689 resultados para Heliothis zea
ABSTRACT The combination of crop residues or crop extracts is often more advantageous in controlling weeds, than the application of each residue or extract singly. This suggests that in intercropping with maize, the combination of tree species can be more advantageous than species isolated in weed control. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of intercropping with a combination of leguminous on the weed growth and corn yield. A randomized-block design with split plots (cultivars in plots) and five replicates was established. The cultivars BR 205 and AG 1041 were subject to the following treatments: two weedings (A), intercropping with sabiá (B), gliricidia (C), gliricidia + sabiá (D) and no weeding (E). In the B and C, 30 viable seeds m-2 of the leguminous were sown. In the D, 15 seeds of each species were sown m-2. The legumes were sown by random casting during corn planting. The sequence of the best treatments in reducing the growth of weeds is A > B = C = D = E. The sequence of the best treatments when are considered the yields of baby corn, green corn and grain is A > B > C > D > E. The cultivars do not differ in regards to the reduction in weed growth. In terms of corn yield cultivar BR 205 is the best.
RESUMO A adubação fosfatada pode influenciar a resposta das culturas tolerantes ao glyphosate em razão de a absorção ativa do herbicida ser mediada por carreadores de fosfato. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar características de crescimento de plantas de milho RR e soja RR quando submetidas à aplicação de glyphosate e de adubo fosfatado. O primeiro experimento foi realizado variando as doses de glyphosate (720 a 1.440 g e.a. ha-1) e de superfosfato triplo (54 a 162 kg ha-1 de P2O5) adicional à adubação recomendada. O segundo experimento foi realizado variando as mesmas doses de glyphosate e com adubação fosfatada (162 kg ha-1 de P2O5) ou não, mantendo-se a testemunha sem aplicação do herbicida e do adubo. Para ambas as culturas, altura e massa seca foram influenciadas pelos tratamentos, e o número de folhas não foi afetado. A resposta das plantas de milho e soja, quanto à altura e à massa seca, foi contrária com a aplicação de glyphosate e de superfosfato triplo; enquanto o crescimento das plantas de soja foi afetado negativamente, plantas de milho aumentaram seu crescimento quando expostas ao glyphosate em substrato com elevada adubação fosfatada (162 kg ha-1 de P2O5).
The success of the intercropping among cultivated species depends on the adoption of practices that provide, in due course, greater competitive ability of a species over another. The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of glyphosate herbicide in the suppression of Brachiaria (signalgrass) intercropped with maize. The experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with four replications. The treatments were arranged in a 5 x 2 + 2 factorial arrangement, the first factor corresponding to the doses of glyphosate (48, 96, 144, 240, 480 g ha-1 of the acid equivalent (a.e)) and the second one to the vegetative stages of the signalgrass at the time of application (2 and 4 tillers). Two controls were added to the treatment list, comprising controls without herbicide application and hand removal of the signalgrass. The number of plants, tillers and dry matter of signalgrass was reduced with glyphosate. The increase of the glyphosate doses enhanced the injure to the forage plants, mainly when the compound was sprayed at the two-tiller vegetative stage. The dry matter of maize plants increased proportionally to the glyphosate dose. However, the height of the maize plants was not affected. The grain mass and productivity of maize grain increased with increasing dose of glyphosate. The maize yield was negatively influenced on the untreated control. Glyphosate at 96 and 144 g ha-1, when applied at 2 and 4 tiller stage, respectively, reduces the growth of signalgrass and does not affect the maize grain yield.
The influence of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) and maize (Zea mays L.) on the development and diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) from an agrosystem was investigated. Soil collected from an agricultural field where maize had been grown was inserted into sowing holes, under the seeds of peanut, sorghum and maize those were subsequently grown in sterilised quartz sand separately in plastic boxes for five months. After this period, collections of roots and rhizospheric soil were made to evaluate the percentages of root colonization (RC), number of spores (NS) and species of AMF. Peanut showed the highest average values for RC and NS: 24.5% and 547.8/100 g of soil, respectively. Maize had an average RC of 19.7% and 415.2 spores/100g soil. Sorghum showed the lowest values: 15.9% for average RC and 349.8 spores/100 g soil. A total of fourteen species of AMF were identified. Seven species were identified from peanut rhizospheres, Entrophospora colombiana being the most abundant and frequent. In sorghum rhizospheres, twelve species were found, Glomus geosporum was the dominant taxon in terms of number of spores and frequency. Ten species were detected in maize with Acaulospora longula being the most abundant and the most frequent. It was observed that peanut was the best plant for promoting the sporulation of AMF, while sorghum favoured the establishment of most AMF species, followed by maize.
