94 resultados para 105-647A
INTRODUCTION: In Colombia, there are no published studies for the treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria comparing artemisinin combination therapies. Hence, it is intended to demonstrate the non-inferior efficacy/safety profiles of artesunate + amodiaquine versus artemether-lumefantrine treatments. METHODS: A randomized, controlled, open-label, noninferiority (Δ≤5%) clinical trial was performed in adults with uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria using the 28‑day World Health Organization validated design/definitions. Patients were randomized 1:1 to either oral artesunate + amodiaquine or artemether-lumefantrine. The primary efficacy endpoint: adequate clinical and parasitological response; secondary endpoints: - treatment failures defined per the World Health Organization. Safety: assessed through adverse events. RESULTS: A total of 105 patients was included in each group: zero censored observations. Mean (95%CI - Confidence interval) adequate clinical and parasitological response rates: 100% for artesunate + amodiaquine and 99% for artemether-lumefantrine; the noninferiority criteria was met (Δ=1.7%). There was one late parasitological therapeutic failure (1%; artemether-lumefantrine group), typified by polymerase chain reaction as the MAD20 MSP1 allele. The fever clearance time (artesunate + amodiaquine group) was significantly shorter (p=0.002). Respectively, abdominal pain for artesunate + amodiaquine and artemether-lumefantrine was 1.9% and 3.8% at baseline (p=0.68) and 1% and 13.3% after treatment (p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria treatment with artesunate + amodiaquine is noninferior to the artemether-lumefantrine standard treatment. The efficacy/safety profiles grant further studies in this and similar populations.
SUMMARYMist-net captures of army ant-following bird were monitored during the isolation of central Amazonian forest fragments of 1 ha (n = 5), 10 ha (n = 4) and 100 ha (n = 1). Post-isolation captures of the three obligate ant-following birds Dendrocinela merula, Pithys albifrons, and Gymnopithys rufigula decreased significantly in all fragments. post-isolation captures of four facultative ant-following species were not significantly different in forest fragments of 1 ha and 10 ha, although two species decreased significantly in the 100 ha fragment. Experimental introductions of obligate species into small forest fragments in the absence and presence of introduced Eciton burchelli army ant colonies resulted in significantly greater recaptures of introduced birds when active army ant colonies were present. Of the 105 birds introduced, 58 ' 55%) crossed 100-320 m od dedorested area an were recaptured in continuous forest.
The spatial and temporal distribution of a guild of eight diurnal tiger beetle species was studied on a 105 m long transect near the field station of the Reserva Florestal A. Ducke near Manaus (AM), Brazil. The transect followed a path that included both shaded and an open areas. Five of the species, restricted to primary forest, occurrred only in shaded areas of the transect, and three species occurred in open areas. Of all eight species only two of the open habitat species showed no clear seasonality in adult activity. In six species the activity of adults was limited to the rainy season. The most pronounced annual rhythm was found in Pentacomia ventralis, an open habitat species. Activity of adults was limited to October/November. First in-star larvae appeared shortly thereafter. Larval development mainly took place from January to May. The third instar larva entered a dormancy which lasted up to 10 months, and which enabled the synchronisation of emerging adults with annual seasons.
