119 resultados para ~(266)Bh
FUNDAMENTO: Trombólise e angioplastia transluminal coronariana (ATC) primária são técnicas bem estabelecidas, mas grande parte dos pacientes com infarto agudo do miocárdio com supradesnivelamento do segmento ST (IAM com SST) não as recebem quando do atendimento hospitalar. OBJETIVO: Descrever tratamentos inicial e final e desfechos de uma coorte com IAM com SST. MÉTODOS: Analisados, da internação até a alta, 158 pacientes com IAM com SST, de uma população total de 351 pacientes internados com (SCA) nos hospitais de Campos dos Goytacazes, entre 2004 e 2006. RESULTADOS: Dos 158 pacientes com IAM com SST, 67,7% chegaram ao hospital nos primeiros 180 minutos, 81,3% em 360 minutos e 8,4% após doze horas. Realizados 148 estudos cinecoronariográficos (93,7%). Observadas lesões de mais de 70% em 266 territórios arteriais. Tratamento inicial foi ATC em 41(26%), trombolíticos em 50 (32%), com 80% de sucesso. Tratamento clínico em 67 (42%). Cerca de 35% dos pacientes deveriam ser trombolizados mas não o foram. No tratamento final foram 93 ATCs, 89 delas com sucesso angiográfico (95,7), sangramento 2 (2,2), oclusão subaguda 2 (2,2%), dissecção tronco 1 (1,1), pseudo aneurisma 1 (1,1). Nenhum óbito durante angioplastia; na evolução, houve dois óbitos (2,1%). Doze pacientes submetidos a cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica (CRM). Tratamento clínico 53 (33%), com 11 óbitos (20,7%). Letalidade global 9,5%, consideradas as três formas de tratamento. CONCLUSÃO: Pacientes atendidos em tempo adequado para reperfusão, porém 1/3 deles não recebeu o procedimento. Tratamento predominante foi ATC, com baixa morbidade. Dois óbitos na evolução. Baixa letalidade global.
Blood Pressure Variation Throughout Pregnancy According to Early Gestational BMI: A Brazilian Cohort
Background: The maternal cardiovascular system undergoes progressive adaptations throughout pregnancy, causing blood pressure fluctuations. However, no consensus has been established on its normal variation in uncomplicated pregnancies. Objective: To describe the variation in systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) levels during pregnancy according to early pregnancy body mass index (BMI). Methods: SBP and DBP were measured during the first, second and third trimesters and at 30-45 days postpartum in a prospective cohort of 189 women aged 20-40 years. BMI (kg/m2) was measured up to the 13th gestational week and classified as normal-weight (<25.0) or excessive weight (≥25.0). Longitudinal linear mixed-effects models were used for statistical analysis. Results: A decrease in SBP and DBP was observed from the first to the second trimester (βSBP=-0.394; 95%CI: -0.600- -0.188 and βDBP=-0.617; 95%CI: -0.780- -0.454), as was an increase in SBP and DBP up to 30-45 postpartum days (βSBP=0.010; 95%CI: 0.006-0.014 and βDBP=0.015; 95%CI: 0.012-0.018). Women with excessive weight at early pregnancy showed higher mean SBP in all gestational trimesters, and higher mean DBP in the first and third trimesters. Excessive early pregnancy BMI was positively associated with prospective changes in SBP (βSBP=7.055; 95%CI: 4.499-9.610) and in DBP (βDBP=3.201; 95%CI: 1.136-5.266). Conclusion: SBP and DBP decreased from the first to the second trimester and then increased up to the postpartum period. Women with excessive early pregnancy BMI had higher SBP and DBP than their normal-weight counterparts throughout pregnancy, but not in the postpartum period.
A laboratory experiment was carried out to study the effects of chemical and physical characteristics of the soil on the phosphate fixing capacity. One hundred samples collected from various localities were at first characterized chemically and their particlesize distribution determined. They were then tested as to their phosphate fixing capacities. The results obtained were statistically analysed by means of both simple linear and multiple correlation. The following conclusions could be drawn: 1. simple linear regression analysis indicated that % C, exchangeable Al+3, CEC, % clay, pH and % sand were the soil characteristics which significantly affected phosphate fixing capacity of São Paulo State soils; 2. multiple linear regression analysis indicated that % C, exchangeable Mg(+2)9 exchangeable- Al+3 and % clay were the soil characteristics which significantly affected the phosphate fixing capacity of São Paulo State soils; 3. the phosphate phonomena fixing as they occur in the soils of the São Paulo State can be best described by the following equation: Y = -2,266 - 3,484 + 3,514 + 5,559 + 1,005 %C Mg+2 Al+3 % clay exchangeable exchangeable 4. phosphate fixation in the soil is affected by the combined effects of both soil chemical and physical characteristics.
