88 resultados para zygotic embryos
A procedure is described to regenerate plants from protoplasts of Brazilian citrus cultivars, after isolation, fusion and culture. Protoplasts were isolated from embryogenic cell suspension cultures and from leaf mesophyll of seedlings germinated in vitro. The enzyme solution for protoplast isolation was composed of mannitol (0.7 M), CaCl2 (24.5 mM), NaH2PO4 (0.92 mM), MES (6.15 mM), cellulase (Onozuka RS - Yakult, 1%), macerase (Onozuka R10 - Yakult, 1%) and pectolyase Y-23 (Seishin, 0.2%). Protoplast culture in liquid medium after chemical fusion lead to the formation of callus colonies further adapted to solid medium. Somatic embryo formation occurred spontaneously after two subcultures, on modified MT medium supplemented with 500 mg/L of malt extract. Well defined embryos were germinated in modified MT medium with addition of GA3 (2.0 muM) and malt extract (500 mg/L). Plant regeneration was also achieved by adventitious shoots obtained through direct organogenesis of not well defined embryos in modified MT medium with addition of malt extract (500 mg/L), BAP (1.32 muM), NAA (1.07 muM) and coconut water (10 mL/L). Plantlets were transferred to root medium. Rooted plants were transferred to a greenhouse for further adaptation and development.
Somatic embryogenesis is an efficient method for the production of target cells for soybean genetic transformation. However, this method still offers low percentages of plant regeneration, and perhaps is related to the maturation process and high morphological abnormalities of the matured embryos. This study aimed to identify a maturation medium that could contribute to the outcome of more efficient plant regeneration results. Embryogenic clusters, derived from cotyledons of immature seeds of the soybean cultivars Bragg and IAS5, were used as starting material for embryos development. Different maturation media were tested by using 6% maltose, 3% sucrose or 6% sucrose, combined with or without 25 g L-1 of the osmotic regulator polyethylene glycol (PEG-8000). The histodifferentiated embryos were quantified and classified in morphological types. Percentages of converted embryos were analyzed. Cultivar Bragg resulted in higher matured embryo quantities, but lower percentages were obtained for the conversion in comparison to cultivar IAS5. While the addition of PEG did not affect the number of embryos converted into plants, 6% sucrose enhanced the conversion percent significantly.
A plant regeneration method with cell suspension cultures of banana, and the effect of biobalistic on regeneration potential are described in this report. Somatic embryos of banana were obtained from indirect embryogenesis of male inflorescence of banana cultivar Maçã (AAB group). Part of the calluses formed (40%) showed embryogenic characteristics (nonfriable, compact and yellow color). The cell suspension, originated from embryogenic calluses, contained clusters of small tightly packed cells with dense cytoplasms, relatively large nuclei and very dense nucleoli. After four months of culture, somatic embryos started to regenerate. The maximum number of regenerated plants was observed between 45 and 60 days after embryo formation.In the first experiment, 401 plants were regenerated from approximately 10 mL of packed cells. In the second experiment, 399 plants were regenerated from a cell suspension six months older than that of the first experiment. Cell transformation using particle bombardment with three different plasmid constructions, containing the uid-A gene, resulted in a strong GUS expression five days after bombardment; however, plant regeneration from bombarded cells was much lower than nonbombarded ones.
The objective of this work was to select and use microsatellite markers, to map genomic regions associated with the genetic control of thermosensitive genic male sterility (TGMS) in rice. An F2 population, derived from the cross between fertile and TGMS indica lines, was used to construct a microsatellite-based genetic map of rice. The TGMS phenotype showed a continuous variation in the segregant population. A low level of segregation distortion was detected in the F2 (14.65%), whose cause was found to be zygotic selection. There was no evidence suggesting a cause-effect relationship between zygotic selection and the control of TGMS in this cross. A linkage map comprising 1,213.3 cM was constructed based on the segregation data of the F2 population. Ninety-five out of 116 microsatellite polymorphic markers were assembled into 11 linkage groups, with an average of 12.77 cM between two adjacent marker loci. The phenotypic and genotypic data allowed for the identification of three new quantitative trait loci (QTL) for thermosensitive genic male sterility in indica rice. Two of the QTL were mapped on chromosomes that, so far, have not been associated with the genetic control of the TGMS trait (chromosomes 1 and 12). The third QTL was mapped on chromosome 7, where a TGMS locus (tms2) has recently been mapped. Allelic tests will have to be developed, in order to clarify if the two regions are the same or not.
