76 resultados para 20 mT demagnetization


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FUNDAMENTO: A hipertensão arterial apresenta alta prevalência e é um importante fator de risco cardiovascular. OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência da hipertensão arterial e sua associação com o estilo de vida. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, de base populacional, por meio de inquérito domiciliar realizado em Sinop-MT (n = 690). A amostra da pesquisa foi obtida por amostragem simples em duas etapas. A pressão arterial foi aferida três vezes e para a análise, a média das duas últimas medidas. Considerou-se hipertensos aqueles que apresentaram PA > 140/90 mmHg e/ou que referiram uso de drogas anti-hipertensivas. A análise de regressão logística múltipla hierarquizada foi utilizada para testar a associação entre a hipertensão e as variáveis independentes. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de hipertensão arterial foi de 23,2% (IC 95%: 20,1 - 26,6). A única variável relacionada ao estilo de vida associada à hipertensão arterial foi o consumo de bebidas alcoólicas, sendo protetor para as mulheres que consumiam até 15 g de etanol/dia (OR = 0,49; IC 95%: 0,26 - 0,93) e deletério para os homens que consumiam mais de 30 g de etanol/dia (OR = 2,94; IC 95%: 1,28 - 6,77). CONCLUSÃO: A hipertensão arterial associou-se independentemente com o consumo de bebidas alcoólicas, entre homens e mulheres.


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Background:Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death worldwide. Knowledge about cardiovascular risk factors (CVRFs) in young adults and their modification over time are measures that change the risks and prevent CVDs.Objectives:To determine the presence of CVRFs and their changes in different health care professionals over a period of 20 years.Methods:All students of medicine, nursing, nutrition, odontology, and pharmacy departments of Federal University of Goiás who agreed to participate in this study were evaluated when they started their degree courses and 20 years afterward. Questionnaires on CVRFs [systemic arterial hypertension (SAH), diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, and family history of early CVD, smoking, alcohol consumption, and sedentarism] were administered. Cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels, blood pressure, weight, height, and body mass index were determined. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to evaluate distribution, the chi-square test was used to compare different courses and sexes, and the McNemar test was used for comparing CVRFs. The significance level was set at a p value of < 0.05.Results:The first stage of the study included 281 individuals (91% of all the students), of which 62.9% were women; the mean age was 19.7 years. In the second stage, 215 subjects were reassessed (76% of the initial sample), of which 59.07% were women; the mean age was 39.8 years. The sample mostly consisted of medical students (with a predominance of men), followed by nursing, nutrition, and pharmacy students, with a predominance of women (p < 0.05). Excessive weight gain, SAH, and dyslipidemia were observed among physicians and dentists (p < 0.05). Excessive weight gain and SAH and a reduction in sedentarism (p < 0.05) were observed among pharmacists. Among nurses there was an increase in excessive weight and alcohol consumption (p < 0.05). Finally, nutritionists showed an increase in dyslipidemia (p < 0.05).Conclusion:In general, there was an unfavorable progression of CVRFs in the population under study, despite it having adequate specialized knowledge about these risk factors.


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The author gives the clinical records of 20 patients, 14 of which were treated during 17 months, and the rest much less. The method used for treatment was the ecclectical — preferred by the A. since many years —, in which he associates electricity with minor surgery, chaulmestrol (pure or with 0.5 p. c. iodine or 4 p. c. creosote) and other auxilliary curative agents. The chaulmoogra derivatives were used daily as nostrils tamponage (2 p.c. mentholated or thymolated ester), periodically by injections inside the enlarged lymph nodes and nerve abscesses, and twice weekly by subcutaneous infiltrations (MUIR method) 5 c.c. each, and chaulmoogra soap tablets per os. The galvanocauterisation session was once per week, on active leprotic lesions, followed by painting with 30 p. c. trichloracetic acid solution. All 20 patients were bacilliferous before treatment, and became stronger positive after some months treatment. At the end 14 negativated and 6 remained positive and sometimes bacilli being very scanty. 16 out of 20 gave interesting serological reactions, viz.: Wassermann, Stern, Kahn. Rubino, Witebsky and Gaté (Formol-gel) positive in 5; Stern, Rubino. Witebsky and Gaté positive and Wassermann and Kahn negative in 2; Stern. Kahn, Witebsky and Gaté positive and Wassermann anticomplementary in 1; Wassermann. Stern, Kahn, Rubino and Gaté negative in 1. in the beginning, and a few months later Stern. Witebsky and Gaté becoming positive; Stern. Rubino. Witebsky and Gaté positive and anticomplementary W. in 1; Stern, Witebsky and Gaté positive and Wassermann. Kahn and Rubino negative in 1; Witebsky and Gaté positive and Wassermann, Stern, Kahn and Rubino negative in 1; Witebsky 3 times anticomplemantary and strongly positive Gaté in 1; Wassermann and Gaté positive in 1; Stern and Rubino positive in 1 and Stern test negative in one. In 7 cases high Formol-gel were associated with a high sedimentation index. Many cases had very high S.I. being a false measure of the severity of the disease; others remained very high notwithstanding the great improvement of the disease. All patients with more than 12 months treatment became practically symptom free. Lepra reaction amongst them was rare and always started by embolic rash, being controlled by destruction of such skin lesions by galvanocauterisation. In a few cases the lepromata infiltrated with "Subintrol" (a 3 p. c. special chaulmoogra soap prepared by Dr. ASTROGILDO MACHADO) were completely destroyd and never relapsed. In October 1946 Dr. ERNEST MUIR saw here a few cases treated by the author's method and suggested the combination of Diasone with galvanocauterisation which is being done now with satifactory results. The second part of this paper, reporting many leprosy cases treated by the so-called ecclectical method, which are symptom free and negativated since five to ten years, will be published as soon as the sulfone-therapy be summarised in some reliable scientific report to be compared with.


