113 resultados para tomato leafminer.
The use of organic matter that improves the physical, chemical and biological soil properties has been studied as an inducer of suppressiveness to soilborne plant pathogens. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of different sources and concentrations of organic matter on tomato bacterial wilt control. Two commercially available organic composts and freshly cut aerial parts of pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) and crotalaria (Crotalaria juncea) were incorporated, in concentrations of 10, 20 and 30 % (v/v), into soil infested with Ralstonia solanacearum. The soil with the fresh organic matter of pigeon pea and crotalaria was incubated for 30 and 60 days before planting. Tomato seedlings of cv. Santa Clara were transplanted into polyethylene bags with 3 kg of the planting substrate (infested soil + organic matter). The wilting symptoms and percentage of flowering plants were evaluated for 45 days. All evaluated concentrations with incorporation and incubation for 30 days of aerial parts of pigeon pea and crotalaria controlled 100% tomato bacterial wilt. With 60 days of incubation, only the 10 % concentration of pigeon pea and crotalaria did not control the disease. These results suggest that soil incorporation of fresh aerial parts of pigeon pea and crotalaria is an effective method for bacterial wilt control.
O objetivo desse trabalho foi caracterizar os padrões temporal e espacial do Tomato yellow vein streak virus (ToYVSV) em tomatais cultivados em condições de campo, no município de Sumaré, e de estufa plástica, na região de Elias Fausto, Estado de São Paulo. No ensaio de campo, plantado com a variedade Alambra, foram avaliadas 4.032 plantas, distribuídas em oito blocos. Em oito estufas plásticas, com plantios escalonados da variedade Ikram, foram avaliadas 6.016 plantas. As avaliações foram feitas com base nos sintomas característicos induzidos por esse vírus. A confirmação da identidade do vírus foi feita por meio da análise da seqüência de nucleotídeos de parte do DNA-A viral (genes AV1 e AC3). No ensaio em condições de campo, a incidência da doença evoluiu lentamente, desde um mínimo de 0,002 (proporção de plantas sintomáticas) até um máximo de 0,0497. Mesmo assim, foi possível constatar um efeito de borda, pois a incidência média de plantas doentes nos blocos situados nos bordos da área foi 2,1 vezes maior do que naqueles internos. O progresso da incidência da doença foi linear, o que indica que novas infecções foram devidas principalmente a um influxo constante de vetores virulíferos de fora para dentro da área avaliada. Nos plantios em estufas plásticas, os níveis finais de doença foram fortemente dependentes da época de plantio, com médias variando de 4,8% a 69,3%. A distribuição espacial de plantas sintomáticas nesses plantios foi fortemente agregada. Essa agregação provavelmente não se deve a infecções secundárias dentro das estufas plásticas, mas sim à concentração de plantas sintomáticas nos bordos das estufas, conseqüência da migração de vetores virulíferos a partir de áreas externas à estufa. Com base nesses resultados, sugere-se a eliminação de fontes de inóculo representadas por plantios mais velhos de tomateiro e por hospedeiras do vírus na vegetação espontânea como uma das principais medidas para o manejo da doença.
The culture and commercialization of ornamental plants have considerably increased in the last years. To supply the commercial demand, several Hemerocallis and Impatiens varieties have been bred for appreciated qualities such as flowers with a diversity of shapes and colors. With the aim of characterizing the tobamovirus isolated from Hemerocallis sp. (tobamo-H) and Impatiens hawkeri (tobamo-I) from the USA and São Paulo, respectively, as well as to establish phylogenetic relationships between them and other Tobamovirus species, the viruses were submitted to RNA extraction, RT-PCR amplification, coat-protein gene sequencing and phylogenetic analyses. Comparison of tobamovirus homologous sequences yielded values superior to 98.5% of identity with Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV) isolates at the nucleotide level. In relation to tobamo-H, 100% of identity with ToMV from tomatoes from Australia and Peru was found. Based on maximum likelihood (ML) analysis it was suggested that tobamo-H and tobamo-I share a common ancestor with ToMV, Tobacco mosaic virus, Odontoglossum ringspot virus and Pepper mild mottle virus. The tree topology reconstructed under ML methodology shows a monophyletic group, supported by 100% of bootstrap, consisting of various ToMV isolates from different hosts, including some ornamentals, from different geographical locations. The results indicate that Hemerocallis sp. and I. hawkeri are infected by ToMV. This is the first report of the occurrence of this virus in ornamental species in Brazil.
