72 resultados para structural holes


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Currently, the standards that deal with the determination of the properties of rigidity and strength for structural round timber elements do not take in consideration in their calculations and mathematical models the influence of the existing irregularities in the geometry of these elements. This study has as objective to determine the effective value of the modulus of longitudinal elasticity for structural round timber pieces of the Eucalyptus citriodora genus by a technique of optimization allied to the Inverse Analysis Method, to the Finite Element Method and the Least Square Method.


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Round timber has great use in civil construction, performing the function of beams, columns, foundations, poles for power distribution among others, with the advantage of not being processed, such as lumber. The structural design of round timber requires determining the elastic properties, mainly the modulus of elasticity. The Brazilian standards responsible for the stiffness and strength determination of round timber are in effect for over twenty years with no technical review. Round timber, for generally present an axis with non-zero curvature according to the position of the element in the bending test, may exhibit different values of modulus of elasticity. This study aims to analyze the position effect of Eucalyptus grandis round timber on the flexural modulus of elasticity. The three-point bending test was evaluated in two different positions based on the longitudinal rotation of the round timber element. The results revealed that at least two different positions of the round timber element are desired to obtain significant modulus of elasticity.


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This study aims to present an alternative calculation methodology based on the Least Squares Method for determining the modulus of elasticity in bending wooden beams of structural dimensions. The equations developed require knowledge of three or five points measured in displacements along the piece, allowing greater reliability on the response variable, using the statistical bending test at three points and non-destructively, resulting from imposition of measures from small displacements L/300 and L/200, the largest being stipulated by the Brazilian norm NBR 7190:1997. The woods tested were Angico, Cumaru, Garapa and Jatoba. Besides obtaining the modulus of elasticity through the alternative methodology proposed, these were also obtained employing the Brazilian norm NBR 7190:1997, adapted to the condition of non-destructive testing (small displacements) and for pieces of structural dimensions. The results of the modulus of elasticity of the four species of wood according to both calculation approaches used proved to be equivalent, implying the good approximation provided by the methodology of calculation adapted from the Brazilian norm.


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Porcine circovirus 2 (PCV2) is generally associated with the porcine circovirosis syndrome, which is considered an important disease of swine and has potentially serious economic impact on the swine industry worldwide. This article describes the construction of a recombinant plasmid expressing the PCV2 structural protein and the evaluation of cellular and humoral immune responses produced by this recombinant vaccine in BALB/c mice. The vaccine candidate was obtained and analyzed in vivo, in an effort to determine the ability to induce a specific immune response in mice. DNA was extracted from a Brazilian PCV2 isolate and the gene coding for Cap protein was amplified by PCR and inserted into an expression plasmid. Groups of BALB/c mice were inoculated intra-muscularly and intradermally in a 15-day interval, with 100 µg and 50 µg of the vaccine construct, respectively. Another group was inoculated intramuscularly with 100 µg of empty plasmid, corresponding to the control group. Seroconversion and cellular response in BALB/c mice were compared and used for vaccine evaluation. Seroconversion was analyzed by ELISA. After a series of 3 immunizations the spleen cells of the immunized animals were used to perform lymphocyte proliferation assays. Seroconversion to PCV2 was detected by ELISA in the animals inoculated with the vaccine construct when compared with control groups. Lymphocyte proliferation assays showed a stronger cell proliferation in the inoculated animals compared with the control group. Thus, the vaccine candidate construct demonstrated to be able to induce both humoral and cellular responses in inoculated mice.


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A frequency-domain method for nonlinear analysis of structural systems with viscous, hysteretic, nonproportional and frequency-dependent damping is presented. The nonlinear effects and nonproportional damping are considered through pseudo-force terms. The modal coordinates uncoupled equations are iteratively solved. The treatment of initial conditions in the frequency domain which is necessary for the treatment of the uncoupled equations is initially adressed.


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This paper presents the development of a two-dimensional interactive software environment for structural analysis and optimization based on object-oriented programming using the C++ language. The main feature of the software is the effective integration of several computational tools into graphical user interfaces implemented in the Windows-98 and Windows-NT operating systems. The interfaces simplify data specification in the simulation and optimization of two-dimensional linear elastic problems. NURBS have been used in the software modules to represent geometric and graphical data. Extensions to the analysis of three-dimensional problems have been implemented and are also discussed in this paper.