The objetive of this work was to rescue immature embryos of apple rootstocks Malus prunifolia (Marubakaido) and Malus pumila (M9) after 40-60 days of pollination and to put them into MS culture media supplemented with agar (6 g L-1) and casein hydrolysate (500 mg L-1). Embryos originated from interspecific crosses and open pollination showed differences in the in vitro responses, depending on the female parent, the developmental stage of the embryo, and the culture medium composition. Embryos of the M. pumila rootstock, rescued within 40 days after pollination and put in culture medium supplemented with indolacetic acid (IAA), gibberellic acid (GA3), kinetin and maltose, resulted in a normal development of plantlets. However, embryos originating from hand-pollination, cultivated in medium supplemented with 14 µM IAA, 5 µM kinetin and 1.5 µM Ga3 (MS1), mainly those of M. prunifolia x M. pumila, showed a high percentage of rusted embryos (96.2%). Embryos from open pollination of M. prunifolia and M. pumila formed calluses. It was possible to identify the influence of the female parent by the enhanced development of M. pumila shoots derived from open or hand-pollination. The crossing of responsive species and the use of the technique of embryo culture provided a rapid and uniform germination and, consequently, the development of fully normal seedlings.
The aim of this work was to evaluate a protocol for plant regeneration by means of somatic embryos obtained from isolated adult pejibaye leaf primordia, and to describe histological origin of embryos and morphogenetic response. Explants were cultivated in modified MS medium. Mesophyll parenchymatous cells originated meristemoids (preembryonic complex formation) induced with 7.1 µM BAP in the first two subculture periods. After polarized structures with 12.9 µM NAA and 3.55 µM BAP were formed in the third subculture, somatic embryos developed and regenerated normal plants. The mesophyll parenchymatous cells display high capacity of direct response to the auxin and cytokinin.
The objective of this study was to establish cell suspension culture and plant regeneration via somatic embryogenesis of a Brazilian plantain, cultivar Terra Maranhão, AAB. Immature male flowers were used as explant source for generating highly embryogenic cultures 45 days after inoculation, which were used for establishment of cell suspension culture and multiplication of secondary somatic embryos. Five semisolid culture media were tested for differentiation, maturation, somatic embryos germination and for plant regeneration. An average of 558 plants per one milliliter of 5% SCV (settled cell volume) were regenerated in the MS medium, with 11.4 µM indolacetic acid and 2.2 µM 6-benzylaminopurine. Regenerated plants showed a normal development, and no visible somaclonal variation was observed in vitro. It is possible to regenerate plants from cell suspensions of plantain banana cultivar Terra using MS medium supplemented with 11.4 µM of IAA and 2.2 µM of BAP.
The objective of this work was to evaluated a procedure for somatic embryogenesis and regeneration of cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) elite clones. Petal explants from cacao clones TSH 565 and TSH 1188 were cultured on PCG and SCG-2 media, for calli growth. Somatic embryos were formed on the surface of embryogenic calli after transfer to embryo development (ED) medium. Clone TSH 565 showed a higher embryogenic potential than TSH 1188. The best combination of carbon source for embryo induction in ED medium was genotype-specific. Embryogenic callus formations increased in micropore tape-sealed Petri dishes, irrespective of cacao genotype. Mature somatic embryos were successfully converted into plantlets.
