168 resultados para prostatic nodular hyperplasia


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INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this study was to compare respiratory signs and symptoms between patients with and without chest X-ray abnormalities in order to establish the meaning of radiographic findings in pulmonary PCM diagnosis. METHODS: The epidemiological, clinical and radiological lung findings of 44 patients with paracoccidiodomycosis (PCM) were evaluated. Patients were divided into two groups of 23 and 21 individuals according to the presence (group 1) or absence (group 2) of chest X-ray abnormalities, respectively, and their clinical data was analyzed with the aid of statistical tools. RESULTS: As a general rule, patients were rural workers, young adult males and smokers - group 1 and 2, respectively: males (91.3% and 66.7%); mean age (44.4 and 27.9 year-old); smoking (34.7% and 71.4 %); acute/subacute presentation (38.1% and 21.7%); chronic presentation (61.9% and 78.3%). The most frequent respiratory manifestations were - group 1 and 2, respectively: cough (25% and 11.4%) and dyspnea (22.7% and 6.8%). No statistical difference was observed in pulmonary signs and symptoms between patients with or without radiographic abnormalities. The most frequent radiological finding was nodular (23.8%) or nodular-fibrous (19%), bilateral (90.5%) and diffuse infiltrates (85.7%). CONCLUSIONS: Absence of statistical difference in pulmonary signs and symptoms between these two groups of patients with PCM indicates clinical-radiological dissociation. A simplified classification of radiological lung PCM findings is suggested, based on correlation of these data and current literature review.


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It is a report of disseminated bacillary angiomatosis (BA) in a 23-year-old female patient, who is HIV-positive and with fever, weight loss, hepatomegaly, ascites, and papular-nodular skin lesions. The clinical and diagnostic aspects involved in the case were discussed. Bacillary angiomatosis must always be considered in the diagnosis of febrile cutaneous manifestations in AIDS.


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INTRODUCTION: Authors describe human schistosomal granuloma in late chronic phase, from the morphological and evolutionary viewpoints. METHODS: The study was based on a histological analysis of two fragments obtained from a surgical biopsy of peritoneum and large intestine of a 42-year-old patient, with a pseudotumoral form mimicking a peritoneal carcinomatosis associated to the schistosomiasis hepatointestinal form. RESULTS: Two hundred and three granulomas were identified in the pseudotumor and 27 in the intestinal biopsy, with similar morphological features, most in the late chronic phase, in fibrotic healing. A new structural classification was suggested for granulomas: zone 1 (internal), 2 (intermediate) and 3 (external). CONCLUSIONS: Regarding granuloma as a whole, we may conclude that fibrosis is likely to be controlled by different and independent mechanisms in the three zones of the granuloma. Lamellar fibrosis in zone 3 seems to be controlled by matrix mesenchymal cells (fibroblasts and myoepithelial cells) and by inflammatory exudate cells (lymphocytes, plasmocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils). Annular fibrosis in zone 2, comprising a dense fibrous connective tissue, with few cells in the advanced phase, would be controlled by epithelioid cells involving zone 1 in recent granulomas. In zone 1, replacing periovular necrosis, an initialy loose and tracery connective neoformation, housing stellate cells or with fusiform nuclei, a dense paucicellular nodular connctive tissue emerges, probably induced by fibroblasts. In several granulomas, one of the zones is missing and granuloma is represented by two of them: Z3 and Z2, Z3 and Z1 or Z2 and Z1 and, ultimately, by a scar.


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Introduction Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder that involves gluten intolerance and can be triggered by environmental factors including hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. This study aimed to describe the prevalence of celiac disease in individuals with HBV infection and to describe the clinical and laboratory characteristics of celiac disease associated with HBV. Methods This cross-sectional study included 50 hepatitis B patients tested for IgA anti-endomysial antibodies (EMAs) and tissue anti-transglutaminase (TTG) between August 2011 and September 2012. Results Fifty patients were included with a mean age of 46.0 ± 12.6 (46.0) years; 46% were female and 13% were HBeAg+. Six patients had positive serology for celiac disease, four were EMA+, and five were TTG+. When individuals with positive serology for celiac disease were compared to those with negative serology, they demonstrated a higher prevalence of abdominal pain (100% vs. 33.3%, p = 0.008), lower median creatinine (0.7mg/dL vs. 0.9mg/dL, p = 0.007) and lower mean albumin (3.6 ± 0.4g/L vs. 3.9 ± 0.3g/L, p = 0.022). All individuals with positive serology for celiac disease underwent upper digestive endoscopy, and three of the patients exhibited a macroscopic pattern suggestive of celiac disease. Histologically, five patients demonstrated an intra-epithelial lymphocytic infiltrate level > 30%, and four patients showed villous atrophy associated with crypt hyperplasia on duodenal biopsy. Conclusions An increased prevalence of celiac disease was observed among hepatitis B patients. These patients were symptomatic and had significant laboratory abnormalities. These results indicate that active screening for celiac disease among HBV-infected adults is warranted.


