68 resultados para 127
Monitoring the extent of and trends in multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) is a priority of the Brazilian National Tuberculosis Control Programme. The current study aimed to estimate the incidence of MDR-TB, describe the profile of TB drug resistance in risk groups and examine whether screening for MDR-TB adhered to the recommended guidelines. A descriptive study that examined diagnosed cases of pulmonary TB was conducted in the city of Santos, Brazil, between 2000-2004. Of the 2,176 pulmonary TB cases studied, 671 (30.8%) met the criteria for drug sensitivity testing and, of these cases, 31.7% (213/671) were tested. Among the tested cases, 9.4% were resistant to one anti-TB drug and 15% were MDR. MDR was observed in 11.6% of 86 new TB cases and 17.3% of 127 previously treated cases. The average annual incidence of MDR-TB was 1.9 per 100,000 inhabitants-years. The extent of known MDR-TB in the city of Santos is high, though likely to be underestimated. Our study therefore indicates an inadequate adherence to the guidelines for MDR-TB screening and suggests the necessity of alternative strategies of MDR-TB surveillance.
During the influenza pandemic of 2009, the A(H1N1)pdm09, A/H3N2 seasonal and influenza B viruses were observed to be co-circulating with other respiratory viruses. To observe the epidemiological pattern of the influenza virus between May 2009-August 2011, 467 nasopharyngeal aspirates were collected from children less than five years of age in the city of Salvador. In addition, data on weather conditions were obtained. Indirect immunofluorescence, real-time transcription reverse polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), and sequencing assays were performed for influenza virus detection. Of all 467 samples, 34 (7%) specimens were positive for influenza A and of these, viral characterisation identified Flu A/H3N2 in 25/34 (74%) and A(H1N1)pdm09 in 9/34 (26%). Influenza B accounted for a small proportion (0.8%) and the other respiratory viruses for 27.2% (127/467). No deaths were registered and no pattern of seasonality or expected climatic conditions could be established. These observations are important for predicting the evolution of epidemics and in implementing future anti-pandemic measures.
This study updates the geographic distributions of phlebotomine species in Central-West Brazil and analyses the climatic factors associated with their occurrence. The data were obtained from the entomology services of the state departments of health in Central-West Brazil, scientific collections and a literature review of articles from 1962-2014. Ecological niche models were produced for sandfly species with more than 20 occurrences using the Maxent algorithm and eight climate variables. In all, 2,803 phlebotomine records for 127 species were analysed. Nyssomyia whitmani,Evandromyia lenti and Lutzomyia longipalpiswere the species with the greatest number of records and were present in all the biomes in Central-West Brazil. The models, which were produced for 34 species, indicated that the Cerrado areas in the central and western regions of Central-West Brazil were climatically more suitable to sandflies. The variables with the greatest influence on the models were the temperature in the coldest months and the temperature seasonality. The results show that phlebotomine species in Central-West Brazil have different geographical distribution patterns and that climate conditions in essentially the entire region favour the occurrence of at least one Leishmania vector species, highlighting the need to maintain or intensify vector control and surveillance strategies.
O acidente ocupacional por material perfurocortante constitui uma preocupação para instituições e trabalhadores de saúde, devido à elevada frequência de procedimentos invasivos, e a dinâmica do trabalho. Objetivou-se identificar a incidência dos acidentes, dos materiais envolvidos, dos fatores contribuintes e das condutas tomadas pós-acidente. Participaram de um estudo transversal 127 funcionários do centro cirúrgico. Registraram-se 23,6% (30/127) acidentes com envolvimento de agulha (73,3%), lâmina de bisturi (6,7%) e eletrocautério (6,7%). Os fatores contribuintes para o acidente foram: falta de atenção (36,7%), más condições de trabalho (20,0%), descuido (13,3%), pressa (10%) e acaso/azar (6,7%). Somente 15,4% dos acidentes foram registrados. A subnotificação deveu-se à irrelevância do acidente, desconhecimento do protocolo de rotina, displicência e sobrecarga de trabalho. Os resultados alertam para a importância de se implementar estratégias para adoção/revisão de protocolos pós-acidentes, visando a redução dos acidentes e de sua subnotificação.
O objetivo deste estudo descritivo e transversal foi avaliar a autoestima de 127 gestantes atendidas em programa de pré-natal de um hospital público de ensino. Os dados foram colhidos usando-se a Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg; a autoestima insatisfatória foi relacionada a variáveis sócio-demográficas, de saúde da gestante e da presença ou não de sistemas de apoio. Os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística descritiva e análise univariada, buscando possíveis associações. As gestantes com autoestima insatisfatória totalizaram 60% da amostra. Em relação aos dados sócio-demográficos, as mulheres com menor escolaridade apresentaram maior frequência de escores de autoestima insatisfatória, divergindo de resultados de outros estudos. As gestantes que referiram gestação não planejada apresentaram maior prevalência de autoestima insatisfatória do que aquelas que referiram tê-la planejado. A ausência de apoio do parceiro para cuidar do filho após seu nascimento também esteve associada a menor autoestima nas grávidas. Não foram encontradas relações estatisticamente significativas para as demais variáveis estudadas.
