78 resultados para 134-831


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As leguminosas tropicais constituem opção como fonte de alimento para o gado, e como revestimento para proteger taludes e aterros contra a erosão. Com a finalidade de se conhecer o habito alimentar das leguminosas tropicais centrosema (Centrosema pubescens Benth.), siratro (Macroptilium atropurpureum cv. 'Siratro') e soja perene (Glycine wightii Willd.) instalou-se o presente ensaio no campo, em Piracicaba, SP, visando obter dados para estabelecer equações para o crescimento, para a concentração e extração dos macronutrientes (N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S), e para a matéria seca digestível das folhas e caules, "in vivo", no bovino, em função da idade da planta. Da apreciação geral dos resultados obtidos, verificou-se diferenças entre as três espécies quanto aos fatores estudados, tais como: a. A máxima produção de matéria seca é da soja perene, seguida pela centrosema e siratro, ocorrendo entre 134 e 140 dias. A maior velocidade no crescimento ocorre entre 83 e 91 dias, para as três espécies. b. O caule apresenta as maiores concentrações de potássio; as folhas, todos os outros macronutrientes. Existem diferenças entre as espécies quanto aos teores de nitrogênio, potássio, cálcio, magnesio e enxofre. O enxofre é absorvido e acumulado continuamente pela centrosema. c. A maior velocidade de acumulação de nitrogênio, fósforo, magnesio e enxofre pelas folhas ocorre entre 80 e 95 dias para as três espécies; de potássio aos 83 e 90 dias para a centrosema e soja perene, respectivamente; de cálcio, aos 116 e 135 dias para a soja perene e siratro. A quantidade maxima e a idade em que ocorre são: d. Existem diferenças na digestibilidade da matéria seca das partes entre as leguminosas. Essa digestibilidade aumenta com a idade da centrosema e do siratro; na soja perene, a digestibilidade mínima ocorre aos 74 dias (39,2%) para o caule e 88 dias (30,2%) para a folha. A matéria seca digestível das folhas de centrosema é 29,8% e das do siratro, 20%, aos 42 dias de idade; aos 147 dias, a da soja perene e 58,8%, seguida do siratro, 56,5%, e da centrosema, 44,0%.


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Foi feita a determinaçio dos elementos minerais contidos nos frutos do cacaueiro, amêndoas e casca. Um quilo de amendoas secas contêm, em grama: N-33,4; P--2,1; K-8,1; Ca-0,8; Mg-1,9; S-0,9; em mg: B-12; Cu-16, Fe-80; Mn-28; Mo-0,04; Zn-47. A análise completa do casqueiro semi decomposto mostrou na matéria seca os seguintes teores porcentuais N-2,20; P-0,05; K-2,40; Ca-0,51; Mg-0,32; S--0,12; concentração dos micronutrientes, em ppm é B-16; Cu-16; Fe-368; Mn-56; Mo-0,06; Zn-93. Foram colhidas amostras de folhas de uma roça altamente produtiva (172 arrobas ou 2580 quilos//ha)cuja análise mostrou os sequintes teores: N-I ,98%; P-0,17; K-2,20; Ca--0,73; Mq-0,19; B-25 ppm; Cu-14; Fe-87; Mu-134; Mo-0,16; Zn-96.