The capacity of two bacteria isolated from the tomato phylloplane to control late blight (Phytophthora infestans) was investigated in the field, and compared against the effectiveness of spraying with the fungicide chlorothalonil (1.5 g a.i. L-1) or water (control). A 55% reduction in late blight intensity was observed in the leaves of the middle of the plant and 62% in those of the upper leaves when using the antagonist UFV-STB 6 (Novosphingobium capsulatum) as compared to the control. Isolate UFV-IEA 6 (Bacillus cereus) was able to reduce disease intensity by 55%, but only in the upper leaves of the tomato plants. Treatment with isolate UFV-STB 6 also led to a significant reduction in the percentage of fruits with late blight symptoms. The results demonstrate the potential of these two bacteria in controlling this disease.
Plantas de campânula (Campanula medium) exibindo mosaico e necrose foliar e anéis em flores foram coletadas em uma estufa comercial de flores na região de Atibaia, SP. Suspeitando de possível etiologia viral, amostras de tecido lesionado foram analisadas por ensaios de transmissão mecânica, microscopia eletrônica e sorologia. Todos os resultados apontaram para a presença do Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) como o responsável pelos sintomas. Esse é o primeiro relato deste patógeno em campânula no Brasil.
Um levantamento para avaliar a ocorrência de begomovírus nas culturas de pimentão e tomateiro no estado de São Paulo foi realizado entre janeiro/2007 e julho/2008. O DNA total de amostras de pimentão (710) e de tomateiro (103) foi extraído e a presença de begomovírus foi testada por PCR. Paralelamente, as mesmas amostras foram avaliadas por amplificação por círculo rolante (RCA) seguidas de PCR, e algumas amostras positivas analisadas por RCA-RFLP com a enzima de restrição HpaII, a fim de se conhecer a variabilidade genética dos isolados. Os resultados demonstraram que, para a técnica de PCR, 99 amostras de pimentão (13,94%) e 39 de tomateiro (37,86%) foram positivas para a presença de begomovírus, enquanto que por RCA-PCR, 333 (46,90%) de pimentão e 82 (79,61%) de tomateiro mostrando a maior sensibilidade desta técnica. Seqüências correspondentes à região 5' da capa protéica (CP) e um segmento de gene da região intergênica foram analisadas e indicaram apenas a presença da espécie Tomato severe rugose virus (ToSRV). Porém, seqüenciamento parcial de clones obtidos a partir de produto RCA de tomateiro permitiu a detecção de infecção mista de ToSRV e Tomato yellow vein streak virus (ToYVSV). Por RCA-RFLP quatro padrões de restrição foram observados para o ToSRV em pimentão, enquanto que em tomateiro observaram-se 18 padrões.Os resultados indicam maior diversidade genética dos begomovírus em tomateiro quando comparada com os de pimentão.
A espécie Tomato severe rugose virus (ToSRV) é a predominante em áreas de cultivo de pimentão no Estado de São Paulo. Sua ocorrência na cultura é relativamente recente de modo que não existem informações sobre os danos causados nesta cultura. Os objetivos do presente trabalho foram avaliar a produtividade e qualidade dos frutos de pimentão de três cultivares (Magda, Amanda e Rubia R) quando infectadas com o ToSRV. Verificou-se acentuada redução no número de frutos e menor crescimento das plantas, porém, o ToSRV não influenciou significativamente na massa, diâmetro e comprimento dos frutos. Os resultados obtidos até o momento permitem concluir que o ToSRV causa danos em pimentão e que há necessidade de estudos visando resistência ao ToSRV.