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Previous studies showed that two groups of Trypanosoma cruzi clonal genotypes named clonet 20 and clonet 39 were predominant in Triatoma infestans, the unique vector of Chagas disease in Bolivia. These groups of clones correspond to distinct genetic clusters. These clonets were detected in T. infestans and Rhodnius pictipes fecal samples before isolation and after culture by kDNA PCR (polymerase chain rreaction) and hybridization of the amplified products with clonet specific kDNA probes named 20 and 39 as previously reported. Forty eight T. infestans and three R. pictipes infected insects captured at random in different Bolivian departments were proceeded. As previously reported the direct identification of the two major clonets in fecal samples allowed the detection of abundant mixed infections: 41% in the original sample, however after culture, only 6% of mixed infections were detected. Among the 21 parasite stocks isolated from digestive tracts where mixed infections were initially detected (clonet 20 + 39) clonet 20 alone was detected in 81% of them. This result clearly showed that the culture step selected clonet 20 parasites over those belonging to clonet 39. The taxonomic status of the isolated stocks was also confirmed by isoenzyme typing, and correlation was observed between clustering topology and hybridization patterns with the probes 20 and 39.


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Human pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) is a worldwide public health problem. In resistant individuals, control of the infection mainly requires development of a Th1 cell immune response with production of cytokines, of which interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma)plays an important role. Several antigens from Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex has been described for use in vaccine development or for diagnostic purposes, however little evaluation has been done in endemic area for TB. The proliferative and IFN-gamma human T cell immune responses, to four recombinant proteins (MBP-3, NarL, MT-10.3, 16 kDa) and PPD, of 38 Brazilian TB patients (6 untreated and 32 treated) and 67 controls (38 positive and 29 negative tuberculin skin test - TST) were compared. The highest reactivity mean rate was obtained with PPD followed by 16 kDa in TB patients. While most of the patients (87%) and controls (> 64%) respond to the PPD, 16kDa was more specifically recognized (> 21%) although less sensitive (54%). When TB patients were divided according to treatment status, opposite to PPD, higher average level of IFN-gamma was induced by 16kDa in untreated (505 pg/ml) compared to treated TB patients and TST+ (269.8 pg/ml x 221.6pg/ml, respectively), although the difference was not significant. These data show that in contrast with the other recombinant proteins, the stimulatory potency of 16kDa to induce proliferative and INF-gamma response was more effective and is more recognized by active TB untreated patients, eliciting in control individuals a more selective immune response than PPD.


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A região noroeste do Estado de Mato Grosso compreende paisagens de grande complexidade para amostragem de solo. Isso ocorre devido à contínua atividade geomorfológica, que contribuiu para a existência de diferentes classes pedológicas em pequenas distâncias. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em Juruena (MT), com o objetivo de identificar as classes pedológicas em microbacias sob floresta não-perturbada, por meio do estudo da variabilidade espacial da textura (relação textural) e cor (índice de avermelhamento) do solo, considerando-se ainda a altitude da paisagem. A variabilidade espacial da textura e da cor do solo foi determinada em amostras de 185 pontos georreferenciados em malha sistemática regular com espaçamento de 20 x 20 m, abrangendo quatro microbacias. Usando profundidades de 0-20 e 40-60 cm, foi possível distinguir e mapear as principais classes de solo ocorrentes na área de estudo até o segundo nível categórico do Sistema Brasileiro de Classificação de Solos, associadas ao fator relevo da paisagem. Também foi estabelecida uma correspondência bastante satisfatória entre os intervalos do índice de avermelhamento do horizonte diagnóstico e as cores das classes de solo. As microbacias apresentaram as classes Plintossolos e Argissolos (com caráter plíntico) em altitudes inferiores a 280 m e Latossolos nas cotas superiores. Dessa forma, ficou evidenciada a possibilidade do uso da geoestatística para separar classes homogêneas de solo, além de estimar a precisão de mapeamento. Contudo, são indispensáveis o conhecimento pedológico e o trabalho posterior de campo para a aplicação e o ajuste dessa modelagem.