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Com o objetivo de elucidar alguns aspectos da biologia reprodutiva de Ligia exotica Roux, 1828, duas populações que habitam o Estuário da Lagoa dos Patos (Molhe Oeste da Barra de Rio Grande e Ilha do Leonídeo) foram analisadas. A amostragem foi realizada quinzenalmente entre o verão/2003 e o inverno/2004. Os animais foram coletados manualmente durante uma hora. O período reprodutivo da espécie foi registrado para os meses de outubro a junho. Nenhuma fêmea ovígera foi observada de julho a setembro. No Molhe Oeste da Barra de Rio Grande, 5.376 indivíduos foram capturados (1.494 juvenis, 1.748 machos e 2.134 fêmeas, das quais 245 eram ovígeras). A proporção sexual estimada foi 0,78 (M:F). Para a análise da fecundidade, 178 fêmeas ovígeras com o marsúpio intacto foram analisadas. O comprimento total destas fêmeas variou entre 20,73 a 34,3 mm, e o número de ovos-embriões variaram de 33 a 142. O comprimento médio de primeira maturação sexual das fêmeas foi 24,65 mm e o número médio de ovos-embriões foi 88. Na Ilha do Leonídeo, 5.519 animais foram coletados (510 juvenis, 1.956 machos e 3.053 fêmeas, das quais 129 eram ovígeras). A proporção sexual foi 0,68 (M:F). Pequenas porcentagens de fêmeas ovígeras foram encontradas de setembro a maio, sendo a mais alta porcentagem observada no final de março. Neste local, 101 fêmeas ovígeras foram analisadas, com o comprimento total variando entre 17,62 a 28,61 mm e o número de ovos-embriões entre 25 e 113. O comprimento médio de primeira maturação sexual das fêmeas e o número médio de ovos-embriões foram, respectivamente, 21,43 mm e 73,8.


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Foi feita uma revisão critica da literatura sobre cardiopatia da Doença de Chagas, discutindo-se os principais aspectos clínicos desta cardiopatia á luz da experiência por nós adquirida nestes últimos anos. A evolução dos conhecimentos clínicos sobre esquisotripanose pode ser sintetisada em três fases: a) A primeira corresponde á descoberta da doença, feita por Chagas, e á descrição por ele e seus primeiros colaboradores das manifestações clínicas essenciais da nova entidade mórbida, na qual distinguiu a forma aguda e várias formas crônicas. b) Na segunda fase, a pesquisa orientou-se essencialmente pela busca dos casos de infecção aguda, havendo considerável duvida a respeito da realidade clinica das formas crônicas da infecção. Durante um longo período raros casos de cardiopatia crônica foram publicados. Ate o momento acual (1948) encontram-se na literatura estrangeira 134 casos de cardiopatia crônica chagásica, dos quais 9 autopsiados; ate fins de 1944, o numero de casos publicados no Brasil, fora de Lassance, era de 45, dos quais 3 autopsiados. c) A terceira fase ou fase atual, tende a caracterisar-se por um interesse particular nos casos de infecção crônica, orientando-se porém a pesquisa cli¬nica essencialmente pelas manifestações da cardiopatia. Contribuições recentes de ordem clínica e experimental trouxeram ampla confirmação as idéias de Chagas a respeito desta cardiopatia e colocaram-na em posição de entidade clinica de realidade indiscutível. Sua importância social esta sendo determinada e os dados disponíveis já lhe apontam relevante significação em certas regiões. Mais de 600 casos de cardiopatia crônica chagásica foram publicados no Brasil nestes últimos quatro anos.


