109 resultados para palazzo castello Sarsina Casalecchio restauro Bernardini


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We report the effect of Stryphnodendron adstringens on the trypanosomatid Herpetomonas samuelpessoai. The parasites were grown at 28ºC in a chemically defined medium containing crude extract and fractions at concentrations from 100 to 5000 µg/ml obtained from S. adstringens. Concentrations of 500, 1000, 2500, and 5000 µg/ml both crude extract and semi-purified fraction progressively inhibited the protozoans' growth. At a concentration of 100 µg/ml, crude extract or a semi-purified (F3) fraction did not affect the growth of the protozoans. The F3-9 - F3-12 sub-fractions, at a concentration of 1000 µg/ml, also showed increased inhibitory activity on H. samuelpessoai. The IC50 of the crude extract and the F3 fraction were 538 and 634 µg/ml, respectively. Ultrastructural and enzymatic alterations in the trypanosomatids were also evaluated. H. samuelpessoai cultivated in the presence of IC50 crude extract showed considerable ultrastructural alterations, such as marked mitochondrial swelling with a large number of cristae and evident Golgi complex vesiculation, as observed by transmission electron microscopy. Cells exposed to 538 µg/ml of crude extract at 28ºC for 72 h, showed decreased activity of the enzyme succinate cytochrome c reductase, a typical mitochondrion marker, as compared to untreated cells


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The vaccine Bacillus of Calmette Guérin (BCG) was originally developed in France as an oral vaccine against tuberculosis. The oral use of this vaccine was replaced by the parenteral route in almost all countries after the Lubeck disaster. In contrast, Brazil retained the oral delivery of the vaccine until the mid-seventies when it was replaced by the intradermal route. This change in route of delivery was mainly secondary to pressure by medical practitioners based on the poor responses of oral immunized subjects to purified protein derivative (PPD) skin tests. Even after the change of route of delivery, Ataulpho de Paiva Foundation continued making the oral vaccine. Currently, BCG Moreau has been described as one of the most immunogenic and with fewer side effects than other BCGs. The genomics, proteomics and vaccine trials for oral BCG Moreau Rio de Janeiro are currently under investigation. In this review, we intend to describe the history of BCG Moreau Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.


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The isolation of vancomycin resistant enterococci (VRE) in Brazil has rapidly increased, following the world wide tendency. We report in the present study the first isolation of vancomycin resistant Enterococcus faecalis (VRE) in the Northeast of Brazil. The four VRE isolates were characterized for antimicrobial susceptibility, genotypic typing by macro restriction of chromosomal DNA followed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and for characterization of the Tn1546-like element and plasmid contents. The isolates showed resistance to multiple antibiotics and a single genotype profile, suggesting the dissemination of a single clone among the patients. Tn1546 associated to genetic elements as plasmids shows the importance of infection control measures to avoid the spreading of glycopetide resistance by conjugative transfer of VanA elements.


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Three Enterococcus faecalis and one Enterococcus faecium strains were characterized by plasmid profile, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and determination of antimicrobial minimal inhibitory concentrations. VanA elements were characterized by Long PCR, overlapping PCR and DNA sequencing. Enterococcal strains showed resistance to vancomycin and harbored the vanA gene, and three these were teicoplanin susceptible while one showed intermediate resistance to teicoplanin. Two E. faecalis strains showed indistinguishable PFGE profile while the third was unrelated. E. faecalis strains showed a deletion in the right terminal region of the Tn1546-like element. The E. faecium strain showed an insertion element in the vanXY intergenic region. Mutations in VanA elements were not found. Rearrangements in the VanA element could be responsible for incongruities in genotype and phenotype in these strains.


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The diagnosis of schistosomiasis is problematic in low-intensity transmission areas because parasitological methods lack sensitivity and molecular methods are neither widely available nor extensively validated. Helmintex is a method for isolating eggs from large faecal samples. We report preliminary results of a comparative evaluation of the Helmintex and Kato-Katz (KK) methods for the diagnosis of schistosomiasis in a low-intensity transmission area in Bandeirantes, Paraná, southern Brazil. Eggs were detected by both methods in seven patients, whereas only Helmintex yielded positive results in four individuals. The results confirm the previously demonstrated higher sensitivity of the Helmintex method compared with the KK method.


