111 resultados para 28S rDNA
A single strain of Mycobacterium abscessus subsp. bolletii, characterised by a particular rpoB sequevar and two highly related pulsed field gel electrophoresis patterns has been responsible for a nationwide outbreak of surgical infections in Brazil since 2004. In this study, we developed molecular tests based on polymerase chain reaction restriction-enzyme analysis (PRA) and sequencing for the rapid identification of this strain. Sequences of 15 DNA regions conserved in mycobacteria were retrieved from GenBank or sequenced and analysed in silico. Single nucleotide polymorphisms specific to the epidemic strain and located in enzyme recognition sites were detected in rpoB, the 3' region of the 16S rDNA and gyrB. The three tests that were developed, i.e., PRA-rpoB, PRA-16S and gyrB sequence analysis, showed 100%, 100% and 92.31% sensitivity and 93.06%, 90.28% and 100% specificity, respectively, for the discrimination of the surgical strain from other M. abscessus subsp. bolletii isolates, including 116 isolates from 95 patients, one environmental isolate and two type strains. The results of the three tests were stable, as shown by results obtained for different isolates from the same patient. In conclusion, due to the clinical and epidemiological importance of this strain, these tests could be implemented in reference laboratories for the rapid preliminary diagnosis and epidemiological surveillance of this epidemic strain.
Mesocoelium lanfrediae sp. nov. (Digenea: Mesocoeliidae) inhabits the small intestine of Rhinella marina (Amphibia: Bufonidae) and is described here, with illustrations provided by light, scanning electron microscopy and molecular approachs. M. lanfrediae sp. nov. presents the typical characteristics of the genus, but is morphometrically and morphologically different from the species described previously. The main diagnostic characteristics of M. lanfrediae sp. nov. are (i) seven pairs of regularly-distributed spherical papillae on the oral sucker, (ii) ventral sucker outlined by four pairs of papillae distributed in a uniform pattern and interspersed with numerous spines, which are larger at the posterior margin and (iii) small, rounded tegumentary papillae around the opening of the oral sucker, which are morphologically different from those of the oral sucker itself, some of which are randomly disposed in the ventrolateral tegumentary region of the anterior third of the body. Addionally, based on SSU rDNA, a phylogenetic analysis including Brachycoeliidae and Mesocoeliidae taxa available on GenBank established the close relationship between M. lanfrediae sp. nov. and Mesocoelium sp.
In this study, we used fluorescence in situ hybridisation to determine the chromosomal location of 45S rDNA clusters in 10 species of the tribe Rhodniini (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Triatominae). The results showed striking inter and intraspecific variability, with the location of the rDNA clusters restricted to sex chromosomes with two patterns: either on one (X chromosome) or both sex chromosomes (X and Y chromosomes). This variation occurs within a genus that has an unchanging diploid chromosome number (2n = 22, including 20 autosomes and 2 sex chromosomes) and a similar chromosome size and genomic DNA content, reflecting a genome dynamic not revealed by these chromosome traits. The rDNA variation in closely related species and the intraspecific polymorphism in Rhodnius ecuadoriensis suggested that the chromosomal position of rDNA clusters might be a useful marker to identify recently diverged species or populations. We discuss the ancestral position of ribosomal genes in the tribe Rhodniini and the possible mechanisms involved in the variation of the rDNA clusters, including the loss of rDNA loci on the Y chromosome, transposition and ectopic pairing. The last two processes involve chromosomal exchanges between both sex chromosomes, in contrast to the widely accepted idea that the achiasmatic sex chromosomes of Heteroptera do not interchange sequences.
Since 1984, Anopheles (Kerteszia) lepidotus has been considered a mosquito species that is involved in the transmission of malaria in Colombia, after having been incriminated as such with epidemiological evidence from a malaria outbreak in Cunday-Villarrica, Tolima. Subsequent morphological analyses of females captured in the same place and at the time of the outbreak showed that the species responsible for the transmission was not An. lepidotus, but rather Anopheles pholidotus. However, the associated morphological stages and DNA sequences of An. pholidotus from the foci of Cunday-Villarrica had not been analysed. Using samples that were caught recently from the outbreak region, the purpose of this study was to provide updated and additional information by analysing the morphology of female mosquitoes, the genitalia of male mosquitoes and fourth instar larvae of An. pholidotus, which was confirmed with DNA sequences of cytochrome oxidase I and rDNA internal transcribed spacer. A total of 1,596 adult females were collected in addition to 37 larval collections in bromeliads. Furthermore, 141 adult females, which were captured from the same area in the years 1981-1982, were analysed morphologically. Ninety-five DNA sequences were analysed for this study. Morphological and molecular analyses showed that the species present in this region corresponds to An. pholidotus. Given the absence of An. lepidotus, even in recent years, we consider that the species of mosquitoes that was previously incriminated as the malaria vector during the outbreak was indeed An. pholidotus, thus ending the controversy.