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AbstractDespite its infrequent occurrence, testicular schistosomiasis forming pseudo-tumors can be considered in the differential diagnosis of testicular tumors, especially in areas where the parasitic disease is endemic. In this report, we present a case of testicular schistosomiasis caused by Schistosoma mansoni and mimicking a testicular neoplasm. We describe the patterns of a testicular nodule on ultrasonography and magnetic resonance images in a 46-year-old man. The nodule was removed after a pre-operative diagnosis of a non-malignant lesion. Histology demonstrated granulomas with epithelioid macrophages and eosinophils around S. mansoni eggs within a fibrous tissue that formed a nodular structure.


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Neuroendocrine differentiation in prostatic carcinomas generally confers a more aggressive clinical behavior and less favorable prognosis than usual prostatic carcinomas. In this manuscript, we report a case of a 58-year-old man with prostatic carcinoma who died 1 year after initial diagnosis. Autopsy showed a disseminated prostatic carcinoma with neuroendocrine differentiation. There were metastasis to the spleen, an organ infrequently involved by disseminated epithelial neoplasms. Neuroendocrine differentiation was demonstrated by immunohistochemical studies in the biopsy and autopsy material.


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The nerve supply of the human prostate is very abundant, and knowledge of the anatomy contributes to successful administration of local anesthesia. However, the exact anatomy of extrinsic neuronal cell bodies of the autonomic and sensory innervation of the prostate is not clear, except in other animals. Branches of pelvic ganglia composed of pelvic (parasympathetic) and hypogastric (sympathetic) nerves innervate the prostate. The autonomic nervous system plays an important role in the growth, maturation, and secretory function of this gland. Prostate procedures under local anesthesia, such as transurethral prostatic resections or transrectal ultrasound-guided prostatic biopsy, are safe, simple, and effective. Local anesthesia can be feasible for many special conditions including uncomplicated prostate surgery and may be particularly useful for the high-risk group of patients for whom inhalation or spinal anesthesia is inadvisable.


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The complement system is an important humoral defense mechanism that plays a relevant role against microbial agents, inflammatory response control, and immunocomplex clearance. Classical complement pathway activation is antibody-dependent. The C4 component participates in the initial step of activation, and C4 expression is determined by 2 pairs of allotypes: C4A and C4B. Deficiencies in C4 allotypes have been associated with several diseases. The aim of the present review is evaluate the reported data in the literature regarding specific C4A and C4B deficiencies and characterize their clinical relevance. We searched the MEDLINE and LILACS databases. Papers referring to total C4 deficiency without allotype evaluation and case reports of primary C4 deficiency were not included. Deficiencies in C4 allotypes have been associated with Mycobacterium leprae infection, erythema nodosum, systemic sclerosis with anti-topoisomerase I antibodies, intermediate congenital adrenal hyperplasia with DR5 genotype, diabetes mellitus type 1 with DR3,4 genotype, and diabetes mellitus with antibodies against islet cells. C4 allotype deficiency is also related to C4B deficiency and autoimmune-associated diseases, such as systemic lupus erythematosus, or diseases with an autoimmune component, such as autism. Some reports associate C4A with thyroiditis after delivery as well as limited and systemic sclerosis without anti-topoisomerase I antibodies. However, the studies with C4A and C4B have been concentrated in isolated populations, and some of the studies could not be reproduced by other authors.


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PURPOSE: To establish the Southern blotting technique using hybridization with a nonradioactive probe to detect large rearrangements of CYP21A2 in a Brazilian cohort with congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency (CAH-21OH). METHOD: We studied 42 patients, 2 of them related, comprising 80 non-related alleles. DNA samples were obtained from peripheral blood, digested by restriction enzyme Taq I, submitted to Southern blotting and hybridized with biotin-labeled probes. RESULTS: This method was shown to be reliable with results similar to the radioactive-labeling method. We found CYP21A2 deletion (2.5%), large gene conversion (8.8%), CYP21AP deletion (3.8%), and CYP21A1P duplication (6.3%). These frequencies were similar to those found in our previous study in which a large number of cases were studied. Good hybridization patterns were achieved with a smaller amount of DNA (5 mug), and fragment signs were observed after 5 minutes to 1 hour of exposure. CONCLUSIONS: We established a non-radioactive (biotin) Southern blot/hybridization methodology for CYP21A2 large rearrangements with good results. Despite being more arduous, this technique is faster, requires a smaller amount of DNA, and most importantly, avoids problems with the use of radioactivity.