Senso de coerência é o construto proposto por Antonovsky para avaliar a capacidade do indivíduo de lidar com o estresse. O presente estudo objetiva medir o senso de coerência e avaliar sua relação com variáveis sócio-demográficas e o uso de psicofármacos, em uma amostra de 127 indivíduos internados para realização de cirurgias cardíacas. O senso de coerência desses indivíduos obteve um valor médio de 149,6 (D.P.=24,6), variando de 98 a 191 (intervalo possível de 21 a 203), com valores maiores indicando maior senso de coerência. Participantes do sexo masculino, maiores de 60 anos, casados, e que não faziam uso de psicofármacos no pré-operatório de cirurgias cardíacas indicaram maior senso de coerência, apresentando diferenças estatisticamente significativas para as variáveis sexo e uso de psicofármacos. Os resultados sugerem que pacientes do sexo feminino e mais jovens precisam de maior atenção dos profissionais da enfermagem no planejamento do cuidado perioperatório.
Terrestrial arthropods from tree canopies in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso, Brazil. This study represents a contribution to the knowledge of the diversity of arthropods associated to the canopy of Vochysia divergens Pohl (Vochysiaceae). Three trees individuals were sampled during two seasonal periods in this region: a) by spraying one tree canopy during high water (February); b) by fogging two tree canopies during low water (September/October). The 15,744 arthropods (183.2±38.9 individuals/m²) obtained from all three trees (86 m²) represented 20 taxonomic orders, 87.1% were Insecta, and 12.9% Arachnida. The dominant groups were Hymenoptera (48.5%; 88.9 individuals/m²), mostly Formicidae (44.5%; 81.4 individuals/m²), followed by Coleoptera (14.0%; 25.5 individuals/m²) and Araneae (10.2%; 19.5 individuals/m²), together representing 62.5% of the total catch. Fourteen (70%) of all orders occurred on three trees. Dermaptera, Isoptera, Neuroptera, Odonata, Plecoptera and Trichoptera were collected from only one tree. Of the total, 2,197 adult Coleoptera collected (25.5±11.3 individuals/m²), 99% were assigned to 32 families and 256 morphospecies. Nitidulidae (17.9% of the total catch; 4.6 individuals/m²), Anobiidae (16.7%; 4.3 individuals/m²), Curculionidae (13.2%; 3.4 individuals/m²) and Meloidae (11.4%; 2.9 individuals/m²) dominated. The communitiy of adult Coleoptera on V. divergens indicated a dominance of herbivores (37.8% of the total catch, 127 spp.) and predators (35.2%, 82 spp.), followed by saprophages (16.2%, 32 spp.) and fungivores (10.8%, 15 spp.). The influence of the flood pulse on the community of arboreal arthropods in V. divergens is indicated by the seasonal variation in evaluated groups, causing changes in their structure and composition.
Sand flies from Central Amazonia and four new records for the Amazonas state, Brazil. A survey was conducted in May and June 2008 to study the fauna of insects in Central Amazonia, Brazil. As part of the survey, we report here that sixty species of phlebotomine were identified, totaling 13,712 specimens from 13 genera. The collection sites were located at the border between the states of Pará and Amazonas, comprising three municipalities from the Amazonas state (Borba, Maués, and Nhamundá). Malaise, CDC and Shannon traps were used to collect the insects. Most of the sand flies were collected by CDC traps (89.5%), while Malaise and Shannon traps collected 7% and 3.5%, respectively. The most abundant genera, representing 97.1% of the total sand flies identified were: Trichopygomyia Barretto, 1962 (47.6%), Psathyromyia Barretto, 1962 (17.9%), Psychodopygus Mangabeira, 1941 (17.5%) and Trichophoromyia Barretto, 1962 (14.3%). The genera with the largest number of species identified were: Psychodopygus (14), Psathyromyia (10), Evandromyia Mangabeira, 1941 (7), Trichophoromyia (5) and Trichopygomyia (5). The most abundant species was Trichopygomyia trichopyga (Floch & Abonnenc, 1945), which represented 29% of the total sand flies identified. Here we also report new records for four species in the Amazonas state: Ps. complexus (Mangabeira, 1941), Ps. llanosmartinsi Fraiha & Ward, 1980, Ty. pinna (Feliciangeli, Ramirez-Pérez & Ramirez, 1989), and Th. readyi (Ryan, 1986). The results of this study provide new, additional information on the distribution of sand flies in the Amazon and increase the number of species in the Amazonas state from 127 to 131.