Avaliou-se a reação de dez clones de seringueira (Hevea benthamiana Muell. Arg.) frente a três isolados de Microcyclus ulei (P. Henn.) v. Arx, pertencentes aos grupos de patogenicidade I e II, quanto aos parâmetros monocíclicos: período de incubação, período latente, diâmetro da lesão e tipo de reação. Inoculou-se uma suspensão de 2 χ 105 conídios/ml na superfície abaxial de folíolos nos estádios B1/B2, deixou-se por 24 horas em câmara úmida a 24 ± lºC e transferiu-se para câmara de crescimento à mesma temperatura até a última avaliação aos 15 dias. A maioria dos clones testados apresentou resistência aos três isolados. Verificou-se ausência de interação entre clones e isolados com relação ao período de incubação, mas verificou-se interação altamente significativa entre clones e isolados em relação ao diâmetro de lesão. Os clones CNSAM 8218 e CNSAM 8219 foram altamente resistentes e apresentaram os menores diâmetros médios de lesão quando confrontados com o isolado EB1, diferindo significativamente dos demais. CNSAM 8212 também apresentou menor diâmetro de lesão frente ao isolado EB2. O CNSAM 8205, por sua vez, apresentou o maior diâmetro médio de lesão quando inoculado com o isolado EB1 e reação semelhante ao CNSAM 8204 quando inoculado com os isolados EB2 e MB1 e ao CNSAM 8201 quando inoculado com o isolado EB2. Concluiu-se que os clones avaliados apresentaram resistência vertical, o que os torna impróprios para um programa de melhoramento genético de seringueira que vise a obtenção de materiais com resistência horizontal ao M. ulei.
No estado do Tocantins, o cultivo de milho em "terras altas sob cerrado" apresenta níveis de produtividade variáveis, cuja média não ultrapassa 2 t/ha. Fatores de solo, como acidez, baixos teores de Ca, Mg, Ρ e Κ e matéria orgânica, concorrem para reduzir as produtividades. O desenvolvimento de materiais genéticos melhorados busca contribuir na superação dessas limitações. Como atividade inicial em um programa de melhoramento genético, o presente estudo avaliou um total de 160 populações de milho, nas safras 1994/95, 1995/96 e 1998/99, nos municípios de Pedro Afonso e Gurupi, em termos de produtividade de grãos (PG), altura da planta (AP), altura da espiga (AE) e dias para florescimento feminino (FF). Para PG, os efeitos de populações foram significativos em todas as avaliações, ocorrendo produtividades entre 1,59 t/ ha a 7,46 t/ha. Destacaram-se as populações IAPAR 51, EGO 17, CMS 08, CMS 50, COMPOSTO TERRAS BAIXAS, TAIÚBA, TAITINGA, CMS 28, CMS 15 e SIKALQ, em Pedro Afonso, e K9201, CMS 39, BR 105 e CMS 03, em Gurupi, com produtividades acima de 5 t/ha. As diferenças nas performances produtivas e agronômicas em Pedro Afonso e Gurupi, juntamente com efeitos significativos das interações populações χ locais, alertam para a condução de programas de melhoramento específicos para cada local.
Foram inventariadas as pimentas domesticadas do gênero Capsicum que são cultivadas no Estado de Roraima, extremo norte da Amazônia brasileira. O levantamento foi realizado em comunidades indígenas e não indígenas. Dos 163 acessos registrados, C. chinense Jacq. (76,7%) foi a espécie com o maior número, seguida de C. frutescens L. (9,8%), C. annuum L. (8,0%) e C. baccatum v. pendulum Wild. (5,5%). As formas de fruto mais encontradas foram "alongada" (42,9%) e "ovalada" (27,0%). C. chinense apresentou a maior diversidade de formas enquanto que as demais estavam concentradas na forma "alongada". A cor predominante dos frutos maduros foi a vermelha (64,4%). Isoladamente, C. chinense foi melhor distribuída entre as cores básicas amarela (44,8%) e vermelha (55,2%), independente das diferentes tonalidades assumidas por cada acesso (alaranjado, vermelho-escuro, etc). O nível de pungência sensorial com maior número de registros foi o "alto" (62,6%), seguido do "médio" (16,0%), "baixo" (15,3%) e "muito alto" (6,1%). Dos 105 acessos de coloração vermelha, 67,6% possuía pungência "alta" ou "muito alta". C. chinense do tipo "murupi" e "olho-de-peixe", juntamente com "malagueta" (C. frutescens) são os morfotipos mais tradicionalmente consumidos entre as comunidades indígenas locais.