A pseudogene, designated as "ps(5.8S+ITS-2)", paralogous to the 5.8S gene and internal transcribed spacer (ITS)-2 of the nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA), has been recently found in many triatomine species distributed throughout North America, Central America and northern South America. Among characteristics used as criteria for pseudogene verification, secondary structures and free energy are highlighted, showing a lower fit between minimum free energy, partition function and centroid structures, although in given cases the fit only appeared to be slightly lower. The unique characteristics of "ps(5.8S+ITS-2)" as a processed or retrotransposed pseudogenic unit of the ghost type are reviewed, with emphasis on its potential functionality compared to the functionality of genes and spacers of the normal rDNA operon. Besides the technical problem of the risk for erroneous sequence results, the usefulness of "ps(5.8S+ITS-2)" for specimen classification, phylogenetic analyses and systematic/taxonomic studies should be highlighted, based on consistence and retention index values, which in pseudogenic sequence trees were higher than in functional sequence trees. Additionally, intraindividual, interpopulational and interspecific differences in pseudogene amount and the fact that it is a pseudogene in the nuclear rDNA suggests a potential relationships with fitness, behaviour and adaptability of triatomine vectors and consequently its potential utility in Chagas disease epidemiology and control.
A diversidade genética de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares, recuperados de três estádios de estabilização de dunas, foi avaliada por técnicas moleculares e comparada com resultados obtidos anteriormente por técnicas baseadas na caracterização morfológica dos esporos. O uso da técnica de PCR-RFLP do rDNA, extraído de esporos, permitiu definir impressões características de espécies presentes nas dunas, evidenciar a presença de diferentes comunidades em cada estádio e identificar a anteduna como aquela com comunidades com maior polimorfismo. Esse estádio também apresentou maior diversidade, quando, no estudo das comunidades, foram utilizadas técnicas baseadas em aspectos morfológicos. A combinação de ambas as estratégias, molecular e baseada em aspectos morfológicos, forneceu importantes informações sobre a diversidade destes fungos, visando ao estudo do seu papel no ecossistema.
O ácido desoxiribunocléico ribossomal (rDNA) é utilizado como uma ferramenta importante para caracterizar o polimorfismo entre os fungos. Existem muitas cópias de rDNA as quais são arranjadas por espaços não codificados. Essas cópias são altamente conservadas entre espécies de fungos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a região do Espaço Interno Transcrito (ITS) e analisar as diferenças no polimorfismo da seqüência dessa região no fungo Scleroderma UFSMSc1 com seqüências dos isolados de Scleroderma e Pisolithus do banco de dados GenBank. O DNA do isolado de Scleroderma UFSMSc1 foi extraído por meio da solução de extração à base de CTAB. A partir do DNA, foram feitas reações de PCR com os oligonucleotídeos iniciadores universais ITS1 e ITS4, cujo produto amplificado foi purificado e seqüenciado. A região do ITS do fungo mostrou uma banda simples de aproximadamente 650 pares de base. Na análise da seqüência dessa região em comparação com algumas depositadas no GenBank, observou-se a formação de agrupamento com espécies de Scleroderma. Os resultados mostraram que essa técnica favorece a identificação de espécies de Scleroderma, visto que tais fungos são difíceis de ser identificados apenas por seus caracteres morfológicos.
The biodiversity of rhizobium in soils of the São Francisco Valley is unknown and can be studied using cowpea as trap plants. The objective of this study was to verify the diversity of diazotrophic bacteria that nodulate cowpea in soils of the lower half of the São Francisco River Valley by morphological and genotypic characterization. Seven soil samples (A1, A2, A3, A4, C1, C2 and MC) were collected to capture bacteria associated to five cowpea cultivars (IPA 206, BRS Pujante, BRS Marataoã, Canapu Roxo, and Sempre Verde), in a 5x7 factorial design with three replications. Thirty days after plant emergence, the nodules were collected and the bacteria isolated and analyzed in relation to their growth characteristics in YMA medium. The 581 isolates were grouped in 49 morphologic groups. Of this total, 62.3 % formed colonies in up to three days, 33.4 % grew from the 6th day on, and 4.3 % began to grow 4 to 5 days after incubation. Regarding the formation of acids and alkalis, 63 % acidified the medium, 12 % made it alkaline and 25 % maintained the medium at neutral pH. The highest diversity was observed in the A3 sample and in isolates associated with the cultivars Canapu Roxo and BRS Pujante. Thirty-eight representative isolates were chosen for the genotypic characterization, clustered in four groups based on the restriction analysis of 16s rDNA. This grouping was strongly correlated with the sampling site; 13 rhizobium isolates had an electrophoretic profile distinct from the standard rhizobium strains used in this study.
