/L (0.6 to 2.2mg/L) (p=0.27). No association between the levels of these nutrients and cardiac function was observed. CONCLUSION: Thiamin deficiency was significantly more frequent in patients with heart disease. No significant difference was observed between the mean selenium and copper serum levels in control individuals and in patients with heart disease. The results suggest possible benefits with thiamin replacement in patients taking diuretics.