208 resultados para positive semi-definite matrices
SUMMARY Background. Disseminated histoplasmosis is common in AIDS patients with advanced immunosuppression in Ceará, Northeastern Brazil. The goal of this study was to determine the prevalence of Histoplasma infection in patients with HIV/AIDS living in Fortaleza, the capital of Ceará. Methods. Intradermal tests with histoplasmin (mycelial phase) were performed in 161 HIV patients with CD4 ≥ 350 cells/mm 3 . Evidence of recent illness was evaluated with immunodiffusion (ID) tests in 76 of these individuals. Results. A total of 11.8% of patients reacted to histoplasmin and 2.63% had ID test positive to Histoplasma. The presence of mango trees (Mangifera indica) in the patient neighborhood (OR = 2.870; 95% CI = 1.081-7.617; p = 0.040) and past activity involving soil (OR = 2.834; 95% CI = 1.045-7.687; p = 0.045) or visits to a farm (OR = 3.869; 95% CI = 1.189-12.591; p = 0.033) were significantly associated with Histoplasma infection. Conclusions. Patients with HIV living in Fortaleza have an expressive prevalence of infection with Histoplasma.
Serum samples from 150 NS1-negative (Platelia ELISA) patients presumptively diagnosed with dengue were analyzed by the TaqMan probed real-time reverse transcription PCR (TaqMan qRT-PCR) method. The qRT-PCR positive samples were tested for serotype by semi-nested RT-PCR and a qualitative immunochromatographic assay for IgG and IgM. Molecular detection methods showed 33 (22%) positive samples out of 150 NS1-antigen negative samples. Of these, 72% were collected up to day 2 after the onset of symptoms, when diagnostic sensitivity of NS1-antigen test assays is significantly enhanced. Most of the cases were not characterized as secondary infection. Twenty-eight samples were successfully serotyped, 75% of which for DENV-4, 14% for DENV-2, 7% for DENV-3 and 4% for DENV-1. These findings reaffirm the hyperendemic situation of the state of Roraima and suggest a lower sensitivity of the NS1 test, mainly when DENV-4 is the predominant serotype. Health care providers should therefore be aware of samples tested negative by NS1 antigen assays, especially when clinical symptoms and other laboratory data results show evidence of dengue infection.
The dengue virus (DENV), which is frequently involved in large epidemics, and the yellow fever virus (YFV), which is responsible for sporadic sylvatic outbreaks, are considered the most important flaviviruses circulating in Brazil. Because of that, laboratorial diagnosis of acute undifferentiated febrile illness during epidemic periods is frequently directed towards these viruses, which may eventually hinder the detection of other circulating flaviviruses, including the Saint Louis encephalitis virus (SLEV), which is widely dispersed across the Americas. The aim of this study was to conduct a molecular investigation of 11 flaviviruses using 604 serum samples obtained from patients during a large dengue fever outbreak in the state of Mato Grosso (MT) between 2011 and 2012. Simultaneously, 3,433 female Culex spp. collected with Nasci aspirators in the city of Cuiabá, MT, in 2013, and allocated to 409 pools containing 1-10 mosquitoes, were also tested by multiplex semi-nested reverse transcription PCR for the same flaviviruses. SLEV was detected in three patients co-infected with DENV-4 from the cities of Cuiabá and Várzea Grande. One of them was a triple co-infection with DENV-1. None of them mentioned recent travel or access to sylvatic/rural regions, indicating that transmission might have occurred within the metropolitan area. Regarding mosquito samples, one pool containing one Culex quinquefasciatus female was positive for SLEV, with a minimum infection rate (MIR) of 0.29 per 1000 specimens of this species. Phylogenetic analysis indicates both human and mosquito SLEV cluster, with isolates from genotype V-A obtained from animals in the Amazon region, in the state of Pará. This is the first report of SLEV molecular identification in MT.
