51 resultados para software-defined radio
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o impacto sobre o treinamento de residentes utilizando uma ferramenta computacional dedicada à avaliação do desempenho da leitura de imagens radiológicas convencionais e digitais. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: O treinamento foi realizado no Laboratório de Qualificação de Imagens Médicas (QualIM). Os residentes de radiologia efetuaram cerca de 1.000 leituras de um total de 60 imagens obtidas de um simulador estatístico (Alvim®) que apresenta fibras e microcalcificações de dimensões variadas. O desempenho dos residentes na detecção dessas estruturas foi avaliado por meio de parâmetros estatísticos. RESULTADOS: Os resultados da probabilidade de detectabilidade foram de 0,789 e 0,818 para os sistemas convencional e digital, respectivamente. As taxas de falso-positivos foram de 8% e 6% e os valores de verdadeiro-positivos, de 66% e 70%, respectivamente. O valor de kappa total foi 0,553 para as leituras em negatoscópio e 0,615 em monitor. A área sob a curva ROC foi de 0,716 para leitura em filme e 0,810 para monitor. CONCLUSÃO: O treinamento proposto mostrou ser efetivo e apresentou impacto positivo sobre o desempenho dos residentes, constituindo-se em interessante ferramenta pedagógica. Os resultados sugerem que o método de treinamento baseado na leitura de simuladores pode produzir um melhor desempenho dos profissionais na interpretação das imagens mamográficas.
Fetal development is studied since the advent of two-dimensional ultrasonography. However, a detailed assessment of structures and surfaces improved with three-dimensional ultrasonography. Currently, it is possible to identify embryonic components and fetal parts with greater detail, at all pregnancy trimesters, using the HD live software, where the images gain realistic features by means of appropriate control of lighting and shadowing effects. In the present study, the authors utilized this resource to follow-up, by means of images, the development of a normal pregnancy along all trimesters.
The interface and software for synchronous control of an autosampler and an electrothermal tungsten coil atomizer in atomic absorption spectrophotometry were developed. The control of the power supply, the trigger of the Read function of the spectrophotometer and the automatic operation of the autosampler was performed by software written in "TurboBasic". The system was evaluated by comparison of the repeatability of peak-height absorbances obtained in the atomization of lead by consecutive 10-µl injections of solutions (prepared in 0.2% v/v HNO3) using autosampler and manual sample introduction, and also by long term operation.
Though Free Radicals is one of the most frequently explored scientific subjects in mass communication media, the topic is absent of many Biochemistry introductory courses, especially those in which the students do not have a good chemical background. To overcome this contradictory situation we have developed a software treating this topic in a very simple way. The software is divided in four sections: (1) definition and description of free radicals, (2) production pathways, (3) mechanism of action and (4) enzymatic and non enzymatic protection. The instructional capacity of the software has been both qualitative and quantitatively evaluated through its application in undergraduate courses. The software is available in the INTERNET at the site: http://www.unicamp.br/ib/bioquimica/ensino.
Chemicals binding to membrane receptors may induce events within the cell changing its behavior. Since these events are simultaneous and hard to be understood by students, we developed a computational model to dynamically and visually explore the cAMP signaling system to facilitate its understanding. The animation is shown in parts, from the hormone-receptor binding to the cellular response. There are some questions to be answered after using the model. The software was field-tested and an evaluation questionnaire (concerning usability, animations, models, and the software as an educational tool) was answered by the students, showing the software to be a valuable aid for content comprehension.