769 resultados para Lutzomyia aldafalcaoae sp. n.


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The life cycle of Pygidiopsis crassus n. sp. was experimentally reproduced, starting from cercariae from naturally infected Littoridina parchappei collected from Lujan River and different ponds in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Metacercariae were found encysted in the body cavity of experimentally and naturally infected fishes Cnesterodon decemmaculatus and naturally infected Jenynsia lineata. Adults were obtained experimentally in chicks and mice. The natural host is unknown. The new species is compared with Pygidiopsis macrostomum Travassos 1928, from Rattus norvegicus and from Noctilio leporinus mastivus, differing in body and egg sizes, in the size relation of oral and ventral sucker and the shape of excretory vesicle.


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The new species resembles B.herreri Lent & Wygodzinsky, 1979 from which it differs by the following characters: the color pattern, the rostral segments ratio, the shape of the post-ocular region of the head and the general shape of the pronotum, without the conspicuous angle in the lateral side where fore and hind lobes joint.


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A new species of Hysterothylacium is described and figured. The nematodes were collected from the intestine of a neotropical catfish, Rhamdia sapo, collected from its southernmost locality (Napostá stream and Sauce Grande river, Buenos Aires Province). The specimens resemble H. murrayense but differ in having a shorter spicules, in the number and distribution of papillae and the relative size of intestinal caecum ventricular appendix.


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The development of four isolates of Leishmania from foci of American cutaneous leishmaniasis was studied in Lutzomyia longipalpis. The suggestion that the differences in the development of the Leishmania in the invertebrate host are of great taxonomic significance was confirmed. The pattern of development of three strains was typical of parasites of the subgenus Leishmania, the other was similar to Leishmania of the subgenus Viannia. The identification of the strains using other criteria is in agreement with biological characterization. The results show that the morphological and morphometric study of promastigotes do not clearly define the taxonomic position of the parasites but other studies are needed to confirm this.


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Dichelacera (Dichelacera) corumbaensis n. sp. is described from two female specimens collected in the urban area of Corumbá city, state of Mato Grosso do Sul. This is one of the six species of Dichelacera occuring in the state and the twenty-eighth species of the subgenus known from Brazil. The head in lateral view, frons, antenna, palpi and wings are illustrated. A differential diagnosis is given related to D. rubricosa, D. unifasciata, D. albifasciata and d. fuscipes.


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Tetrameres (T.) spirospiculum n. sp. is proposed, taking into account the very unusual aspect of the longer spicule, which is slender and progressively spiralled from its middle, towards the distal end, that promptly distinguishes it from all the species of the genus.


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Rhinoxenus bulbovaginatus n. sp. is described from the nose of Salminus maxillosus (Characidae) collected in the basin of the rio Para¡, near the city of Porto Rico, state of Para¡, Brazil. The new species can be differentiated from the other three species in the genus by the morphology of the copulatory complex, vagina, and ventral anchor. The sister group relationship of the known species of Rhinoxenus was determined using techniques of Phylogenetic Systematics (Cladism). The resulting cladogram (C.I.=100%) indicates that the new species is most closely related to R. piranhus Kritsky, Boeger and Thatcher, 1988. The other two species of the genus, R. arietinus Kritsky, Boeger and Thatcher, 1988 and R. nyttus Kritsky, Boeger and Thatcher, 1988, both parasites of Anostomidae fishes, have a paraphyletic position in the cladogram, suggesting that the origin of at least one of them can not be associated to cospeciation.


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Anacanthorus penilabiatus n. sp. is described from the serrasalmid fish, Piaractus mesopotamicus (Holmberg, 1887), cultivated in the Centro de Aqüicultura, Universidade Estadual Paulista. The new species is characterized by having a relatively straight copulatory organ with a long "lip" on the distal margin and a median longitudinal flap, and a copulatory ligament. The large size of the infrapopulations of this species of parasite indicates that it should be considered a potential agent causing losses in aquaculture of the fish host.


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Schneider's Drosophila medium, a complex amino acid rich medium was tested alone and with seven different sugars for some aspects of the biology of Lutzomyia longipalpis. Statistically significant results were obtained when sucrose was used alone, indicating that among the sugars tested, this is still the most suitable and practical one for the maintenance of L. longipalpis colonies. However, the addition of Schneider's medium to a pool of different sugars, was suggested to be related with the acceptance of the first and second blood meals and to longevity, these being, obviously, quite relevant aspects when tansmission experiments are contemplated.


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Fifty-two species of Lutzomyia sand flies were identified in contemporaneous samples totalling only 1875 individuals, collected at the same site in tall primary terra-firme rainforest, near the south bank of the Solimões River. The most abundant species belonged to the subgenera Trichophoromyia and Nyssomyia. The subgenera Psathyromyia, Nyssomyia and Psychodopygus represented the greatest number of species. A new, aberrant species of the subgenus Psathyromyia (L. cultellata) and the female of Lu. souzacastroi are described. The Phlebotominae are proposed as a suitable indicator group for biogeographic and diversity studies.


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Phylogenetic analysis of morphometric and biological characters indicated that there are two distinct forms of Lutzomyia whitmani in Brazil: one is present both north and south of the River Amazonas in the State of Pará while the other occurs in northeast Brazil, in the State of Ceará, and further south, including the type locality in State of Bahia. The Amazonian form is reportedly neither strongly anthropophilic nor synanthropic, and it is the vector of Leishmania shawi; whereas the southern form is often collected peridomestically, while biting man, and has been found infected with Le.(V.) braziliensis. The ratio of the length of the genital filaments to that the genital pump was found to be consistently smaller in males of the Amazonian populations. A middle repetitive DNA element was isolated by differentially screening a genomic library made using Amazonian material, and the sequence was diagnostic for this form of Lu. whitmani (being absent or occurring in low copy number in the southern form). The total evidence suggests there are at least two, geographically-isolated forms of Lu. whitmani, which may represent different cryptic species.


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Synhimantus (Synhimantus) magnipapillatus n. sp., mainly considering the outstanding size of the cervical papillae and the delicate structure of the cephalic cordons, is not related to any other species of the genus, except for S. (S.) laticeps, concerning the similarities regarding the spicules, that justify their comparison.


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The authors redescribe the male and the female of Lutzomyia (Lutzomyia) souzalopesi Martins, Silva & Falcão, 1970. Taxonomic remarks, geographic distribution and drawings are presented.


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Lutzomyia longipalpis, 15 other species of the genus Lutzomyia, and one species of Brumptomyia were collected in an endemic focus of cutaneous leishmaniasis in a river canyon 450 m above sea-level, in Rio Claro, Antioquia, Colombia. The presence of Lu. longipalpis is associated with the destruction of the primary forest and the development of new farmland and rural settlement in this region. The composition of species identified a different habitat for Lu. longipalpis in Colombia. Lu. yuilli and Lu. longipalpis were predominant (68.26%) followed by Lu. trapidoi, Lu. hartmani, Lu. triramula, Lu. panamensis, Lu. gomezi.