173 resultados para residual value
In this paper it is studied the action of vinasse as compared to mineral fertilizers. Beans, corn, cotton and sesame were cultivated in randomized blocks receiving the following treatments: A = mineral fertilizers (N, P, K); V = vinasse at the rate of 1,000,000 liters per Ha; AV = mineral fertilizers + vinasse; T = control. Statistical analysis of the experiments has consistently revealed the superiority of vinasse either combined or not with the mineral fertilizers over the remaining treatments. There was no significant difference between V and AV which shows the surprizing role of vinasse when applied to light soils such as those employed in the present experiments. By employing 1,000,000 liters of vinasse to the hectare the following amounts of nutrientes were applied to the crops in this experiment: 470 Kg of nitrogen 50 Kg of P2O5 and 3,100 Kg of K2O corresponds to 3,133 Kg of Chilean nitrate/ha 250 Kg of superphosphate and 5,160 Kg of muriate of potash Hence one cannot say that the action of vinasse is of a purely physical nature. In our opinion its outstanding action is due to: 1st raise in the pH value of the soil; 2nd addition of a tremendous amount of plant nutrients; 3rd supplying organic matter in a very finely divided state with all its benefical effects in soil structure, water holding capacity, adsorption of nutrients to prevent leaching, etc. A rotation experiment is now being carried out to study the residual effect of vinasse.
This paper deals with the estimation of the residual effect of fertilizers through the use of Mitscherlich's law. The formulas and reasonings now presented are a further development of those introduced previously by PIMENTEL GOMES (2). The new formulas allow the estimation of the residual effect h in cases where the experiments are carried out in the same plots for two or three subsequent years (or crops). In an experiment analysed as an example, the residual effect of calcium hydroxide was estimated to be h = 0.423, that is, about 42%, so that one should advise the use of frequent application of small amounts of lime instead of heavy quantities used at long intervals.
Este trabalho apresenta os resultados de um estudo dos efeitos residuais de fertilizantes fosfatados realizado com auxílio de fósforo radioativo, do método de Neubauer e do método do A. niger. Conclui-se, de um modo geral, que, dos adubos estudados, o menos solúvel, isto é, a Fosforita de Olinda é o que apresenta maior ação residual. O superfosfato e o Fertifos, um fosfato precipitado, praticamente não diferiram entre si. Os resultados obtidos em laboratório estão de acordo com aqueles conseguidos sob condição de campo.
No presente trabalho foram determinados os teores residuais de SO2 em passas elaboradas com bananas tratadas com solução de metabisulfito de potássio a 2%, acondicionadas em alumínio,, celofane, polietileno e alumínio+polietileno ("combinado") e armazenadas de 15 a 105 dias à temperatura ambiente. A determinação de SO2 foi realizada com medida potenciométrica em eletrodo com separação de ar (em sistema de fluxo contínuo). Constatou-se que: a) o produto perde SO2 após processamento; b) o celofane proporciona, relativamente aos demais materiais testados, uma maior retenção de anidrido sulfuroso nas passas; c) os teores de SO2 encontrados nas passas de banana desde os 15 dias até os 105 dias de armazenamento não ultrapassam o limite estabelecido pela Comissão Nacional de Normas e Padrões para Alimentos.
Estudou-se efeito residual de oito fontes de fósforo em dois solos de baixo teor em fósforo, na cultura de milho (Zea mays L.). Os experimentos foram realizados na casa de vegetação. Pela avaliação do peso de matéria seca e quantidade de nitrogênio, fósforo e potássio absorvidos, constatou-se que os fertilizantes com melhor efeito residual foram metafosfato de cálcio e metafosfato de potássio, seguidos por termofosfato e fosforita de Olinda, no regosol. No latosol não se observou diferenças estatisticamente significativas para peso de materia seca, mas de uma maneira geral o metafosfato de cálcio, fosforita de Olinda e metafosfato de potássio foram os melhores. Os fertilizantes com menor efeito residual foram os que contem alto teor em fósforo solúvel em água: superfosfato triplo, superfosfato simples, fosfato diamonico e polifosfato de amonio.