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The objective of this work was to analyze the floristic variation and phytosociological structure of weeds as influenced by relief and time of year in eucalyptus plantations in Santana do Paraíso and Guanhães - MG. The total area sampled for each locality was approximately 10 ± 3 hectares, comprising three types of relief: lowland, slope, and upper area. In each type of relief, 10 plots of 1 m² were sampled, corresponding to 30 plots per locality, where they were randomly allocated in a zigzag. The taxonomic identification was performed in four assessments, corresponding to the months of November and March, comprising two ratings each season, always at the same points, and geo-referenced using the Global Positioning System (GPS). A total of 3,893 individuals, 18 families and 61 species, were identified in Santana do Paraiso and a total of 1,166 individuals, 13 families and 58 species, in Guanhães. In both localities, the most representative families in terms of wealth were: Poaceae, Asteraceae, and Fabaceae. Galinsoga parviflora was the most abundant species. The Vernonia polyantes was identified only in the lowlands, while Arrabida florida was identified in the slope and upper area. On the other hand, Emilia coccinea, Sida rhombifolia, S. paniculatum and Spermacoce latifolia were common to all three environments. Commelina benghalensis was present only in the month of March, while G. parviflora was present only in the month of November. It was concluded that the floristic and phytosociological variation of weeds in eucalyptus plantations is influenced by the type of relief and time of year, which should guide the management practices used in the culture.


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Echinolaena inflexa (Poir.) Chase is a native C3 grass species with high biomass production and abundance in the cerrado comparable to Melinis minutiflora Beauv., a C4 forage grass of African origin, widespread in the cerrado, displacing some native herbaceous species. These species accumulate mainly starch, differently of Lolium multiflorum Lam. ssp. italicum Beck cv. Lema (ryegrass), a C3 temperate forage grass that accumulates fructans as the major storage carbohydrate in the vegetative tissues. In the present study, we analyzed diurnal variations in the content and composition of non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) in the aerial vegetative parts of the three species. Results showed similarity in water-soluble carbohydrates (WSC) and starch contents between Melinis minutiflora and Echinolaena inflexa, with the exotic grass accumulating higher amounts of NSC. However, the levels of sucrose, glucose and fructose were 10 fold higher in Lolium multiflorum, that accumulates fructan as the main storage carbohydrate. Although the contents of WSC and starch were similar in the tropical species E. inflexa and M. minutiflora, their diurnal variations were different and could be related to starch metabolism, especially in M. minutiflora.


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Granitic rock outcrops of the Brazilian southeast are either coastal or inland. The latter can often have high altitudes, such as in the summits of "Serra do Mar" and "Serra da Mantiqueira", where they are known as "Campos de Altitude". The landscape on these high altitude plateaux is often a mosaic of shrubs and treelets within a bunchgrass matrix, with sparse pteridophytes and other herbs, interspersed with variable extensions of rock outcrops. Despite the pervasiveness of rock outcrops in the Brazilian landscape, studies on the structural analysis of the vegetation on such formations are scarce. This study aimed to analyze the structure of the vegetation on a highland granitic rock outcrop in "Parque Estadual da Serra do Brigadeiro", state of Minas Gerais, Southeast Brazil (42°20' - 42°40' S and 20°20' - 21°00' W, 1,722 m of elevation ). Quantitative parameters of absolute and relative frequency and dominance (cover) were estimated. The group analysis used the Jaccard similarity index. Trilepis lhotzkiana, Panicum sp. 1, and Vellozia variegata presented the highest relative frequencies, relative dominances and importance values. These three species, along with Dyckia bracteata, Rhynchospora emaciate, and Tibouchina cf. manicata, represented 98.3% of the relative dominance. The remaining 1.7% referred to 22 remaining species. The distinction among quadrats within formed groups by cluster analysis was due to the great number of low frequency species.


