113 resultados para pulp washing
Abstract This study evaluated the chemical and volatile composition of jujube wines fermented with Saccharomyces cerevisiae A1.25 with and without pulp contact and protease treatment during fermentation. Yeast cell population, total reducing sugar and methanol contents had significant differences between nonextracted and extracted wine. The nonextracted wines had significantly higher concentrations of ethyl 9-hexadecenoate, ethyl palmitate and ethyl oleate than the extracted wines. Pulp contact also could enhance phenylethyl alcohol, furfuryl alcohol, ethyl palmitat and ethyl oleate. Furthermore, protease treatment can accelerate the release of fusel oils. The first principal component separated the wine from the extracted juice without protease from other samples based on the higher concentrations of medium-chain fatty acids and medium-chain ethyl esters. Sensory evaluation showed pulp contact and protease could improve the intensity and complexity of wine aroma due to the increase of the assimilable nitrogen.
The objective of this study was to estimate simple and partial coefficients of correlation, as well as to divide their effects into direct and indirect using path analysis for custard apple tree traits. Twenty half-sibling progenies were evaluated in a randomized block design with five replicates, and plots consisting of four plants. Six traits were evaluated in the first cropping season (mean number of seeds per fruit and mean weight of the pericarp, pulp, pedicel, seeds per fruit, and the whole fruit), while five traits were evaluated in the first three cropping seasons (mean fruit length and width, total number of fruits ha-1, mean fruit weight (in both types of analyses), and fruit yield in kg ha-1). The results of this work led to the conclusion that doing selection based on simple correlation estimates may not be convenient, since not always a cause and effect relationship can be verified between two traits. Positive correlations were obtained between number of seeds and seed weight, and between number of fruits and yield. The greatest direct effects were those obtained for pulp weight on fruit weight and for mean number and weight of fruits on fruit yield. The most important indirect effects were obtained for number of seeds and pericarp weight, obtained via pulp weight, on fruit weight, and for fruit length and width, obtained via mean fruit weight, on fruit yield.
The objective of the present study was the exogenous stimulation of ovarian activity and definition of embryo collection, and transfer protocols, in the domestic cat for potential application in non-domestic endangered species. Sixteen adult queens and two adult male reproducers kept in the experimental cat house at the Morphology sector at the Veterinary Department (DVT), UFV, were used in this study. All the queens received a single application of 150 IU Equine Chorionic Gonadotropin (eCG) in the post estrus to induce ovarian activity and 80 to 84 hours later, received a single application of 100 UI Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) to induce ovulation. After hCG application, only the donor queens were naturally mated. The receptor queens received extra stimulus for induction of ovulation through manipulation of an intravaginal swab. Five to six days after hCG application, the donor queens were subjected to a laparotomy for embryo collection that was performed by trans-horn uterine washing. On average, six embryos were surgically inovulated. They were classified as type I and III compact morula and blastocysts in four receptor queens. Three animals presented pregnancy confirmed by ultrasound at day 36 and two of these animals gave birth to litters of two and four offsprings, respectively, at 66 and 63 days after induction of ovulation. Except for one still birth, all the offspring developed normally.
Lychee (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) has a high commercial value; however, it has a short shelf-life because of its rapid pericarp browning. The objective of this study was to evaluate the shelf-life of 'Bengal' lychee fruits stored after treatment with hydrochloric acid and citric acid, associated with cassava starch and plastic packaging. Uniformly red pericarp fruits were submitted to treatments: 1-(immersion in citric acid 100 mM for 5 minutes + cassava starch 30 g L-1 for 5 minutes), 2-(immersion in hydrochloric acid 1 M for 2 minutes + starch cassava 30 g L-1 for 5 minutes), 3-(immersion in citric acid 100 mM for 5 minutes + polyvinyl chloride film (PVC, 14 µm thick)) and 4-(immersion in hydrochloric acid 1 M for 2 minutes + PVC film). During 20 days, the fruits were evaluated for mass loss, pericarp color, pH, soluble solids and titratable acidity, vitamin C of the pulp and pericarp and activities of polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase of the pericarp. The treatment with hydrochloric acid associated with PVC was the most effective in maintaining the red color of the pericarp for a period of 20 days and best preservation of the fruit. The cassava starch associated with citric acid, and hydrochloric acid did not reduce the mass loss and did not prevent the browning of lychee fruit pericarp.