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Transmission of Chagas disease is realized through contamination of ocular conjunctiva, mucosa or skin with infected dejections eliminated by the insect vectors of Schizotrypanum cruzi (Triatoma infestans, Panstrongylus megistus and Rhodnius prolixus). The triatomid bugs live in holes and craks in the walls, in beds, behind trunks, etc. Found in primitive mud huts covered with thatched roofs, and so the human dwellers have many chances to contract the disease, reinfections being reasonably more to expect than a single inoculation. Experimental work reproducing those natural conditions is welcomed as some important features in the pathologic picture of the disease such as the extensive myocardial fibrosis seen in chronic cases are still incompletely known. Microscopic changes were studied in the heart muscle of seven Cebus monkeys infected by S. cruzi. This animal survives the acute stage of the disease and so is particularly suited to experiments of long duration in which several inoculations of S. cruzi are performed. Three different strains of S. cruzi isolated from acute cases of Chagas' disease were employed. One monkey was injected in the skin with infected blood and necropsied after 252 days. Two monkeys were three times, and one, eight times infected in skin, one of them with contaminated blood, and two with contaminated blood and dejections from infected bugs. The necropsies were performed after 35, 95 and 149 days. One monkey was three times inoculated through the intact ocular conjunctiva (one time with infected blood, two times with dejections from infected bugs), and one time through the wounded buccal mucosa, and necropsied after 134 days. Another monkey was six times inoculated, four times through the intact ocular conjunctiva (one time with contaminated blood, three times with dejections from infected bugs) and two times injected in the skin with infected blood, and necropsied after 157 days. Finally, another monkey was nine times inoculated, four times through the intact ocular conjunctiva (one time with infected blood, and three times with dejections from infected bugs), and five times injected in the skin (four times with contaminated blood, and one time with dejections from infected bugs), and necropsied after 233 days. The microscopic picture was uniform presenting, however, considerable individual variations, and was represented by diffuse interstitial myocarditis, frequently more (marked in the right ventricle base of the heart), accompanied by lymphatic stasis. The infiltration consists of macrophages, plasma cells and lymphocytes, the cellular reaction having sometimes a perivascular distribution, involving the auriculo-ventricular system of conduction, endocardium, epicardium and cardiac sympathetic gangliae. The loss of cardiac muscle fibers was always minimal. Leishmanial forms of S. cruzi in myocardial fibers are scanty and, in two cases, absent. Fatty necrosis in the epicardium was noted in two cases. Obliterative changes of medium-sized branches of coronary arteries (hypersensitivity reaction?) and multiple infarcts of the myocardium was found in one instance. The diffuse myocarditis induced by S. cruzi in several species of monkeys of the genus Cebus observed after 233 days (several inoculations) and 252 days (single inoculation) is not associated with disseminated fibrosis such as is reported in chronic cases of Chagas' disease. Definite capacity of reversion is another characteristic of the interstitial myocarditis observed in the series of Cebus monkeys here studied. The impression was gained that repeated inoculation with S. cruzi may influence the myocardial changes differently according to the period between the reinoculations. A short period after the first inoculation is followed by more marked changes, while long periods are accompanied by slight changes, which suggests an active immunisation produced by the first inoculation. More data are required, however before a definite statement is made on this subject considering that individual variations, the natural capacity of reversion of the interstitial myocarditis and the employement of more than a species of Cebus monkeys probably exerts influence also in the results here reported.


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Quatro estudos sobre a morbilidade da esquistossomose mansoni foram realizados na localidade de Capitão Andrade, município de Itanhomi, no Vale do Rio Doce, em Minas Gerais, Brasil, respectivamente em 1973, 1974, 1979 e 1983, constando basicamente do exame de fezes quantitativo e do exame clínico da população residente, acrescidos do estudo da dinâmica e índices de infecção dos planorbídeos e do contacto homem-água entre os dois primeiros estudos. O presente trabalho compara a situação da infecção na localidade em 1973 a 1983 e estuda a evolução da doença em uma amostra de 324 pessoas residentes na área desde o primeiro estudo, dos quais 190 eram infectados com S. mansoni naquela época (26,3% dos infectados) e 134 não infectados (27,6% dos não infectados). A prevalência da infecção era de 60,8% entre as 1.234 pessoas examinadas em 1973 e de 26,2% entre 1.269 examinadas em 1983, havendo, portanto, uma redução de 24,6% sem nenhum tipo de intervenção dirigida. Entretanto, a grande mobilidade da população da área e o tratamento por iniciativa própria de 7% das pessoas estudadas podem justificar essa redução da prevalência. Embora tenha havido uma redução de mais de 50% do número mediano de ovos de S. mansoni eliminados pela população, não se modificou a morbilidade da doença nem a proporção entre as formas clínicas no período. A incidência da infecção entre os 134 casos negativos acompanhados, foi de 40,3% nos dez anos (média anual de 4%), com 61,9% entre os indivíduos do sexo masculino. A incidência das formas clínicas nesse grupo foi de 51,8% para o tipo I (infecção), 38,9% para o tipo II (hepatointestinal) e 9,3% para o tipo III (hepatoesplênica). A evolução clínica dos 190 casos anteriormente infectados ficou inalterada em 75,3%, evoluiu progressivamente em 12,1% (agravamento) e regressivamente em 12,6% (melhora), entre os quais 8,4% ou seja, dois terços fizeram tratamento específico por conta própria.