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Lipoprotein Lp(a) is a major and independent genetic risk factor for atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. The essential difference between Lp(a) and low density lipoproteins (LDL) is apolipoprotein apo(a), a glycoprotein structurally similar to plasminogen, the precursor of plasmin, the fibrinolytic enzyme. This structural homology endows Lp(a) with the capacity to bind to fibrin and to membrane proteins of endothelial cells and monocytes, and thereby to inhibit plasminogen binding and plasmin generation. The inhibition of plasmin generation and the accumulation of Lp(a) on the surface of fibrin and cell membranes favor fibrin and cholesterol deposition at sites of vascular injury. Moreover, insufficient activation of TGF-ß due to low plasmin activity may result in migration and proliferation of smooth muscle cells into the vascular intima. These mechanisms may constitute the basis of the athero-thrombogenic mode of action of Lp(a). It is currently accepted that this effect of Lp(a) is linked to its concentration in plasma. An inverse relationship between Lp(a) concentration and apo(a) isoform size, which is under genetic control, has been documented. Recently, it has been shown that inhibition of plasminogen binding to fibrin by apo(a) is also inversely associated with isoform size. Specific point mutations may also affect the lysine-binding function of apo(a). These results support the existence of functional heterogeneity in apolipoprotein(a) isoforms and suggest that the predictive value of Lp(a) as a risk factor for vascular occlusive disease would depend on the relative concentration of the isoform with the highest affinity for fibrin


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The characterization of proteins from Brucella spp, the causative agent of brucellosis, has been the subject of intensive research. We have described an 18-kDa cytoplasmic protein of Brucella abortus and shown the potential usefulness of this protein as an antigen for the serologic diagnosis of brucellosis. The amino acid sequence of the protein showed a low but significant homology with that of lumazine synthases. Lumazine is an intermediate product in bacterial riboflavin biosynthesis. The recombinant form of the 18-kDa protein (expressed in E. coli) folds like the native Brucella protein and has lumazine-synthase enzymatic activity. Three-dimensional analysis by X-ray crystallography of the homolog Bacillus subtilis lumazine synthase has revealed that the enzyme forms an icosahedral capsid. Recombinant lumazine synthase from B. abortus was crystallized, diffracted X rays to 2.7-Å resolution at room temperature, and the structure successfully solved by molecular replacement procedures. The macromolecular assembly of the enzyme differs from that of the enzyme from B. subtilis. The Brucella enzyme remains pentameric (90 kDa) in its crystallographic form. Nonetheless, the active sites of the two enzymes are virtually identical at the structural level, indicating that inhibitors of these enzymes could be viable pharmaceuticals across a broad species range. We describe the structural reasons for the differences in their quaternary arrangement and also discuss the potential use of this protein as a target for the development of acellular vaccines.


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Seven unrelated patients with hemoglobin (Hb) H disease and 27 individuals with alpha-chain structural alterations were studied to identify the alpha-globin gene mutations present in the population of Southeast Brazil. The -alpha3.7, --MED and -(alpha)20.5 deletions were investigated by PCR, whereas non-deletional alpha-thalassemia (alphaHphalpha, alphaNcoIalpha, aaNcoI, alphaIcalpha and alphaTSaudialpha) was screened with restriction enzymes and by nested PCR. Structural alterations were identified by direct DNA sequencing. Of the seven patients with Hb H disease, all of Italian descent, two had the -(alpha)20.5/-alpha3.7 genotype, one had the --MED/-alpha3.7 genotype, one had the --MED/alphaHphalpha genotype and three showed interaction of the -alpha3.7 deletion with an unusual, unidentified form of non-deletional alpha-thalassemia [-alpha3.7/(aa)T]. Among the 27 patients with structural alterations, 15 (of Italian descent) had Hb Hasharon (alpha47Asp->His) associated with the -alpha3.7 deletion, 4 (of Italian descent) were heterozygous for Hb J-Rovigo (alpha53Ala->Asp), 4 (3 Blacks and 1 Caucasian) were heterozygous for Hb Stanleyville-II (alpha78Asn->Lys) associated with the alpha+-thalassemia, 1 (Black) was heterozygous for Hb G-Pest (alpha74Asp->Asn), 1 (Caucasian) was heterozygous for Hb Kurosaki (alpha7Lys->Glu), 1 (Caucasian) was heterozygous for Hb Westmead (alpha122His->Gln), and 1 (Caucasian) was the carrier of a novel silent variant (Hb Campinas, alpha26Ala->Val). Most of the mutations found reflected the Mediterranean and African origins of the population. Hbs G-Pest and Kurosaki, very rare, and Hb Westmead, common in southern China, were initially described in individuals of ethnic origin differing from those of the carriers reported in the present study and are the first cases to be reported in the Brazilian population.