Rhizoctonia-like fungi are the main mycorrhizal fungi in orchid roots. Morphological characterization and analysis of conserved sequences of genomic DNA are frequently employed in the identification and study of fungi diversity. However, phytopathogenic Rhizoctonia-like fungi have been reliably and accurately characterized and identified through the examination of the fatty acid composition. To evaluate the efficacy of fatty acid composition in characterizing and identifying Rhizoctonia-like mycorrhizal fungi in orchids, three Epulorhiza spp. mycorrhizal fungi from Epidendrum secundum, two unidentified fungi isolated from Epidendrum denticulatum, and a phytopathogenic fungus, Ceratorhiza sp. AGC, were grouped based on the profile of their fatty acids, which was assessed by the Euclidian and Mahalanobis distances and the UPGMA method. Dendrograms distinguished the phytopathogenical isolate of Ceratorhiza sp. AGC from the mycorrhizal fungi studied. The symbionts of E. secundum were grouped into two clades, one containing Epulorhiza sp.1 isolates and the other the Epulorhiza sp.2 isolate. The similarity between the symbionts of E. denticulatum and Epulorhiza spp. fungi suggests that symbionts found in E. denticulatum may be identified as Epulorhiza. These results were corroborated by the analysis of the rDNA ITS region. The dendrogram constructed based on the Mahalanobis distance differentiated the clades most clearly. Fatty acid composition analysis proved to be a useful tool for characterizing and identifying Rhizoctonia-like mycorrhizal fungi.
As espécies de mucuna são muito utilizadas como adubos verdes, e poucas informações estão disponíveis a respeito dos rizóbios nativos capazes de nodulá-las. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a diversidade e a capacidade simbiótica de isolados bacterianos de nódulos de mucuna-cinza (Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC.) e mucuna-anã (Mucuna deeringiana (Bort.) Merr.). As bactérias foram isoladas de nódulos de mucunas cinza e anã cultivadas em vasos com solos de um sistema de produção agroecológica. Foram isoladas 160 bactérias, sendo 80 de mucuna-anã e 80 de mucuna-cinza, que foram autenticadas e selecionadas para avaliação da capacidade simbiótica. A diversidade dos isolados foi avaliada por meio das características culturais em meio de cultura YMA e da técnica de análise de restrição do produto de PCR do gene 16S rDNA. A inoculação de cinco isolados em mucuna-cinza e dois em mucuna-anã apresentou elevada biomassa da parte aérea. A maioria dos isolados apresentou crescimento rápido e acidificou o meio de cultura. A análise de restrição demonstrou que as bactérias isoladas apresentam baixa similaridade com estirpes de referência, sugerindo a existência de isolados pertencentes a novos grupos, capazes de nodular as mucunas anã e cinza.
Diversos relatos evidenciam os benefícios de procariotos fixadores de nitrogênio atmosférico no crescimento e na nutrição de muitas espécies vegetais; entretanto, não há, até o momento, nenhum trabalho visando à prospecção desses microrganismos na rizosfera da seringueira (Hevea brasiliensis). Assim, os objetivos deste trabalho foram verificar a ocorrência de bactérias diazotróficas em solos sob plantio de seringueira, assim como em suas raízes, e isolar e caracterizar essas bactérias. Para essa finalidade, coletaram-se amostras de solo e de raízes finas de seringueiras cultivadas no Campus Experimental da Universidade Federal de Lavras (Lavras, MG) para inoculação em meios de cultura semissólidos sem N na forma combinada, de modo a favorecer o crescimento de algumas espécies de bactérias diazotróficas. Foram obtidos 19 isolados nas amostras de solo, e não houve crescimento de bactérias fixadoras de nitrogênio nas culturas com amostras de raízes. A caracterização celular e das colônias desses isolados indicou que 17 deles produzem grande quantidade de exopolissacarídeo elástico, algumas vezes cartilaginoso. Eles são todos Gram-negativos, com formato celular de bastonete, imóveis e com dois glóbulos de poli-β-hidroxibutirato (PBH), um em cada extremidade do bastonete. O sequenciamento do 16S rDNA e sua análise filogenética confirmaram que isolados representativos desse grupo pertencem ao gênero Beijerinckia (B. indica e B. derxii) e que os outros dois isolados Gram-positivos pertencem ao gênero Bacillus. A presença da nitrogenase - a enzima responsável pela fixação biológica do nitrogênio atmosférico (FBN) - foi confirmada por meio da técnica de redução do acetileno. Conclui-se que, no solo sob plantio de seringueira, houve predominância de diazotróficas de vida livre pertencentes ao gênero Beijerinckia (B. indica e B. derxii), não havendo indícios de bactérias endofiticas ou rizosféricas.