Foi feito um ensaio em vasos, com 4 repetições, usando terra ácida e de baixa fertilidade para testar os valores fertilizantes de uréia (com e sem enxofre). nitrato de amônio e sulfato de amônio. Fez-se, a princípio, correção do pH para 6,0 e apiicação de adubo fosfatado e potássio nas doses de 90 e 120 kg/ha de P2O5 e K2O, respectivamente. As doses de N foram de 0, 120 e 240 kg/ha. A planta teste foi o milho. No ano seguinte o ensaio foi repetido, mas sem calagem e sem adição dos fertilizantes nitrogenados. No ano subsequente repetiu-se o ensaio anterior fazendo-se, porém, calagem em duas repetições de cada tratamento. Após a colheita do milho estudaram-se os efeitos residuais dos adubos nitrogenados em competição tomando-se como parâmetros de avaliação a produção de massa de matéria seca de partes aéreas e de plantas inteiras e conteúdos de nitrogênio das mesmas As principais conclusões gerais são: a. No que concerne à produção de matéria seca de partes aéreas e de plantas inteiras não houve efeito residual de N, exceto nos tratamentos correspondentes às partes aéreas de plantas que não receberam calagem. b. Não houve efeito residual das fontes nitrogenadas quando se tomou como parâmetro de avaliação o conteúdo de N das plantas.
Foi feito um ensaio em vasos, com 4 repetições, usando terra ácida e de baixa fertilidade para testar os valores fertilizantes de uréia (com e sem enxofre), nitrato de amônio e sulfato de amônio. Fez-se, a princípio, correção do pH para 6,0 e aplicação de adubo fosfatado e potássio nas doses de 90 e 120 kg/ha de P(2)0(5) e K(2)0, respectivamente. As doses de N foram de 0, 120 e 240 kg/ha. A planta teste foi o milho. No ano seguinte o ensaio foi repetido, mas sem calagem e sem adição dos fertilizantes nitrogenados. No ano subsequente repetiu-se o ensaio anterior fazendo-se, porém, calagem em duas repetições de cada tratamento. Após a colheita do milho estudaram-se os efeitos residuais dos adubos nitrogenados em competição tomando-se como parâmetros de avaliação a produção de massa de matéria seca de partes aéreas e de plantas inteiras e conteúdos de nitrogênio das mesmas, os teores de alumínio trocável do solo, de hidrogênio potencial, hidrogênio trocável, indices pH e porcentagens de nitrogênio das terras. As principais conclusões gerais são: a. Relativamente ao Al3+ trocável, nos tratamentos que receberam calagem não houve efeito residual dos adubos nitrogenados, mas na ausência do corretivo o sulfato de amônio apresentou efeito considerável. Os demais apresentaram efeitos menos pronunciados. b. De um modo global, no que se refere ao H+ potencial e trocável não houve efeito residual dos fertilizantes nitrogenados nos tratamentos que sofreram correção da acidez, mas, naqueles que não receberam CaCO3 houve algum efeito residual, sobretudo do sulfato de amônio. c. Quando se tomou o valor pH como índice de avaliação do efeito residual, apenas o sulfato de amônio baixou o pH das terras, tanto nos tratamentos que receberam calagem como nos que não a receberam. d. Não houve efeito residual dos fertilizantes nitrogenados quando ele foi avaliado pelo teor de N do solo. e. Quando se emprega fertilizantes amoniacais com frequência, sobretudo o sulfato de amônio, deve-se atentar para a correção da acidez do solo.
Procurou-se avaliar o comportamento agronômico do Suporte Solido Capilar para Fertilizantes Fluídos (SC), que é um produto fertilizante experimental desenvolvido pela ULTRAFÉRTIL com comportamento potencial de Fertilizante de Solubilização Lenta. Procurou-se avaliar seu efeito sobre as plantas e sobre os solos além de compará-lo com fertilizantes convencionais, através de um ensaio de efeito residual. O SC não se comportou como Fertilizante de Solubilizaçao Lenta, igualando-se aos outros tratamentos. O K quando aplicado via SC é melhor aproveitado pelas plantas e a presença do SC no solo provoca variações nos teores de P, Ca e S - SO4-2 no solo.
Residual insecticide activity of BHC vapors from various building materials in controlled humidity chambers in the laboratory were significantly different. Laboratory-reared, first instar nymphs of Dipetalogaster maximus were exposed to vapors of BHC which were being released from the treated surfaces of building materials taken from Mambaí, Goiás.
Ultrasonography can reveal most of the manifestations of portal hypertension complicating hepatosplenic, schistosomiasis. However, direct demonstration of gastroesophageal varices by ultrasonography is still very difficult. An attempt was done to correlate sonographic features of portal hypertension with the degree of fibrosis to screen patients having varices and predicting their chance of bleeding. The results obtained were found to be consistent with the esophagogastric endoscopy and with history of hematemesis. Four parameters were used, size of spleen, degree of periportal fibrosis, presence of collaterals and portal vein diameter. A pilot field survey was also done adopting the same principle.