Investigou-se por métodos bacteriológicos (cultivo) e moleculares (PCR - Restriction Enzyme Analysis, PRA), a presença de micobactérias ambientais em águas de torneira, soluções e luvas cirúrgicas, utilizadas nas etapas dos procedimentos cirúrgicos executados no centro cirúrgico do Hospital Universitário Getulio Vargas (HUGV), na cidade de Manaus-Amazonas/Brasil. Foram colhidas e analisadas 105 amostras sendo: 24 de águas (colhidas das 2 torneiras existentes no centro cirúrgico), 8 de solução de Povidine e 7 de solução de Clorhexidina, que servem para a higienização das mãos dos cirurgiões; 39 de luvas cirúrgicas (superfícies internas e externas); e 27 de soluções que foram efetivamente utilizadas durante o ato cirúrgico. Por método bacteriológico obteve-se 41 isolados micobacterianos apenas de águas das torneiras. Pelo PRA obteve-se a detecção de DNA micobacteriano somente na amostra de água que forneceu acima de 100 colônias de micobactérias por tubo semeado. Os isolados foram identificados como sendo Mycobacterium celatum perfil 2, M. gordonae perfil 3, M. gordonae perfil 6, M. intracellulare perfil 1, M. lentiflavum perfil 3 e M. mucogenicum perfil 1. O encontro de M. mucogenicum, espécie já incriminada em surtos pós-cirúrgicos, indica que devem ser efetuados procedimentos de limpeza e monitoramento em todos os pontos de distribuição de águas, visando à prevenção de surtos de micobacterioses nosocomiais induzidos pelo uso das águas nas diferentes atividades de manuseio ou higienização dos pacientes submetidos a procedimentos invasivos.
Studies to select one or more species of coverage plants adapted to Amazonian soil and climate conditions of the Amazon are a promising strategy for the improvement of environmental quality, establishing no-till agricultural systems, and thereby reducing the impacts of monoculture farming. The aim of this study was to assess the persistence time, half-life time, macronutrient content and accumulation, and C:N ratio of straw coverage in a Ultisol in northeastern Pará. Experimental design was randomized blocks with five treatments and five replicates. Plants were harvested after 105 days, growth and biomass production was quantified. After 84 days, soil coverage was 97, 85, 52, 50, and 15% for signalgrass (Brachiaria brizantha) (syn. Urochloa), dense crowngrass (Panicum purpurascens), jack bean (Canavalia ensiformes), pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum) and sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea,), respectively. Signalgrass yielded the greatest dry matter production (9,696 kg ha-1). It also had high C:N ratio (38.4), long half-life (86.5 days) and a high persistence in the field. Jack bean also showed high dry matter production (8,950 kg ha-1), but it had low C:N ratio (17.4) and lower half-life time (39 days) than the grasses. These attributes indicate that signalgrass and jack bean have a high potential for use as cover plants in no-till agricultural systems in the State of Pará.
ABSTRACTThe composition of propolis depends on time, vegetation and the location of the collection area. The objective of this study was to determine the physicochemical characteristics, the concentration of phenol compounds and the antioxidant capacity of propolis of native stingless bees (Meliponinae)and Apis from the State of Tocantins. Extraction with 80% ethanol (v/v) was performed in order to obtain the extracts. Parameters examined were: propolis mass loss by desiccation at 105 ºC, ashes, wax concentration and pH. Furthermore, the propolis antioxidant activity was measured, as well as the total concentration of phenol compounds. The extracts were also analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography. The total concentration of phenol compounds varied between 121.78 and 631.29 (mg GAE g-1). The antioxidant activity expressed by the value of CE50 varied between 29.81 and 845.38 µg mL-1. High performance liquid chromatography analysis allowed us to infer the existence of phenol compounds. The results indicated that the studied propolis samples constitute good sources of natural antioxidants. The variety of phenol compounds identified in this study, and the diverse biological functions reported in literature for these compounds indicated that this stingless bee propolis (Meliponinae) and Apis has a high pharmacological potential.