The objective of this work was to characterize the genetic variability of phytoplasma and Spiroplasma kunkelii isolated from maize plants showing symptoms of stunt collected from different Brazilian geographic regions. A DNA fragment of 500 base pairs (bp) was amplified from the spiralin gene in S. kunkelii and one fragment of 1,200 bp was generated from 16S rDNA gene in phytoplasma. The partial sequences of the spiralin gene showed similarity of 98% among the isolates of S. kunkelii analyzed. These sequences were compared with the sequence of the spiralin gene from other Spiroplasma species deposited in the GenBank, resulting in a similarity varying from 76.9% to 88.1%. The 16S rDNA sequence from the phytoplasma were completely similar within the Brazilian isolates and showed up to 98% of the similarity with sequences already found from other phytoplasmas. A very narrow genetic variability was detected by these gene fragments within phytoplasma and Spiroplasma analyzed. However, other genomic regions with higher polymorphic levels shall be identified in order to better evaluate the genetic diversity within these microorganisms population.
A disponibilidade de resíduos de aveia-preta, com relação C:N elevada, resulta em imobilização microbiana de nitrogênio no solo, exigindo cuidados no manejo da adubação nitrogenada da cultura subseqüente. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as alterações na estrutura da comunidade microbiana ao longo do ciclo do milho, na presença de resíduos de aveia-preta e da aplicação de nitrogênio. Foram coletadas amostras de um Argissolo Vermelho distrófico no dia da semeadura do milho e 46, 62, 88 e 112 dias após a semeadura. O nitrogênio foi aplicado 25 dias e 49 dias após a semeadura. As alterações na comunidade microbiana foram avaliadas mediante relações entre carbono (C) e nitrogênio (N), nitrogênio reativo com ninidrina (N-Nin) e carboidratos (CHO) da biomassa microbiana, além da análise do rDNA fúngico e bacteriano. As diferenças na composição da comunidade microbiana, reveladas pela análise do rDNA, relacionaram-se mais com as relações C:N e C:N-Nin do que com a relação C:CHO. As relações C:N-Nin e C:N e as avaliações do rDNA mostraram um predomínio inicial de população fúngica. Com a aplicação de N, a população bacteriana tornou-se preponderante e, ao final do ciclo do milho, retornou para uma condição semelhante à inicial.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as relações filogenéticas de estirpes de Bradyrhizobium e a contribuição destas estirpes para a fixação biológica de nitrogênio em caupi, em solos do Cerrado. Na avaliação da relação filogenética, o gene 16S rDNA de cada uma das estirpes foi amplificado e seqüenciado, e para a análise da eficiência simbiótica, determinou-se: N total, matéria seca das plantas, massa de nódulos e redução de acetileno, em casa de vegetação, e ocupação nodular, em experimento de campo. A maioria das estirpes estudadas pertence a B. elkanii e, pelo menos dez das estirpes, independentemente da espécie, apresentaram bom desempenho quanto à fixação biológica de N2. As estirpes BR3262, BR3280 (caracterizadas como B. elkanii) e BR3267, BR3287 e BR3288 (Bradyrhizobium sp.) mostram-se como inoculantes potenciais para o caupi, em razão do bom desempenho tanto na eficiência simbiótica quanto na ocupação nodular.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the pathogenicity of 24 Beauveria isolates to Spodoptera frugiperda larvae, and characterize them molecularly through rDNA-ITS sequencing and RAPD markers. Sequencing of rDNA-ITS fragments of 570 bp allowed the identification of isolates as B. bassiana or B. brongniarti by sequence comparison to GenBank. Sixty seven polymorphic RAPD fragments were capable to differentiate 20 among 24 Beauveria isolates, grouping them according to the derived host insect and to pathogenicity against maize fall armyworm larvae. Three RAPD markers were highly associated to the pathogenicity against S. frugiperda, explaining up to 67% of the phenotypic variation. Besides identification and molecular characterization of Beauveria isolates, ITS sequence and RAPD markers proved to be very useful in selecting the isolates potentially effective against S. frugiperda larvae and in monitoring field release of these microorganisms in biocontrol programs.