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Maytenus ilicifolia (Celastraceae) is a native plant of South America and popularly known as "espinheira-santa". The aim of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant capacity of extracts and isolated compounds from this plant. The antioxidant activity of the crude and semipurified extracts and isolated compounds was evaluated through DPPH-radical and phosphomolybdenum-complex assays. By both methods, the ethyl-acetate fraction demonstrated better antioxidant capacity compared with vitamin C and trolox. In the compounds, the higher the number of hydroxyls, the greater the antioxidant activity. In addition, stereochemistry influenced antioxidant activity, i.e., compounds with 2R,3R showed greater activity than those with 2R,3S.


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A synthesis of (+)-±-terpineol from (+)-limonene was proposed as a project for undergraduate organic laboratory course. Terpineol is a useful flavor and fragrance compound, and several aspects of this preparation are suited for experimental organic classes, including basic techniques for extraction and analyses of essential oils, different reaction types and the possibility of a high degree of student interest.


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A sensitive RP-HPLC method with UV detection successfully measured phenol(s) in an ointment containing 3% Stryphnodendron adstringens extract. Chromatography used acetonitrile (0.05% trifluoroacetic acid):water (0.05% trifluoroacetic acid) (v/v), flow rate 0.8 mL min-1. Quantitation was accomplished by the external-standard method. Linearity for 2.00 to 16.00 μg mL-1 (gallic acid) and 1.14 to 18.24 μg mL-1 (gallocatechin) was established. Intra- and inter-day precision levels were under 5%. LOD and LOQ were 0.231 and 0.770 μg mL-1 (gallic acid) and 0.151 and 0.504 μg mL-1 (gallocatechin), respectively. Determination of phenols was unaffected by product excipients.


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The aim of this study was to standardize the extractive solution of Syzygium cumini. The extractive solution was selected through a full factorial design, considering the extraction method (maceration-5-days, turbo extraction, percolation), extractor solvent (ethanol 50, 70, 96%) and plant material particle size 0.302 mm into a plant:solvent ratio (1:10), using the dried residue and antimicrobial activity determination as evaluation criteria. The tests were performed in triplicate. It appeared that the percolation is the best procedure extractive, and ethanol mixture: water (50:50) the best solvent. ANOVA analysis showed the importance of these parameters.


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Rock art paintings from Abrigo do Janelão (Minas Gerais, Brazil) were non-destructively investigated by Raman Microscopy, aiming at the identification of materials used, their interaction and degradation. This technique is particularly tailored for heterogeneous samples and allows unequivocal identification of the substances present in the investigated sample. Pigments, were identified together with products of microbiological degradation; no binders were detected. White pigment was identified as calcite (CaCO3), whereas charcoal was used as black, goethite (α-FeOOH) as yellow and hematite (α-Fe2O3) as red. Whewellite (CaC2O4.H2O) and weddelite (CaC2O4.2H2O) were detected and their origin was assigned to degradation products from microbiological activity.


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The phytochemical investigation of Rollinia leptopetala led to the isolation of a new compound named α-terpinyl caffeate, and five known compounds, being three sesquiterpenes, spathulenol, β-caryophyllene and 4β,10α-aromadendrane-diol, and two alkaloids, (-)-3-hydroxynornuciferine and (+)-norisocorydine. These alkaloids are being described for the first time in this genus. The structures of the compounds were determined by analysis of IR, MS and NMR data, as well as by comparison with literature data. The crude extract of R. leptopetala leaves demonstrated a weak cytotoxicity on sarcoma 180 cells with an IC50 of 512.3 µg/mL. However, the in vivo results showed that the extract exhibited a significant dose-dependent tumor growth reduction.