This study aimed to evaluate the postharvest behavior of peach cv. Aurora 1 harvested in the Zona da Mata region of Minas Gerais in two ripening stages and kept under different storage temperatures. Fruits on mid-ripe and fully ripe stages were stored at three temperatures: 5.6 ± 1.57 °C and 72.8 ± 3.8% RH; 10.4 ± 0.5 °C and 95.8 ± 5.5% RH; 21.04 ± 1.63 °C and 96.9 ± 2.6% RH up to 28 storage days (SD) . During storage, fruits stored at 21.04 ± 1.63 °C were evaluated every two days until 8 SD, and every four days for fruits stored at other temperatures. The harvest day was assigned as day zero. The variables evaluated were CO2 production, color of the pericarp and pulp, fresh mass loss, flesh firmness, total soluble solids, titratable acidity, contents of ascorbic acid and carotenoids. The fresh mass loss increased during storage, peaking at 5.6 °C. The reduction in ascorbic acid content was higher in fully ripe fruits at all temperatures. Mid-ripe fruits reached the end of the storage period with better quality. The temperature of 10.4 °C was the most efficient in keeping postharvest quality of peach cv. Aurora 1 harvested in the Zona da Mata region.
ABSTRACT The objective of this work was to study the distribution of values of the coefficient of variation (CV) in the experiments of papaya crop (Carica papaya L.) by proposing ranges to guide researchers in their evaluation for different characters in the field. The data used in this study were obtained by bibliographical review in Brazilian journals, dissertations and thesis. This study considered the following characters: diameter of the stalk, insertion height of the first fruit, plant height, number of fruits per plant, fruit biomass, fruit length, equatorial diameter of the fruit, pulp thickness, fruit firmness, soluble solids and internal cavity diameter, from which, value ranges were obtained for the CV values for each character, based on the methodology proposed by Garcia, Costa and by the standard classification of Pimentel-Gomes. The results obtained in this study indicated that ranges of CV values were different among various characters, presenting a large variation, which justifies the necessity of using specific evaluation range for each character. In addition, the use of classification ranges obtained from methodology of Costa is recommended.
ABSTRACT Maintaining cantaloupe melon at field temperature impairs conservation as it speeds up cell metabolism and transpiration, and, consequently, reduces shelf life. This study aimed to evaluate the conservation of Torreon hybrid cantaloupe using the hydrocooling treatment. Fruits were harvested at the commercial maturity stage (60 days after planting), in the morning, at the Nova California Farm, municipality of Mossoró-RN, in September 2007. One set of fruit was immersed in chilled water at 5 ºC for 5 min, at the packing house, while the remaining set was not hydro cooled. Then, both sets (treated and untreated with hydrocooling) were pre-cooled in air forced tunnels at 7 ºC, until the temperature in the pulp reached 10 ºC. Both fruit sets were stored for 0, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days under modified atmosphere at 3 ± 1 oC and 90 ± 5% RH. After each storage period, the fruits were incubated in an atmosphere-controlled chamber at 20 ± 2 oC and 80 ± 5% de RH, for seven days. The following characteristics were evaluated: external and internal appearance, mass loss, soluble solids, firmness and titrable acidity. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized split-plot design with four replications of three fruits. The plots consisted of the hydrocooling conditions (with and without fruit soaking in chilled water), and the sub-plots consisted of the storage times (0, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days).The treatment with hydrocooling was efficient in keeping the firmness and soluble solids of the fruits and shortened the pre-cooling time in the cooling tunnel. However, hydrocooling did not increase fruit shelf-life.
