703 resultados para Detenção de menores Rio de Janeiro (RJ)


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A economia agrcola da regio Norte Fluminense , historicamente, dependente da atividade sucroalcooleira. Na tentativa de reduzir tal dependncia, vm sendo adotados incentivos ao desenvolvimento da fruticultura na regio, particularmente atravs do “Programa Frutificar”. O presente trabalho visa a avaliar os impactos desse programa, sob a ticade sua contribuio para elevar a produo de frutas e diversificar a agricultura regional. A anlise foi efetuada mediante o emprego do modelo , shift-sharede taxas geomtricas de crescimento, e do ndice de Diversificao. De mo dessas anlises, pode-se concluir que foi constatada a reduo da rea agrcola da regio, particularmente associada queda nas reas cultivadas com cana-deacar, arroz, milho e feijo. Por outro lado, no perodo sob estmulo do “Programa Frutificar”, verificouse aumento do cultivo das fruteiras: abacaxi, banana e coco-da-baa. Esta constatao um indicativo da contribuio da fruticultura como fator de diversificao da economia agrcola regional. Cabe ressaltar que a economia da regio Norte Fluminense ainda fortemente dependente do setor sucroalcooleiro.


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Foram realizados testes de controle de qualidade, descritos na Portaria 453/98 do Ministrio da Sade, em sete hospitais pblicos do Rio de Janeiro, em um total de 29 tubos de raios X, 30 chassis e 20 vestimentas de proteo individual. Os testes avaliaram o desempenho do gerador de raios X e a geometria do feixe. Foram verificados, tambm, chassis, "crans" e negatoscpios, assim como as cmaras claras e escuras. Alguns dos resultados encontrados foram: 55% dos tubos foram reprovados em exatido e 15% em reprodutibilidade de kVp; 53% foram reprovados em exatido e 31% em reprodutibilidade de tempo de exposio; 30% foram reprovados em camada semi-redutora; 18% foram reprovados no alinhamento do feixe central; 30% foram reprovados em coincidncia de campos; 40% foram reprovados na linearidade de exposio; 64% foram rejeitados no teste de ponto focal. Foram verificadas a guarda inadequada e a falta de recomendao para uso dos aventais plumbferos. Os resultados dos testes sugerem a necessidade da implementao sistemtica de controle de qualidade por um profissional qualificado. A relao de custo-benefcio refora a implantao e a manuteno dos procedimentos contidos e executados neste trabalho, pois tais procedimentos garantiriam a diminuio do custo final do servio e da dose nos pacientes.


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OBJETIVO: Identificar o perfil dos alunos e as motivaes que os levaram a cursar o Programa de Ps-Graduao em Medicina (Radiologia) da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, bem como avaliar a produo cientfica, quantitativa e qualitativamente. MATERIAIS E MTODOS: Foi enviado questionrio contendo perguntas abertas e fechadas a 183 ex-alunos. Responderam 148 egressos. Avaliaram-se expectativas, destino profissional e produo cientfica. RESULTADOS: O aprimoramento tcnico-cientfico (39,08%) e a evoluo na carreira docente (26,82%) foram os aspectos que mais motivaram os egressos a cursar a ps-graduao. As mudanas decorrentes da finalizao do curso foram: melhor conhecimento tcnico (33,33%) e maior confiana no desempenho de suas funes (17,83%). Verificou-se que 60,42% esto atuando em instituies de ensino superior e 39,58% no, e que 84,93% dos artigos cientficos sobre os temas das teses/dissertaes foram publicados. CONCLUSO: O curso tem cumprido os requisitos essenciais para a formao de pesquisadores e docentes. Identificou-se a necessidade de atuao mais efetiva dos docentes do programa e de modificaes curriculares, inserindo-se uma disciplina dedicada elaborao de trabalhos cientficos.


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Objective:To evaluate the evolution of mammographic image quality in the state of Rio de Janeiro on the basis of parameters measured and analyzed during health surveillance inspections in the period from 2006 to 2011.Materials and Methods:Descriptive study analyzing parameters connected with imaging quality of 52 mammography apparatuses inspected at least twice with a one-year interval.Results:Amongst the 16 analyzed parameters, 7 presented more than 70% of conformity, namely: compression paddle pressure intensity (85.1%), films development (72.7%), film response (72.7%), low contrast fine detail (92.2%), tumor mass visualization (76.5%), absence of image artifacts (94.1%), mammography-specific developers availability (88.2%). On the other hand, relevant parameters were below 50% conformity, namely: monthly image quality control testing (28.8%) and high contrast details with respect to microcalcifications visualization (47.1%).Conclusion:The analysis revealed critical situations in terms of compliance with the health surveillance standards. Priority should be given to those mammography apparatuses that remained non-compliant at the second inspection performed within the one-year interval.


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Sediment contamination is evaluated by determining organic micropollutants (organochlorine compounds - OCs and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons - PAHs) in two important Brazilian water reservoirs. Trace levels of OCs were observed in the Santana reservoir (44.8 ng g-1 d.w. of p,p'-DDT), while in the Funil reservoir the levels were below detection level. Forty-eight percent of the found sigmaocs were polychlorinated biphenyls, 29% dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), 18% Drins, and 5% other pesticides (HCB, Heptachlor, Heptachlor-epoxide, gamma-HCH and a-Endosulfan). We observed lower levels of sigmaPAH in the Funil reservoir (1 to 275 ng g-1d.w.) than in the Santana reservoir (2.2 to 26.7 g g-1 d.w.).


