818 resultados para Algodão, cultivo, Bahia


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This article presents an evaluation of the pollution of river water by herbicides used in the culture of irrigated rice in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. Firstly, a theoretical evaluation was made using the approaches suggested by EPA-USA, the "Groundwater Ubiquity Score" index and the Goss method to estimate the pollution possibilities. Afterwards, a monitoring program was established for the rivers of the area from 2001 to 2003 to investigate the presence of herbicide residues. The results indicate that the herbicides clomazone and propanil are the ones with larger presence and frequency in the analyzed samples. The theoretical forecast was confirmed by the results of the monitoring program.


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Sugar cane cultivation in the State of São Paulo has expanded in the last years, with an annual production of 200•10(6) t in an area of 2.5• 10(6) hectares. The use of herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers in sugar cane plantations, together with deforestation of riparian vegetation, have caused impacts on the hydric resources of the adjacent areas. The aim of this work is to evaluate the influence of sugar cane plantations on streams in the central region of the State of São Paulo, studying 16 organochlorinated compounds and 7 metals (Cu, Fe, Cd, Zn, Mn, Cr and Ni) found in the sediments of 11 streams. The results show that there is a higher concentration of metals and organochlorinated compounds in streams without riparian vegetation when compared to forested areas.


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This study was performed to establish the correlation between the growth conditions and essential oil composition of Hyptis suaveolens from Alfenas (MG), Brazil. The plants were grown in a greenhouse, four treatments were used and they were harvested at two different periods of time (60 and 135-day-old plants). The essential oil composition was determined by GC-MS analysis. The terpenes spathulenol, globulol, dehydroabietol, a-cadinol and beta-phellandrene were the major constituents found in the essential oil. Oxygenated sesquiterpenes represented the main group of constituents in most of the treatments. The major changes in the essential oil composition were found in 135-day-old plants grown under NPK deficiency. We also identified three groups of volatile components that have not been previously described in H suaveolens.


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Evaluation of the pollution by the herbicides alachlor, propanil and atrazine in water samples from four rivers in the cities of Turvo and Meleiro, south of Santa Catarina State, was made using the SPME-GC-ECD method. The proposed method was optimized and validated. The correlation coefficients were higher than 0.997 and linear ranges of the analytical curves were 0.1-4; 0.1-2.5 and 0.1-5 µg L-1 for atrazine, alachlor and propanil, respectively. The herbicides were quantified by GC-ECD and identified by GC-MS. Both of the selected rivers presented contamination by at least one of the studied herbicides.


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Butyltin compounds were investigated in surface sediments from 17 stations in Todos os Santos Bay. Analytical conditions for organotin determination in marine sediments were optimized for GC with pulsed flame photometric detection. Detection limits were: 5.4 µg kg-1 for TBT; 0.2 µg kg-1 for DBT; and 2.1 µg kg-1 for MBT, using a 610-nm filter. In general, TBT concentrations were low and in the range of


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The objective of the present work was to evaluate the distribution of Cd, Cu, Mn, Pb and Zn among the different fractions of contaminated soil, before and after rice cultivation. Seven soil samples with different degrees of contamination were studied using a randomized experimental design, with four replicates. Using an ICP-OES we analyzed the contents of heavy metals in fractions of soil, the organic matter therein, the oxides and the residual content before and after rice cultivation. The largest concentrations of Cd, Cu, Mn and Zn in the soil are found in the fractions with stable chemical bonds.


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This study examined the spatial and temporal variations of 13 physico-chemical parameters in water and sediment samples collected along the rural and urban section of Verruga Stream. The metal concentrations were determined by FAAS. The conductivity and the concentration of Na+, Cl-, and Ca2+ showed the largest variations in the urban area demonstrating that these parameters are appropriate indicators of urban contamination. The application of cluster and principal component analysis showed that the Cd2+ and Mn2+ are associated with the use of fertilizers in the rural area.


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Emission factors of anthropogenic activities and natural processes were used to estimate nutrients and metals loads to the Contas River lower basin, Southern Bahia, Brazil. Among natural sources, emission from soil leaching is larger for N, Cu and Pb. Atmospheric deposition is the major natural source of P, Zn, Cd and Hg. Among anthropogenic sources, agriculture is the major source of N, Cu and P. Urban sources are the major contributors to the other elements. Present anthropogenic land uses are already responsible for 78 and 99% of total N and P loads and about 50% of total Cu and Hg.