OBJETIVO: Analisar a padronização da coleta do lavado gástrico para diagnóstico de tuberculose em crianças. MÉTODOS: Estudo de revisão sistemática referente aos anos de 1968 a 2008. O levantamento de artigos científicos foi feito nas bases de dados Lilacs, SciELO e Medline, utilizando-se a estratégia de busca ("gastric lavage and tuberculosis" ou "gastric washing and tuberculosis", com o limite "crianças com idade até 15 anos"; e "gastric lavage and tuberculosis and childhood" ou "gastric washing and tuberculosis and childhood"). A análise dos 80 artigos recuperados baseou-se nas informações sobre o protocolo de coleta de lavado gástrico para diagnóstico da tuberculose em crianças: preparo da criança e horas de jejum, horário da coleta, aspiração do resíduo gástrico, volume total aspirado, solução usada para aspiração do conteúdo gástrico, solução descontaminante, solução tampão, e tempo de encaminhamento das amostras para o laboratório. Desses, foram selecionados 14 artigos após análise criteriosa. RESULTADOS: Nenhum artigo explicava detalhadamente todo o procedimento. Em alguns artigos não constavam: quantidade de aspirado gástrico, aspiração antes ou após a instilação de uma solução, solução usada na aspiração gástrica, solução tampão utilizada, tempo de espera entre coleta e processamento do material. Esses resultados mostram inconsistências entre os protocolos de coleta de lavado gástrico. CONCLUSÕES: Embora este seja um método secundário no Brasil, reservado a casos que não alcançaram pontuação diagnóstica pelo sistema preconizado pelo Ministério da Saúde, é necessário padronizar a coleta de lavado gástrico para diagnóstico de tuberculose pulmonar na infância.
A clinical-epidemiologic study of schistosomiasis mansoni was conducted in the population of Ponte do Pasmado, a village in the municipality of Itinga, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Faecal Parasitology by the Kato-Katz method and clinical examination were performed in 93.8% and 82.8% of the local population, respectively. A socioeconomic survey was also made and the signs and symptoms presented by the patients were recorded, as well as their contacts with natural waters. The rate of Schistosoma mansoni infection was 50.3%; the peak of infection occurred during the second decade of life; there was a predominance of low egg counts in faeces (85.89% of positive patients eliminated less than 500 eggs per gram of faeces); the splenomegaly rate was 1.23%. When the risk factors for S. mansoni infection were studied, significant risks were detected in activities such as fetching water, washing dishes, bathing, and crossing streams.
The objective of this study was to compare the histopathological changes and expression of CR3 and CR4 in the liver and spleen of dogs naturally and experimentally infected with L. chagasi. The basic histopathological lesions observed mainly in naturally infected dogs were: epithelioid hepatic granulomas, hyperplasia and hypertrophy of Kupffer cells, Malpigui follicles and mononucleated cells of the red pulp of the spleen. Sections from the liver and spleen by immunocytochemistry technique showed the presence of CD11b,c\CD 18 antigens in the control and infected animals and no qualitative or quantitative differences in the liver. Nevertheless, CD18 was always increased in the spleen of naturally and experimentally infected dogs. These results indicate that there is a difference in the activaton of CD 18 in both experimental and natural cases of canine visceral leishmaniasis that should play an important role in the immunological response to Leishmania chagasi infection.
The ORF strain of Cysticercus longicollis represents an important model for the study of heterologous antigens in the immunodiagnosis of neurocysticercosis (NC). The immunoperoxidase (IP) technique was standardized using a particulate antigen suspension of Cysticercus longicollis (Cl) and Cysticercus cellulosae (Cc). Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples were incubated on the antigen fixed to microscopy slides; the conjugate employed was anti-IgG-peroxidase and the enzymatic reaction was started by covering the slides with chromogen solution (diaminobenzidine/H2O2). After washing with distilled water, the slide was stained with 2% malachite green in water. Of the CSF samples from 21 patients with NC, 19 (90.5%) were positive, whereas the 8 CSF samples from the control group (100%) were negative. The results of the IP-Cl test applied to 127 CSF samples from patients with suspected NC showed 28.3% reactivity as opposed to 29.1 % for the IP-Cc test. The agreement index for the IP test (Cl x Cc) was 94.2%, with no significant difference between the two antigens.