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Verificou-se a ocorrência de nodulação em mudas e/ou individuos adultos de 54 es-pécies da familia Leguminosae em áreas de floresta intacta e áreas perturbadas,no Estado de Rondônia. Das espécies observadas: Acácia polyphyllaÁ. DC., Amburana acreana(Ducke) A. C. Smith, Babieria pinnata(Pers.) Baill., Bauhinia acreanaHarms., BauhiniulongicuspÍ4 Spr. ex Benth., Cassia fastuosaWilld., Dalbergia inundataBenth., Derris ama zonicaKiiiip, Hymenaea reticulataDucke, Machaerium inundaium(Mart. ex Benth.) Ducke, Mimosa rufescensBenth., Mimosa spruceanaBenth., Parkia decussataDucke, Schizolobium amazonicumHub. ex Ducke, Stryphnodendron puicherrimum(Willd.) Hochr., não tinham refe-rências anteriores na literatara Quanto a sua capacidade de nodular. Em Amburana acreana(cerejeira), Schizolobium amazonicum(bandarra) e Dinizia exceisa(angelim-pedra), es pé cies madeireiras economicamente importantes para a região, não foram encontrados nodo-lus. Nódulüs de 29 espécies foram coletados e na maioria deles as atividades de nitro-genase foi. detectada pelo método de redução do acetileno. Caracteristicas de estirpes de Rhizobiumisoladas desses nÓdulos são apresentadas.


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Neste trabalho são apresentadas informações sobre a habilidade nodulífera de 100 espécies da família Leguminosae, nativas dos estados do Amazonas, Pará, Rondônia e Roraima (Brasil), e avaliadas em seus habitats de origem e/ou em viveiro. As observações foram efetuadas em mata primária, várzea, campinarana, igapó, savana, floresta secundária, etc, totalizando 11 habitats visitados. Foram também, efetuados estudos de comportamento de mudas em viveiro, em diferentes solos da região. A identificação das espécies foi processada no herbário do INPA. Foi constatado que 63% das espécies foram capazes de nodular, sendo esta característica detectada em solos ácidos com diferentes texturas e fertilidades, com pH variando entre 3.9 e 5.9. A nodulação foi mais frequente em espécies das sub-famílias Mimosoideae e Faboideae do que em Caesalpinioideae. Os nódulos encontrados apresentaram uma grande variabilidade de cor e formas, predominando os coralóides de cor creme. Foi observada pela primeira vez a nodulação em 21 espécies, e dentre elas 2 novos gêneros são apresentados como nodulíferos: Acosmium(Faboideae) e Zollernia(Caesalpinioideae). são apresentadas também, novas descrições de í I espécies que não apresentaram nódulos. O habitat, hábito de crescimento da planta, textura e fertilidade do solo, não interferiram na ocorrência da nodulação que foi relacionada a outros fatores como a propriedade intrínseca das espécies, e ocorrência de estirpes de rizóbio compatíveis em cada local.


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A fixação biológica de nitrogênio que ocorre em leguminosas é realizada por um grupo de bactérias conhecidas como rizóbios. A sobrevivência destas bactérias no solo é influenciada por diversos fatores como a temperatura, umidade e fertilidade do solo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a dinâmica da população de rizóbios em solo após o cultivo de soja, durante o período de estiagem no cerrado de Roraima. Foram amostradas três áreas: i) cerrado nativo como referência; ii) área cultivada uma vez com soja inoculada com rizóbio; iii) e área cultivada duas vezes com soja inoculada com rizóbio em anos consecutivos. O solo foi coletado na profundidade de 0-10 cm em cinco períodos a partir do inicio da estiagem no mês de setembro de 2006 coincidindo com a época de colheita da soja e prolongando-se até março de 2007 (0, 45, 90, 135 e 180 dias). A população de rizóbios no solo foi avaliada pela técnica do número mais provável (NMP) utilizando plantas de soja e de feijão-caupi como espécies isca. Foi observado que na área nativa praticamente não existiam bactérias nodulantes de soja, mas havia uma população capaz de nodular o feijão-caupi de até algumas centenas de rizóbios por gramas de solo. O cultivo da soja utilizando sementes inoculadas elevou a população de rizóbios no solo que foi constatada por ambas às espécies de plantas isca. Nas áreas cultivadas, constatou-se uma intensa redução da população de rizóbios no solo, em especial logo após a colheita da soja, continuando o decréscimo até o último período de avaliação. Conclui-se que o cultivo da soja inoculada com rizóbio eleva a densidade de rizóbios em solo do cerrado, mas durante a estiagem ocorre uma drástica redução dessa população, que pode chegar a mais de 99% considerando o início e final do período.