Organic matter plays a fundamental role in the antagonistic activity of microorganisms against phytonematode populations on the soil. In this study, the compatibility between the fungus Pochonia chlamydosporia (Pc-12) and the rhizobacterium Gracilibacillus dipsosauri (MIC 14) was evaluated in vitro, as well as the effect of the fungus at the concentration of 5,000 chlamydospores per gram of soil, rhizobacterium at 4.65 x 10(9) cells/g of soil, and the soil conditioner Ribumin® at 10 g/pot, either alone or in combination, against Meloidogyne javanica population in tomato plants (3,000 eggs/pot). A suspension of water or Ribumin® alone was applied on the soil as negative control, while a suspension of nematode eggs was applied as positive control. The reduction in the number of galls in roots per plant was 48 and 41% for the treatments Ribumin + MIC 14 + Pc-12 and MIC 14 + Pc-12, respectively. Regarding to the number of eggs per plant, MIC 14 and Pc-12 + Ribumin led to a reduction by 26 and 21%, respectively, compared to the control treatment. Interaction between the nematophagous fungus and the rhizobacterium was positive for the nematode control, even though G. dipsosauri inhibited P. chlamydosporia growth by up to 30% in in vitro tests.
Studies addressing the biological control of Botrytis cinerea have been unsuccessful because of fails in inoculating tomato plants with the pathogen. With the aim of establishing a methodology for inoculation into stems, experiments were designed to assess: i. the aggressiveness of pathogen isolates; ii. the age at which tomato plants should be inoculated; iii. the susceptibility of tissues at different stem heights; iv. the need for a moist chamber after inoculation; and v. the effectiveness of gelatin regarding inoculum adhesion. Infection with an isolate from tomato plants that was previously inoculated into petioles and then re-isolated was successful. An isolate from strawberry plants was also aggressive, although less than that from tomato plants. Tomato plants close to flowering, at 65 days after sowing, and younger, middle and apical stem portions were more susceptible. There was positive correlation between lesion length and sporulation and between lesion length and broken stems. Lesion length and the percentage of sporulation sites were reduced by using a moist chamber and were not affected by adding gelatin to the inoculum suspension. This methodology has been adopted in studies of B. cinerea in tomato plants showing reproducible results. The obtained results may assist researchers who study the gray mold.
A mosca branca Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) é considerada uma das pragas agrícolas mais ameaçadoras em todo o mundo, pelo seu efeito direto na sucção de seiva das plantas e principalmente pelo seu efeito indireto de transmitir vírus, em especial os begomovírus. No Brasil, a espécie de begomovírus predominante em solanáceas é o Tomato severe rugose vírus - ToSRV. Uma possibilidade de manejo da doença é a utilização de cultivares resistentes ou tolerantes tanto ao vírus, como ao inseto vetor. Foram avaliados neste trabalho a dispersão primária e secundária do ToSRV por Bemisia tabaci, espécie MEAM1, também conhecida como biótipo B, em cultivares tolerantes ao ToSV Capsicum baccatum (IAC-1357) C. annuum (IAC-1566) e C. frutescens (IAC-1544). O genótipo (IAC-1544) apresentou menor número de plantas infectadas pelo ToSRV no ensaio de dispersão primária e nenhuma eficiência na transmissão do isolado na dispersão secundária. Estes resultados colaboram para o melhoramento de pimentão e pimentas visando a resistência ao ToSRV e seu inseto vetor.