O uso de fertilizantes, além dos riscos de contaminação ambiental, onera o agricultor, chegando a representar 40% dos custos de produção na cultura do milho. O presente estudo visa identificar características fisiológicas relacionadas com o aumento da eficiência do uso do nitrogênio e assim subsidiar programas de melhoramento genético direcionados para obtenção de genótipos de milho produtivos em solos com baixa disponibilidade de nitrogênio. Foram estudadas as variedades de milho Pedra Dourada, Catetão, Carioca (variedades locais, não melhoradas), BR 106, BR 105 (variedades melhoradas em solos férteis), Nitroflint e Nitrodente (variedades melhoradas em solos pobres em N). Plântulas de milho receberam solução nutritiva de Hoagland modificada quanto às fontes de N, sendo utilizadas duas doses de N (1 mM e 15 mM), 75% na forma nítrica e 25% na forma amoniacal. O experimento, composto por um fatorial 2 × 7 (duas doses de N e sete variedades) foi conduzido em casa de vegetação em blocos completos casualizados com três repetições. A deficiência de N afetou de modo muito mais intenso o crescimento das partes aéreas em todos os genótipos. As características bioquímicas estudadas (atividades da nitrato redutase, glutamina sintetase e conteúdo de pigmentos fotossintéticos) foram sensíveis à disponibilidade de N mas não permitiram discriminar diferenças genotípicas. A massa seca das plantas deficientes em N apresentou elevada correlação positiva (0,86) com a massa seca acumulada nas raízes dos diferentes genótipos. Tais resultados sugerem a importância do estudo das características morfológicas e fisiológicas do sistema radicular na seleção de genótipos eficientes quanto ao uso do nitrogênio.
A new viviparous mutant of maize (Zea mays L.), associated with genetic instability and designated viviparous-12 (vp12), was identified in a synthetic Tuxpeño adapted to tropical regions. In the present work, the linkage group of this new locus was determined. Progenies of inbred line L477 segregating for the vp12 mutant were crossed with waxy-marked reciprocal translocation stocks. The phenotypic frequencies of the wx and vp12 mutants were analyzed in F2 progenies. The results demonstrated that the Viviparous-12 locus of maize is located on the long arm of chromosome 6.
The binding capacity of concanavalin A (Con A) to condensed euchromatin and heterochromatin was investigated in chicken erythrocyte nuclei (CEN), mouse liver cells, Zea mays mays meristematic cells and Drosophila melanogaster polytene chromosomes after 4 N HCl hydrolysis to determine whether binding was preferentially occurring in bands and heterochromatin. Dry mass (DM) variation was investigated in CEN by interference microscopy. Feulgen and Con A reactions were employed for all materials to correlate the loci of the two reactions. Quantifications and topological verifications were carried out by video image analysis (high performance cytometry). It was observed that 4 N HCl hydrolysis caused an important DM loss in CEN leaving a level corresponding to the average DNA DM content. In this material, Con A binding was restricted to the nuclear envelope, which reinforces the idea of the absence of a nuclear matrix in these cells. The other cell types exhibited a correspondence of Feulgen-positive and Con A-reactive areas. The Con A reaction was highly positive in the condensed chromatin areas and heterochromatin. This fact led us to speculate that Con A-positive proteins may play a role in the chromatin condensation mechanism, endowing this structure with physico-chemical stability towards acid hydrolysis and contributing to its rheological properties.