Foi conduzido um ensaio numa plantação comercial de café de variedade Mundo Novo de 9 anos de idade, com uma população de 1904 covas/ha, destinada a avaliar a quantidade de biomassa e de nutrientes removidas por diferentes tipos de poda: recepa a 0,40m; decote a 1,00, 1,50 e 2,00 m; decote a 1,50m com esqueletamento. A análise do material e dos dados permitiu tirar-se as seguintes conclusões: (1) a biomassa removida pela poda foi maior na recepa (24,3 t de matéria fresca e 11,9 de matéria seca) e no decote a 1,00 m (20,6 e 10,1 t, respectivamente); seguia-se o decote a 1,50 m com esqueletamento que deu 19,4 e 8,3 t de matéria fresca e seca por hectare; os pesos da matéria fresca e seca correspondentes aos decotes a 1,50 m e 2,00 m foram: 12,1 e 5,4; 5,6 e 2,5 t/ha; (2) a relação existente entre a altura de poda e quantidade de fitomassa removida é descrita por equações de regressão simples; (3) as quantidades de nutrientes removidas são proporcionais as quantidades de material podado sendo as seguintes de acordo com a ordem dos tratamentos dado, em kg/ha: N - 320, 294, 162, 80 e 261; P - 18, 15, 10, 44 e 16; K - 286, 266, 168, 78 e 273; Ca - 149, 139, 63, 33 e 101: Mg - 30, 33, 16, 8 e 26; S - 10, 7,6, 3 e 10; as quantidades de micronutrientes removidas foram, em g/ha: B - 306, 337, 163, 83 e 268; Cu - 229, 219, 121, 51 e 191; Fe - 2783, 2328, 1367, 544 e 2,088; Mn - 437, 779, 264, 142 e 412; Zn - 174, 152, 74, 28 e 121; (3) foram derivadas equações de regressão simples que relacionam quantidade extraídas e altura da poda; (4) a reciclagem de fitomassa contribui com economia substancial de fertilizantes para a nova vegetação. Cerca de dois terços e três quartos de nutrientes, entretanto, estão contidos no material lenhoso de caules e ramos o que deve fazer que a sua disponibilidade seja mais lenta.
O trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de determinar a produção de matéria seca na planta pelos cultivares de trigo BH 1146, de porte alto e com tolerância a deficiência hídrica e IAC 24 - Tucuruí, de porte baixo e com média tolerância e deficiência hídrica, sendo ambas de ciclo médio, em duas disponibilidades de água, sequeiro e irrigado. 0 experimento foi conduzido em Latossolo Roxo, distrófico-argiloso, adubado com 20 kg de N e 90 kg de P2O5 por hectare. Para determinação do peso da matéria seca produzida das plantas, foram coletados ao 10 dias de idade, início de perfilhamento; aos 30 dias, elongamento do colmo; aos 50 dias, emborrachamento; aos 70 dias floração, aos 90 dias, grão leitoso; e aos 110 dias, maturação. Os resultados mostram que a irrigação determina mais acúmulo de matéria seca por planta e matéria Seca por área, nas duas cultivares e em todas as idades.
The relative growth and morphological sexual maturity of Chasmagnathus granulatus Dana, 1851 are presented for the first time to a mangrove population. The crabs were obtained during low tide periods, in the mangrove of Jabaquara Beach, Paraty, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. All crabs in intermolt stage were sexed and had their body parts measured as follows: body height (BH), carapace length (CL) and width (CW), major cheliped propodus height (PH) and length (PL) for each sex, gonopod length (GL) and abdomen width (AW) for males and females, respectively. The relative growth was described using the allometric equation y=ax b and the size at onset sexual maturity was achieved using the software Mature I. The size of specimens ranged from 4.1 mm to 39.5 mm CW. The growth pattern was different between sexes in the cheliped relationships; the relationships BH vs. CW evidenced positive allometry for juveniles; PL vs. CW and PH vs. CW positive allometry for most crabs except juvenile females; AW vs. CW and GL vs. CW evidenced positive allometry for juveniles and isometry for adults. The relationships that best indicated the change from the juvenile to the adult phase were PH vs. CW for males and AW vs. CW for females. The size in which 50% of males from this population are mature is at 19.7 mm of CW (F=144.14; p<0.05) and for females it is at 19.2 mm of CW (F=166.54; p<0.05). The sizes obtained in this mangrove population are larger than those from previous studies, that could be attributed to a species plasticity concerning the habitat structure.