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Linhagens avançadas do programa de melhoramento do tomateiro (Lycopersicon esculentum) do IAC foram avaliadas em condições de campo em Campinas (SP) para resistência a tospovírus e a potyvírus, nos anos agrícolas 2002/2003 e 2003/2004, respectivamente. No primeiro ano, a única espécie de tospovírus que ocorreu na área experimental foi Tomato chlorotic spot virus (TCSV). As sete linhagens do grupo IAC exibiram baixa porcentagem de plantas sintomáticas em duas avaliações, com médias abaixo de 28%; as cultivares testadas mostraram-se altamente suscetíveis, com médias acima de 85%, à exceção de 'Franco', que apresentou cerca de 55% de infecção. No segundo experimento, conduzido em 2003/2004, dez linhagens do grupo IAC foram comparadas com cinco cultivares de polinização aberta e híbridos F1, além do acesso LA-444-1 de L. peruvianum. Nesse experimento, por meio de testes biológicos e sorológicos, verificou-se ocorrência generalizada de Potato virus Y (PVY). Foi determinado o percentual de plantas com sintomas e avaliada a intensidade dos sintomas mediante uso de escala de notas. Com base nos dois critérios, verificou-se que LA-444-1 apresenta alta resistência a PVY, que 'Tyrade' exibe comportamento intermediário, enquanto todos os demais genótipos demonstram alta suscetibilidade ao vírus. O comportamento dos genótipos avaliados neste trabalho mostra a necessidade de se considerar, nos programas de melhoramento do tomateiro, a introgressão de fatores de resistência não só a vírus de importância atual nas regiões produtoras, como geminivírus, mas também a outros vírus potencialmente nocivos à cultura, como tospovírus e potyvírus.


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Realizou-se estudo descritivo e transversal com 242 alunos matriculados no internato em medicina de duas universidades públicas e duas faculdades privadas em Teresina, Piauí. Foi aplicado questionário semiestruturado para conhecer como a sexualidade humana foi ensinada nos cursos médicos. A taxa de resposta ao questionário foi de 86,3%. O ensino da sexualidade foi identificado por 95,2% dos alunos em algum momento do curso. As disciplinas que mais falaram sobre o assunto foram: ginecologia (91,9%), psiquiatria (55,3%), psicologia médica (30,6%) e urologia (24,1%). A sexualidade foi tema de aula em apenas 8,4% dos relatos, mas foi comentada em outras aulas, como: câncer (70,9%), aborto (67,5%), DST e HIV/Aids (67%). Quando o docente falou sobre sexualidade, enfatizou as disfunções sexuais (84,1%), com menor evidência para homossexualidade (50%) e direitos sexuais e reprodutivos (40,6%). Os alunos apontaram influências positivas do ensino da sexualidade na graduação (96,1%). Esses dados indicam que a sexualidade foi ofertada com destaque para a discussão de aspectos biológicos e de doenças associadas à sexualidade, com menor ênfase na construção social do tema e orientação sexual.


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Este estudo foi realizado em remanescente de Floresta Estacional Semidecidual (FES), localizado em Sorocaba (SP, Brasil), com o objetivo de verificar seu estágio sucessional e inferir sobre a composição futura. A hipótese deste artigo previa que esse remanescente apresentaria regeneração com baixa diversidade de espécies, predomínio de espécies pioneiras de dossel, ausência de espécies residentes no sub-bosque e predomínio de espécies anemocóricas e autocóricas. Foi utilizado o método de parcelas, considerando os indivíduos em três classes de tamanho, duas delas referentes ao sub-bosque e uma ao dossel (1 -<100 cm; 2 - >100 cm e circunferência à altura do solo <15 cm; 3 - CAP >15 cm). Foram amostradas 146 espécies, sendo os maiores valores de diversidade encontrados no dossel e nas espécies de sub-bosque da classe 2. A similaridade entre as três classes foi baixa. Das espécies com maior valor de importância, cinco são pioneiras e cinco são não pioneiras, e as espécies com maiores valores de regeneração natural são consideradas como não pioneiras e residentes. Contrariando a hipótese inicial, essas características, somadas ao predomínio de espécies zoocóricas nas três classes, indicam que o remanescente está em estágio intermediário de sucessão e possui condições microclimáticas para a entrada e permanência de espécies que necessitam de áreas mais sombreadas. Espécies como Aspidosperma olivaceum, Cordia trichotoma, Ocotea elegans e Guarea guidonia, consideradas não pioneiras e transitórias, foram amostradas somente nas classes 1 e 2, indicando a futura substituição de espécies e o avanço sucessional do remanescente.