Human cryptosporidiosis is an infection caused by Cryptosporidium spp, a coccidial protozoan of emergencial pathogenicity and responsible for severe and prostrating watery diarrhea, mainly in immunocompromised patients. Smears of stools submitted to concentration and staining by carbol fuchsin technique has been used in our laboratory as a diagnostic procedure for cryptosporidiosis. The long time observing the smears in the microscope due to the small size of the forms and the low contrast of the staining led us to introduce some modifications in the original protocol for the acid-fast staining. The smears were treated with the carbol fuchsin solution for 3 minutes as recommended by LENNETTE et al., 1985 and the solution of the ethyl alcohol 70%-chloride acid 0.5% was used instead of the ethyl alcohol-sulfuric acid 5% recommended by HENRIKSEN & POHLENZ, 1981. Smears were treated with the discoloration solution for 2 minutes. These modifications promoted a better washing out of the excess of carbol fuchsin therefore increasing the dye efficiency. In such conditions, the visualization of protozoan oocysts on the slides examined became easier. They were observed by the contrast of their intense pink-reddish pigmentation against the blue background. It's worthwhile to emphasize that these modifications offer advantages when time and accuracy are concerned.
The importance of hands in the transmission of nosocomial infection has been world wide admitted. However, it is difficult to induce this behavior in health-care workers. The aim of the present work was to point out the importance of hand bacteria colonization, the influence of hand washing and of patient physical examination. One hundred health-care workers were randomly divided in two groups: Group A without hand washing previous to patient physical examination or handling (PPE); group B with hand washing previous to PPE. Direct fingerprint samples in Columbia agar before and after PPE were obtained. The colonies were counted and identified by conventional techniques, and antibiograms according to NCCLS were performed. Before PPE group A participants showed a high number of bacteria regarding group B participants (73.9 Vs 20.7; p < 0.001); 44 out of 50 participants were carriers of potentially pathogen bacteria. No group B participants were carriers of potential pathogen bacteria before PPE. The latter group showed an increase in number of bacteria after PPE (20.7 CFU (before) Vs 115.9 CFU (after); p < 0.001). Sixteen group B participants were contaminated after PPE with potential pathogens such as S. aureus (50% of them meticillin resistant); Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Enterococcus faecalis, half of them multiresistant. We can conclude on the importance of these results to implement educational programs and to provide the health-care workers with the proper commodities to fulfill this practice.
Laboratory investigation of botulism from 1982 to 2001 confirmed the occurrence of eight positive outbreaks/cases of botulism in Brazil. From those, type A botulism was observed in seven of them. Biological material of one case (serum and feces) was positive in the first step of the bioassay, but the amount of sample was not sufficient for typification. One of the outbreaks that occurred in 2001 was negative for botulinum toxin in samples of serum, gastric washing and feces, collected eight days before the onset of the symptoms in the affected person who was clinically diagnosed as presenting the disease. Other two cases presenting compatible clinical diagnoses presented negative results. However, in those cases, the collection of samples was (1) after antiserum administration or (2) later than eight days of the onset of symptoms. Investigation was performed by mouse bioassay, as described in the Compendium of Methods for the Microbiological Examination of Foods (compiled by American Public Health Association - APHA)11, using specific antiserum from Centers for Disease Control (CDC), USA.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of variables in a flotation technique for the recovery of Toxocara canis eggs from soil. The trials were done under standardized conditions on one gram of previously sterilized soil samples contaminated with 200 eggs of T. canis. The following variables were evaluated in serial steps: sieving; type of wash; time of stirring; resuspension of sediment; solution flotation. Centrifuge-flotation in sodium nitrate (d = 1.20 g/cm³) was adopted as an initial technique, using Tween 80 (0.2%) and decinormal sodium hydroxide as solutions for washing the samples. Ten tests were done to compare the variables, using counting in triplicate. The sieving of the material reduced significantly the recovery of eggs (p < 0.001) and the number of eggs recovered was higher when the sediment was resuspended (p < 0.05). After standardization, flotation solutions sodium chloride, zinc sulfate, sodium dichromate, magnesium sulfate, and sodium nitrate (d = 1.20g/cm³) were compared. The best results were obtained by using zinc sulfate solution. In conclusion, the chances of recovering T. canis eggs from samples using flotation solutions can be increased by washing of soil twice using distilled water, and resuspension of sediment. On the other hand, the sieving procedure can drastically reduce the number of eggs.