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This paper reports on the standardization of four serological reactions currently used in human serodiagnosis for the detection of anti-Trypanosoma cruzi antibodies in naturally and experimentally infected dogs. Indirect immunofluorescence test (IFAT) and hemagglutination test (IHAT) were standardized, and complement fixation test (CFT) and direct agglutination test (DAT) were used for diagnostic confirmation. Four hundred and eighty one mongrel dogs that were studied by xenodiagnosis were used: (1) parasitemic dogs of two localities of endemic area (EA) of Santiago del Estero province in Argentina (n = 134); (2) non-parasitemic dogs of the same area (n = 285); (3) dogs experimentally infected with T. cruzi in the patent period (n = 6); (4) non-infected dogs (n = 56) which were born in the city of Buenos Aires (BA), one non-EA for Chagas' disease. For IFAT, parasitemic dogs EA showed 95% of reactive sera. Non parasitemic dogs EA showed 77% of non reactive sera. None sera from BA were reactive for dilutions higher than four. For IHAT, 84% of sera of parasitemic dogs EA showed serological reactivity and among non parasitemic dogs BA, 61% were non reactive, while the remainder showed at most titres of 1/16. The cut-off titres for IFAT and IHAT were 1/16 and 1/32 respectively, and for CFT and DAT 1/1 and 1/128 respectively. Sensitivity for IFAT, IHAT, CF and DAT were 95%, 84%, 97% and 95% respectively.


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In order to evaluate the prevalence of canine heartworm in the State of Rio de Janeiro, a multicenter survey was carried out in two phases. The survey involved 1376 dogs from two cities: Rio de Janeiro and Niterói, and its surroundings, including the eastern shore and mountain resorts, which were further divided into sections. In the first phase, 795 dog blood samples were examined by the modified Knott test for the detection of microfilariae. A total of 134 samples (16.85%) were microfilaremic: 8.61% from Rio de Janeiro, 21.76% from Niterói and its surroundings, 33.33% from the eastern shore and 30.43% from the mountain resorts. In the second phase, 595 dog blood samples were examined first by the modified Knott test and the amicrofilaremic samples were subsequently examined by an immunoenzymatic test (ELISA) for antigen detection. In summary, 83 samples (13.95%) were microfilaremic and 44 (7.98%) of the amicrofilaremic samples were positive for heartworm antigen (occult infections). In Rio de Janeiro, 13.68% of the dogs were infected (i.e., antigen-and/or microfilaria-positive) and 8.51% of the dogs had microfilaremic infections. In comparison, Niterói and its surroundings showed values of 24.46% and 17.30% and the eastern shore showed values of 52.46% and 31.15%. In contrast the mountain resorts showed 20% microfilaremic only


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Erythrovirus B19 infection is usually benign but may have serious consequences in patients with hemolytic anemia (transient aplastic crisis), immunodeficiency (in whom persistent infection can lead to chronic bone marrow failure with anemia), or who are in the first or second trimester of gestation (spontaneous abortion, hydrops fetalis, and fetal death). Being non-enveloped, B19 resists most inactivation methods and can be transmitted by transfusion. B19 is difficult to cultivate and native virus is usually obtained from viremic blood. As specific antibodies may be absent, and there is no reliable immunological method for antigen detection, hybridization or polymerase chain reaction are needed for detecting viremia. A rapid method, gel hemagglutination (Diamed ID-Parvovirus B19 Antigen Test), can disclose highly viremic donations, whose elimination lessens the viral burden in pooled blood products and may even render them non-infectious. In order to obtain native antigen and to determine the frequency of viremic donors, we applied this test to blood donors in a period of high viral activity in our community. Positive or indeterminate results were re-tested by dot-blot hybridization. We tested 472 donors in 1998 and 831 ones in 1999. One viremic donor was found in 1999. We suggest that in periods of high community viral activity the gel hemagglutination test may be useful in avoiding highly viremic blood being added to plasma pools or directly transfused to patients under risk.