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O ganglioneuroma é um tumor do sistema nervoso simpático, podendo estar associado à hipersecreção de substâncias vasoativas responsáveis por sintomas e sinais variados, como a hipertensão arterial. Os autores apresentam um caso de ganglioneuroma e uma revisão da literatura, focando os aspectos mais importantes do diagnóstico e da terapêutica. A paciente apresentava crises hipertensivas sintomáticas recorrentes, tendo realizado estudo imaginológico que detectou uma imagem nodular na adrenal direita. Sendo os tumores neuroblásticos indistinguíveis radiologicamente, procedeu-se à excisão, confirmando-se o diagnóstico pela análise anatomopatológica. Este caso demonstra a variabilidade clínica dos ganglioneuromas, a utilidade da imaginologia e a importância do estudo histológico.


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Morphologically the fungus reminds one of the Microsporum species of man. The microscopic elements are: the shape of the mycelia within the hairs, size and disposition of spores intercalar and terminal chlamydospores, simple clusters, hyphae, pectinate and denticulate elements. Of the 17 species of Microsporum described up to now, none can be identified with Microsporum circuluscentrum. The microsporum described is of the pure-by human type. (Culture fairly vivacious, almost total absence of spindles.) Microscopically at first sight the culture might be taken for Microsporum fulvum URIBURU 1917 or for M. felineum. These are however from animals. The bean shaped culture on potatoes leaves a place apart for it among Microsporum fungi. The anomalous elements seen in the cultures are also found in other species of Microsporum. Besides the pseudo-perithecia described and interpreted I must mention that the pseudo-nodular organs are not an exception among these fungi, for Microsporum fulvum also shows what writers have described as nodular organs. The spiral elements are also not exclusive features of the trichophytes. Microsporum tardum also shows quite characteristic spiral forms.


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Em um período de 23 anos, de 1919 a 1941, observaram-se 25 casos de carcinoma primário do pulmão entre o total de 6.458 necrópsias, registadas na Secção de Anatomia Patológica do Instituto Osvaldo Cruz e realizadas nos vários hospitais do Rio de Janeiro. Os indivíduos eram de procedência variada, não só de diferentes regiões do Brasil, como também de alguns países estrangeiros. A incidência do carcinoma primário do pulmão, considerado como causa mortis, entre o total das necrópsias e de 0,38 % e, entre os casos de cancer, 4,5 %. Em referência ao sexo, 21 casos eram de indivíduos masculinos (84 %) e 4 femininos (16 %), fornecendo a relação de 5:1. Dos 25 casos, 13 (52 %) eram de nacionalidade estrangeira e 12 (48 %) brasileira; 18, em indivíduos de cor branca, 6 pretos e 1 pardo. Em relação à idade, a maior incidência ocorreu entre 41 e 70 anos, com o máximo entre 51 a 60, existindo casos extremos de 21 e 93 anos. A forma anatômica mais freqüente, no mesmo material, e a infiltrante hilar, 16 casos (64 %), seguindo-se a nodular, com 7 casos (28 %) e a difusa, 2 casos (8) . O carcinoma de células indiferenciadas é o tipo histológico mais comum, existindo em 13 casos (52 %), seguindo-se o tipo de células cilíndricas, em 8 casos (32 %) e o de células pavimentosas em 4 casos (16 %). A incidência das metastases foi observada em 22 casos (88 %), sendo, para o carcinoma de células indiferenciadas, de 76,9 %, e, tanto para o carcinoma de células cilíndricas como para o de células pavimentosas, de l00%. Em três casos (12 %), não foram observadas metástases. Entre os orgãos sede frequente das metástases, foi observada a seguinte relação: gênglios linfáticos, 72 %; fígado, 56 %; pleura, 12 %; peritônio, pericárdio, rins e suprarrenal, 8 %; cérebro e osso, 4 %. Nos últimos 10 anos (1932 a 1941), ocorreram 16 casos (64 % do total dos 25 encontrados), demostrando senão o aumento do cancer pulmonar, certamente o maior número de diagnostico positivos.