Dengue virus (DENV) is the most frequent arbovirus worldwide. In this study, we report a large outbreak in Mato Grosso State (MT). Serum samples from 604 patients with acute febrile illness for less than five days were inoculated in C6/36 cells, then infected cells were subjected to an indirect immunofluorescence test for DENV serotypes and yellow fever virus. Serum samples were submitted to a multiplex-semi-nested-RT-PCR for 11 flaviviruses. DENV-4 was isolated in 150/604 (24.8%) and DENV-1 in 19/604 (3.1%) specimens. By RT-PCR, 331 (54.8%) samples tested positive for DENV; 321 had single infections (DENV-4 n = 305; DENV-1 n = 15; DENV-3 n = 1), nine had co-infections of DENV-1/DENV-4, and one of DENV-2/DENV-4. DENV-4 was detected in 315/331 (95.2%) positive patients from 17 municipalities, and DENV-1 in 24/331 (7.2%) patients from five cities in north-central MT and the city of Cuiaba. The incidence of infection was higher in patients aged 20-39 (142/331; 42.9%). The NS5 partial nucleotide sequence of DENV-1 was most similar to that of genotype V, DENV-2 to Southeast Asian/American, DENV-3 to genotype III, and DENV-4 to genotype II strains, considered the most frequent strains in Brazil. This outbreak coincided with the introduction of DENV-4 in the state. Cuiaba was hyperendemic for the four DENV serotypes, highlighting the necessity for arbovirus surveillance in MT.
Review of the early literature as well as more recent results show that sulfonamides possess a distinct antimalarial activity. However, when give alone, their action is less marked and slower than that of the antimalarials commonly used in the treatment of the acute attack. Combinations with pyrimethamine provide better results, even in cases of pyrimethamine and chloroquine resistance. This warrants further investigations in an attempt to develop a therapeutic agent suitable for the treatment of such resistant cases. It may also be possible with an appropriate combination of pyrimethamine with a sulfonamide to achieve a satisfactory method for suppressive treatment both in areas with and without pyrimethamine resistance. Three main points must still be carefully studied: 1) the risk of developing malaria resistance against one or both of the components of the combination. 2) The risk of developing bacterial resistance to sulfonamides if these substances are used on a large scale in too low doses. It seems indeed that antimalarial effect with the combination of sufonamides + pyrimethamine can be obtained with doses of sulfonamides which are below those usually employed in bacterial diseases. Since the range of the ratios providing potentiation is rather large, only ratios of the combination sulfonamides: pyrimethamine should be chosen in which an antfbacterial sulfonamidemia is guaranteed. 3) It goes without sayinq that, although both pyrimethamine and modem sulfonamides, when given by themselves, have proved tc possess a large margin of safety, long term administration of their combination should be careful studied from the point of view of possible side effects. Substantial evidence has already been produced to show that the long acting sulfonamide Fanasil (Ro 4-4393) given once or once weekly possesses marked schizonticidal activity against P. falciparum. Although its action is slower than that of 4-aminoquinolines, it may be useful as a second choice drug in semi-immune subjects for the therapy of falciparum malaria. Preliminary results show that, when combined with pyrimethamine, Fanasil is highly effective in suppressing fever and asexual parasitemia due to P. falciparum. Single doses of 1 g Fanasil together with 50 mg pyrimethamine seem to be adequate for the treatment of acute falciparum malaria in semi-immune patients. The onset of action of the combination is much more rapid than that of the single components. Weekly doses of 500 mg Fanasil and 25 mg pyrimeihamine appear to provide satisfactory suppressive effects against P. falciparum at least in East Africa. This combination is active on strains which do not respond satisfactorily to the standard doses of pyrimethamine and/or chloroquine and seems to have a satisfactory sporontocidal effect. Preliminary results indicate that Fanasil alone cannot be recommended for use against the other human malaria parasites. The combination with pyrimethamine appears to be much more effective. East African strains of P. malariae seem to respond better to the combination than do Malayan strains of P. vivax but further trials are required before definite assessment can be made. Fanasil by itself has no gametocytoddal or sporontocidal action but seems to potentiate the effect of pyrimethamine at least on sporogony of P. falciparum.
Os autores descrevem, os resultados obtidos em um programa de avaliação sorológica da vacina oral, tipo Sabin, contra a poliomielite, em uma comunidade semi-rural, próxima a cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Em condições controladas 114 crianças, com idades entre 3 meses a 3 anos (Tabela 1) foram vacinadas, com vacinas trivalentes (500.000, 200.000, e 300.000 TCD50 por dose, dos tipos 1, 2 e 3 respectivamente), usando-se três doses, com intervalos de 8 semanas entre as doses. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas por punção venosa ou discos de papel de filtro, juntamente com a 1.ª e a 3.ª dose de vacina e 9 semanas após esta última dose de vacina. As taxas de conversão alcançaram (diluição de sôro 1/8) 82,7%, 98,5% e 75,4% para os tipos 1, 2 e 3 respectivamente, após três doses de vacina (Tabela 2). A distribuição de idade de indivíduos sem anticorpos após a vacinação (Tabela 3) mostra o grupo etário de 1 a 2 anos como o que apresenta a mais baixa taxa de conversão. Os autores acentuam que as condições de vida da população estudada correspondem àquelas de grandes partes da população brasileira, nas áreas rurais do país; e uma avaliação semelhante da vacina em áreas urbanas, seria desejável. Os autores sugerem ainda o aumento da quantidade de vírus do tipo 1 na vacina como medida provàvelmente eficaz na melhora das taxas de conversão em populações como a estudada. Estudos quantitativos sôbre anticorpos para Enterovírus, presentes na população estudada, estão sendo realizados e serão pròximamente apresentados.