A reprodução e a sobrevivência de Synthesiomyia nudiseta (Wulp, 1883) foram estudadas entre 22 e 28ºC, UR de 70% e fotoperíodo de 12h. Os dados foram analisados através de classes de idade, tabelas de vida de fecundidade, análise de sobrevivência pela distribuição de Weibull e análise das curvas de sobrevivência através do conceito de entropia (H). A taxa intrínseca de aumento natural (r m), taxa finita de aumento (lambda), taxa de reprodução líquida (R0) e tempo médio de uma geração (T) foram 0,534; 1,7; 59,439 e 7,65 respectivamente, sugerindo rápido crescimento populacional nestas condições. Isso foi causado pela alta fecundidade, confirmando o que ocorre para esta espécie, com média de 266 ovos/fêmea e período de pré-oviposição de 10,25 dias. O modelo de Weibull demonstrou que a sobrevivência não foi constante ao longo da vida de adultos, com mortalidade pronunciada depois da quarta e quinta semanas e valores de H intermediários aos valores teóricos esperados (0,0-0,5) para os ambos sexos, demonstrando que a curva de sobrevivência é retangular (com maior impacto da mortalidade na quarta e quinta semanas após a emergência). Os resultados apresentados podem ser considerados como base para estudos pormenorizados da dinâmica e do crescimento populacional desta espécie em hábitats naturais.
A comparative study of the BH strain of Schistosoma mansoni from Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais state, infective to Biomphalaria glabrata from the same locality, and the SJ strain from São José dos Campos, São Paulo state, infective to B. tenagophila from the latter locality, showed the following differences: 1. Length of adult worms and size of eggs significantly larger in the BH strain. 2. Higher infection rates in the B. glabrata-BH strain association than in the B. tenagophila-SJ strain association, following exposure of each snail to 1 or 10 miracidia. 3.Longer prepatent period (from penetration of miracidium to first shedding of cercariae) in the B. tenagophila-SJ strain association. 4. Infection of both Biomphalaria species when exposed to hybrid miracidia from crosses between the two strains, at lower levels than those resulting from exposure of each snail species to miracidia of the pure sympatric strain. (Both Biomphalaria populations are practically refractory to infection with the allopatric strain). These results are interpreted as pointing to a better host-parasite adjustment in the B. glabrata-BH strain association than in the B. tenagophila-SJ association. The interfertility between the two strains, which produced viable hybrids infective to both Biomphalaria species, supports the conclusion that the observed differences are merely intraspecific, and that the two strains may be considered distinct biological races of Schistosoma mansoni.
The blood parasites of 15,574 birds representing 266 species of 43 families from primarily three areas in São Paulo State, Brazil were examined for haematozoa. Only 1240 (8.0% of 121 species fo 32 families were infected with blood parasites. This prevalence was similar to that reported in a previous study. Species of Haemoproteus were the most commonly encountered haematozoans (38.9%), followed by microfilaria (30.7%), Trypanosoma (13.7%), Plasmodium (7.5%) and Leucocytozoon (0.8%). Prevalence of parasitism was significantly different between the three major areas sampled. It was shown that this was due in part to differences in the avifaunas at both the familial and species levels. Prevalence varied markedly in only one of the 10 years of the study. Monthly fluctuations in prevalence were largely due to changes in relative proportions of highlytion of both. Prevalences of both microfilaria and Trypanosoma were higher than reported for any other similar survey in the world.
The proteins of adults worms (male and female) of two isolates (BH and RJ) of Shistosoma mansoni were extracted using Triton X-114 phase separation. The SDS-polyacrilamide gel electrophoresis profiles of the three phases (detergent, aqueous and insoluble proteins) obtained were compared after Coomassie blue and silver staining, surface radioiodination and Western blotting. No major differences were detected between the 2 isolates. Of the 25 or more proteins which partitioned into the detergent phase, only about 8 proteins could be surface radiodinated on live adult worms. A comparison was also made between the profiles of mael and females worms, isolated from bisexually infected mice. Two major female-specific and one male-specific band were detected by silver and/or Coomassie staining. The female bands, 32 KDa and 18 KDa, partitioned into the detergent and aqueous phase, respectively. The male-specific band of 42 KDa remained in the insoluble phase. Antigenic differences between male and females protins were detected by Western vlotting using a sera from infected Nectomys squamipes.