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As paisagens tropicais são caracterizadas por possuírem complexas coberturas superficiais que trazem consigo os registros de processos que ocorreram durante os períodos geológicos antecedentes. Porém, é comum as camadas verticais de uma paisagem apresentarem características morfológicas aparentemente homogêneas, dificultando, assim, a identificação da natureza do material de origem dos seus estratos. Objetivou-se estudar regolitos (solum + saprolito) derivados de granitos do Complexo Xingu em uma microbacia sob vegetação de floresta amazônica, a partir de atributos indicadores de sua formação. Predominam na área estudada Latossolos Vermelho-Amarelos e Plintossolos. Foram coletadas amostras em quatro pontos da paisagem: um no platô, dois na encosta e um no sopé; as profundidades de coleta foram de 0-0,6, 0,6-1,0 m e, a partir de 1,0 m, a cada metro de profundidade até atingir 8,0 m, ou a rocha. Os resultados das relações Ki, Kr, Zr/Ti e areia fina/areia grossa (AF/AG) foram discutidos, permitindo identificar alguns aspectos dos processos de formação dos regolitos da microbacia. Os regolitos dos pontos 1 (platô) e 3 (encosta 2) possuem material de origem ex-situ; o ponto 2 (encosta 1) possui a sua gênese dentro de uma sequência normal de intemperismo, sem aporte de material externo; e o ponto 4, localizado no sopé da paisagem, apresentou algumas diferenças nos materiais próximos da superfície - indicativo de deposição de material das partes mais altas do relevo. Dos atributos utilizados, a relação Zr/Ti, juntamente com a relação AF/AG, foi mais eficiente na identificação de descontinuidades de material de origem dos regolitos.


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O uso e o manejo de Neossolos Quartzarênicos podem influenciar a matéria orgânica do solo (MOS), mas a magnitude dessas alterações ainda é pouco pesquisada nas condições de Cerrado. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar as variações que ocorrem na MOS em um Neossolo Quartzarênico, por consequência da conversão da vegetação original para o uso agrícola e cultivo sequencial de soja e milheto em sucessão. Em uma área de cultivo comercial em Alto Garças, MT, foram coletadas amostras de solo nas profundidades de 0-5, 0-10, 0-20 e 0-40 cm, em talhões que estavam sob sucessão soja-milheto durante 1, 2, 6, 8 e 10 anos e, como referência da vegetação original, amostras foram tomadas em área adjacente sob Cerrado nativo. Foram determinados os teores de carbono orgânico total (COT), carbono e nitrogênio total e o teor de carbono nas frações ácidos húmicos, ácidos fúlvicos e na matéria orgânica leve (MOL), além da relação isotópica do carbono na MOS. A conversão do Cerrado para cultivo agrícola elevou o teor de COT do solo, sobretudo em razão do aporte de MOL e fragmentos de carvão. O manejo desse solo com a sucessão soja-milheto, mesmo com o uso de gradagens pesadas, não causou reduções nos teores de COT, ao longo do tempo. Contudo, observou-se variação na distribuição do carbono nas diferentes frações da MOS ao longo do tempo de cultivo, indicando alterações significativas na qualidade da MOS. Notou-se aumento no percentual de carbono na forma de MOL e redução dos teores de carbono na forma de ácidos fúlvicos ao longo do tempo de cultivo, sugerindo a perda seletiva dos compostos mais solúveis. A relação isotópica do carbono do solo aumentou com o tempo de cultivo, indicando maior contribuição do carbono derivado do milheto para a manutenção dos teores de MOS. Os atributos da MOS relativos à camada de 0-20 cm foram mais sensíveis às variações em razão do tempo de cultivo do que os mesmos atributos avaliados nas demais camadas estudadas. As variáveis relacionadas ao fracionamento da MOS evidenciaram-se mais sensíveis às variações por causa do tempo de cultivo do que simplesmente do teor de COT do solo, apresentando o potencial de uso dessas variáveis como indicadores de qualidade do solo.