The administration of baculoviruses to insects for bioassay purposes is carried out, in most cases, by contamination of food surfaces with a known amount of occlusion bodies (OBs). Since per os infection is the natural route of infection, occluded recombinant viruses containing crystal protein genes (cry1Ab and cry1Ac) from Bacillus thuringiensis were constructed for comparison with the baculovirus prototype Autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus (AcNPV). The transfer vector pAcUW2B was used for construction of occluded recombinant viruses. The transfer vector containing the crystal protein genes was cotransfected with linearized DNA from a non-occluded recombinant virus. The isolation of recombinant viruses was greatly facilitated by the reduction of background "wild type" virus and the increased proportion of recombinant viruses. Since the recombinant viruses containing full-length and truncated forms of the crystal protein genes did not seem to improve the pathogenicity of the recombinant viruses when compared with the wild type AcNPV, and in order to compare expression levels of the full-length crystal proteins produced by non-occluded and occluded recombinant viruses the full-length cry1Ab and cry1Ac genes were chosen for construction of occluded recombinant viruses. The recombinant viruses containing full-length and truncated forms of the crystal protein genes did not seem to improve its pathogenicity but the size of the larvae infected with the recombinant viruses was significantly smaller than that of larvae infected with the wild type virus.
The induction of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-malic enzyme (NADP-ME) in etiolated maize (Zea mays) seedlings by UV-B and UV-A radiation, and different levels of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, 400-700 nm) was investigated by measuring changes in activity, protein quantity and RNA levels as a function of intensity and duration of exposure to the different radiations. Under low levels of PAR, exposure to UV-B radiation but not UV-A radiation for 6 to 24 h caused a marked increase in the enzyme levels similar to that observed under high PAR in the absence of UV-B. UV-B treatment of green leaves following a 12-h dark period also caused an increase in NADP-ME expression. Exposure to UV-B radiation for only 5 min resulted in a rapid increase of the enzyme, followed by a more gradual rise with longer exposure up to 6 h. Low levels of red light for 5 min or 6 h were also effective in inducing NADP-ME activity equivalent to that obtained with UV-B radiation. A 5-min exposure to far-red light following UV-B or red light treatment reversed the induction of NADP-ME, and this effect could be eliminated by further treatment with UV-B or red light. These results indicate that physiological levels of UV-B radiation can have a positive effect on the induction of this photosynthetic enzyme. The reducing power and pyruvate generated by the activity of NADP-ME may be used for respiration, in cellular repair processes and as substrates for fatty acid synthesis required for membrane repair.
Seis genótipos pertencentes ao programa de melhoramento de milho da UENF: H43IN, P43, C43, 43IN, HDC e Uenf506-8 foram avaliados, objetivando-se identificar aqueles com melhores características agronômicas e preferidos para o consumo de milho verde. O trabalho foi desenvolvido entre setembro de 2003 e janeiro de 2004, seguindo delineamento experimental de blocos inteiramente casualizados e plantio em dois locais distintos. Estudaram-se as seguintes características agronômicas: produtividade com palha (PrCP), produtividade sem palha (PrSP), porcentagem de espigas comerciais (EC) comprimento de espigas sem palha (CESP), diâmetro de espigas sem palha (DE) e rendimento de espiga (R), além de ter sido avaliada a preferência do consumidor para os produtos em relação ao sabor, doçura e maciez. Considerando apenas os resultados agronômicos, o milho mais indicado para ser consumido na forma de milho verde foi o híbrido comum Uenf506-8. Porém, observando os resultados do teste de preferência realizado com consumidores do produto, verificou-se que o referido milho não alcançou adequada aceitação pelos participantes, em função da maciez e da doçura inadequadas, sendo mais indicado o H43IN e HDC.
O trabalho objetivou estudar o efeito da umidade de colheita e do tempo de armazenamento em grãos de milho secos e armazenados em silos com ar natural forçado. Grãos de milho colhidos com 17,8; 18,9 e 20,5% de água foram acondicionados em silos tipo alambrado com fundo falso perfurado e com ventiladores ligados ininterruptamente até a secagem. Amostras de milho foram coletadas nos tempos zero, 4, 8, 22 e 112 dias, em seis alturas de camada de cada silo (10, 60, 110, 160, 210 e 260 cm). A composição química foi determinada pelo uso de Espectrofotômetro do Infravermelho Proximal (NIR) e os resultados expressos em porcentagem e em base seca. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente (Anova) e nas interações significativas, elaborados os gráficos de regressão. Nas determinações de proteínas, lipídios, matéria seca e fibra em detergente neutro as interações foram significativas ao nível de 5% de probabilidade de erro, enquanto que em cinzas, umidade e carboidratos não foram verificadas diferenças significativas. A aeração natural forçada é capaz de reduzir a umidade do milho para 13%, sendo tecnicamente viável em propriedades familiares.