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Organic tin compounds were investigated in the sediment of twenty-four stations located in the Todos os Santos Bay and the north coast of Bahia - Brazil. The concentration of these organic tin was also determined in a ascidium species of Phallusia nigra. The speciation and quantification was performed by GC-MS/MS. The highest concentrations were: tributyltin (TBT) 438 ng g-1, dibutyltin (DBT) 207 ng g-1, monobutyltin (MBT) 423 ng g-1, diphenyltin (DPT) 25.8 ng g-1 and monophenyltin (MPT) 55.0 ng g-1. DBT and MBT were found in Phallusia nigra, with highest concentrations of 294.1 and 148.5 ng g-1, respectively.


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In this study honey samples produced in the southwest of Bahia were characterized based on physicochemical and mineral (Ca, Mg, Na, K, Mn, Fe and Zn) composition. The metals were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The application of multivariate analysis showed that the honey colors are consequence of the mineral and physicochemical compositions. The darkest honey samples are characterized by higher values of pH and for presenting a strong relationship with Ca and Fe content.


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Systematic studies were undertaken in the intra zeolitic media to better understand the ability of zeolite type LTA in occluded nitrogen used in fertilizer and soil conditioning. We have measured the dry matter production from the cultivation of corn in a greenhouse for about 40 days, and also the amounts of nitrogen absorbed, retained and lost by leaching. The dry matter production in the cultivation with different concentrations of nitrogen occluded in the zeolite, was more efficient than the traditional fertilizer, which demonstrated better use of nitrogen to reduce leaching losses, which implies a possible reduction of costs for nitrogen.


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The mineral waste studied was host rock from a chromite mine located in Andorinha/Bahia, extracted and stockpiled in yards without specific application. Host rock was submitted to chemical analysis, XRD, SEM-EDS, IR and TGA and classified according to ABNT standards for solid waste classification. Analyses confirmed that this host rock, classified as ultrabasic, consists mainly of dolomite, calcite and diopside. Hazard assessment results showed this host rock should be classified as class II B - inert waste, important for its potential application in agriculture as a soil acidity correction agent.


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The metal distribution in the surface sediment fractions of the Cachoeira River was evaluated based on the fractionation method using a five-step sequential extraction. The determination of metals was made by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry (F AAS). Zn, Pb and Cu exhibit higher concentrations in the residual fraction of the sediment from sites that receive discharges from urban and industrial zones. High levels of Ni (60 ± 1 to 447 ± 9 µg L-1) were found in the river water, which may be detrimental to the "health" of rural communities that utilize the river water for domestic purposes without treatment.


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This study evaluated the level of the metals Pb mg kg-1 and Cd mg kg-1 found in plant species and the contribution of the levels detected in contaminated soils located in the urban area of the city of Santo Amaro, Bahia. Levels were determined by graphite furnace and flame atomic absorption spectrometry. The results showed the presence of Pb and Cd in plant species at levels ranging from 0.18 to 118.2 mg kg-1 and 0.04 to 7.29 mg kg-1, respectively. The concentration values obtained varied according to the plant species and were not strongly influenced by the concentration values detected in the soil.


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Visando avaliar as interações de suscetibilidade do cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum) e de outros hospedeiros ao fungo Crinipellis perniciosa, plântulas de cupuaçu , cacau (Theobroma cacao), cacau-do-peru (Theobroma bicolor) e jurubeba (Solanum paniculatum), com idade entre seis a oito semanas, foram inoculadas com basidiósporos provenientes de vassouras secas e/ou frutos infetados destes hospedeiros coletados no sul da Bahia. As inoculações foram feitas depositando-se uma gota de 20 µl da suspensão de 5,0 x 10(5) basidiósporos/ml de C. perniciosa, obtidos de cada um dos hospedeiros, na gema apical e no hipocótilo (cupuaçu) de cada muda. Após a inoculação as plântulas permaneceram por 24 h em câmara climatizada, com temperatura em torno de 25 ºC e aproximadamente 100% de umidade. Realizou-se a avaliação final dos sintomas 60 dias após a inoculação. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com 20 tratamentos e quatro repetições de dez plantas. O cacau e o cacau-do-peru foram suscetíveis ao inóculo obtido dos quatro hospedeiros. A jurubeba apresentou reações de suscetibilidade somente aos inóculos dela própria e de cacau. O cupuaçu apresentou sintomas quando inoculado com basidiósporos obtidos dele próprio, de cacau e de cacau-do-peru. O inóculo proveniente de cacau foi o mais infetivo a todos os hospedeiros.