OBJETIVO: Existe uma prevalência estimada de 11,2% de alcoolismo no Brasil. As tentativas de muitos alcoolistas para abandonar o consumo resultam fracassos e recaídas. A freqüência de recaída, segundo estudos, oscila entre 10% e 30%, assinalando-se diferentes causas. O objetivo da presente pesquisa é conhecer os fatores que favorecem as recaídas. MÉTODOS: Aplicaram-se entrevistas e questionários "Fatores de Recaída" e "Razões para Beber" a 105 alcoolistas primários de ambos os sexos, e com predomínio de alcoolismo puro. RESULTADOS: Os principais fatores de recaída são a pressão social, os conflitos interpessoais, os estados emocionais negativos, assim como a própria dependência fisiológica e psicológica. CONCLUSÕES: De maneira geral, os sujeitos apresentaram grande quantidade de fatores e razões que atuam simultaneamente favorecendo a recaída.
Objective To investigate the relation between gait parameters and cognitive impairments in subjects with Parkinson’s disease (PD) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) during the performance of dual tasks. Methods This was a cross-sectional study involving 126 subjects divided into three groups: Parkinson group (n = 43), Alzheimer group (n = 38), and control group (n = 45). The subjects were evaluated using the Timed Up and Go test administered with motor and cognitive distracters. Gait analyses consisted of cadence and speed measurements, with cognitive functions being assessed by the Brief Cognitive Screening Battery and the Clock Drawing Test. Statistical procedures included mixed-design analyses of variance to observe the gait patterns between groups and tasks and the linear regression model to investigate the influence of cognitive functions in this process. A 5% significant level was adopted. Results Regarding the subjects’ speed, the data show a significant difference between group vs task interaction (p = 0.009), with worse performance of subjects with PD in motor dual task and of subjects with AD in cognitive dual task. With respect to cadence, no statistical differences was seen between group vs task interaction (p = 0.105), showing low interference of the clinical conditions on such parameter. The linear regression model showed that up to 45.79%, of the variance in gait can be explained by the interference of cognitive processes. Conclusion Dual task activities affect gait pattern in subjects with PD and AD. Differences between groups reflect peculiarities of each disease and show a direct interference of cognitive processes on complex tasks.
OBJETIVO: Identificar lesões estruturais na parede arterial uterina em mulheres com hipertensão arterial (HA). MÉTODOS: Vinte e seis pacientes com indicação de histerectomia eletiva foram divididas em dois grupos. O grupo 1, constituído por mulheres normotensas e, o grupo 2, por hipertensas sem tratamento regular. Foram obtidos dois segmentos da artéria uterina de cada paciente imediatamente após a cirurgia. Os fragmentos foram preparados em lâminas e submetidos ao estudo morfológico à microscopia óptica. RESULTADOS: Os grupos foram homogêneos em relação à idade, com média de 46,8+7,6 e 46,7+6,4 anos nos grupos 1 e 2, respectivamente. As médias de pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica máximas durante o período de internação foram de 130,0+3,4 x 83,8+6,5mmHg no grupo 1 e de 163,8+4,3 x 105,8+9,9mmHg no grupo 2 (p<0,0001). As pacientes hipertensas apresentaram espessamentos maiores da camada íntima (p<0,05). As fibras do complexo elástico encontravam-se mais numerosas e homogêneas no grupo com pressão arterial elevada e a hipertrofia celular mais freqüente (53,8%) que no das normotensas (23,1 %). CONCLUSÃO: HA parece acelerar o espessamento intimal relacionado à idade. As pacientes hipertensas apresentam elevada tendência para um aumento quantitativo e maior homogeneidade das fibras elásticas intimais na parede arterial uterina, indicando que a HA pode determinar alterações estruturais semelhantes ao processo de envelhecimento vascular.