Insecticidal residual effect and triatomine infestation rates in houses of a community fumigated with lambdcyhalothrin (Icon) are reported. No mortality was observed in 5th-instar Triatoma infestans nymphs in 72-hr exposure test on three different surfaces, one month after fumigation for a dose of 31.5 mg am/m2. However, during post-exposure observation a mortality of 60% was recorded for those insect exposed on sprayed woodboard. The results observed with mud-containing treated walls, were markedly poorer (0% of mortality). Twelve month after spraying 40% of mortality was observed on first-instar T. infestans nymphs in 72-hr exposure test on woodboard, but lower mortality rates were observed in mud-containing materials. When the effect of deltamethrin (109 mg ai/m2) and lambdcyhalothrin (94 mg ai/m2) was compared, the former did not appear to be superior at similar loads. Both have showed a mortality rate of 30% on 5th-instar T. infestans nymphs three months post-fumigation. The dose utilized in the field fumigation was enough to get a significant (p < 0.0001) control of triatomine domestic infestation, since it was sufficient to keep 95% of the houses uninfested throughout 21 months following treatment, when compared with baseline situation. A remarkable knock-down effect on adult and nymphs forms of the insect and a high in situ mortality were observed as a result of its application, even at very low doses.
An attempt was made to control phlebotomine sand flies biting indoors in a rural community near Cali, Colombia, using the residual insecticide "K-Othrine" (deltamethrin) sprayed on the inside walls of houses. Twelve houses were divided into matched pairs based on physical characteristics, one house in each pair being left untreated while the inside walls of the other were sprayed with 1 deltamethrin at a concentration of 500 mg a.i./m2. Sand flies were sampled each week using protected human bait and sticky trap collections for four months after spraying. The number of sand flies (Lutzomyia youngi) collected on sticky traps was significantly lower (P = 0.004) in the untreated houses than in the treated ones with which they were matched. This difference was not significant for L. columbiana; the other anthropophilic species were not present in large numbers. The numbers collected on human bait in treated and untreated houses were not significantly different for either species. Activity of the insecticide as determined by contact bioassays remained high throughout the study and failure to control the insects was attributed to two factors: the tendency of sand flies to bite before making contact with the insecticide and the fact that the number of sand flies that entered houses represented a relatively small proportion of the population in the wooded areas surrounding the settlement in the study.
In a visceral leishmaniasis endemic locality of northeast of Brasil where all settlements were treated with cypermethrin, a follow-up of Lutzomyia longipalpis populations was carried out by regular collections. The residual effect of the insecticide was studied using biological assays on three different types of walls. The results showed that the insecticides had an effect on intradomiciliar Lu. longipalpis populations limited to two months, and had no significant effect on peridomiciliar vector populations. The mortality rates of the tested sandflies were variable according to the type of wall. The decreasing of the insecticide effect was marked since the 3rd month, and mortality rates were identical whatever the type of wall since the 4th month. Unsufficient residual effect was detected after the 4th month.
In order to evaluate the predictive value of acid fast bacilii (AFB) smear for the diagnosis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in respiratory specimens in a setting with a high prevalence of Aids and an unknown prevalence of nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM), we retrospectively examined specimens cultured for mycobacteria between 1 September 1993 and 30 September 1994 and medical records of patients with positive culture in a General Hospital, Aids reference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Seventy three per cent (1517/2077) of samples were respiratory specimens and mycobacteria were recovered from 20.6% (313/1517) of these. M. tuberculosis was identified in 94.2% (295/313) and NTM in 5.8% (18/313). The yield of positive AFB smear and of positive culture was 6.1% (93/1517) and 20.6% (313/1517), respectively. The positive predictive value (PPV) of AFB for M. tuberculosis was 98.4% in expectorated sputum and 96.4% in bronchoalveolar lavage. Forty four percent (130/295) of specimens with positive culture for M. tuberculosis and 66.7% (12/18) for NTM were from patients HIV positive. The conclusion was that in our study population, the PPV of AFB for M. tuberculosis in respiratory specimens was high and the prevalence of NTM was low despite the high prevalence of HIV positive.
The insecticidal activity and residual effect of two formulations of lambdacyhalothrin were evaluated with Rhodnius prolixus;laboratory and field tests were conducted in the State of Chiapas, Mexico. The results indicate that the lethal concentrations of the active ingredient of SC (LC50 = 2.37 and LC90 = 8.5 mg, a.i./m²) were 4-8 times than those with the insecticide WP applied on R. prolixus bugs in palm leaves, a common building material for thatched roofs. Other investigators in South America recommended applying 30 mg a.i./m² in porous materials; we obtained that the products WP and SC were 3.5 and 16 times more effective on palm leaves. Regarding the evaluation of the residual effects in field spraying, there was up to 15 months persistence after the application of WP in two doses (8.6 mg a.i./m² and 3.752 mg a.i./m²) with SC. We consider R. prolixus highly susceptible to the employed pyrethroids; they could be used to control this vector in the state of Chiapas, Mexico.