Minimilhos obtidos das cultivares de milho Vivi, híbrido simples de endosperma doce em fase experimental, e AG 1051, híbrido duplo comercial, comum, foram revestidos com cobertura comestível de fécula de mandioca a 2 e 4% e armazenados a 5 ºC. Um tratamento controle, sem revestimento, foi utilizado nas mesmas condições. Foram realizadas análises físico-químicas a cada três dias, durante nove dias, e de perda de massa, diariamente, a partir do terceiro até o décimo segundo dia. Observou-se variação na acidez, no pH e nos teores de Sólidos Solúveis Totais (SST) das amostras ao longo do período de armazenamento. A cobertura com fécula de mandioca não influenciou na acidez e no pH do minimilho obtido da cultivar de milho Vivi, no final do armazenamento, porém elevou a acidez da cultivar AG 1051. De um modo geral, o revestimento com cobertura de fécula de mandioca foi eficiente na preservação da massa de minimilho, no armazenamento refrigerado a 5 ºC. O desempenho da cultivar experimental Vivi foi similar ao da cultivar comercial AG 1051 para as variáveis perda de massa (controle e cobertura a 4%) e acidez (cobertura a 2 e 4%) e melhor para a variável SST (cobertura a 2 e 4%)
The objective of this work was to evaluate the incidence of aflatoxin B1 (AFB B1), deoxynivalenol (DON), ochratoxin A (OTA), and zearalenone (ZEA) in parboiled rice with respect to its chemical composition. Eight lots from five different brands of parboiled rice were collected in four samplings, at different seasons, until the amount of 32 lots. It was observed that: DON was present in 22% of the samples (from 180 to 400 ppb); ZEA in 19% (from 317 to 396 ppb); OTA in 12.5% (from 13 and 26 ppb); and AFB B1 in 9% (from 11 to 74 ppb). The results of the chemical composition were not different from those previously mentioned in the literature concerning parboiled rice. The ash and phenol levels in the contaminated parboiled rice samples suggested that those compounds had a relation to the occurrence of OTA, DON and ZEA mycotoxins.
The germ fraction with pericarp (bran) is generated in the industrial processing of corn kernel, and it is used for oil extraction and animal feed. This study evaluated the nutritional and protein quality of this fraction in relation to whole corn. The proximate composition, mineral contents, and amino acid profile of the germ fraction with pericarp and of whole corn were determined. A 4-week experiment was conducted using 36 weanling male Wistar rats, and three 10%-protein diets (reference, germ with 15% lipids and casein with 15% lipids), two 6%-protein diets (whole corn and casein), and a protein-free diet were prepared. The germ showed higher contents of proteins, lipids, dietary fiber (27.8 g.100 g-1), ash, minerals (Fe and Zn- approximately 5 mg.100 g-1), and lysine (57.2 mg.g-1 protein) than those of corn. The germ presented good quality protein (Relative Protein Efficiency Ratio-RPER = 80%; Protein Digestibility-Corrected Amino Acid Score-PDCAAS = 86%), higher than that of corn (RPER = 49%; PDCAAS = 60%). The corn germ fraction with pericarp is rich in dietary fiber, and it is a source of good quality protein as well as of iron and zinc, and its use as nutritive raw material is indicated in food products for human consumption.
The present study aimed to evaluate the chemical properties of green corn, grown in both organic and conventional farming systems, using a completely randomized factorial design. Four corn varieties (AG 1051, BR 106, SWB 551 and VIVI) of green corn kernels were evaluated for color, proximate composition, total calories, carotenoids and bioactive amines. The farming system affected some chemical and physical characteristics of green corn, but this effect was dependent upon variety. In general, organic green corn kernels were reddish (a* color component) and had higher levels of β-carotene compared to the conventional ones, suggesting that these characteristics are related. Moreover, organic green corn had higher levels of total carbohydrates and total energy compared to conventional varieties. On the other hand, crude fiber levels were higher in conventional grains - an unexpected result that deserves further investigation. Finally, the levels of cadaverine and spermine bioactive amines were not affected either by the corn variety or by the farming system.