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Rotavirus is a major cause of infantile acute diarrhea, causing about 440,000 deaths per year, mainly in developing countries. The World Health Organization has been recommending the assessment of rotavirus burden and strain characterization as part of the strategies of immunization programs against this pathogen. In this context, a prospective study was made on a sample of 134 children with acute diarrhea and severe dehydration admitted to venous fluid therapy in two state hospitals in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from February to September 2004. Rotavirus where detected by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and by an enzyme-linked immunoassay to rotavirus and adenovirus (EIARA) in 48% of the children. Positive samples for group A rotavirus (n = 65) were analyzed by reverse transcription/heminested multiplex polymerase chain reaction to determine the frequency of G and [P] genotypes and, from these, 64 samples could be typed. The most frequent G genotype was G1 (58%) followed by G9 (40%). One mixed infection (G1/G9) was detected. The only [P] genotype identified was [8]. In order to estimate the rotavirus infection frequency in children who acquired diarrhea as hospital infection in those hospitals, we studied 24 patients, detecting the pathogen in 41% of them. This data suggest that genotype G9 is an important genotype in Rio de Janeiro, with implications to the future strategies of vaccination against rotavirus, reinforcing the need of continuous monitoring of circulating strains of the pathogen, in a surveillance context.


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Toxoplasmosis is a worldwide zoonosis that generally produces an asymptomatic infection. In some cases, however, toxoplasmosis infection can lead to ocular damage. The immune system has a crucial role in both the course of the infection and in the evolution of toxoplasmosis disease. In particular, IFN-³ plays an important role in resistance to toxoplasmosis. Polymorphisms in genes encoding cytokines have been shown to have an association with susceptibility to parasitic diseases. The aim of this work was to analyse the occurrence of polymorphisms in the gene encoding IFN-³ (+874T/A) among Toxoplasma gondii seropositive individuals, including those with ocular lesions caused by the parasite, from a rural population of Santa Rita de Cássia, Barra Mansa, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Further, we verified which of these polymorphisms could be related to susceptibility to the development of ocular toxoplasmosis. This study included 34 individuals with ocular toxoplasmosis (ocular group) and 134 without ocular lesions (control group). The differences between A and T allele distributions were not statistically significant between the two groups. However, we observed that a higher frequency of individuals from the ocular group possessed the A/A genotype, when compared with the control group, suggesting that homozygocity for the A allele could enhance susceptibility to ocular toxoplasmosis in T. gondii infection.


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The use of attractants and larvicides in oviposition traps is of practical interest for the surveillance and control of urban mosquitoes. In addition to increasing the safety of the traps, this combination is essential for an attract-and-kill control strategy based on trapping mosquito eggs. The combination of Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (Bti) and grass infusion (GI) vs. GI alone were tested for their ability to attract in paired BR-OVT traps in the backyards of 10 houses in Recife, Brazil, for a period of 45 days. Results show that females prefer to oviposit in traps containing Bti (363 compared with 251 egg rafts over 45 days). Results from a one-year trial on the efficacy of BR-OVT traps loaded with GI and Bti as a sampling tool to monitor temporal fluctuations in the population densities of Culex quinquefasciatus in an urban environment are also reported. From December 2006-January 2007, one trap per home was installed and maintained for 348 consecutive days in 134-151 houses located in three urban blocks. Throughout the one-year field trial a total of 43,151 Culex egg rafts were collected in the traps. The data show that BR-OVT loaded with GI and Bti is sensitive enough to demonstrate continuous reproductive activity of Cux. quinquefasciatus in the study area throughout the year and to monitor temporal fluctuations in population density.