OBJECTIVE - This study compared the early and late results of the use of one single stent with those of the use of multiple stents in patients with lesions longer than 20mm. METHODS - Prospective assessment of patients electively treated with stents, with optimal stent deployment and followed-up for more than 3 months. From February '94 to January '98, 215 patients with lesions >20mm were treated. These patients were divided into 2 groups as follows: Group A - 105 patients (49%) with one stent implanted; Group B - 110 patients (51%) with multiple stents implanted. RESULTS - The mean length of the lesions was 26mm in group A (21-48mm) versus 29mm in group B (21-52mm) (p=0.01). Major complications occurred in one patient (0.9%) in group A (subacute thrombosis, myocardial infarctionand death) and in 2 patients (1.8%) in group B (one emergency surgery and one myocardial infarction) (p=NS). The results of the late follow-up period (>6 months) were similar for both groups (group A = 82% vs group B = 76%; p=NS), and we observed an event-free survical in 89% of the patients in group A and in 91% of the patients in group B (p=NS). Angina (group A = 11% vs group B = 7%) and lesion revascularization (group A = 5% vs group B = 6%; p=NS) also occurred in a similar percentage. No infarction or death was observed in the late follow-up period; restenosis was identified in 33% and 29% of the patients in groups A and B, respectively (p=NS). CONCLUSION - The results obtained using one stent and using multiple stents were similar; the greater cost-effectiveness of one stent implantation, however, seems to make this strategy the first choice.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the relationship between 24-hour ambulatory arterial blood pressure monitoring and the prognosis of patients with advanced congestive heart failure. METHODS: We studied 38 patients with NYHA functional class IV congestive heart failure, and analyzed left ventricular ejection fraction, diastolic diameter, and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring data. RESULTS: Twelve deaths occurred. Left ventricular ejection fraction (35.2±7.3%) and diastolic diameter (72.2±7.8mm) were not correlated with the survival. The mean 24-hour (SBP24), waking (SBPw), and sleeping (SBPs) systolic pressures of the living patients were higher than those of the deceased patients and were significant for predicting survival. Patients with mean SBP24, SBPv, and SBPs > or = 105mmHg had longer survival (p=0.002, p=0.01 and p=0.0007, respectively). Patients with diastolic blood pressure sleep decrements (dip) and patients with mean blood pressure dip <=6mmHg had longer survival (p=0.04 and p=0.01, respectively). In the multivariate analysis, SBPs was the only variable with an odds ratio of 7.61 (CI: 1.56; 3704) (p=0.01). Patients with mean SBP<105mmHg were 7.6 times more likely to die than those with SBP > or = 105 mmHg CONCLUSION: Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring appears to be a useful method for evaluating patients with congestive heart failure.
OBJECTVE: To objectively and critically assess body mass index and to propose alternatives for relating body weight and height that are evidence-based and that eliminate or reduce the limitations of the body mass index. METHODS: To analyze the relations involving weight and height, we used 2 databases as follows: 1) children and adolescents from Brazil, the United States, and Switzerland; and 2) 538 university students. We performed mathematical simulations with height data ranging from 115 to 190 cm and weight data ranging from 25 to 105 kg. We selected 3 methods to analyze the relation of weight and height as follows: body mass index - weight (kg)/height (m²); reciprocal of the ponderal index - height (cm)/weight1/3 (kg); and ectomorphy. Using the normal range from 20 to 25 kg/m² for the body mass index in the reference height of 170 cm, we identified the corresponding ranges of 41 to 44 cm/kg1/3 for the reciprocal of the ponderal index, and of 1.45 to 3.60 for ectomorphy. RESULTS: The mathematical simulations showed a strong association among the 3 methods with an absolute concordance to a height of 170 cm, but with a tendency towards discrepancy in the normal ranges, which had already been observed for the heights of 165 and 175 cm. This made the direct convertibility between the indices unfeasible. The reciprocal of the ponderal index and ectomorphy with their cut points comprised a larger age range in children and adolescents and a wider and more central range in the university students, both for the reported (current) and desired weights. CONCLUSION: The reciprocal of the ponderal index and ectomorphy are stronger and are more mathematically logical than body mass index; in addition, they may be applied with the same cut points for normal from the age of 5 ½ years on.