An epidemiological survey was conducted in south east Mexico, in an effort to establish the serological reactivity and carrier status to Babesia bigemina of an indigenous cattle population. The prevalance was obtained through the Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test (IFAT), using an in vitro culture-derived B. bigemina antigen. A specific, digoxigenin-coupled, ~6kb B. bigemina-DNA probe (BBDP), was used to indicate the presence of the parasite. Serum samples from 925 animals of all ages, were obtained within the three regions (I, II, III) of the state of Yucatan and tested by IFAT. In addition, whole blood samples draw from 136 of the same animals of region II were analyzed using the BBDP. Positive IFAT (IFAT+) reactions were observed in 531 sera for a 57% overall prevalence. Regional values were: I = 157 + (56%), II = 266 + (68%) and III = 108 + (42%). Only 32 (23%) of the blood samples tested with BBDP showed distinctive hybridization signal, in contrast with 100 (73%) IFAT + animals. The responses distribution for IFAT vs. BBDP was: +/+ 23, +/- 77, -/+ 9 and -/- 27 respectively. It was found that the analytical sinsitivity of BBDP appears to be low for its utilization is widespread epidemiological surveys. It was considered, however, that the colorimetric probe mifht to be useful to safely detect transmission prone carriers, since it is able to detect parasitemias as low as 0.001%.
The susceptibility of four isolates of Schistosoma mansoni (BH, MAP, MPR-1 and K) to four multiple doses of anti-schistosomal agents (hycanthone, niridazole, oxamniquire, and praziquantel) were evaluated in infected female Swiss albino mice. These schistosomal isolates had been maintained in the laboratory without further drug pressure for 20 to 30 generations. Multiple dosage regimens were used for each drug against each isolate of S. mansoni to generate ED50 (effective dose 50%) values. Results demonstrated that the K isolate is resistant to niridazole, the MPR-1 isolate to oxamniquine, and the MAP isolate to both hycanthone and oxamniquine. The BH isolate was susceptible to all drugs and was used as the reference isolate. All isolates were susceptible to praziquantel. The significance of the difference in response of the MPR-1 and MAP isolates is discussed. These results confirm the resistance of these isolates of S. mansoni of three schistosomicides and demonstrate that the resistance of these isolates are stable over long periods of time without exposure to drugs.
The compatibility of Biomphalaria tenagophila, B. straminea and B. glabrata from Minas Gerais with different strains of Schistosoma mansoni was evaluated using the method of Frandsen (1979b) in standardized experiments. One hundred and fifty of each species of snail were individually exposed in the laboratory to 50 miracidia of S. mansoni lines LE, SJ and AL. The cercariae from the infected snails were counted and used to calculate TCP/100 indices, which were compared with those of Frandsen (1979b). For B. tenagophila the TCP/100 indices varied from 37,996 to 74,266 (class II and III). The snail was poorly compatible with LE (class II) and compatible with SJ and AL (class III). For B. straminea the indices varied from 9,484 to 20,508. The snail was not very compatible with SJ (class I) and poorly compatible with LE and AL (class II). For B. glabrata the indices varied from 588,828 to 1,039,065. The snails was extremely compatible (class VI) with the three lines of S. mansoni. These results confirm the epidemiological importance of B. glabrata in Brazil followed by B. tenagophila and B. straminea.
A field study of the immune response to the shed acute phase antigen (SAPA) of Trypanosoma cruzi was carried out in the locality of Mizque, Cochabamba department, Bolivia. Schoolchildren (266), with an average of 8.6 ± 3.6 years, were surveyed for parasitological and serological diagnosis, as well as antibodies directed against SAPA using the corresponding recombinant protein in ELISA. The antibodies against SAPA were shown in 82% of patients presenting positive serological diagnosis (IgG specific antibodies). The positive and negative predictive values were 0.88. Antibodies anti-SAPA were shown in 80.8% of the chagasic patients in the initial stage of the infection (positive IgM serology and/or positive buffy coat (BC) test) and in 81.4% of the patients in the indeterminate stage of the infection (positive IgG serology with negative BC and IgM tests). These results show that the anti-SAPA response is not only present during the initial stage of the infection (few months) but extends some years after infection
A new species of phlebotomine sand fly, Lutzomyia adamsi n. sp., is described and illustrated from specimens collected during August 1994, in Sandia, Department of Puno-Peru. According to the Oficina Nacional de Evaluacion de Recursos Naturales(ONERN 1976), this locality is situated in the life zone known as humid, mountain, low tropical forest (bh-MBT). Many areas in the northern part of Puno, mainly in the Inambari and Tambopata basins, are endemic to leishmaniasis. These areas are the continuation of others, largely known as "leishmaniasic" in the departments of Cusco and Madre de Dios. The morphological characteristics indicated that this species belongs to the genus Lutzomyia, subgenus Helcocyrtomyia Barretto, 1962