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The recently cloned extracellular calcium-sensing receptor (CaR) is a G protein-coupled receptor that plays an essential role in the regulation of extracellular calcium homeostasis. This receptor is expressed in all tissues related to this control (parathyroid glands, thyroid C-cells, kidneys, intestine and bones) and also in tissues with apparently no role in the maintenance of extracellular calcium levels, such as brain, skin and pancreas. The CaR amino acid sequence is compatible with three major domains: a long and hydrophilic aminoterminal extracellular domain, where most of the activating and inactivating mutations described to date are located and where the dimerization process occurs, and the agonist-binding site is located, a hydrophobic transmembrane domain involved in the signal transduction mechanism from the extracellular domain to its respective G protein, and a carboxyterminal intracellular tail, with a well-established role for cell surface CaR expression and for signal transduction. CaR cloning was immediately followed by the association of genetic human diseases with inactivating and activating CaR mutations: familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia and neonatal severe hyperparathyroidism are caused by CaR-inactivating mutations, whereas autosomal dominant hypoparathyroidism is secondary to CaR-activating mutations. Finally, we will comment on the development of drugs that modulate CaR function by either activating (calcimimetic drugs) or antagonizing it (calcilytic drugs), and on their potential therapeutic implications, such as medical control of specific cases of primary and uremic hyperparathyroidism with calcimimetic drugs and a potential treatment for osteoporosis with a calcilytic drug.


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The aim of the present study was to investigate the expression of alpha-smooth muscle actin (alpha-SM-actin) and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) in renal cortex from patients with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) and their correlations with parameters of renal disease progression. We analyzed renal biopsies from 41 patients with idiopathic FSGS and from 14 control individuals. The alpha-SM-actin immunoreaction was evaluated using a score that reflected the changes in the extent and intensity of staining in the glomerular or cortical area. The PCNA reaction was quantified by counting the labeled cells of the glomeruli or renal cortex. The results, reported as median ± percentile (25th; 75th), showed that the alpha-SM-actin scores in the glomeruli and tubulointerstitium from the renal cortex were 2.0 (2.0; 4.0) and 3.0 (3.0; 4.0), respectively, in patients with FSGS, and 0.5 (0.0; 1.0) and 0.0 (0.0; 0.5) in the controls. The number of PCNA-positive cells per glomerulus and graded field of tubulointerstitium from the renal cortex was 0.2 (0.0; 0.4) and 1.1 (0.3; 2.2), respectively, for patients with FSGS, and 0.0 (0.0; 0.5) and 0.0 (0.0; 0.0) for controls. The present data showed an increase of alpha-SM-actin and PCNA expression in glomeruli and renal cortex from FSGS patients. The extent of immunoreaction for alpha-SM-actin in the tubulointerstitial area was correlated with the intensity of proteinuria. However, there was no correlation between the kidney expression of these proteins and the reciprocal of plasma creatinine level or renal fibrosis. These findings suggest that the immunohistochemical alterations may be reversible.


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Reconstitution of membrane proteins into lipid bilayers is a powerful tool to analyze functional as well as structural areas of membrane protein research. First, the proper incorporation of a purified membrane protein into closed lipid vesicles, to produce proteoliposomes, allows the investigation of transport and/or catalytic properties of any membrane protein without interference by other membrane components. Second, the incorporation of a large amount of membrane proteins into lipid bilayers to grow crystals confined to two dimensions has recently opened a new way to solve their structure at high resolution using electron crystallography. However, reconstitution of membrane proteins into functional proteoliposomes or 2-D crystallization has been an empirical domain, which has been viewed for a long time more like "black magic" than science. Nevertheless, in the last ten years, important progress has been made in acquiring knowledge of lipid-protein-detergent interactions and has permitted to build upon a set of basic principles that has limited the empirical approach of reconstitution experiments. Reconstitution strategies have been improved and new strategies have been developed, facilitating the success rate of proteoliposome formation and 2-D crystallization. This review deals with the various strategies available to obtain proteoliposomes and 2-D crystals from detergent-solubilized proteins. It gives an overview of the methods that have been applied, which may be of help for reconstituting more proteins into lipid bilayers in a form suitable for functional studies at the molecular level and for high-resolution structural analysis.