The aim of this work was to quantify the protein, starch and total sugars levels during histodifferentiation and development of somatic embryos of Acca sellowiana Berg. For histological observations, the samples were dehydrated in a battery of ethanol, embedded in historesin and stained with toluidine blue (morphology), coomassie blue (protein bodies) and periodic acid-Schiff (starch). Proteins were extracted using a buffer solution, precipitated using ethanol and quantified using the Bradford reagent. Total sugars were extracted using a methanol-chloroform-water (12:5:3) solution and quantified by a reaction with anthrone at 0.2%. Starch was extracted using a 30% perchloric acid solution and quantified by a reaction with anthrone at 0.2%. During the somatic embryogenesis' in vitro morphogenesis and differentiation processes, the total protein levels decreased and the soluble sugars levels increased during the first 30 days in culture and remained stable until the 120th day. On the other hand, total protein levels increased according to the progression in the developmental stages of the somatic embryos. The levels of total sugars and starch increased in the heart and cotyledonary stages, and decreased in the torpedo and pre-cotyledonary stages. These compounds play a central role in the development of somatic embryos of Acca sellowiana.
The objective of this study was to produce citrus somatic asymmetric hybrids by fusing gamma-irradiated protoplasts with iodoacetamide-treated protoplasts. Protoplasts were isolated from embryogenic suspension cells of grapefruit (Citrus paradisi Macfad.) cultivars Ruby Red and Flame, sweet oranges (C. sinensis Osbeck) 'Itaboraí', 'Natal', Valencia', and 'Succari', from 'Satsuma' (C. unshiu Marcow.) and 'Changsha' mandarin (C. reticulata Blanco) and 'Murcott' tangor (C. reticulata x C. sinensis). Donor protoplasts were exposed to gamma rays and receptor protoplasts were treated with 3 mmol L-1 iodoacetamide (IOA), and then they were fused for asymmetric hybridization. Asymmetric embryos were germinated, and the resulting shoots were either grafted onto sour orange, rough lemon or 'Swingle' (C. paradisi x Poncirus trifoliata) x 'Sunki' mandarin rootstock seedlings, or rooted after dipping their bases in indol-butyric acid (IBA) solution. The products were later acclimatized to greenhouse conditions. Ploidy was analyzed by flow cytometry, and hybridity was confirmed by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis of plantlet DNAsamples. The best treatment was the donor-recipient fusion combination of 80 Gy-irradiated 'Ruby Red' protoplasts with 20 min IOA-treated 'Succari' protoplasts. Tetraploid and aneuploid plants were produced. Rooting recalcitrance was solved by dipping shoots' stems in 3,000 mg L-1 IBA solution for 10 min.
Mango can be propagated by seeds or by grafting. For commercial purpose, grafting is the most appropriate method because it maintains the genetic characters from the propagated variety. To obtain grafted mango it is important to use polyembryonic varieties as rootstock since they produce a zygotic and many nucellar plantlets. The nucellar plantlets maintain the genetics of the mother-plant thus, are preferred for grafting since they supposedly give more uniformity to the orchard. In general, nurserymen use the most vigorous plantelet to graft, believing that they are nucellar. But, orchard disuniformities on height and yield are very common among mango trees of commercial orchards in Northeast region. The objective of this paper was to identify the genetical origin of plantlets from polyembryonic seeds of Rosinha variety using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Moreover, the position of the zygotic embryo and the percentage of the vigorous zygotic and nucellar plantlets was also determined. It was obtained an elevated taxa of vigorous zygotic plantlets which possibly explains the disuniformity on height of trees at commercial mango orchards.