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Helicobacter pylori causes chronic gastric inflammation and significantly increases the risk of duodenal and gastric ulcer disease and distal gastric carcinoma. In this study, we evaluated the Helicobacter pylori vacA and cagA genotypes in patients from a Brazilian region where there is a high prevalence of gastric cancer. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to investigate vacA mosaicism and cagA status in the gastric mucosa of 134 H. pylori-positive patients, including 76 with gastritis: 28 with peptic ulcer disease and 30 with gastric cancer. The s1m1 variant was the predominant vacA genotype observed, whereas the s1 allele was more frequently observed in patients with more severe diseases associated with H. pylori infection [p = 0.03, odds ratio (OR) = 5.72, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.15-38.60]. Furthermore, all of the s1 alleles were s1b. Mixed vacA m1/m2 strains were found more frequently in patients with gastric cancer and a cagA-positive status was significantly associated with gastric cancer (p = 0.016, OR = 10.36, 95% CI = 1.35-217.31). Patients with gastric cancer (21/21, 100%, p = 0.006) or peptic ulcers (20/21, 95%, p = 0.02) were more frequently colonised by more virulent H. pylori strains compared to gastritis patients (41/61, 67.2%). In conclusion, in the northeastern of Brazil, which is one of the regions with the highest prevalence of gastric cancer in the country, infection with the most virulent H. pylori strains, carrying the cagA gene and s1m1 vacA alleles, predominates and is correlated with more severe H. pylori-associated diseases.


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Anaemia is amongst the major complications of malaria, a major public health problem in the Amazon Region in Latin America. We examined the haemoglobin (Hb) concentrations of malaria-infected patients and compared it to that of malaria-negative febrile patients and afebrile controls. The haematological parameters of febrile patients who had a thick-blood-smear performed at an infectious diseases reference centre of the Brazilian Amazon between December 2009-January 2012 were retrieved together with clinical data. An afebrile community control group was composed from a survey performed in a malaria-endemic area. Hb concentrations and anaemia prevalence were analysed according to clinical-epidemiological status and demographic characteristics. In total, 7,831 observations were included. Patients with Plasmodium falciparum infection had lower mean Hb concentrations (10.5 g/dL) followed by P. vivax-infected individuals (12.4 g/dL), community controls (12.8 g/dL) and malaria-negative febrile patients (13.1 g/dL) (p < 0.001). Age, gender and clinical-epidemiological status were strong independent predictors for both outcomes. Amongst malaria-infected individuals, women in the reproductive age had considerably lower Hb concentrations. In this moderate transmission intensity setting, both vivax and falciparum malaria are associated with reduced Hb concentrations and risk of anaemia throughout a wide age range.


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Although antibiotics are ineffective against viral respiratory infections, studies have shown high rates of prescriptions worldwide. We conducted a study in Brazil to determine the viral aetiologies of common colds in children and to describe the use of antibiotics for these patients. Children up to 12 years with common colds were enrolled from March 2008-February 2009 at a primary care level facility and followed by regular telephone calls and medical consultations. A nasopharyngeal wash was obtained at enrollment and studied by direct fluorescence assay and polymerase chain reaction for nine different types of virus. A sample of 134 patients was obtained, median age 2.9 years (0.1-11.2 y). Respiratory viruses were detected in 73.9% (99/134) with a coinfection rate of 30.3% (30/99). Rhinovirus was the most frequent virus (53/134; 39.6%), followed by influenza (33/134; 24.6%) and respiratory syncytial virus (8/134; 13.4%). Antibiotic prescription rate was 39.6% (53/134) and 69.8% (37/53) were considered inappropriate. Patients with influenza infection received antibiotics inappropriately in a greater proportion of cases when compared to respiratory syncytial virus and rhinovirus infections (p = 0.016). The rate of inappropriate use of antibiotics was very high and patients with influenza virus infection were prescribed antibiotics inappropriately in a greater proportion of cases.