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Soils are the foundation of terrestrial ecosystems and their role in food production is fundamental, although physical degradation has been observed in recent years, caused by different cultural practices that modify structures and consequently the functioning of soils. The objective of this study was to evaluate possible structural changes and degradation in an Oxisol under different managements for 20 years: no-tillage cultivation with and without crop rotation, perennial crop and conventional tillage, plus a forested area (reference). Initially, the crop profile was described and subsequently, 10 samples per management system and forest soil were collected to quantify soil organic matter, flocculation degree, bulk density, and macroporosity. The results indicated structural changes down to a soil depth of 50 cm, with predominance of structural units ∆μ (intermediate compaction level) under perennial crop and no-tillage crop rotation, and of structural units ∆ (compacted) under conventional tillage and no-tillage. The soil was increasingly degraded in the increasing order: forest => no-tillage crop rotation => perennial crop => no-tillage without crop rotation => conventional tillage. In all managements, the values of organic matter and macroporosity were always below and bulk density always above those of the reference area (forest) and, under no-tillage crop rotation and perennial crop, the flocculation degree was proportionally equal to that of the reference area.


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Associadas aos benefícios no solo da semeadura direta, podem ocorrer a formação de gradiente vertical de fertilidade e a de uma camada compactada provocada pelo intenso tráfego de máquinas agrícolas, podendo modificar o crescimento radicular das culturas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as doses e formas de aplicação da adubação fosfatada e a compactação do solo pelo tráfego de máquinas nos atributos físicos e no sistema radicular da soja e do milho nas condições da Chapada dos Parecis, MT. O estudo foi realizado em Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico argiloso em delineamento em blocos casualizados, no esquema fatorial 2 × 4 × 4 e três repetições, sendo duas formas de adubação fosfatada (a lanço e no sulco), quatro doses de P2O5 (0, 50, 100 e 150 kg ha-1) e quatro níveis de compactação (PT0, PT2, PT4 e PT8 – semeadura direta com compactação induzida por tráfego de trator em zero, duas, quatro e oito passadas, respectivamente). O tráfego de máquinas ocasionou compactação do solo em semeadura direta, aumentando a densidade do solo (Ds) e resistência do solo à penetração (RSP) e reduzindo a macroporosidade e porosidade total, sem efeito da adubação fosfatada. A resposta das espécies à forma de adubação fosfatada foi diferenciada, não apresentando influência no crescimento radicular da soja. No milho, quando fornecida a lanço proporcionou maior área de raízes na camada de 0,00-0,05 m; e, quando no sulco, foram observadas entre as camadas menores diferenças na área radicular. Nas camadas de 0,05-0,10 e 0,10-0,20 m, a RSP de 1,48 e 1,84 MPa (Us = 0,28 m3 m-3) e Ds de 1,32 e 1,35 kg dm-3, respectivamente, proporcionaram redução de 19 e 27 % no diâmetro médio das raízes do milho e aumento de 110 e 49 % no diâmetro das raízes da soja.


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Surface roughness of the soil is formed by mechanical tillage and is also influenced by the kind and amount of plant residue, among other factors. Its persistence over time mainly depends on the fundamental characteristics of rain and soil type. However, few studies have been developed to evaluate these factors in Latossolos (Oxisols). In this study, we evaluated the effect of soil tillage and of amounts of plant residue on surface roughness of an Oxisol under simulated rain. Treatments consisted of the combination of the tillage systems of no-tillage (NT), conventional tillage (CT), and minimum tillage (MT) with rates of plant residue of 0, 1, and 2 Mg ha-1 of oats (Avena strigosa Schreb) and 0, 3, and 6 Mg ha-1 of maize (Zea mays L.). Seven simulated rains were applied on each experimental plot, with intensity of 60±2 mm h-1 and duration of 1 h at weekly intervals. The values of the random roughness index ranged from 2.94 to 17.71 mm in oats, and from 5.91 to 20.37 mm in maize, showing that CT and MT are effective in increasing soil surface roughness. It was seen that soil tillage operations carried out with the chisel plow and the leveling disk harrow are more effective in increasing soil roughness than those carried out with the heavy disk harrow and leveling disk harrow. The roughness index of the soil surface decreases exponentially with the increase in the rainfall volume applied under conditions of no tillage without soil cover, conventional tillage, and minimum tillage. The oat and maize crop residue present on the soil surface is effective in maintaining the roughness of the soil surface under no-tillage.