The seedlings production is an essential part for vegetables production. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the environment, the substrates and the containers in the development of tomato seedlings, cv. Santa crus Kada Gigante, in Aquidauana -MS, Brazil region, from October to November, 2008. Polystyrene trays with 72; 128 and 200 cells, filled with four substrates (soil; Plantmax®; coconut fiber and vermiculite) were tested in three protected environments (greenhouse; screened with Sombrite® and screened with Aluminet®). The experimental design was completely randomized, factorial scheme 3x4 (three trays x four substrates), with four replications, being analyzed individual variance analysis and joint analysis for the environments. The environment with screens (Sombrite® and Aluminet®), the trays with 72 cells and the vermiculite produced better results.
The objective of this study was to evaluate production of Sweet Grape mini tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) using culture substrates and nutrient solution sewage effluent, applied by drip irrigation (fertigation). The experiment was conducted at the University of Goiás State (UEG-UnUCET), from June to November 2011 in Anápolis-GO, Brazil. The experimental design was a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement in a randomized complete block design with four repetitions. The plots were made by combining two nutrient solutions, effluent supplemented with mineral fertilizers (EcS); conventional nutrient solution (SnC); in addition three cultivation substrates: 60% of fine sand washed + 40% substrate composed by 20% coconut fiber plus 80% pine bark (S1); 20% coconut fiber and 80% pine bark (S2) and natural coconut fiber (S3). Sewage effluent were determined nitrate, calcium, potassium, manganese, total phosphate, total iron, magnesium, chloride, sulphate, boron, zinc and molybdenum. We evaluated average mass and average number of fruits per bunch, total fruit and total yield per plant. Statistical difference absence among tested solutions indicates sewage effluent can be used as an alternative source of nutrients in growing mini tomatoes in hydroponics.
ABSTRACT This paper aims at evaluating the shelf life of mini tomatoes (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) cultivar ‘Sweet Grape’, grown in hydroponics, and stored under environmental and refrigerated conditions inside different packages. We adopted a completely randomized design, in which treatments were combinations of storage conditions: environment (e) and refrigerated (r) with packaging: polyvinyl chloride film (PVC); low-density polyethylene (LDPE); biofilm of tomato fruit of Solanum lycocarpum A.St.-Hil (lobeira) (TFB); cassava starch biofilm (CSB); carnauba wax (Copernicia prunifera) (CW), and without packaging - control (C). Physicochemical and sensory tests were carried out at the beginning (day zero), and at 8, 19, and 33 days of storage (DS). Fruit stored inside PVCr, LDPEe, LDPEr, and CWr had an acceptable shelf life of 33 days. The use of cassava and tomato starches were not effective in controlling fruit fresh weight loss. ‘Sweet Grape’ tomato postharvest conservation was enhanced under refrigerated conditions. The sensory evaluation results revealed that CWr treatment most pleased appraisers, while PCV had the highest rejection rate.
Parasitic weed species of the genus Orobanche are serious threat for the production of several crops in Europe, Africa and Asia. Research on resistant host plant varieties is one of the most effective management strategies for this parasitic weed. In this study, the susceptibility of twenty-nine tomato varieties to broomrape infection (Orobanche aegyptiaca) under greenhouse conditions was investigated. The employed experimental design was completely randomized with three replications. Differences in susceptibility to infection were monitored among tomato varieties based on their difference in the number of emerged shoots of broomrape and broomrape dry weight (shoots and tubercles). Date of Orobanche emergence varied over a period of 3 to 30 days between varieties. Very late infection was monitored for varieties of Cal-jN3, Viva, Caligen 86, Packmor, CSX 5013, Hyb. PS 6515 and Hyb Petopride5. Differences in the growth and fruit yield among tomato varieties were also found in response to broomrape infestation. Moderate levels of resistance were obtained in Viva, Caligen 86, Hyb. PS 6515, Hyb.Firenze (PS 8094) and Cal-jN3 among other tomato varieties. In contrast, varieties of Kimia-Falat, Hyb. Petopride II and Hyb.AP865 were the most susceptible hosts to Orobanche aegyptiaca.