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The problem of the dropping out of the graduate chemistry courses is not new in the Brazilian University. What are the principal factors for this dropping out? Are there rules to measure this dropping out? In this work we present our experience in the Chemistry Institute of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro to deal with this problem.


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Iron, copper and lead distribution was evaluated in sediment cores from a disturbed mangrove area in Guanabara Bay: a core from a seaward site where mangrove vegetation was removed ~20 yr before sampling (MD); a core from an intermediate site with dead vegetation, apparently due to insect attack (MP), and a core from a landward site with living vegetation (MV). Metal concentrations showed increasing values seaward while organic matter content showed an inverse trend, displaying a negative correlation with metals. This unusual correlation indicates opposite sources, since metals come from the bay and the main OM origin is probably degraded mangrove vegetation. Plant cover loss seems to be a critical factor affecting metal accumulation, particularly due to changes in OM input.


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An air quality evaluation of indoor environments with focus on lower carbonyls was carried out in 50 public places using TO-11A methodology. Formaldehyde levels (ranging from 12.5 to 1034 mg m-3) were above the threshold limit in 49 of 50 analyzed samples while acetaldehyde (ranging from 5.2 to 840 mg m-3) and acetone (ranging from 5.5 to 4839 mg m-3) were respectively bellow the limits of OSHA and NIOSH in all samples. However all samples were bellow the threshold limits suggested by the Brazilian legislation - NR-15. A correlation study between the carbonyls and temperature and humidity was also done.


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The inputs of organic matter derived from natural and anthropogenic sources to Sepetiba Bay were investigated by using aliphatic hydrocarbons and sterols in superficial sediments. Concentrations ranged from 0.26 to 2.65 &#956;g g-1, <0.01 to 17.41 &#956;g g-1 and 0.77 and 9.24 &#956;g g-1 for n-alkanes, UCM (unresolved complex mixture) and total sterols, respectively. The selected markers and ratios among individual compounds showed the major contribution of terrestrial sources to the total pool of sedimentary organic matter in the bay, but the accumulation of autochthonous organic matter increased with distance from the shoreline. The input of petroleum hydrocarbons and sewage (coprostanol in the range 0.01 to 0.43 &#956;g g-1) were also detected, especially in the more urbanized regions of the bay, but at lower levels of contamination when compared to estuaries in other Brazilian coastal regions.


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Trophic transfer of trace elements along marine food chains has been recognized as an important process influencing metal and metalloid bioaccumulation. The trophic transfer of mercury was observed between trophic levels from prey (considering fish with different feeding habits and squid) to top predator (dolphin) in a Northern coastal food chain of Rio de Janeiro. Selenium showed some evidence of trophic transfer between lower trophic levels. Dolphin presented the highest mercury concentrations whereas the benthic carnivorous fish showed the highest selenium concentrations. Mercury is biomagnified through the food chain while selenium does not present the same behavior.


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This work intends to present the history of top-level Chemistry education in Rio de Janeiro. It's important to rescue the history of Chemistry Institute of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro since 1959. It's also important to understand the incorporation of two undergraduate courses: Chemistry and Chemistry bachelor's degree. It covers historical background of Chemistry education in old National Faculty of Philosophy, considering power disputes between Industrial Chemistry Course and Chemical Engineering; when and in which circumstances the Institute was created; political context and its relation with postgraduate. Finally, discuss the incorporation of undergraduate courses and curriculum modifications since 1968.


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This work aimed to quantify some organic compounds in "cachaas" (sugar cane spirit). The ethyl alcohol was quantified by densimetry, after distillation. The acetic acid, methyl alcohol, n-propyl alcohol, n-butyl alcohol, isobutyl alcohol, isoamyl alcohol (mixture of 2-methyl-butyl and 3-methyl-butyl), ethyl acetate and acetaldehyde were determined by gas chromatography; and the furfural, 5-hydroxy-methylfurfural and acrolein by high efficiency liquid chromatography. From the 30 samples analyzed, 63.3% showed non-conformity with national legislation regarding at least one of the analyzed components.


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Mercury distribution and geochemical support on the Continental Margin was evaluated at the Campos Basin, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. The average concentrations for all analyzed elements were, respectively, 20 5 ng g-1 (Hg); 30 14 mg g-1 (Al); 16 6 mg g-1 (Fe), and 254 83 g g-1 (Mn). Silt and clay content, total carbonate and Hg, and organic carbon increased with depth. Finally, the relationship between Hg and silt clay showed significant positive correlation. Total Hg concentrations are the background level described primarily (~40 ng g-1).


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Methylmercury was determined in water and aquatic biota from Guanabara Bay. Trophic transfer of methylmercury was observed between trophic levels from prey (microplankton, mesoplankton and fish with different feeding habits) to top predator (pelagic demersal fish). Top predator fish presented the highest methylmercury concentrations (320.3 150.7 mg kg-1 dry wt.), whereas microplankton presented the lowest (8.9 3.3 mg kg-1 dry wt.). The successive amplification of methylmercury concentrations and its bioconcentration factor with increasing trophic levels from base to top indicate that biomagnification may be occurring along the food web. Results suggest the importance of feeding habits and trophic level in the bioaccumulation of methylmercury by aquatic biota.