Os autores apresentam dados quantitativos sôbre os anticorpos presentes em vacinados com vacina oral trivalente, contra a poliomielite (Tabela 1). Apos a 3.ª dose de vacina verificou-se um aumento do título geométrico médio da população em relação aos títulos obtidos com duas doses de vacina. Infecções naturais devem ter contribuído para formação de anticorpos para poliomielite na população, ao lado da vacina. Anticorpos para enterovírus não-pólio (Coxsackie B e alguns tipos de vírus ECHO) são apresentados na Tabela II e referem-se a amostras de sôro colhidas quando da 1.ª dose de vacina. Os autores chamam a atenção para a incidência de enterovírus na região, embora poucos sejam os dados ainda disponíveis.
Junto ao Lago da Pampulha, Belo Horizonte, MG, foram capturados (julho/72-novembro/73) 28 exemplares de Holochilus brasiliensis, dos quais 11 (39,3%) eliminavam nas fezes ovos viáveis de S. mansoni. Miracídios da cepa mencionada ("H") infectaram Biomphalaria glabrata e as cercárias obtidas também infectaram camundongos albinos, recuperando-se, ao final do experimento, 35,3% de vermes adultos. Por outro lado, cercárias de cepa humana ("LE") de S. mansoni infectaram sete exemplares de H. brasiliensis, nascidos em laboratório, recuperando-se no fim de 60 dias, 30,5% de vermes adultos. Estudos anatomapatológicos de H. brasiliensis demonstraram infecção generalizada, encontrando-se granuloma no esôfago, estômago, intestino (delgado e grosso), fígado, baço, pâncreas e linfonodos abdominais. Espessamentos fibrosos da íntima da veia porta, granulomas em espaços porta e fibrose incipiente dos espaços porta e interlobular foram lesões decorrentes da presença de ovos de S. mansoni encontrados no fígado. Em ambiente semi-natural, foi possível fechar o ciclo do S. mansoni sem direta participação humana, utilizando-se B. glabrata experimentalmente infectadas com trematódeos da cepa "LE", H. brasiliensis nascidos em laboratório e B. glabrata nascida no ambiente semi-natural estabelecido. Verificou-se que ambas as cepas ("H" e "LE") comportaram-se de maneira análoga, não sendo verificadas, também, diferenças morfológicas entre os ovos e vermes adultos de ambas. As observações, realizadas no campo e no laboratório demonstraram que o Holochilus brasiliensis é bom hospedeiro de Schistosoma mansoni. Assim, em determinadas áreas e sob certas condições ecológicas, o cricetídeo em questão poderá, efetivamente, integrar-se ao ciclo do trematódeo na natureza, independente ou paralelamente à presença do homem. Assinala-se, finalmente, que o presente trabalho relata o segundo fechamento do ciclo biológico de S. mansoni em condições ditas semi-naturais. Os primeiros estudos, entretanto, de Antunes, Milward de Andrade, Katz & Coelho4,,em 1971 e de Antunes5, em 1971 foram feitos utilizando-se o Nectomys s. squamipes.
Classical serological screening assays for Chagas' disease are time consuming and subjective. The objective of the present work is to evaluate the enzyme immuno-assay (ELISA) methodology and to propose an algorithm for blood banks to be applied to Chagas' disease. Seven thousand, nine hundred and ninety nine blood donor samples were screened by both reverse passive hemagglutination (RPHA) and indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA). Samples reactive on RPHA and/or IFA were submitted to supplementary RPHA, IFA and complement fixation (CFA) tests. This strategy allowed us to create a panel of 60 samples to evaluate the ELISA methodology from 3 different manufacturers. The sensitivity of the screening by IFA and the 3 different ELISA's was 100%. The specificity was better on ELISA methodology. For Chagas disease, ELISA seems to be the best test for blood donor screening, because it showed high sensitivity and specificity, it is not subjective and can be automated. Therefore, it was possible to propose an algorithm to screen samples and confirm donor results at the blood bank.