The biotechnological techniques may help solve many problems of guava culture, such as the high perishability of fruits. Somatic embryogenesis can generate highly multiplicative cell cultures and with high regenerative potential, serving as basis for genetic transformation. The aim of this work was to obtain somatic embryogenesis of guava (Psidium guajava L.) cv. Paluma. Immature seeds were used, and they were inoculated in MS environment containing 400 mg L-1 of L-glutamine, 100 mg L-1 myo-inositol, 60 g L-1 sucrose, 100 mg L-1 ascorbic acid and supplemented with different types and concentrations of growth regulators. Embryogenic callus appeared after 37 days of culture in an environment containing 1.0 mg L-1 2.4-D + 2.0 mg L-1 2-ip, in 7% of the explants. After 65 days of culture, the treatment containing 0.5 mg L-1 CPA showed 20% of explants with direct embryos, while the treatment with 1 mg L-1 had 14% of explants with direct embryos and 7% of explants with embryogenic callus. In 66.6% of embryos regenerated with 0.5 mg L¹ CPA there was the formation of secondary embryos. The use of IASP and BAP, aiming embryogenesis proliferation, led to an increase in the cellular proliferation, but calli apparently lost their embryogenic potential.
Although the citriculture is one of the most important economic activities in Brazil, it is based on a small number of varieties. This fact has contributed for the vulnerability of the culture regarding the phytosanitary problems. A higher number of varieties/genotypes with potential for commercial growing, either for the industry or fresh market, has been one of the main objectives of citrus breeding programs. The genetic breeding of citrus has improved, in the last decades, due to the possibility of an association between biotechnological tools and classical methods of breeding. The use of molecular markers for early selection of zygotic seedlings from controlled crosses resulted in the possibility of selection of a high number of new combination and, as a consequence, the establishment of a great number of hybrids in field experiments. The faster new tools are incorporated in the program, the faster is possibility to reach new genotypes that can be tested as a new variety. Good traits should be kept or incorporate, whereas bad traits have to be excluded or minimized in the new genotype. Scion and rootstock can not be considered separately, and graft compatibility, fruit quality and productivity are essential traits to be evaluated in the last stages of the program. The mapping of QTLs has favored breeding programs of several perennial species and in citrus it was possible to map several characteristics with qualitative and quantitative inheritance. The existence of linkage maps and QTLs already mapped, the development of EST and BAC library and the sequencing of the Citrus complete genome altogether make very demanding and urgent the exploration of such data to launch a wider genetic study of citrus. The rising of information on genome of several organisms has opened new approaches looking for integration between breeding, genetic and genome. Genome assisted selection (GAS) involves more than gene or complete genome sequencing and is becoming an import support in breeding programs of annual and perennial species. An huge information amount can be derivate from genome analysis. The use and benefit of such informations will depend on the genetic basis of the breeding program.
ABSTRACTThe study was conducted with shoot tip explants of neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) to identify a viable regenerative process. Shoot tips were obtained from neem embryos cultured alternatingly in DKW medium supplemented with BAP and medium without hormones. Initial shoot development was influenced by cotyledon presence. Basal callus, excised from in vitro stem base, also presented organogenic potential. In some cases, plant lines, obtained from each seed, presented different characteristics. The most common characteristic observed in vitro was callus formation at the stem base. However, the rarest characteristics were stem callus formation and leaf senescence. The regenerated shoot tips were further subculture and rooted on a medium supplemented with IBA so that complete plants could be obtained. The rooted plants were transplanted to a greenhouse and successfully acclimatized. No significant differences in in vivo development were observed between neem plants from callus and from shoot tip propagation.
A dichorionic twin pregnancy with complete hydatidiform mole and coexistent fetus is a rare and challenging situation, whose pathogenesis has not been yet fully understood. We present a case of a 39-year-old woman who underwent intracytoplasmic sperm injection with two embryos transfer. The 12-week gestation ultrasound examination revealed normal fetus and placenta with features of hydatidiform mole, leading to pregnancy termination. Autopsy and histological examinations diagnosed a complete mole coexisting with a normal fetus, and the genetic analysis showed a diploid fetus with biparental genome and molar tissue with paternal diploidy. This case highlighted that complete molar pregnancies may still occur even though pregnancy is achieved after intracytoplasmic sperm injection. A review of the literature was performed by collecting data from the few similar reported cases and by commenting on the pathogenesis of this rare condition.