We reviewed the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) syndromes of 100 consecutive HIV-positive patients presenting acute consciousness compromise in emergency rooms, and correlated them with clinical data. The most frequent CSF syndromes were: absolute protein-cytological dissociation (21), viral (19), neurocryptococcosis (7), relative protein-cytological dissociation (6) and septic (4), moderate hypoglycorrachia (4), severe hypoglycorrachia (4) and hydroelectrolytic disturbance (3). One fifth of the patients had CSF syndromes considered sufficient for diagnosis or an immediate clinical decision. The most common clinical data were infective and neurological. There was little correlation between the clinical data and the CSF syndromes. We conclude that in HIV-positive individuals presenting acute consciousness disturbances there are frequently non-specific results in the CSF analysis that must be weighed against a detailed history and thorough physical examination. Taking this into account, in about one fifth of cases the CSF analysis can offer useful information for treatment.
Parvovirus B19 infects predominantly erythroid cells, leading to transient inhibition of erythropoiesis. Immunocompromised patients may be unable to produce neutralizing antibodies and may develop severe chronic anemia. Epidemiological studies done on Niterói population showed that B19 infection occurs periodically in late spring and summer. We report a study from 55 HIV infected patients attending an infectious diseases outpatient clinic in this city during a 5-month period in which B19 circulation was well documented. All patients were under anti-retroviral therapy. No anti-B19 IgM was found, but a high prevalence of IgG anti-B19 (91%) was observed. In six patients, B19 DNA was found by dot-blot hybridization techniques, but this was not confirmed by PCR. None of these 6 patients manifested anemia and only one had CD4 cell count below 200 x 10(7)/L. We conclude that persistent infection causing anemia is an infrequent finding in our HIV positive patients under drug therapy.
The purpose of this work was to test a cytomegalovirus qualitative PCR and a semi-quantitative PCR on the determination of CMV load in leukocytes of bone marrow and kidney transplanted (RT) patients. Thirty three BMT and 35 RT patients participated of the study. The DNA was subjected to a qualitative PCR using primers that amplify part of CMV gB gene. CMV load of positive samples was determined by a semi-quantitative PCR using quantified plasmids inserted with part of the gB gene of CMV as controls. The sensitivity of the test was determined to be 867 plasmid copies/µg DNA. CMV loads between 2,118 and 72,443 copies/µg DNA were observed in 12.1% BMT recipients and between 1,246 and 58,613 copies/µg DNA in 22.9% RT recipients. Further studies are necessary to confirm the usefulness of this CMV semi-quantitative PCR in transplanted patients.
Two hundred and twenty three subjects from a Schistosoma mansoni low morbidity endemic area and nine hospitalized hepatosplenic patients were submitted to stool test and clinical examination and abdomen ultrasound assessments. According to stool examination and ultrasound results, they were grouped as follows: G1 - 63 Schistosoma mansoni egg-negative individuals; G2 - 141 egg-positive patients and without evidence of periportal fibrosis; G3 - 19 egg-positive patients with periportal echogenicity (3-6mm); and G4 - 9 hepatosplenic patients with periportal echogenicity (> 6mm). Hepatomegaly detected by physical examination of the abdomen evaluated in the midclavicular line was verified in G1, G2 and G3, respectively, in 11.1, 12.1 and 26.3%. In G1, G2 and G3, periportal thickening occurred only in schistosomal patients (8.5%). Mild pathological alterations in patients that cannot yet be detected by clinical examination were detectable in the liver by ultrasound and can be due to fibrosis. The degree of mild periportal fibrosis was diminished in 57.9% of patients 12 months after treatment of schistosomiasis with oxamniquine. At ultrasonography, the mean liver left lobe measurement of G3 was larger than that of G1, and that of G4 larger than that of G1 and G2. The mean size of the spleen of G4 was significantly larger than that of the other three groups, and that of G3 larger than that of G1 and G2.
No Povoado de Cavunge, semi-árido da Bahia, foi realizado estudo sobre as hepatites com objetivo de avaliar a prevalência de portadores de IgG anti-VHA. Foram avaliados 891 moradores e 85,9% foram soropositivos. A prevalência foi semelhante entre os sexos. Na zona urbana houve aumento da prevalência com a idade.